Virgo Birthday Horoscope 2024-2025

The Virgo birthday horoscope from August 2024 until September 2025.

Happy Birthday Virgo

This forecast covers your birthday from the start of Virgo Season, August 22nd 2024 to September 23rd 2025. I will look at your solar chart and natal chart.

The big story here is the end of politics, power issues and control questions involving lovers, suitors, people you are trying to seduce, pregnancy, babies, infants, schoolchildren, teenagers and younger generations.

You’ve had quite enough of this since 2008 and you sign off, forever, in November 2024.

Common examples of this Pluto cycle in your life (2008-2024) are: a shared child with an ex-wife or ex-husband and issues about parenting. A less common example is the loss of a child.

The story for you may have been sons or daughters competing for pole position. Claims to a child (by a grandparent) or complex questions about surrogate mothers are also examples of this long Pluto transit. Whatever your story has been, it’s over in three months, as you read this in August 2024.

Famous Virgo People

Bruce Foxton, Steve Jones, Rob Hirst, Roger Waters, Chrissie Hynde, Don Powell, Steve Kilbey, Fee Waybill, Joanne Catherall, Jarvis Cocker, Dave Gregory, Joan Jett, Nick Cave, Prince Harry, Keanu Reeves, Colin Firth.

Better Friendships, New Friends

Your old friendships will become more fulfilling in 2025 and new friends will appear, introduced by other mutual friends. People who were once brief allies or passing acquaintances could become good friends. All these people are special. Not your ordinary Jill or Joe types. You are not social climbing on this cycle, but you are introduced and reintroduced to people who are a big deal.

Virgo Astrology Birthday Card 1 300x213 - Virgo Birthday Horoscope 2024-2025With enough faith, hope and optimism, Jupiter says, all this can be yours. To make the most of this cycle, make sure you are prepared to see the big picture on social media. So, Substack, for example – not Facebook. Jupiter gives you the opportunity. It does not take the journey for you. A bigger future is waiting, though, socially, so why not peer into it? The dates to use are June 9th 2025 until June 29th, 2026. Jupiter in Cancer in the Eleventh House can deliver.

Do You Have Aquarius Factors?

If you have Aquarius factors in your natal chart, 2025 and 2026 will permanently transform your social life. Powerful people (made powerful through their careers, property and/or money) are here to change your world. These are the kinds of friends who make things happen.

If you were/are in a band then 2025, 2026 will bring you back together. You may get together for a concert reunion; make a documentary; re-release an old song. A band is a good analogy for this transit of Aquarius/Cancer. It may be a team, club, society, association, charity, political party, community.

Duets and Duels

Virgo, you also sign off from Saturn in Pisces on February 13th 2026. So you need to get through the end of 2024, the whole year of 2025 and then the opening weeks of 2026, with a partnership or conflict you find very heavy.

Saturn rules lead. That says it all. It’s also the ringed planet. You are already in a tightly ring-fenced situation with your sexual or professional partner. Perhaps your enemy or opponent.

Saturn is about rather heavy, barricaded situations. It is about your need to take serious measures in serious times. One common outcome of this transit is a husband or wife with depression. You promised ‘In sickness and in health’ and you have to honour your promise on this cycle.

The rings of Saturn give you the clue to this planet. It is about all that is restricted and severely curtailed or limited. Saturn shows obstacles. 

Virgo Birthday 300x145 - Virgo Birthday Horoscope 2024-2025Saturn in the Seventh House

This cycle will affect your marriage, partnership, dating chances, and the state of play with any rivals or enemies. Saturn is about long effort and hard work. The Seventh House is about duets and duels. So, your sexual relationship, your professional double-act, but also anyone against you.

The new boyfriend and the baggage of his old girlfriend are a Seventh House matter. So is the new boyfriend who weighs you down because of his mental health issues. As I’ve mentioned, Virgo, the marriage vows weigh heavily now. The best way to work with Saturn is to remember: this does end. Patience is required, but this is not forever.

Go into any new relationship with caution as you will be dating Saturn on some level. Saturn people are heavy, weighed down, restricted or limited by life.  They can also put you into situations which are hard to get out of. Take your time before you commit to a new date. As I’ll discuss in a moment, you will also be dating Neptune.

This is a cycle not possible in 29 years and while it plays out, in the year 2025, you need to be aware of who you are getting into bed with; you will literally make your bed and lie in it with new lovers on this transit. You will learn a huge amount while this transit is here and once it’s gone, it really is gone. Different love life!

Textbook Examples

Readers over the years have given me textbook examples of this cycle. Transiting Saturn in the solar Seventh House can also be the boyfriend who is your business partner, who falls short on the job. What are you going to do?

Some basic advice: don’t just stumble into a new sexual relationship or any sort of partnership, as Saturn goes into your Seventh House. Do your homework. Ask questions. Who is this person? It helps to be a detective before you get into bed with them. Are they married and covering it up? Is this person broke? Do they have a police record? Has their last relationship actually gone away or not?

Professional Partners, Platonic Partners

Saturn takes about 29 years to repeat in this cycle. Talk to people who are in their sixties or older. Read their self-help books. This is as much about a work partner, as it is about a platonic duet (you two might share a home but not a bed). It’s always about the scales. The two sides or opposite halves.

People who are older and wiser and have been there before you will be excellent sources of advice now. Hit books, courses, whatever you have to, to check your hard work is worth it with this person.

Tests of patience are common. Your professional partner may test your tolerance. You may both have to deal with a situation in which other people have put up walls, or barriers, or defences.

bigstock Zodiac signs Virgo colored 28834034 300x300 - Virgo Birthday Horoscope 2024-2025Uranus, Foreigners and Foreign Countries

Uranus will be in your Ninth House of foreigners and foreign countries until April 25th, 2026. He arrived on May 15th, 2018 so you have had seven years of radically different experiences overseas; as a migrant; with other cultures in your own life.

Radical and revolutionary progress is guaranteed abroad or with foreigners in your own country, in 2025, when Uranus moves through your chart, as life will continually shift and change around you, Virgo. Freedom will call again. Independence Day will come.

It can be liberating to learn a foreign language. To spend part of the year overseas. To marry into a different culture. To accept work that involves a completely different time zone and outlook.

It’s best to admit you want freedom (or someone else does) in the area of life where Uranus visits. Then you can bring about that freedom without being forced into it.

Uranus was discovered in 1781 around the time of the French, American and Industrial Revolutions. You are having your own (insert country or nationality) revolution in 2025.

Uranus in Gemini

All change. Uranus spends part of the year in Taurus, but also enters Gemini for the first time in 2025. This will completely change your goals, roles, ambitions, position and mission over many years.

Coupled with Pluto in Aquarius in your duty and service zone, this looks like a dramatic switch. Your side hustle may become your main focus. You may begin using A.I. to transform what you do.

The cycle begins on July 7th 2025 and ends on August 3rd 2032. You will be liberated from what you did, or set free from a particular way of working. It may happen very suddenly in 2025 if you are open to that. Uranus works out of the blue.

Neptune and Partners

You’ve read about Saturn and your sexual or professional partner. You know about the heavy restrictions on this cycle. Well, you also have Neptune in Pisces, in your Seventh House of duets and double-acts; pairs and couples.

Vir18profile 600x600 1 300x300 - Virgo Birthday Horoscope 2024-2025Neptune is a symbol of the sea; the ocean; the aquarium. It shows an escape from reality. A holiday from the real world. A vacation from normal life. The two transits could not be more different. No wonder your partnership has been complicated.

Neptune can often make us forget who we are, as a sense of personal identity and separateness dissolves, and we end up losing our boundaries. People can feel ‘all at sea’ on these cycles. With management and care, though, Neptune cycles can feel as wonderfully escapist as a day at the seaside. That’s the key on this transit, with Saturn alongside. There has to be management and care.

I hope you can see why your professional, sexual or platonic partner has been such a big stretch in 2023, 2024. You are juggling two contradictory cycles.

Neptune is out of Pisces and out of your Seventh House on January 26th 2026 so you should set aside 2025 as the last year you have to deal with this.

Pluto, Workload and Wellbeing

How much power do you actually have with your career, unpaid work or academic career? What about your control in life? These are important questions during the years that Pluto is steadily transforming your life.

For the first time in 248 years, Pluto entered Aquarius on 23rd March 2023. He will remain in Aquarius far beyond 2030. He’s signing off from Capricorn in November 2024 and so the year 2025 is dominated by this new cycle.

Look at your health and wellbeing and decode what your body is telling you. Anything not functioning well, or not functioning at all, gets in the way of work. In astrology, this is evidence for an unconscious need to avoid that particular kind of task, or job. You will not admit your misgivings to yourself, so your body acts it out for you.

Astrology eCard VIRGO Best Wishes 300x213 - Virgo Birthday Horoscope 2024-2025Your Body Talks

Musicians go deaf in one ear. Athletes develop ankle problems. Virgo, pay intense scrutiny. Ask your dreams (which are a route to your unconscious mind).

If you suspect that something has already been going wrong in 2023, 2024 which might be a manifestation of your unconscious and unexpressed desire not to work – you may well be right.

If so, it’s time to change. Pluto in Aquarius in your solar Sixth House is about slow and total transformation of your career, academic career or unpaid role in life.

This will be most intense, to begin with, in December 2024, January and February 2025.

Close to November 19th 2024 you will see proof that Pluto is on the turn. As the year ends the usual reshuffles, resignations, redundancies and retirement all around you, in your industry, will have a greater impact than usual.  Pluto retrograde can be like that.

Virgo, you can’t separate lifestyle and health, from workload and duty. It’s entwined. This very new Pluto cycle may also coincide with new drugs like Ozempic or new Covid measures, for example, which have a profound impact on your job. Pluto in your Sixth House by transit can also signal a complete lifestyle change. Going from one doctor to another; one regime to another; one diet to another. It’s your choice but November 2024 onwards is the shift.

The North Node in Pisces and Partners

Virgo, the huge focus on sexual, professional or platonic partners is down to the unusual number of transits in Pisces in your Seventh House. You’ve read about Saturn and Neptune in Pisces, slowly completing their transit in 2025. Well, in 2025, you also have the arrival of the North Node of karma in Pisces.

The North Node is also known as the Dragon’s Head. Astrologers associate the North Node (and the South Node, its opposite, the Dragon’s Tail) with past experiences, and you will now face people, situations and places which are strangely familiar. Starting near January 11th 2025 you will go through another partnership cycle with your sexual or professional ‘other half’ which brings in karma.

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Enemies and Opponents

Any enemies or opponents are also more important on these Pisces transits. For example, a love rival or a jealous person in your career. If you feel a story is familiar, or a theme is returning, you may be right. Life 18-19 years before will teach you a lot in 2025.

The idea is to complete the karma with the past and gain closure from it. So this person in your life is a kind of karmic practise kit. What if you are the jealous professional rival? It happens.

Don’t waste your time, Virgo, as Pluto transiting the Seventh House suggests you are up against an extremely powerful person and you need to know she or he also has extremely powerful lawyers and backers.

The End of Financial and Property Karma

The North Node in Aries and South Node in Libra repeat the past and bring karma for closure. So, as they pass through your horoscope, for the last time, in your finance and property zones, they will bring back these periods in your life too; life as it was some 18-19 years before. This is the case in August-December 2024 and January 2025, with a big sign-off on January 11th 2025 as the karma ends. The stuck loop stops. The circuit ends. Which periods in your life are being thematically repeated?

North Node in Aries, South Node in Libra

26th December 2004 to 22nd June 2006
6th April 1986 to 5th May 1986

8th May 1986 to 2nd December 1987.

Expect a ‘Been there, done that’ feeling about the financial set-ups, business concerns or property issues which turn up now. Now is your chance to gain from everything you have learned and move forward again.

Obviously, you may be repeating the past, on a regular basis now – however, the more you go over old ground, or meet with oddly familiar situations, the more you will learn. As I said, Virgo, you sign off in January 2025.

Your breakthrough will come when you accept that life is stuck on the repeat button because it’s (ironically) the best way to get you to progress on the inside. To evolve as a human being. Observe yourself each time the loop repeats. What have you learned about managing life and yourself? Are you owed, spiritually, from the past – or do you owe? The rest of 2024 is a settling up. A reckoning.

Astrology eCard VIRGO Happy Birthday 300x213 - Virgo Birthday Horoscope 2024-2025Saturn and Neptune in Aries and Money

In 2025 you see the fade-out of Saturn and Neptune from Pisces (see partners and enemies) and the fade-in of Saturn and Neptune in Aries. So this is about joint finances and property. Huge change!

These slow-moving transits are historic and will involve your legacy to others (your partner and children for example) as well as others’ will, naming you. Aries rules your Eighth House of joint finance, possessions and property.

Get the best professional advice you can afford in 2025 and update your will. If others talk to you about being an executor or beneficiary, the same message applies. Neptune is notorious for vagueness, confusion, fuzzy thinking and blurred lines. To avoid confusion, get it in writing and get it done properly.

This also applies very much to any legal action; the business of marriage; de facto relationships where you live together and co-parent. Neptune begins in Aries on January 26th 2026. February 13th 2026 is the entry point for Saturn in Aries, so you can see why the year 2026 is the really big shift.

Chiron in Aries and Money

In 2025 you will continue with a financial, business, charity or property coure of instruction. You are already aware of a money-minded teacher, mentor, foster father or guide figure. The most famous depiction of Chiron shows him as a music teacher. Quite an unusual one. So this person is like that. A maverick. He may be an unlikely accountant or a business associate.

Chiron teaches us what we can get away with. As a centaur (half man, half horse) Chiron by his very existence shows us the so-called impossible, outrageous or unthinkable. Chiron challenges you to attempt the most audacious acts and maverick decisions – for better or worse.

Chiron was discovered in 1977, year of punk rock, cloning and test tube babies. I like to call him your punk music teacher. In 2024 and 2025, the familiar question returns. “What can I get away with?” It may be a particular way of avoiding tax, for example. Or a specific way of ensuring you make money from work completed a long time ago.

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The Web, Books and Education

I mention this because Virgo is ruled by Mercury the messenger and a great many Virgo people have websites, YouTube channels, podcasts or similar. You also find Virgo authors in abundance; teachers; students; professors; tutors.

Uranus in Taurus and The Word

You know Uranus in Taurus has changed everything regarding foreigners, foreign countries and culture (To a British person even America can seem foreign). This transit also affects the web, books and academia, as above. The dates might interest you, below, as they show you where you have already liberated yourself with the worldwide web; the media; academia; education; publishing. For example, Nick Cave departed from his longtime role as remote rock star (a proper old-fashioned rock star) and became a cult online source of comfort to readers wanting his words. People always want Virgo’s words. The dates of this transit?

May 16th 2018 to July 7th 2025
November 9th 2025 to April 26th 2026

This cycle will continue to change your education and self-education, your view of foreign places and people, and your use of the web. Publishing may also play a key role. Expect a revolution that sets you free, ongoing. This liberating, exhilarating cycle is quite long. You will reject. You will be rejected. Yet the rejection dance will also make you more independent.

Hearing No and Saying No

The whirl of saying ‘No’ to people and also hearing ‘No’ from them goes on in 2025. Every time it happens you are set free.

If a university or college rejects you, you will teach or study your own way, using new technology. If a publisher rejects you, or you reject a publisher, you will invent a new way to be read. It is very common to reject a foreign culture on this cycle or be rejected by it too. From all of this comes liberation.

You could end this cycle with qualifications, but the subjects you study are unlikely to be bog-standard or traditional.

The places you visit or move to now have a fated part to play in taking you to the next level. One specific foreign connection in your life could do more to alter your theories about yourself, and the way the world is, than any amount of books or university lectures.

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Letting Go – Pluto in Capricorn

I began your birthday report by talking about Pluto and the world of babies, children and younger people. Letting go is a big part of the future. You need to know how long this cycle has been with you, as you sign off in November 2024. As you read this you still have a few weeks to go, so start as you mean to go on.

Pluto in the Fifth House

Your relationship with the world of babies and children, teenagers and young adults will go through a deep transformation during this cycle. Your son or daughter may move from childhood to adolescence – or adolescence to adulthood – at this time, which is one obvious cause of big change. The small boy becomes a teenager, with all that this brings.

Another possibility? You will deal with the realities of abortion, adoption, miscarriage or IVF treatments, and find that your old attitudes and expectations fall away, to be replaced by a new outlook. Splitting up can mean a child has to go to one parent, more than the other. Another example of Pluto.

Your connection to children may be less personal now – you may experience this cycle through your job (for example, if you nurse or teach infants or teenagers) or through your interests outside work – or the young people in question may be godchildren, nieces, nephews, stepchildren or grandchildren.

The world of the young will bring empowering new beginnings now, and dramatic endings – which force you to find your power too.

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Your Fellow Virgo Prince Harry

Your fellow Virgo Prince Harry had this transit when he became involved with Meghan Markle and went on to become a father.

Questions about who or what is in control of the children are very common. The new baby itself became the subject of huge politics, after an Oprah Winfrey interview. Pluto at large!

The story of Pluto, Proserpina and Ceres is one of deal-making and power-sharing, and one way or another, it is bound to surface on this transit, in connection with lovers, spouses or children. It may still be ongoing as you end 2024 and Christmas looks like a ‘forever’ sign-off.

You may be a grandmother whose grandchild divorces her husband and so you find yourself babysitting more frequently and for a longer time. This raises issues about who or what is in control of your great-grandchild. This is another example of Pluto in the Fifth House. You can divorce and find yourself wrangling over which parent has control of your daughter’s education and general welfare. That is also extremely common, but as I’ve said this is the sign-off. Never again will you have to deal with politics in this way.

On this cycle your own children can also be given power, with you. There is a shift in the balance of power, as you grow older (say). Again, the intensity of this cycle ends, as Pluto exits Capricorn forever in November 2024.

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Happy Birthday Virgo

You are going into 2025 which is a really unusual year in astrology. I have left the best until last for you, which is the Jupiter in Gemini transit in your Tenth House of success, glory, the top job, awards, big hits, promotion, lucky breaks, big deals and status.

Jupiter is Optimus Maximus to the Romans who gave us modern astrology. Best and greatest. He was born lucky in mythology. He was also full of largesse. So here he is in Gemini in your solar Tenth House of ambition.

You have until June 2025 to make the most of this cycle, which will not come again for 12 years, Virgo. Given that you also have powerful Pluto moving into Aquarius and your Sixth House of service and duty, 2025 looks like a massive gear change with your interpretation of success. And it really will be yours.

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25 Responses

  1. The way this article echoes with the timeline I have intended for the next few years is eerie!! As always, I feel like you are talking to me personally ☺️. I wonder how is it that so many resonate with what you say, when each one of us is going through such diverse life situations. While most of what’s coming seems exciting, I am tad nervous about 2026 with Saturn and Neptune both hitting my house of joint finances as a Virgo ascendant. With an intellectually challenged child to look after, who’s now an adult, I am trying to be very cautious about the steps I take as I approach an inevitable separation in an abusive marriage. I am definitely reclaiming my power, but am afraid of being foolhardy and overconfident sometimes, considering I am a parent with a lifelong responsibility. That’s Saturn in my Natal fourth

    1. Thank you, that’s a lovely thing to read. First of all, I don’t work with the astrology system you use, so Saturn and Neptune will not be in your Eighth House. I am not sure what house system you use, but in the Natural House method, the transit of Saturn and Neptune in Aries in 2025 will be in your First House of image and profile. Your intellectually challenged child shows up in your Fourth House stellium. Saturn in your Fourth House in Cancer shows the restrictions; it’s a ring-fenced situation at home. However you also have Mars, Apollo and Ops in Cancer so you are fulfilling your mission by being mother to a grown-up child. You also have a bad marriage. The good news is, Jupiter in Cancer from June 2025 into 2026 will give you historic opportunities to fix issues with your husband, child, the house or apartment and even the extended family circle. Ops and Jupiter were mother and son in mythology. Jupiter will be in a conjunction with Ops as you go through the mid 2020’s and you are in line for an incredible transformation. The best is yet to come.

  2. Hi Jessica – it all makes amazing sense and I have noted a couple of areas of advice (in particular how our bodies reflect how we are feeling about something, and the patience required having both Saturn and Neptune in Pisces!) Life since 2008 has indeed had many challenges for me so an ending to all of that will be terrific. Interesting friendships ahead and clearing of karma also sound really positive so looking forward to my Virgo future! Thanks for such a detailed post – you make it feel almost personal.

  3. Thank you so much for this birthday horoscope! Your predictions are always so accurate. I appreciate your blog more than you know. After reading this upcoming horoscope for 2024-2025 I am scared for the Saturn and Neptune in Aries and money. As well as I am nervous about the North Node in Aries/South Node in Libra. I can remember moving out my parents house into my own apartment for the first time in March 2005 because I couldn’t take living at home anymore. 2024 has been a tough year for me but I am hoping these last few months leading into 2025 with change for the better. I am excited and looking forward to experiencing some of the good things you wrote about in this article! ☺️

    1. Thank you very much. These Aries transits for Virgo should not make you nervous. They fall in your Eighth House of joint finance and property and show karma and repetition from the past (now) which ends in January 2025. This was in fact your first apartment. In 2025 you have Chiron, Neptune and Saturn also in the Eighth House so will be offered a chance to continue experimenting with money and property, business and charity, which allows you to get away with something that does rather seem outrageous, but you do it anyway. What is very new is the future of the 2020s which suggests an escape from the real world; initially there are all sorts of rules, regulations and restrictions with this long period of Bubble World, but eventually these end and you are left with a parallel universe of sorts, where reality need never intrude.

  4. Thank you for a thorough Virgo birthday forecast Jessica! I feel very nervous about both Saturn & Neptune in Pisces and the duels mentioned. From 2008 I spent years being caring and kind to exes who become controlling. More recently I’ve been doing skint solo parenting and trying hard to stay away from control freaks and Pluto men who fall on their feet financially! I now yearn for a calm, long term committed relationship without any drama and to get a break financially myself!

    1. Thank you, for your thank you. The good news is, you are out of the Pluto cycle in your bedroom and courtship zone, from November. This also rules your child. Pluto is finally out of Capricorn for good then, and in December Ceres delivers a final deal or bargain with yourself as well as others. Then you can look forward to 2025 without any of the issues you had since 2008. Actual partnership (as opposed to the bedroom, or solo parenting) is still a stretch in 2025, but not as heavy as it was this year. In fact you get a long break from Saturn in your partnership sector then. The long-term future is in fact a financial or property holiday from reality, well past 2030 and it could very easily involve a lover or husband. This is Neptune in Aries coming along; you will be insulated from what most people would call the normal world of finance, houses and apartments – for years.

  5. Thank you very much for this forecast. I’m looking forward to 2025 and all it will bring! A bit concerned about the “depressed partner” situation, as I already have one of them, but this horoscope gives me hope that we will make it out of the other side.
    Thanks again!

    1. Yes, depressed partners are unfortunately common when Saturn transits your Seventh House. Saturn is associated with being ‘pressed down upon’ and actually rules lead. Yes, you will make it out of the other side. The transit does not last for much longer and you will notice a few bumps of progress in the bedroom. The first one is November. There is another in December. You then chug along through 2025 and will have some really welcome breaks from the situation that year, with it being over completely soon enough.

  6. I’m speechless, Jessica, but in a good way! Thank you for this very comprehensive horoscope for the year. This goes above and beyond what I’ve read for yearly horoscopes in terms of the breadth you’ve put into i!

  7. Hi Jessica,
    I have a Virgo moon and Pisces rising. I wanted to know if I am able to read into any of this? Furthermore, I keep seeing Saturns/ Uranus in Pisces – what does this mean? Are there any implications for a Pisces rising?
    I feel personally I am at the precipice of change hence why I wonder if I’m able to infer any of your article to my chart?? thank you for taking the time to respond

    1. You are reading the wrong horoscope here. You are a Sun Cancer, and your annual predictions were published some months ago. You do have stelliums in Cancer, Gemini, Virgo, Pisces. This can result in you strongly identifying with the latter three mutable signs, but in terms of the cycles affecting you – it’s all Cancer Sun based. Your rising sign is the least important part of your chart. People frequently get it wrong (wrong birth time) and it’s just your shop window. Not your actual shop. The stellium in Pisces does matter, though, and there is a large part of your character which needs to be alone, seeks religion, the psychic world or therapy – is not entirely present in the real world – always escaping into the invisible world of (say) angels, hymns, mediums, the Tarot, dreams, psychology and so on. It is worth getting to know this Pisces side of your nature as Neptune and Saturn are transiting in Pisces and in 2025 the North Node will also enter this sign.

    1. I am not entirely sure why you think there is no hope for you, after reading your Virgo birthday horoscope! Leo, Libra and Aries stelliums suggests your proper road in life is marriage or a de facto partnership, with children, stepchildren and so on. You don’t say if you are single or with a partner. This road stretches out before you when Jupiter goes into Leo, then Libra, from the year 2026. The big progress years with your ex-partner or current partner will be 2025, 2026 when you clear karma from 18-19 years before.

  8. Hi Jessica, my beautiful daughter is 19 on 4th September (born 10.43am UK time, in 2005).

    Her confidence in herself has been shattered through no fault of her own over recent years and she feels lost. As a sun/moon Virgo her work ethic is admirable. She works hard, working evening shifts in a restaurant. She says she wants to do something different but doesn’t know what so sticks with what she knows.
    She’s always loved animals and a competent horse woman. I’m surprised she hasn’t pursued a career with animals as it was her obsession growing up and she attended an agricultural college after leaving school with every intention of gaining qualifications to fulfil her obsession.

    At animal college she met her boyfriend (29/07/03) who seems to have had a negative effect on her. I love her to the moon & back but her sense of style & self has gone. She never sees her girlfriends, preferring to focus all her attention on her boyfriend. They want to live together and saving all their earnings to set up 1st home together.

    I’m of a different generation and think she should travel; experience life, jobs and friendships before settling for the humdrum of daily bill paying at such a young age. I see so many young people settling down early. Why is that?

    Looking at her chart is 2024/5 a new chapter for her career & relationships? Or is she part of a new generation who just want to make a home at an early age?

    As her Mum, I worry!

    1. Your daughter was born with the Sun in Virgo in the Sixth House which rules dogs, cats and horses in particular as all these animal companions require a strict daily routine and owners are here to serve, on schedule. Virgo women shine at their brilliant best when they are a cross between Mrs Herriot and Mary Poppins and your daughter is doing a little bit of Poppins in the restaurant. She has a difficult boyfriend. You will be amazed at what happens next year as the most confusing and confused cycle of her life, in terms of partners, ends. Even sooner than that, a really demanding cycle, in terms of her intentions to have a baby (or not) ends in November. You cannot control or influence her choices and 2025 puts her on a new path with joint finance and property, for many years, now that the current partnership and parenthood cycles (more choices) is ending. She could go in any direction but it’s her call. She could easily return to horses and/or work with animals later; she has 20 years to do it and may find she becomes happily obsessive about the same, actually. This is a long, long Pluto cycle ahead of her and she will feel compelled to serve something more important than the next diner’s menu choices; it may indeed be one special animal which calls her and turns the key back in the lock again.

  9. Hi Jessica

    So the deal making/power sharing and forever sign off, in relation to Prince Harry, there has been a lot of speculation in the press and on X in recent days that the marriage is crumbling, with David Walliams comments some are saying it was a sham from the start, a cover, and that he has now been outed. Mentions of them coming clean to their family with a big secret and so on. Of course a lot of the articles that appear are paid pieces to keep them ‘relevant’ and are nonsense, but do you see him or them coming clean about the so called moon bump and rarely seen children and would a return to the UK for him be on the cards, some are saying he needs to get sober/clean first before he would be welcomed home. What do you make of it all?

    1. I posted a prediction two years ago that there would be royal chaos now – and so there is. Nobody knows if the rumours of Prince Harry returning to Britain are true or false. The photographs of what appeared to be a Moon Bump under Meghan’s dress are part of a long line of psychological operations designed to destabilise the royal family’s unity and strength. You have to ask which foreign enemy would most desire that. Princess Anne remains implacable.

  10. Hi Jessica,
    Both my husband and I have had a challenging year with taking on the responsibility of care for his aging mother (Cancer) with dementia and now we are bringing in our troubled grandson (Scorpio) to help him find his way. My inquiry is for my Virgo husband and how all of this will be affecting him these next few years. I worry about his mental health sometimes. Thank you for any insights you can share with me so that I might help him through these challenges. Thank you Jessica!

    1. I am sorry you are being put through this, as you are not only concerned about your mother-in-law and grandson, but also your husband. Things will turn around after December, with a long sign-off from the entire situation at home, and with the family, between now and November. You cannot be expected to carry so much by yourself and deals need to be done, with all three of them actually. This bargaining and negotiation process will be with yourself, too, not just the others – but you will emerge with a very different life this Christmas and New Year really will seem new. The issues for your husband with his grandson will stop at around the same time. So it’s a two-step. We don’t know why this eases, but it does. Firstly in mid-November then in early December, with a distinct New Year feeling once you are past Boxing Day. Your husband’s mental health can be tackled properly by the medical profession and/or alternative therapists in November, December, January, February and it is best sorted out wholistically, so this is as much about the entire body as it is about the mind. He will need willpower and self-control to do it, but he should be able to transform himself then. In the meantime you need your own time out, healing, relaxation and self-care. Make absolutely sure you have it on a daily basis. I suspect the heart of the issue is the Scorpio grandson and he has some major decisions to make about the family and his housing or accommodation, also in exactly the same time frame.

  11. Hi Jessica, thank you so much for this. I always hang out for the Birthday horoscope. I’m sure others have had it rougher, but my word, this last year from late Sept 2023 to about June 2024 was really, really hard going. I found myself in the hot seat and fighting for my job at work late last year just from asking a work related question which took over 4 months to sort out. And just as that was starting to sort out I was facing a crisis on the farm front as I lost a lease and for a moment had nowhere to put my farm animals. Luckily, a good friend rallied and helped me find a place for most my animals where I can look after them and I brought the remainder home. But when you talk about virgos being ring-fenced in by Saturn, I can so relate at the moment. Everything, even when I have a few wins, is such a hard slog.

    I had hoped, especially on the work front, things might look up with Jupiter in Gemini, particularly since my Jupiter is in Gemini but aside from still having a job (is that the gift of Jupiter here?) I have all but lost interest in it, which is sad since I studied and slogged so hard to gain the qualifications/credentials. I’m starting to apply for other roles but a little concerned all those planets squaring and opposing my natal chart will pour cold water on my hopes and efforts.

    I am a premium member so I think you can see my chart. I’m on my second Saturn return (I really thought this one would be easier) but in no financial shape to retire anytime soon. I’d really like to change course and get into something digital where I could work entirely remotely, from home and I wondered if you might have time to have a look at my chart and let me know if I have strong winds behind me or am sailing into headwinds and unlikely to get anywhere until Saturn and Neptune move out of Pisces. Maybe I am best riding it out and relaunching once my Saturn return is behind me.

    Many thanks once again.

    1. Thank you. Your entire answer here is Pluto in Aquarius in your Sixth House of workload, wellbeing, daily routine, unpaid tasks, volunteering, housework, health and your ideas of service and duty. You do have Jupiter in Gemini in your Tenth House of success and will be given one opportunity after another. However, Pluto is also here (back in November) and so nothing short of a transformation will do. Losing the lease on your farm was Pluto. So is losing interest in your job. You want to work from home, online, instead. Jupiter at 28 Gemini and Cupido at 29 Virgo in your natal chart tally with your Sun Sign in Virgo chart. It’s all in the timing. You will spend now through November in the final transformation of Pluto at 29 Capricorn. You will indeed find what you want, online. First you use your willpower and self-control to find your power, which is considerable, and end up in December with a huge compromise or deal, both with yourself and others. Going into 2025 you have your Jupiter Return in Gemini, the sign which rules digital. I also suspect you will gain from a neighbour then too. The Saturn Return is important but no more so than the Jupiter Return which is pending. Something has to change here and it will do so, now through December in stage one, with stage two in January and February 2025. You are potentially in a very, very powerful position here but you need to be absolutely clear about who and what you want, and why – and what or whom matters most. Sometimes the Tarot is useful with that.

  12. Hi Jessica, am a sun Virgo with North Node @ 2 Pisces and Jupiter @ 2 Scorpio. Last time as Pluto went to 2 Aquarius, I had a strong Quarel with my brother I owe him money. It made our families to separate from communication. Will this quarrel be back when Pluto turns to 2 Aquarius? He is a Sun Aries with Venus at 2 Taurus.
    Thank you

    1. I am sorry you fell out with your brother. Your quarrel will not return. In fact you will find you are given an opportunity to fix things with him by June 2025 at the very latest.

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