2025 Astrology – Dates, Video, Podcast, Tarot

Planetary alignments in 2025 with all the planetary aspects you need for accurate 2025 astrology prediction. Your year ahead, based on your horoscope decan. A free podcast about 2025, the year ahead. PLUS Tarot and astrology combined in a special video with guest, Kyra Oser.

 Your 2025 Astrology – Podcast, Video, Calendar, Dates

Read Your 2025 Year Ahead Prediction now, based on your sign Decan. Are you First Decan, Second Decan or Third Decan for your zodiac sign? Find out which of the 36 astrology forecasts for 2025 is yours.  See the difference a psychic astrology forecast can make, based on your date of birth.

Listen to The Astrology Show podcast for Monday 30th December, with predictions for 2025 for all 12 signs plus your Lenormand Oracle card for 2025. Thanks for making the show the #1 Chartable Spirituality hit in the UK and Australia in 2024.

Watch the 2025 Astrology and Tarot Video if you prefer to view a psychic take on your sign. What is the reading for your decan in 2025?  PLUS Guest psychic Kyra Oser. Become a paid subscriber to The Astrology Show to view this and 20+ videos through the year ahead.

2025 Astrology Delivery Calendar e1732937855656 246x300 - 2025 Astrology - Dates, Video, Podcast, TarotFree Astrology Calendar for 2025

Pick up a free 2025 Astrology Calendar with important New Moon, Full Moon and Eclipse date here. 

Premium Member? Your complimentary 2025 Astrology Delivery Calendar is here. This is the research-powered way to achieve what you want, in the year ahead.

Planetary Aspects 2025 – Key Planetary Alignments.

Allow 24 hours either side for world time zone differences. In astrology, the 2025 planetary aspects show big events. Key planetary alignments for 2025 point to major developments. If anything lands at the same sign and degree as one of your horoscope factors, it’s life changing.

Major Astrology Dates for 2025

February 7th
Neptune 28 Pisces in conjunction with the North Node at 28 Pisces
Neptune 28 Pisces in opposition to the South Node at 28 Virgo
February 27th
Saturn 20 Pisces semi-sextile Chiron 20 Aries
April 4th
Saturn 24 Pisces sextile Uranus 24 Taurus
April 21st
Saturn 26 Pisces in conjunction with the North Node at 26 Pisces
Saturn 26 Pisces in opposition to the South Node at 26 Virgo
May 1st
Uranus 26 Taurus sextile North Node 26 Pisces
Uranus 26 Taurus trine South Node 26 Virgo
May 18th
Jupiter 25 Gemini sextile Chiron 25 Aries
Jupiter 25 Gemini square North Node 25 Pisces
Jupiter 25 Gemini square South Node 25 Virgo
June 1st
Jupiter 28 Gemini semi-sextile Uranus 28 Taurus
June 15th
Jupiter 1 Cancer square Saturn 1 Aries
June 18th
Jupiter 2 Cancer square Neptune 2 Aries
June 24th
Jupiter 3 Cancer quincunx Pluto 3 Aquarius
August 11th
Saturn 1 Aries sextile Uranus 1 Gemini
August 28th
Uranus 1 Gemini sextile Neptune 1 Aries
September 3rd

Jupiter 18 Cancer trine North Node 18 Pisces
Jupiter 18 Cancer sextile South Node 18 Virgo
October 23rd
Jupiter 24 Cancer square Chiron 24 Aries
November 20th
Uranus 29 Taurus sextile Neptune 29 Pisces
December 21st
Jupiter 22 Cancer square Chiron 22 Aries

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The planetary aspects or alignments for 2025 show world events too, including the future of the White House. Watch for that on 1st January 2025 along with all the true predictions about 2024 including the Kamala Harris loss and freedom for Julian Assange. Don’t miss it – this is date-stamped psychic astrology forecasting.

Order a Personal 2025 Astrology Report

Order your solar chart with information about your natal chart too, written by Jessica Adams, based on your Sun Sign with key details about your birth horoscope – and all the Astrology Delivery dates you need for 2025. The price has been frozen at US $100 for another year. You will need your time, date and place of birth to order. Thank you. Happy New Year.



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32 Responses

  1. Hello Jessica,
    I’m a Capricorn sun, Virgo rising. I finished my last job on 8/1/2024. I have been looking for a new job in finance, in Boston, MA ever since. I’m desperate and depressive, losing hope. Is there a hard/aspect in my chart I should look into for some direction?

    1. I am sorry you are living with depression since the loss of your job in Boston. To begin with, you have Mars at 27 Virgo in the Sixth House of work, mental health, physical health, employment, unemployment, lifestyle, study and daily routine. You are going through Neptune at 27 Pisces (transiting Neptune in opposition to natal Mars) which is notoriously tough. It ends on February 2nd. Until then you should be walking, if you are not already doing that. I know it’s winter, but walking is proven, repeatedly, in most medical and scientific journals, to dramatically reduce depression and anxiety. Google Scholar will tell you that. In any case, feeling as if someone/something/this/them/that is against you will end on February 2nd. We don’t know why yet. You are also recovering from Pluto and Ceres in Capricorn in your Tenth House of career. You are extremely Capricorn, very ambitious, need a hierarchy to climb and a system to ‘work’ and so have been absolutely challenged by these two cycles, which only just stopped. The past will not repeat. You are over the worst. Something which will help – release the old ideas about success and the old attachment to what you ‘should’ do or ‘must’ do to be successful. Then see what comes. There will be some incredible opportunities for quite a different lifestyle and work style by June then from July you will be given a radical new role or project which sets you free. That’s Jupiter and Uranus in Gemini.

  2. Merry Christmas Jessica. I bought your Birthday book for my daughter for Christmas and she loves it!! Your previous blog about Cancer Luck next year is reassuring as I have 5 stelliums in my 4th house. My husband and I are selling our current property and purchasing another in our same neighborhood. We’ve made some wonderful friendships and want to stay. My horoscopes is showing friendship and property. Do you see good things happening in 2025 with moving into a house and friendships? Thank you again Jessica for all your insight and Happy New Year!

    1. Thank you very much. Your Birthday went to number one on the Amazon hot sellers chart for New Age titles in America and Australia, so if you live in either country, double thanks. You are buying a new home which you will renovate or redecorate very successfully in the second half of 2025, perhaps adding a feature by mid 2026. You are likely to see it increase in value or even realise that you could swiftly sell if you wanted to and move on up again, to a bigger or better home. Having come this far you probably don’t want to do that, but you would have the opportunity. Friends will come to seem like family on this cycle too and you may acquire house guests for that reason.

  3. Thank you, this is a great present and much appreciated. I have a lot of placements at 28 and 29 degrees, mercury at 1 degree Aries and a few placements at 21 and 22 including Jupiter in Gemini and Apollo in Scorpio. Are you able to please give me any thoughts on my chart? Thank you so much

    1. You are a Sun Pisces with Pisces and Aries stelliums so a relaunch is coming in 2025. This is also typical of 29 placements (the end) and 1 placements (the beginning). Expect a new look. You may change your hair, face, shape, style or other aspects of your appearance as you have First House transits in your solar and natal charts. A second name online is very likely or you might change your usual names. I would expect an alter ego to emerge, for whatever reason – a total departure from reality for you. 2025 is ‘Me’ basically. And you are overdue for a rebirth.

  4. I have a question about managing delivery when two events occur in different signs on the same day. For example, if there are delivery dates for Virgo and Cancer happening on the same day, how should this be handled? Should I combine both into one session, or handle them separately within the same day?

    1. Astrology Delivery booking dates often overlap. Just make two separate entries in your journal on the same day. Please tell me when you achieve some or all of what you want. Thank you.

  5. Happy New Year, Jessica!

    For many years, I have faced significant challenges at my current workplace due to my manager, which has impacted both my own and my family’s well-being. This culminated in a period of burnout, for which I was on sick leave, though I am now fully recovered and back at 100%.

    Two weeks before Christmas, I was informed that my position might be at risk due to an upcoming reorganization. In response, I have applied for a new job and am also considering a major shift—leaving employment to start my own business and working as a consultant. However, I feel some internal hesitation about this path, without being entirely sure why it doesn’t feel right.

    The current work environment is unsustainable for me, and I find it difficult to envision staying in it long-term. Could you kindly share any thoughtful advice or perspectives as I navigate this situation and chart my course for 2025? I would deeply appreciate your input.

    Thank you so much!

    1. Thank you. I am sorry you have been ill and had a bad manager. You are deciding to become a consultant on Mercury Retrograde so may prefer to sign off on that decision after January 3rd when things are more settled. You are a Sun Scorpio with a Scorpio and Sagittarius stellium. Hybrid work with study included is a smart option with that kind of chart. You are a natural student and also a natural teacher. A foreign or bilingual market is also natural for you. You will in fact completely change your job in 2025 and the turning points are January, then May. If nothing is fixed in place in the first half of the year, that’s really not an issue as it will take until May for these cycles to fall into place completely.

  6. Hello Jessica, I appreciate your 2025 (and beyond) posts and am reading more about 2025 in other places, too, today. You note often that we are still in a health watch time through at least another year: there is an article about the Year of the Wood Snake arriving in January 2025 that suggests Coronavirus was discovered in 1965, a prior Snake year. May I please ask you, besides precautionary ways of living in this era of viruses where we can employ air and light devices, do you see this coming year also for one where we do not skip any health & wellness checks at the doctor office? And, I have sent you in various places my thanks for your year end gifts, I mean it! Thank you and your team for all the astrology tools we gather from being on your sites. May 2025 bring you much success and happy moments. Best, Cecelia

    1. Thanks so much, Cecelia. 2025 and 2026 are extremely risky years for Covid + which is of course the virus plus bird flu and other problems. Virgo rules public health and it’s always contagious. So in another time, the plague or cholera. Epidemics and pandemics are Virgo because Virgo also rules work and the workplace is where transmission happens. So double your usual measures and do your own research. The South Node in Virgo can be observed every 19 years going back in time and it has big lessons for us. AIDS is another one. As always with these cycles, the greatest possible breakthroughs are also possible too.

  7. I wanted to ask about all my 1 degrees placements that you mentioned in a different article will come into focus between the 21st and 31st of August in 2025. would you be able to look at my birth chart please?

    1. Your best best is a partnership, which is either growing as you look at it now, or is on the horizon. It depends if you said yes, or no, to an important person in 2023 or earlier in 2024. You could easily marry, sign a professional two-way agreement, have a baby, move in together, start a business together and so on. Take the road offered to you by mid 2025. The key to success with him or her in 2026 and beyond is to give as much freedom as you ask for.

  8. I’m a Virgo Sun. I booked a date in January 2024 during Aquarius season about adopting two cats, and it happened!
    Also, in November 2024, I booked an intention to get a new device, and I received a new laptop as a gift from a friend.

    I’m also looking to emigrate to a new home. Do you have any advice on choosing delivery dates?

    virgo > Sun + Mercury + Apollo + Proserpina /

    sag > juno + Aesculapia + Moon + Pluto + Mars /

    libra > Vesta + Bacchus + Vulcan + Fortuna + Hygeia + Panacea /

    aqu > Psyche + Uranus + Neptune + South Node /

    leo > Ceres + Venus + North Node /

    tau > Jupiter + Saturn /

    scop > Diana + Chiron + Cupido /
    capr > Minerva..

    1. Those are great Astrology Delivery results, thank you for telling me. You can’t go wrong with two cats and a laptop. If you want a new home, then you make a booking for that in November 2025. That’s quite a long way off but conditions are right.

  9. Hi Jessica, hope you are well. I could literally feel the energy shift with Pluto moving out of Capricorn and physically this manifested as you had predicted with suddenly getting more invites for interviews or more interest shown by recruiters in general.Most of 2024 was not good for me in terms of career/money and I’m currently in retail which offers a more flexible lifestyle just to be able to pay rent but I’m ideally look for work related to my postgraduate studies. I’m a migrant in the UK so I’m also looking for a job that will give me sponsorship to switch to a skilled worker visa before Jan 2026 and as you had mentioned the Uranus oppositions to the Sag stellium it worries me as to how it might affect the outlook on getting work that will also sponsor my visa by 2026. My love life with a past life connection has been alright so far but Saturn hitting the 5th house worries me as he is also much younger than I am. Any insights for my career and love life for next year based on my personal chart factors would be as always greatly appreciated. Many thanks.

    1. Thank you. Pluto has gone from Capricorn and you had more job interviews. You’re also a migrant who needs a skilled worker visa in Britain and you work in retail. You are a Sun Sagittarius with a huge Sagittarius stellium too. Quite right, long-term you will find Uranus in Gemini in opposition to your Sagittarius factors makes foreigners and foreign countries very hard work, for you. Academia too. That begins in July 2025 and runs for years. You may want to bear that in mind if you are taking a teaching job abroad, for example, or taking up a role in an English university, mostly populated by English people (foreign to you). Jobs which exist quite separately from that are available on and off, part-time, or unpredictable full-time, all year. Your lover is your best bet – being younger is not an issue – in fact it may be he, who is the main story eventually, or his replacement.

  10. Hi Jessica and happy new year! I have a stellium in Aries and I wonder about both Saturn and Neptune transiting over my natal planets as they contradict each other. Both structure and dissolution at the same time? Does Saturn enhance the negative of Neptune? How do I interpret and what do I start with in order of importance?

    1. Good question. Your Aries stellium is about your appearance, weight, general shape and size, face and hair, name (very much your name) and how you ‘seem’ at a distance. This takes in your wardrobe as well as your body language. It is very much about your reputation. The Saturn and Neptune transits are both there together in 2025 and 2026, and will give you a double life if you want it. One half of you will be heavily restricted, bound by rules and regulations, made to wait (and wait) and very ring-fenced. This is like wearing a uniform or being on a diet. The other half of you will be offered an escape from the real world. A holiday from the everyday. A vacation from ‘usual’ and normal. This is like dressing up as a French maid in the bedroom or taking on a second fake name, online, and lurking on social media. I hope you can see how Saturn triggers Neptune. Your job may necessitate Saturn, for example, but your social life or relationship may encourage you to escape with Neptune.

  11. Hi Jessica, asking in the hope that I am not too late for question time. ( Christmas etc)
    Plans are underway for the renovation of a tiny building for myself so that the family house can be occupied by other members. I hope to move into it by mid 2025 but am worried that
    the Global financial situation may
    affect the outcome in some way. Can you see whether this plan will be successful please. Thank you for everything and have an abundantly blessed 2025.

    1. Thank you. Happy New Year. Tiny houses are great. I have one myself in Tasmania. You are an Aries with a Gemini stellium and Cancer placements. You also have perfect timing. You are in the biggest and best cycle for family and property in 12 years, starting in June 2025 and taking you to June 2026. Even before you get there, a brother, sister cousin and neighbour have real offers and options for you. I assume you are following through. This stands until June 2025. A sibling, cousin, or someone next door/up the road is a lucky connection.

  12. Hi Jessica

    Best wishes for the festive season. I hope you had a great Christmas, love, peace & joy for the new year ahead !

    I read your comment with great interest re another reader ( Minoa) on this forum.

    I too have mars but also the north node & hygeia in a triple conjunction at 27 & 28 degrees.

    I have also the past two years slipped back into depression/anxiety after hardwon attempt which I succeeded in to have balance, joy, good health ( which has been a bane since 2007) & a great group of friends.

    I feel I am back at zero – another article of yours re that – & sense huge change next year – I have 0 degree Saturn in Virgo & 29 degree juno in Capricorn.

    I have just decided to cut off from my narcissistic dad & my mom
    Who suffers from schizophrenia- I had moved back to live with them a couple of years ago.

    So am looking for a house, have been consulting to find work life balance but it does not pay enough & franky the depression has allowed me the flexibility on time but at the same time not to Maximize on earnings.

    Can you tell me if perhaps I can find a job this year so I have steadier income or should I continue to grow my consulting business ( hotel real estate); my narcissistic father who had broken my finger the year prior ( I should have left then) – the depression started very soon after – is threatening to file false complaints with the police ( he has done this prior also to no avail – simply harassment & has also done this to my brother & sis in law). He has also disowned my sis in law with newspaper ads & possibly planning to do this to me – I reacted this time & told him I would counter file a complaint for abuse if he continues to harass me – I could not take constant emotional abuse any longer – my dog who I was very attached to had just passed away – I was exhausted of emotional drama.

    Frankly, if I had more monies I would go to court & force a mental rorasch test – but all I want to do is walk away – I am exhausted of living like this.

    Long rambling note – & I know from your other articles it’s a difficult time for me for another 6 months given my virgo placements & Uranus in Taurus.

    I am taking back control – but it’s exhausting – walking, taking my supplements, going on a detox & yoga retreat, grooming, looking for a new house & tryinh to find more work given my expenses will increase dramatically ( rents are very high where I stay)

    There is a married man who is from my industry who I was involved with somewhat – I stopped in the Nick of time – he has come back. My life seems to be one big mess – and you seem to somehow predict/anticipate a lot & give me fair warning.

    Will I find a new job so I can get steady income ( or be successful at my consulting business) and I would very much like to find a partner who can accept & love me despite the crazy mess whixh is me these days.

    Your guidance as always woukd be appreciated

    1. Thank you. Astrology can cut through the noise when you have a lot of problems. Your mother has schizophrenia. Your father broke your finger – ghastly. You have depression. A married man wants you. (You know the answer to that one). You need a job and proper money. So what does your chart say? You are a Sun Leo with a Virgo stellium. The absolute priority is your workload and your wellbeing in 2025, 2026. Take a deep breath because you are going to replace your old lifestyle with a new lifestyle. You are already trying, just by walking. Keep walking. Go to Google Scholar and look at the evidence for walking (especially with a group of people) and the reduction in depression. We have a New Moon today on December 30th which will also help you commit. It’s not just walking, it’s also food, drink, sleep and your entire lifestyle. You will find there is new work on offer, between now and February. You will have to put effort in. Approaching people and organisations, showcasing yourself, seeking new opportunities. Yet you could easily end up with a new job, or jobs plural, by February and more reliable money. The issues with your parents are about Saturn in the Eighth House which stops on 25th May 2025. From September 2025 to February 2026 you have a second take on the situation, as it is bound up with their house, apartment, possessions and/or bank account. Saturn is reality. You cannot escape it. You just have to set yourself a long timetable and know that you get a break from your parents’ situation from May to September. Then you finish up with them, and with this, from September to February in 2026. Then Saturn is gone for good. The married man is part of the same cycle. The Eighth House rules all financial and property relationships, be it with your parents or an adulterer. You have enough to deal with, without the adulterer. The Virgo side of your personality and life is about to come first and yoga may be part of that.

  13. Hi Jessica,

    On 7th February, Neptune and the North Node land exactly on my mars placement. What can I expect to come up here?

    Thank you

    1. Yes, this is quite unusual as both the North Node and Neptune will be in conjunction with natal Mars at 28 Pisces in your Twelfth House. This is about God, or the Multiverse (if you believe in science, not God). It is about Buddhism, Tarot, psychics, psychologists and psychiatrists. Hypnotists and angels. Chakras and auras. You will need to be alone to deal with it. You have a lifelong pattern of being proactive about your inner self. You’re a can-do meditator, for example or a hurry-up Buddhist or Anglican. Solitude is wise on 7th February and the days either side, as you cannot deal with other people when you are sorting out your own soul, psyche or psychology. Life as it was 18-19 years ago will come back to you, as you are karmically owed, or you owe. So there has to be settlement or closure. Perhaps that was when you saw a Jungian analyst about your dreams. Maybe that was when you took a crystal healing course. At the same time, a person, situation or organisation which represents a total escape from reality, will arrive. It may in fact be a religious experience. I have also seen this transit when mediums appear, who are astonishingly accurate but off with the fairies. Neptune is a holiday from reality. You are about to get it. Just make sure that you observe the rules on your vacation. Avoid alcohol and drugs as you will be on enough of a head trip anyway. And be cautious even with prescribed medication. Neptune rules altered states.

  14. Hi Jessica! Hope you’ve been well. Would you please give me an understanding of how work and revenue will be in 2025. I stopped all work – was trying to launch a healing business, but became a full-time caretaker for my husband, who passed in August. He was the bread-winner for our family. And now I need to figure out how to support my children and myself. Thank you.

    1. I am so sorry you lost your husband. Your Descendant or DC is 25 Scorpio. I’m sure you know that this describes your partners in life. In Scorpio, it is in the Eighth House of financial and sexual partnership, but also family agreements over property. A will, as well as a mortgage, is typical. You just had Uranus going over 25 Taurus, so transiting Uranus in opposition to natal Descendant. The last pass is April 2025 then it’s finished. As your husband was the breadwinner, it will take time to work your way through the money and property concerns. Meanwhile Uranus is at 25 Taurus on your Ascendant, which reveals your basic image, look and name – your branding if you like – what makes you different. I am sure also know Taurus rules money, property, business, shopping, charity, possessions and the material world. So given that Uranus is about sudden and radical change, you are meeting this both through your husband’s loss, and through your own identity out there. What does Uranus bring? Freedom and independence. It takes great insight to stand back and appreciate it, given the fact your world has turned upside-down, but in the years to come, you may be able to see that had you remained exactly as you all/both were, you would have missed out on a liberating and liberated life. Until then you need money. Healing is not going to do it. With the South Node at 11 Cancer in your Fourth House of apartments and houses, Jupiter going to 11 Cancer in July and August 2025 will give you the biggest and best opportunity in 12 years, to gain from your home, or someone else’s home. His family or your family will play its part then. You could move, be offered affordable or free accommodation, do well in real estate and so on. So the future looks bright. It looks positive in terms of your children and also your lifestyle. You need to work to earn a crust, though, so take all the options you find now through January, as there will be reshuffles taking place in your usual field, but also other areas where you could work, and this means vacancies. There is one now.

  15. Hello Jessica and Happy New Year! I have a stellium in Pisces and was hoping you could shed some light on how this would affect me personally in the coming year. The last few years have been difficult for our family and am hoping for happier times. Thank You!!

    1. Happy New Year. You have Virgo and Pisces stelliums in your Sixth House of wellbeing and workload – and your Twelfth House of religion, Tarot, therapy and solitude. The South Node goes into Virgo in January 2025 and the North Node goes into Pisces, so there is a big accent on satisfying both sides of yourself. One half of you needs the housework, the paid job, the unpaid work, the dog or cat, the daily fitness regime, the food, the doctor, the complementary medicine – to feel comfortable about life. The other half wants to escape. The other half needs God, or Buddha, or angels, or mediums, the I Ching and so on. The more the family pulls you towards cooking and cleaning, or caring – the more you need to find solitude and total escape. This is your challenge and also your reward for 2025.

  16. Hi Jessica,
    I have a few placements that match your list. 28 Taurus on June 1st – my Venus is in 28 Taurus. 01 Aries on June 15 and Aug 11 – my DESC is in 01 Aries. June 18 Jupiter in 02 Cancer – my Jupiter is in 02 Cancer (!!!). What should I expect from these transits?
    Thank you in advance.

    1. End games and start games are typical of the 28, 29, 0, 1 degree patterns in a chart. You’ll see an end game with the house or apartment, the way it was in 2023, 2024 and be offered a terrific solution or opportunity from mid-year. You will probably renovate or even move, or reshuffle the family or household, to your total advantage.

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