Find out what the stars have in store for you today with Jessica Adams.


Daily Horoscopes Saturday October 2nd

Are you curious to know what today has in store for you? Here’s your horoscope for Saturday October 2.
Skip to your Horoscope Sign: Aries | Taurus | Gemini | Cancer | Leo | Virgo | Libra | Scorpio | Sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces

Looking for Yesterday’s Horoscopes?


March 21 - April 19

You will make some remarkable new friends over the next three months. Some of them will be from other countries (they will hold foreign passports or have noticeably different accents – even be bilingual.) Their experience of life, or their network overseas, could be the beginning of something big for you, taking you into undiscovered territory – spiritually, intellectually or globally. I am quoting from my new book here; about a cycle you need to use. Your friends could also be from the city (if you live in the country) or from the country (if you live in the city.) Thanks to Jupiter!

Something else for Saturday: Premium Member? Use your Astrology Oracle card reading and the guidebook (find in your Downloads area), to give yourself a more personal, in-depth reading about today.


April 20 - May 20

Pluto types (powerful, controlling in some way, dominating) may come from other states or regions on this cycle. Or they may be culturally so foreign to you. In this case, you’ll have the same passports, and speak the same language, but despite this, their background will be so dramatically different to your own, that you’ll feel as if you’re on a major learning curve about life, every time you get together. The lesson is control via self-control.

Something else for Saturday: Premium Member? Use your Astrology Oracle card reading and the guidebook (find in your Downloads area), to give yourself a more personal, in-depth reading about today.


May 21 - June 20

At least one strong connection until December will be an insatiable traveler or have spent large amounts of time working and living overseas. Jupiter in Aquarius in human form. He or she is your key to much more knowledge, and a lot of your ideas and beliefs about foreign people and places, will open up as a result of their influence. The difference in you, once this cycle is over, will be quite noticeable. Just be aware of the 2022 commitment. You need to be so aware of potential burdens next year, Gemini.

Something else for Saturday: Premium Member? Use your Astrology Oracle card reading and the guidebook (find in your Downloads area), to give yourself a more personal, in-depth reading about today.


June 21 - July 22

Your existing friendships, which were there well before this Uranus cycle began, will go through changes now. Some people in your social circle will go to the next level with their education, career, or spirituality and this will also have an influence on you. Through their growth and development, you will also be forced to grow. Or – you may part company. If you have the chance to commit yourself to a group, band, team, club, charity, association, committee or other network of people now, it will open up a whole new realm of possibility for you. It has to feel free. To liberate you.

Something else for Saturday: Premium Member? Use your Astrology Oracle card reading and the guidebook (find in your Downloads area), to give yourself a more personal, in-depth reading about today.


July 23 - August 22

There could be some glittering 2022 business, charity or property pay-offs, if you are adventurous enough, optimistic enough, and lucky enough. This is a rare chance for you to become a part of something which is bigger than you, in every way, even now. Who knows what’s out there for you, as a result of your willingness to keep turning up for the maths? Only Jupiter in Pisces knows, but you should see the potential benefits within just a few months of this cycle starting near Christmas. Do the pre-planning now.

Something else for Saturday: Premium Member? Use your Astrology Oracle card reading and the guidebook (find in your Downloads area), to give yourself a more personal, in-depth reading about today.


August 23 - September 22

October will bring important choices, by November, in connection with three areas of your life now – the first is your siblings – your brothers and sisters. The second is your way with words – your communication with the world. The third is your travel commitments – the short journeys you take, either in your own car, or more adventurously, on planes, boats or scooters. We could also include cousins, actually. You need to be extremely clear about your relationship with a cousin, brother or sister now. In fact, by November he or she may have raised the internet or travel issues.

Something else for Saturday: Premium Member? Use your Astrology Oracle card reading and the guidebook (find in your Downloads area), to give yourself a more personal, in-depth reading about today.


September 23 - October 22

Is he or she (or they) so connected to your work, housework or study – virtually overlapping with you? Then look at what it’s achieving in your lives. The lapsed border action is taking place because he/she/they have no clear idea about the lines in the sand. Nevertheless, if the path you’re both on is leading you into chaos or muddiness, put boundaries back in. It’s extremely common for a boss or employee to slip into areas of your life which are thoroughly fuzzy in this cycle. Neptune rules infiltration, which is why we associate it with fog, and gas, and ghosts. Clear that air.

Something else for Saturday: Premium Member? Use your Astrology Oracle card reading and the guidebook (find in your Downloads area), to give yourself a more personal, in-depth reading about today.


October 23 - November 21

Pluto in Capricorn rules siblings and cousins. So…if your brother or sister, cousin (perhaps) has gone into somewhere, psychologically or emotionally, that’s simply about your own power or control – you must act. What if you are spurred on by a cousin or sibling? This time it’s you who must be proactive, in December or January when choices call. Follow a program of change from today if you must. See a counsellor to help you find yourself, and define yourself, if your brother, cousin or sister’s world has resulted in changes you’d never really banked on, Scorpio. Pluto in your Third House can be like that, sometimes.

Something else for Saturday: Premium Member? Use your Astrology Oracle card reading and the guidebook (find in your Downloads area), to give yourself a more personal, in-depth reading about today.


November 22 - December 21

The world of words, ideas and communication will offer you open doors until December, so if your life was a poem, a film, a novel or a song to date – it will go further. This can be an incredibly useful time, and your own appreciation of writers and various authors, scriptwriters, singers or other communicators can take you into new areas, with new ways you’re being offered to get your message across. Today, ask is it all working for you? Is it taking you somewhere good? These are vital questions on this rare cycle.

Something else for Saturday: Premium Member? Use your Astrology Oracle card reading and the guidebook (find in your Downloads area), to give yourself a more personal, in-depth reading about today.


December 22 - January 19

Karma. The Twelfth House is about your relationship with yourself. It’s about looking in the mirror or disappearing into inner space (the inner space of dreams, the church, Buddhism, self-help, therapy or tarot readings, or horoscopes) and finding out who’s in there. What are you all about, and who are you, really and truly? The search for those answers may take you the entire remaining three months of this cycle, but you will discover that there is an awful lot more to you, than you ever knew was there. To continue quoting from my new book, about this South Node in Sagittarius cycle, taking a voyage around yourself can be a truly useful experience at this time, and one not to be missed.

Something else for Saturday: Premium Member? Use your Astrology Oracle card reading and the guidebook (find in your Downloads area), to give yourself a more personal, in-depth reading about today.


January 20 - February 18

You will never see yourself or other people the same way again, if you allow yourself the time to take this dual transit journey by Christmas. Have you ever analysed your natal (birth) chart? Asked the Tarot the image question? Decoded a Google entry about yourself? Met yourself in avatar form? Felt your spirit move, during a YouTube filming session? Encountered your true self through what you project? If not, Jupiter is here to help. It’s about you.

Something else for Saturday: Premium Member? Use your Astrology Oracle card reading and the guidebook (find in your Downloads area), to give yourself a more personal, in-depth reading about today.


February 19 - March 20

Your relationship with people from the local area will encourage you to be – shall we say – more adventurous. This may well happen when you’re on the short trip suggested in October, November or discovering new places to explore locally. There are hundreds of laws governing what’s allowed (and what’s not) when it comes to that in 2021, but Uranus in Taurus guarantees the road less travelled, with those whose ideas are so different to your own.

Something else for Saturday: Premium Member? Use your Astrology Oracle card reading and the guidebook (find in your Downloads area), to give yourself a more personal, in-depth reading about today.

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