Find out what the stars have in store for you today with Jessica Adams.


Daily Horoscopes Tuesday October 5th

Are you curious to know what today has in store for you? Here’s your horoscope for Tuesday October 5.
Skip to your Horoscope Sign: Aries | Taurus | Gemini | Cancer | Leo | Virgo | Libra | Scorpio | Sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces

Looking for Yesterday’s Horoscopes?


March 21 - April 19

Communication – your way with words and images, or ideas and messages – is in the karmic spotlight now as you are sent back around 19 years for settlement. It’s time to be aware of the past, in terms of your podcast, speech, website, blog, statement, essay, academic paper, letter, meeting, postcard, song lyric, screenplay – or just your life on Twitter. This may be a course, language skills, and so on – yet life about 19 years ago holds lessons and clues.

Something special this Tuesday: Would you like a longer, more detailed overview of what’s to come? Check out my YouTube channel now.


April 20 - May 20

Pluto rules. What sort of tourist or traveler are you? How would you rate yourself on the road, in the air, or on the water? All these questions matter more now, because an important trip, or an important travel issue (car, bike, anything) is about to go to the top of your list. If you power-trip others or try to control the agenda, you will have to step down or be taken down by fate. Yes – Pluto. You have to be on the right side until 2023. That’s compromise.

Something special this Tuesday: Would you like a longer, more detailed overview of what’s to come? Check out my YouTube channel now.


May 21 - June 20

Choose your destiny on the Aquarius cycle until Boxing Day. You can either be proud of your about-face in a pandemic, with the air miles system, or end up debating the point at the check-in desk, when you miss your flight because of border closures. The usual Aquarius weather rules apply. Only you can sort out if you are causing problems with your approach – or doing the world a favour, and yourself. Travel or travel in the mind? Fate calls.

Something special this Tuesday: Would you like a longer, more detailed overview of what’s to come? Check out my YouTube channel now.


June 21 - July 22

The solutions you want with foreign people and places will appear after Boxing Day and by May 2022, Cancer. In truth, a lot of the rewritten, unspoken rules about travel in the 21st century have been field-tested by people dealing with the moral and ethical issues about potentially shipping a lethal virus from port to port. During this new cycle from late December, you will long for people, places, plans and possibilities which seem bigger and better. The difference then, is that there will actually be answers.

Something special this Tuesday: Would you like a longer, more detailed overview of what’s to come? Check out my YouTube channel now.


July 23 - August 22

Foreign people and places, in the real world or in your mind? They may be uncharted and unexplored in your life, or just a long way off but from May 2022 Jupiter will deliver for you. Amazingly, the opportunity to discover these enormous new vistas of potential will be handed to you on a plate, then. With enough faith, hope and optimism, Jupiter says, all this can be yours. Hands out Leo.

Something special this Tuesday: Would you like a longer, more detailed overview of what’s to come? Check out my YouTube channel now.


August 23 - September 22

When the North Node passes through your Tenth House of success you may consider karma from 19 years ago – it ends in January. When the South Node passes through your Fourth House, you will have an opportunity to move on, karmically, also from around 19 years ago – in terms of a more fulfilling home life.

Something special this Tuesday: Would you like a longer, more detailed overview of what’s to come? Check out my YouTube channel now.


September 23 - October 22

The area of life which now opens up for you in 2022 in the most spectacular way, will be dictated by Jupiter’s house position at the time – for you, from late December onwards, it is your lifestyle and workload. To make the most of this cycle, make sure you are prepared to see the big picture and dream bigger today. Forget any attitudes or ideas which keep your world small. Chase answers.

Something special this Tuesday: Would you like a longer, more detailed overview of what’s to come? Check out my YouTube channel now.


October 23 - November 21

Jupiter will expand your perspective in 2022 with the world of sexual relationships, babies, children, teenagers and/or Millennials. Is what/who you want really so unattainable, so far off, or so vast? Is it all really beyond you, or will your attempts to make it there, turn you into the kind of person who can succeed? Jupiter gives you the opportunity. So today is a good time to dream bigger.

Something special this Tuesday: Would you like a longer, more detailed overview of what’s to come? Check out my YouTube channel now.


November 22 - December 21

Scorpio weather is here, on and off, until November. Don’t be surprised today if you are guided into your own future (far more introverted for the next few weeks) by omens, dreams, meaningful coincidences, Tarot cards, astrology or other oracles now. Psychics and mediums may also play their part. If these have worked for you before, then do trust them again. This is an inner mission. For some Sagittarius, religion or spirituality (Buddhism) is calling. Therapy, self-help or counselling. This is soul work time. Soon!

Something special this Tuesday: Would you like a longer, more detailed overview of what’s to come? Check out my YouTube channel now.


December 22 - January 19

Capricorn, these kinds of disruptions now, with the world of sexual relationships, babies, children, teenagers and/or Millennials – are only a problem if you try to resist the obvious next move – which is a step up for you, or even a giant leap into the future. If there is some general trend pushing you to change, you can be sure that trying to maintain your old situation will be (at best) uncomfortable and really – the promise of freedom is on offer.

Something special this Tuesday: Would you like a longer, more detailed overview of what’s to come? Check out my YouTube channel now.


January 20 - February 18

Uranus in Taurus demands that everyone goes to the next level now – including you, with your house, apartment, town or region – perhaps your country. What shakes you up and wakes you up at this time – October and November are pivotal months – may not be what you had planned or expected, but it will at least provide the momentum you need, together with the opportunity, to be free.

Something special this Tuesday: Would you like a longer, more detailed overview of what’s to come? Check out my YouTube channel now.


February 19 - March 20

What if you feel disempowered by a friend, or by a group involvement? The more powerless you feel, the more likely you are to do something empowering, using your willpower. But make sure you understand the consequences if you take on everything, and everybody, in your attempt to have potency, clout and influence. Pisces, your decision to do what you like when you like, could have a trickle-down effect. A compromise or deal is a safer bet.

Something special this Tuesday: Would you like a longer, more detailed overview of what’s to come? Check out my YouTube channel now.

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