Astrology and Your Past Lives
Your North Node and South Node signs show you past lives, reincarnation and karma. Is Taylor Swift really back from the Salem Witch Trials? Why does Princess Anne line up with her brother Charles?
Your North Node and South Node signs show you past lives, reincarnation and karma. Is Taylor Swift really back from the Salem Witch Trials? Why does Princess Anne line up with her brother Charles?
The Full Moon on Sunday 21st July 2024 is extremely important for millions of careers, academic careers and political careers too. It foreshadows the final reshuffle of power and control worldwide, including Trump, in September-November 2024.
What Psychics and Astrologers Say Well, as I publish this on 2nd May, the planned Coronation is days away. The chorus of astrologers (like me)
Pluto in Aquarius – The Next Five Years People power is back. Women are back. Pluto in Aquarius is here. You have put up with
2023 Psychic Astrology Predictions – The Conscious Cafe The Conscious Cafe in London (via Zoom) has kindly hosted my regular Astrology and Tarot 2023 event.
Charles, Astrology and the Royal Family Predictions In March 1949, Charles Carter, Editor of Astrology: The Astrologer’s Quarterly, predicted that baby Charles III was unlikely
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