New Moons and Full Moons to 2030
Even if you only use one part of astrology every month, make it the New Moon, Full Moon and Eclipse cycle.
Even if you only use one part of astrology every month, make it the New Moon, Full Moon and Eclipse cycle.
The Great Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn in Aquarius and the December Solstice both take place on December 21st, 2020. This rare alignment will chime with amazing changes for all of us.
This eclipse on Stonehenge Summer Solstice is really important if you have a stellium (more than three factors) in your personal birth chart, in the zodiac sign of Cancer. It also holds some modern plague prediction secrets. Was it a place for Neolithic astrology?
The Solstice in June 2019 in Cancer, and in December 2019 in Capricorn, is more than just another Stonehenge astrology event. For you, it is the mark of karma, going back to the years 2000, 1981 and even into past lives.
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