Wednesday, February 12th, 2025: This cycle is actually about the loosening up of your local horizons. It’s about stretching your usual limits, geographically or mentally, to neighbouring places. That’s why it covers the world of short haul commuting as well as travel and close relocation. It’s liberating.
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20 February – 20 March
Pisces Sun people shine brightest when they demonstrate other realities and other worlds to us. Art or science is an outlet for this. So is film or meditation. The two fish in the sign swim in opposite directions – towards the real world and away from it. At your best you guide people to appreciate the alternatives in life. At your worst you are confused and confusing, and like the fish, can be all at sea. Living in a dream world to the point of deception is also a pitfall.
Pisces – You are now going into one of the more important years for your finances and property. Chiron is in Aries in your Second House of personal budgeting. From May 2025, Neptune (your ruler) and Saturn will also go into Aries – the same chart zone. That’s big. Read your full Pisces Monthly Horoscope for February.