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Scorpio Monthly Horoscope

Jessica Adams has prepared your monthly astrological forecast for July. Discover what the stars have in store for you this month including your Premium Extended Forecast

Scorpio Monthly Forecast

The Money-Go-Round

scorpio profile pic 300x300 - ScorpioScorpio, watch the dollars, pounds or euros revolve. Financial good karma with Jupiter now in Gemini, owes so much to the years before – and perhaps you can even remember the dates, from around 12 years ago. What you shared or gave so freely, either via your money (or by donating your time and energy, free of charge) now returns. This is Paul Weller’s ‘Money-Go-Round.’ The wheel turns and you should really be seizing it.

The fact is, 2024 and 2025 is a milestone for your money, property and lifestyle not possible in years. Jupiter in your sector of legacies, wills, houses, apartments, investments, shares, business, security, pensions, superannuation and the rest is highlighted in July 2024. This may be because of developments with work or academia, too.

This is the cycle of the Lunar Nodes, and it is likely it was known to the people of Stonehenge. It is certainly known to the ancient Indians who call the Nodes by the names Rahu and Ketu. What goes around comes around with your working life this year.

Your Family Tree and Ancestors

We also need to think about your parents, grandparents, any older aunts, uncles, cousins and siblings as Pluto goes through Aquarius. It’s the full cycle of time, rotating every 248 years. This is really obvious next January and February as we have such strong Aquarius weather.

In your birth chart, the Cancer New Moon as July begins is a big nod to this. The same emphasis on the extended family (including godchildren) is underlined in both house systems I use for you; solar and natal. You don’t see this Aquarius cycle involving Pluto, and then Ceres (from December 7th, 2024) very often.

The Tarot ‘speaks’ your chart as well. Pamela Colman Smith’s illustration for the Ten of Coins clearly shows the wavy Aquarius logo hidden in the left-hand corner. It’s quite extraordinary. In a year when Pluto is in Aquarius, followed by Ceres in Aquarius. That’s a big hint about December 2024 and January and February 2025.

Aquarius rules your family tree, Scorpio, but the sign itself is very much associated with sharing, co-operation, and great respect and tolerance for the differences between people. It’s about space. So, this is not about a financial or property arrangement between a family that is too tangled up. Too close. Too complicated. Yet, there is a tremendous sense of concern here for the older generation in particular.

I defer to a legendary astrologer, best known for his books and columns with The Australian Women’s Weekly, here. Richard Sterling was one of the masters, when it comes to definitions of this cycle you are in now, Scorpio. I am in his house now, in the Blue Mountains, as you read this.

Yet, the actual new family arrangement to come, as 2025 begins, is very Aquarian in that this has a light, breezy, easy feeling about it, and if you include your dogs as family, they will also play a part in what is decided. This may be because we’re talking about an apartment or house here, or land – and the dogs must be a factor.

When you look around the world of Scorpio you find some very generous people. Philanthropy and charity is ruled by your sign. In the years 2024 and 2025 you will be sorting out who gets what in the money-go-round, but given your keen eye for investment, you should be able to make a great deal from what is in the air.

Are you a Premium Member? Pick up all the complimentary online guidebooks and digital Tarot and Oracle cards for your own predictions now, if you haven’t already. You do stand to gain from moving, renovating, redecorating, reshuffling the family or household this time next year – and now is the time to create the future. The digital card decks on my website are here to give you a three-way reading, if you wish. Read on for Premium Member Diary Dates.

  • Pamela’s Tarot flipbook guide
  • The Garden Oracle
  • The Astrology Oracle cards
  • The Extended Smith-Waite Tarot


…the remainder of this article is available exclusively to Premium members. 


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