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Capricorn Monthly Horoscope

Jessica Adams has prepared your monthly astrological forecast for December. Discover what the stars have in store for you this month including your Premium Extended Forecast

Capricorn Monthly Forecast

image from rawpixel id 14733699 png 286x300 - CapricornCapricorn – Chiron in Aries tells you now that 2025 is the year of a family milestone or major decision about your house or apartment. It will likely be set for April/May next year. Christmas brings these discussions closer, of course. Chiron was the star of the show when the United Nations was born. Chutzpah! It challenges you to attempt the most audacious acts and outrageous decisions – for better or worse. Chiron was discovered in 1977, the year of punk rock, cloning and test tube babies. It’s about getting away with things that make people’s jaws drop.

There is also something healing, if imperfectly so, about what happens in December with the family or household. Chiron could not heal himself, though he could teach others how to do it. That may resonate with you and a particular relative. Just like a medieval archer, you will now find yourself faced with the seemingly impossible task of either a) hitting your target from an unthinkable distance or b) trying to hit several targets at once. The English astrologer Dennis Elwell equated Chiron with a kind of cocky impudence. Do try it with a relative or household member.

Merry Christmas, Capricorn

Capricorn, your Lenormand card is Lilies.

They can be wild and free, and this is a theme in your family or household now until 2025. Chiron, Neptune and Saturn will line up in this zone of your chart next year and it’s showing now. There are major issues here about escaping from who or what restricts you, be it a parent, your in-laws or a child.

Chiron brings tests of nerve. Chiron will ask you the same question. What ‘impossible’ thing can you now attempt? Is it enough to be super-confident? Or do you need more time, more preparation, or more practise? This current and future 2025 cycle tests the parameters of possibility. If you succeed, it will clearly change the boundaries of what is realistic, acceptable, and allowable in your world with the relatives or those at home.

This cycle asks, “Can I get away with it? Can they?” Astrologer Zane Stein asserts that Chiron is a maverick; you make up your own rules when it touches your life, and you do your own thing, even outside your own group. Even the punk rockers didn’t conform – they all went their own ways. Chiron was found in 1977 when punk broke. This is quite a Christmas.

Capricorn – Your Tarot card is the Two of Pentacles.

Tarot Deck Two of Pentacles scaled e1713037616374 300x230 - CapricornThe money – going out and coming in – keeps you or someone else off-balance. The ships in the background show you the economy is all at sea, tossing and turning, in his city, country or perhaps between nations. Rather than jig around, expending enormous amounts of energy trying to shuffle money from one hand to another, this person needs to breathe, pause and take control. Is it you? You need a new budget.

Pamela’s cards are also very much about active imagination. She worked as a theatre set designer. So, you can direct this image as you please. Stage directions might instruct this figure (is it you?) to stop trying to make ends meet. And instead trust the situation long enough to put the money down, sit down, and draw up a plan. A proper strategy with more coming in than going out might be the solution here. There certainly needs to be time and space for other things in life than making the money go round. Is an accountant required? Stop juggling is the message here. Pause to plan.

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