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Capricorn Monthly Horoscope

Jessica Adams has prepared your monthly astrological forecast for July. Discover what the stars have in store for you this month including your Premium Extended Forecast

Capricorn Monthly Forecast

The Other Side, Your Other Half

2021 capricorn 300x300 - CapricornJuly is so important for figuring out the scales of fairness. The scales of equality. The scales of justice. This may have been a partnership or a dispute back in June, Capricorn. The second Full Moon in the same zone of your chart, within weeks, brings you chapter two.

If you are involved in a court case, hand it over to a higher power and accept that justice will be done. That can happen when you have a couple of oppositions from your sign to another. The Seventh House of your chart is represented by the scales in astrology. You are going to see a major turning point now. This helps you see the bigger picture and plan ahead.

In fact, a high percentage of Capricorn people will become engaged, marry, or move in with a partner from June next year, based partly on current struggles. This is really the Pride and Prejudice cycle. It all seems impossible and then, things happen.

If you are at the end of your tether with your partner, then a separation or divorce which is so very much easier than you feared, can unfold in your favour from June 2025. Again it would be hinted at in July 2024. These transits in Cancer in July, and the really big one (Jupiter in Cancer) from June 2025 are about the scales of justice slowly tilting in your favour.

If you have no legal matters on your agenda as you read this, and none hovering for next year, then the likely concern will be spiritual justice. We’re looking at profound questions here about equality, fair play, and a situation being put ‘bang to rights’ as they say. This doesn’t have to be a sexual partner. It can be a work partner, but it feels like a professional marriage. This may be your current or former business partner. Your husband or wife. Your current or former employers. Perhaps, the government or another body. Maybe some really powerful people or organisations.

This newish Sun in Cancer cycle, right opposite your own sign, has already seen an opposition to your natal Sun, or will do so, between now and the end of July. An opposition is just what you might expect. It’s like two opposing sides in parliament. Two opposite football teams. A divorce or just a constant face-off.

If you know that you’ve betrayed justice on any level, put others at an unfair advantage or disadvantage, or just literally been unfair to people – you have to accept that the Sun in your opposite sign of Cancer must do its work. Acceptance with a smile and shrug is better than trying to rock the boat or upset the scales. There must be, can be and will be harmony and equilibrium after this is over. And if you feel absolutely wronged by the most unfair or unjust situation? There will be arbitration, perhaps from on high (the cosmos itself seems to turn in favour of what is true and right) or just from a judge. Maybe you’re involved in a class action on Climate Emergency against climate criminals, with Millennials or Zoomers. There are quite a few radical group-minded Capricorn people out there with planets in Aquarius.

We’re slowly emerging from one of the darkest periods in your history, did you know? Saturn, Pluto and the Mean South Node all in Capricorn, your own zodiac sign dominated the last few years. It’s been very, very heavy. Now, you have your second Full Moon in Capricorn, ahead of the very end of Pluto and Ceres in Capricorn, which rolls from September to December. This is about your image. Your branding. Your reputation and your appearance. Don’t you know it!

July 2024 nods to 2025 and 2026 and a profound judgement about what is fair between you and a partner, for the future. You may not even have met them yet. Of course, this may be intensely personal for you if you also have Libra factors in your natal chart. Maybe you need your husband’s ex-wife to back off. Perhaps you are very concerned with a situation which is not legal but is emotionally very demanding. Maybe you have a lesbian love triangle to deal with and you’re the ousted party.

Submitting to divine justice means great wisdom on your part. And that applies no matter if you felt you won, lost or had to compromise. That is the lesson of July, but it’s very much about the second half of next year. The settlement, cosmic hand-out or ‘deliverance’ with a partner in the future, will work on every possible level. Spiritual. Emotional. Psychological. It’s more than just a levelling or balancing of the scales, on any practical level. It’s a soul debt or soul contract, neatly divided in the middle. July 21st and its Full Moon points to that future.

Are you a Premium Member? Pick up all the complimentary online guidebooks and digital Tarot and Oracle cards for your own predictions now, if you haven’t already. You do stand to gain from moving, renovating, redecorating, reshuffling the family or household this time next year – and now is the time to create the future. The digital card decks on my website are here to give you a three-way reading, if you wish. Read on for Premium Member Diary Dates.

  • Pamela’s Tarot flipbook guide
  • The Garden Oracle
  • The Astrology Oracle cards
  • The Extended Smith-Waite Tarot


…the remainder of this article is available exclusively to Premium members. 


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