Current Time Shown in UTC
Tuesday, February 18, 2025 at 12:41 PM – For your current location (approx).
Sun | 00° |
Moon | 06° |
Mercury | 07° |
Venus | 08° |
Mars | 17° |
Jupiter | 11° |
Saturn | 19° |
Uranus | 23° |
Neptune | 28° |
Pluto | 02° |
Chiron | 20° |
Juno | 29° |
Vesta | 14° |
Ceres | 27° |
MC | 22° |
IC | 22° |
ASC | 15° |
DESC | 15° |
Diana | 20° |
Fortuna | 12° |
Minerva | 25° |
Bacchus | 09° |
Apollo | 27° |
Aesculapia | 16° |
Hygeia | 01° |
Panacea | 15° |
Ops | 02° |
Salacia | 09° |
Proserpina | 23° |
Cupido | 17° |
Vulcano | 19° |
Psyche | 23° |
NorthNode | 27° |
SouthNode | 27° |
Something (or someone) shines a spotlight – illuminates and exposes – and draws attention.
People or organisations which need to be needed. Mother snad maternal individuals.
Multimedia, internet, publishing people and organisations. The mail. News and news-bringers.
People who live for their relationships. Women, in particular. Love and jealousy in combination.
Men (typically) who suppress their emotion. Heated feelings. Powerful people have willpower.
This is going to last forever. It’s going to endure. There is something immortal about the moment.
Short-term passion. Temporary desire. Mad longing. Sometimes the act of falling in love.
Action men and action women (usually men). Heat. Tension. Anger. Sport, conflict or competition.
Big global organisations. Global people. Opportunities. Solutions. One of the luckiest things to see!
Women who are Domestic Goddess wives, or Bridezillas. Alternatively commitments are in the air.
The Wheel of Fortune spins. What is up goes down. What is down goes up. Destiny.
Wise women – graduates, academics or ‘school of life’ geniuses. Clever answers. Brilliance.
Single, child-free women. As a trend – independence, space, freedom. Sometimes, bisexual women.
Pure pleasure. Hedonistic men. Total self-indulgence. In some cases a Bacchanalia.
Male leaders. Sometimes, bisexual men. People who influence and guide others – widely imitated.
Mavericks. Punks. People and organisations who cross the line. What/whom is ‘outrageous.’
Miracle workers who revive and resurrect. In general, what was on the brink, comes back.
Prevention is better than cure. Think of inoculation, insurance, pre-emptive strikes, advance care.
Remedies, but with an ethical dilemma. Solutions, cures, answers – but with a moral question.
Hard realities. Old men. Pessimists. Self-saboteurs. Stuck, slow, frozen organisations or situations.
Hopeful solutions. Practical, positive women. Smart answers in hard times. Strategies that work out.
One man, two or more women. Harems. Gender politics. Usually a man playing King Henry VIII.
Radical change. Revolution. Freedom. Independence. The world upside-down. Electrifying times.
Alternative realities. No boundaries. Drugs. Alcohol. The spirit world. Dreams. Altered states.
Similar to Neptune. Other worlds. The ‘unreal’ realities of life. Trips or ‘trippy’ experiences.
A change in the balance of power. Men who take over. Takeovers in general. Control freaks.
Women who work as the go-between. Negotiation. Compromise. The middle person.
Woemn with grief/anger/loss/control issues to heal. Sharing power. The challenge of letting go.
The sign a heavenly body is in, affects your birth chart in the following life department – when it is conjunct. Remember, it has to be at exactly the same degree (first number) and sign as whatever is in your horoscope. I use the Aries 0 Ascendant house system for this.
Image, brand, appearance, self-interest, self-promotion, profile, reputation.
Money, business, charity, value, communism, socialist, economy, possessions, property, charity.
Multimedia, publishing, internet, words, ideas, images, journalism, books, public speaking.
Mothers, home, family, home town, country, patriotism, roots, heritage, houses, apartments.
Children, babies, young adults. Youth projects, Junior generations. Lovers who bring children in.
The Body. Daily routine, lifestyle, work ethic, service, duty, food drink drugs, doctors, healers.
Partners. Partnerships. Former, current and potential partners. Enemies, rivals and opponents.
Power and money. Sex and money. Death and money. Basically – property/finance through power.
Travel. Travel in the mind. Academia, education, publishing, beliefs, foreigners, the web.
Ambition. Social climbing. Social status. Achievement. Being at the top of the hierarchy.
Groups. Friends. People power. Clubs, societies, associations, political parties, bands, teams.
Drugs and alcohol. Meditation. Mediumship. Secrets. Operating behind-the-scenes. What is hidden.
A really easy way to work with the daily list is to just allow a day either side – so you may experience the event 24 hours before or after. If you want precision, then work with
The most important aspects (or patterns) involve the slowest-moving planets – so Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, Ceres. These are the life-changers. Here’s another tip. If you have a lot of action in one sign, that’s a major story in your world.
So if there are a lot of aspects in Virgo, for example, you’re going to see an important chapter involving your body.
They complete the family tree of astrology. Back in 1930, we were only working with the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto (which had just been discovered). Today we work with the asteroids and Trans-Neptunians which fill in the gaps. Neptune’s wife Salacia was only discovered a few years ago.
Sedna is not in the Latin family tree of astrology – she is a symbol from a completely different culture – the Inuit people of the Arctic regions of Greenland, Canada and Alaska. Pallas Athena is Greek, not Latin/Roman. She is actually the forerunner of Minerva. The Romans took Athena and turned her into Minerva, who is the daughter of Jupiter. So Minerva is Athena, evolved. Eris is Greek too. Her Roman counterpart is Discordia. If and when astronomers name an asteroid or dwarf planet after Discordia she will become part of the family tree of Latin/Roman astrology.To understand how confusing life becomes when some astrologers mix up Greeks and Romans – imagine if we used Greek icons like the asteroid 69230 Hermes instead of (or in addition to) Mercury. Or how about asteroid 1388 Aphrodite instead of Venus? Asteroid 5731 Zeus instead of Jupiter? Asteroid 4341 Poseidon instead of Neptune? As the above illustration from The British Museum shows, astrology began with the ancient Roman/Latin deities like Jupiter and Saturn. Makemake is from the mythology of Easter Island, in the south eastern Pacific Ocean. She is not related at all to the gods the Romans knew, upon whom the language of astrology is based.
Every major divination system is based on inner logic. The jigsaw pieces fit inside the system. The Tarot shows a natural progression, for example, from the Two of Cups (attraction) to The Lovers (partnership) and The Empress (motherhood). The cards fit each other. It’s the same in astrology. We work with Latin/Roman symbols in modern astrology, and so we need to understand why Jupiter’s wife, sons and daughters matter as much as he does. The Romans would have thought we were mad not to use Minerva and Juno with him. And they would have been utterly confused to see Makemake or Sedna placed alongside Jupiter – they come from completely different cultures and points in history!
There is nothing which includes the complete Latin/Roman family tree of asteroids yet. I have written many features on the planets and other heavenly bodies on this website, though – you can click here to see some useful search results. You could also try Planets In Transit by Robert Hand, which is a 1976 classic covering the planets. Find out more about Robert Hand and the book at Astrodienst.