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If you draw this Oracle answer in reply to a question about the future of a relationship, you have to consider the role that a love rival might play. In all cases (past, present, future) this answer is about the need to heal a painful love triangle where two people are tied to a third.

This story is as old as love itself. From Shakespeare to modern history (Princess Diana’s famous Panorama interview about herself, Prince Charles and Camilla Parker-Bowles) there are endless stories about difficult, three-way relationships. But there is a way out, and a way through, if you can take the journey.

You have two options here, assuming you want to escape. The first is to take strong action and withdraw completely. This is going to take energy and effort, and it could be messy. No doubt scars will remain. But it will also give you a relatively clean break from a situation which is going nowhere fast.

The other option is to let the whole thing fall where it may – to allow the inevitable collapse of the situation. This will prolong the pain and also end messily. Yet if you feel unable to do anything else, it may help to know that even if you don’t act, this situation simply cannot last forever.

You have some wonderful things to learn from this love triangle which will help you shape happier, more fulfilling relationships or marriages in future. This is a good time to analyse your role and responsibility in everything that has happened. What pulled you in? Why did you play your part?

It’s also important to remember that the act of withdrawing from this situation leaves you free to move in other directions. Yet the two who are left behind will have no such freedom – until they also pull out, they will have to deal with the hole that you have left behind. You will be gone but never quite forgotten.

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