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You can’t put a price on education. Of course, you have to pay to attend college or university these days. But there is something priceless about knowledge. This Oracle answer may be about a qualification (a degree or certificate). It can also be about knowledge which comes without a piece of paper – but is still valuable.
The only issue with education is that the person doing the learning (you) has to be ready to carry the information. In other words, you need to be psychologically and emotionally equipped to take on board the new wisdom. Sometimes more time and life experience is needed before you can integrate what you’ve learned.
There is nothing quite like the confidence and strong self-esteem that comes from gaining qualifications though. Or even finishing a reading list, or delivering an essay. Education serves several purposes – one of which is to make you feel better about yourself. A good education boosts your self-respect.
It’s worth asking what you are going to do with your wisdom. For it to be of any value at all, your knowledge has to be shared at some level. That is an important point about this oracle answer. Education is there to benefit everybody. To lock up what you know, and never use it in the wider world, is to waste an opportunity.
It’s also worth remembering that even though the subjects you learn are taught the same way, to a large number of people, it is your own unique perspective and personality that shapes your education. In other words, you filter and adapt what you know in a way that will (hopefully) add to your subject. So it’s worth sharing.
To really fulfill the promise of your education, you need to match learned wisdom with good communication too. Without the ability to articulate what you know to others, you will never really reach your potential. So the idea of being able to convey what you know is very important; others must be able to understand you.
Inspiration comes in many different ways. It can arrive in the form of a dream. It may appear as a classic ‘flash’ – a sudden brainwave that seems to come from nowhere. Sometimes inspiration is felt as a mysterious flow; an inner knowing about what to do, and how to do it. In all cases, it feels special and unusual.
To act on inspiration requires trust or experience. The trust may come because you have a particular kind of faith or belief system. Thus, you may act on your inspiration because you believe it’s coming a higher power, or even from your spirit guides. You may believe it has a divine source.
If you have experienced inspiration several times before and found it to be accurate and reliable, that will also make a difference. Your familiarity with that feeling of inner certainty makes you confident about relying upon it. If it’s worked for you before, then why shouldn’t it work for you again?
Creative inspiration is a well known phenomenon among artists, writers and musicians. Fashion designers call it the Muse. Stockbrokers call it a hunch. In the military and police force inspiration is known as a gut feeling. Scientists label it as ESP or Psi. Mediums call it channeled wisdom from the spirit world.
This is a special Oracle answer. It describes a situation where you are connected to something greater than yourself. You could call it divine intelligence, or the universe, or (if you’re into Star Wars) The Force! Inspiration of this kind connects you to heaven and earth at the same time. It’s worth acting on.
Inspiration has a special quality which connects you to the Universe, or all that is. Everything and everybody. It’s a certainty, a knowing, a feeling that directs you to act in a way which benefits you, and everyone around you. Whatever your belief system, it plugs you into the wider world, in the right way at the right time.
This Oracle answer points to the need for good strategy in a tricky situation. Others have been against you. There may still be a real risk for you. Consequently, it’s time to manage the situation. Understandably, your first instinct will be to remove any further potential for problems. But take care.
It is essential that you stop, focus and ground yourself. You may feel confident enough to race ahead with your plans now, but this Oracle answer tells you that any haste or carelessness could trip you up. Do not sabotage yourself. Don’t attract another attack. There is just enough time to pause – and think – so do it.
If this answer appears in relation to a question about the future, then be aware that you may be heading for a situation which brings out the worst in other people, and delivers a very real threat to you. Is your goal worth that? Are you aware of the risks? You may get away with this, but you may not.
If this Oracle answer describes your past, or your present, there is a strong message about awareness, clarity, common-sense and caution. There is something far too cocky and carefree about your response to the situation, and you need to consider every alternative, every scenario, every angle.
Do you plan to take what has been used against you, and turn it against those people who are still lurking in the background – or hidden from view? Try to understand yourself and your motives better. Ask yourself if continuing the battle is the best thing to do. Battles can become perennial wars.
There is a way out now. You’re lucky – you’ve found yourself in the right time, at the right place. To take proper advantage of this useful situation, though, you must stop long enough to proceed with a plan which not only has the best chance of success; it also minimises the potential harm for yourself and others in future.