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Your Birthday

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Every zodiac sign has three decans, or three subdivisions. You can be a First Decan, Second Decan or Third Decan Aries, for example.

The Sun falling into the first 0-9 degrees of any sign is the First Decan. The Sun falling into the second lot of 10-19 degrees is the Second Decan. The Sun falling into the final 20-29 degrees of any sign, is the Third Decan.

So, there are three types of Aries, three types of Taurus and so on.


If you were born on the first day or last day of a decan, check the degree of your Sun Sign to find out if you have your Sun at 0-9, 10-19 or 20-29 degrees of the sign. That’s the big deciding factor.

So, for example, if you were born on April 21, the first day of the Taurus First Decan, you would use the calculator on this page to make sure your Sun really is 0 Taurus and thus you really are a Taurus First Decan person.

If you don’t know your birth time then you may be the decan before, or after. One decan will usually ring true, far more than the other.

For the vast majority of people though, this general guide to decans is true and accurate. You can just use your date of birth. Simple!


This kind of astrology comes from Ancient Egypt and is uncannily accurate in describing character.

The 36 Decans of the 12 zodiac signs also line up with the Smith-Waite Tarot, the cards of which were kindly licensed to me by U.S. Games Systems and my friend Lynda Hill’s Sabian Symbols.

These two great oracles date from 1909 and 1925 respectively.

You can find out more about the decans in Your Birthday (Hachette) the Top 10 US Amazon New Age Horoscope bestseller.

In the book, I use your decan sign to predict your future and the future of those people in your life.


Aries First Decan: March 21 to March 30
Aries Second Decan: March 31 to April 9
Aries Third Decan: April 10 to April 20
Taurus First Decan: April 21 to 30
Taurus Second Decan: May 1 to May 10
Taurus Third Decan: May 11 to May 20
Gemini First Decan: May 21 to May 31
Gemini Second Decan: June 1 to June 10
Gemini Third Decan: June 11 to June 21
Cancer First Decan: June 22 to July 1
Cancer Second Decan: July 2 to July 11
Cancer Third Decan: July 12 to July 22

Leo First Decan: July 23 to August 22
Leo Second Decan: August 2 to August 12
Leo Third Decan: August 13 to August 22
Virgo First Decan: August 23 to September 3
Virgo Second Decan: September 4 to September 13
Virgo Third Decan: September 14 to September 22
Libra First Decan: September 23 to October 2
Libra Second Decan: October 3 to October 13
Libra Third Decan: October 14 to October 22
Scorpio First Decan: October 23 to November 2
Scorpio Second Decan: November 3 to November 12
Scorpio Third Decan: November 13 to November 22

Sagittarius First Decan: November 23 to December 2
Sagittarius Second Decan: December 3 to December 12
Sagittarius Third Decan: December 13 to December 21
Capricorn First Decan: December 22 to January 20
Capricorn Second Decan: January 1 to January 10
Capricorn Third Decan: January 11 to January 20
Aquarius First Decan: January 21 to January 30
Aquarius Second Decan: January 31 to February 9
Aquarius Third Decan: February 10 to February 18
Pisces First Decan: February 19 to 29
Pisces Second Decan: March 1 to 10
Pisces Third Decan: March 10 to 20


Aries First Decan Ecard 300x212 - Your Birthday

Your Sun is at 0-9 degrees of Aries. You are usually born from March 21st to 30th, but enter your time, place and date of birth to confirm that your Aries First Decan sign is true.You were born in the first decan of the first sign of the zodiac. Your projects, ideas and plans are your number one priority. Ruled by Mars, you are a strong action man or action woman. You make a bold impression on people. Aries, your profile and image do a lot of the work for you. You also find it easy to be at the centre, or upfront. Your zodiac sign is the ram. Rams mean lambs and your children or grandchildren define who you are as you have a strong vision about the next generation. Even if you do not become a parent, Aries, you will still powerfully influence younger people. You may become a godparent, stepparent or teacher, for example. You possess a mixture of male and female qualities. You may be the Aries alpha female you have read about, or a male ram who has a feminine side to his strong nature.

Famous Aries First Decan: Aretha Franklin.

Aretha FranklinDreamstimeTurkbug 300x256 - Your Birthday

01602 Aries Second Decan 300x212 - Your Birthday

Your Sun is at 10-19 degrees of Aries, usually March 31 to April 9. You are productive, hard-working and capable of sustaining your income by reproducing your well-crafted projects, products or plans to meet demand. This may be hit podcasts or soda bread. You were born in the second decan of Aries, a sign associated with energy and action and there is nothing lazy about you. You are aware of your reputation (Aries rules how you are seen) within your industry, field or profession. Meeting that reputation for being the reliable producer or craftsperson is not difficult because you have what it takes to keep going (rather like a battery) when other people might want time off. You are also competitive by nature. Aries is associated with the ram who competes for dominance. You may or may not want to come first and be first (as Aries traditionally does) but you certainly want to hold your own against others in your chosen field. This characterises your personality and life. The money is solid. So are you.

Famous Aries Second Decan: Ravi Shankar, April 7

Ravi Shankar Wikimedia Commons 252x300 - Your Birthday

01602 Aries Third Decan 300x212 - Your Birthday

Your Sun is at 20-29 degrees of Aries. You are usually born April 10 to 20 but check on the decan calculator. You are strong, have great willpower and staying power and are capable of turning any situation around. Your ruling planet is Mars and you are by nature a fighter. The great transformation in your life happens when you realise that you can fight anything you do not want in your own mind, body and spirit too – and win. This makes you a natural meditator, for example, or a good self-hypnotist. Over time you will come to terms with the role that conflicts play in your life as Aries is also the sign of the warrior woman or man. This may be in any kind of duel, from personal to professional. It is part of who you are. Taking the psychological fencing out of an Aries is taking away who she or he is. Yet, you are the person who has to live with this sparring. This is where your ‘mind over matter’ approach comes in as you have what it takes to find the inner peace, stillness and tranquility you need.

Famous Aries Third Decan: Claire Foy, April 16

Claire Foy Dreamstime 200x300 - Your Birthday


01612 Taurus First Decan 300x212 - Your Birthday

Your Sun is at 0-9 degrees of Taurus. You are usually born from April 21 to 30. You are able to channel ideas, insights and inspiration and make money. Taurus rules income. You are also an earth sign. You ground these impressions and visions and bring them down to terra firma. You are also ruled by Venus, who is in charge of husbands and wives, lovers, mothers and sons and also in-laws. Relationships are another area where you bring your received brilliance, down to earth. Taurus is a practical, can-do sign. There is no point living in your head. Everything is there to be used. The bull, for which your sign is named, is a powerful and formidable creature. So are you. You are a fixed sign and are quite fixed about your convictions. Firmly planted to the spot, you have the ability to tune into the invisible world at the same time that you base it in the real one. You may call yourself religious or spiritual (or may not) but it is a fact of life that your sign rules the Second House of values, principles, morals and ethics. Yes, you know how to make life work financially, but your soul is far more important.

Famous Taurus First Decan: Jean Paul Gaultier, April 24

Jean Paul Gaultier Shutterstock 200x300 - Your Birthday

01612 Taurus Second Decan 300x212 - Your Birthday

Your Sun is at 10-19 degrees of Taurus. You are usually born from May 1 to May 10. Your zodiac sign rules the Second House of real-estate, property, material security and both land and all kinds of residences. Taurus is associated with the builder and the rebuilder. Despite this, there will be regular crossroads in your life when you are free to choose to walk away and start again. Every time change arrives in your life, you must decide if you are going to opt for familiarity and security, and go back to restructure, or simply leave and create a brand new life for yourself. Relationships are central to you, as Venus rules Taurus. She describes lovers, partners, parents and children and in-laws too. Walking away and starting again, or going back to rebuild, depends on the other person who matters most at the time. In your solar chart Uranus rules your mission, position and ambition. Uranus is about electrical storms, lightning bolts and sudden change. This is why the mighty structures in your life are impermanent. Again and again you face these crossroads.

Famous Taurus Second Decan: Audrey Hepburn, May 4

Audrey Hepburn 4 May Rawpixel 296x300 - Your Birthday

01612 Taurus Third Decan 300x212 - Your Birthday

Your Sun is at 20-29 degrees of Taurus. You are usually born from May 11 to May 20. Venus rules your sign and she is associated with the scales of justice, thanks to her dual rulership of Libra. The scales for Taurus are different as they weigh money, business, valuables and property. You are the balanced individual who spends a lifetime weighing things up. Sometimes it is about the joint bank account and property in a marriage or professional partnership. You may even work in the law and decide what is fair for others. In other cases your famous Venusian scales must balance art against commerce. For obvious reasons, your decan is also associated with evaluating different but equally precious assets. Taurus is associated with all that is valuable and also priced. You are a fixed sign and are fixed in your judgements. You don’t waver once you have weighed things up. Taurus the bull rules gold bullion and the scales, weights and balances used in the gold business. Maybe you can appreciate that.

Famous Taurus Third Decan: David Byrne, May 14.

David Byrne Shutterstock 200x300 - Your Birthday


01613 Gemini First Decan 300x212 - Your Birthday

You were born with the Sun at 0-9 Gemini. You are usually born between May 21 to May 31. You were born under the sign of the twins and regularly find yourself in crucial duets, double-acts, partnerships, duels, pairs and couples. Gemini is ruled by Mercury the planet of communication and your lifelong task is to articulate what you feel in a way that can be translated, as you wish, by the other person. This may be just one marriage which encapsulates this quest for understanding and connection. Sometimes you have a variety of professional or personal ‘twins’. There may also be a real sibling relationship in your life where you are permanently negotiating the space between you. Gemini the twins is based on Castor and Pollux, the half-brothers. Pollux gave half his immortality to his brother. Traditionally, women swear by Castor and men swear by Pollux. It is through male-female relationships that you will discover your purpose, which is to use your way with words to bargain and trade with the other person. To reach understanding.

Famous Gemini First Decan: Morrissey, May 22

Morrissey 22 May Dreamstime 300x200 - Your Birthday

01613 Gemini Second Decan V2 300x212 - Your Birthday

The Gemini Second Decan usually runs from June 1 to June 10. Your Sun is at 10-19 Gemini. You are ruled by the planet Mercury, linked to the Third House, are a mutable air sign and associated with the twins, Castor and Pollux. Going back to childhood, one of the driving forces in your life is your mother, who may or may not have given you siblings. Your memory of being an only child with the absence of a brother or sister (or perhaps the memory of one, or your mother’s hopes for one) is central. Even if you did have brothers or sisters, your mother’s exclusive and close relationship with you, or your sibling, shapes who you are. Pollux gave half his immortality to his brother, Castor. You regularly resurrect yourself. You rise again. You are a creature of transition who repeatedly recovers from the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune to reincarnate. However it happens all in one lifetime – your own. Find out more about the myth of Castor and Pollux, ruling Gemini as you may find parallels.

Famous Gemini Second Decan: Johnny Depp, June 9

Johnny Depp 9 Jun Denis Makarenko Dreamstime 300x200 - Your Birthday

01613 Gemini Third Decan 300x212 - Your Birthday

You were born from, typically, June 11 to June 21 and your Sun is at 20-29 Gemini. Gemini is ruled by Mercury, the planet of the mind. Your state of mind, psychology and analysis of yourself and your life has more impact on your relationships than any other factor. The great discovery you make from adolescence into advanced old age, is that your mind controls so much. Learning how to work with your mind is the key to more fulfilling relationships. Gemini is associated with brothers, sisters and cousins and so your family tree is always omnipresent. Going back to your roots can help to ground you, no matter if the relationship with your siblings or cousins was good, bad or indifferent. You don’t really know yourself until you dig more deeply into your family tree, as the impact of a brother, sister and/or cousin is usually profound for a Third Decan Gemini. Grounding yourself in the past can help you with the present. So can finding a technique for mind, body and spirit. It may be meditation or yoga.

Famous Gemini Third Decan: Venus Williams, June 17

Venus Williams Shutterstock 203x300 - Your Birthday


01620 CANCER FIRST Decan 300x212 - Your Birthday

Your Sun is at 0-9 degrees of Cancer and you are typically born from June 22 to July 1. You are ruled by the Moon, associated with the crab and also the Fourth House of extended family, ancestors, heritage, history and origins. You were born into a tradition of religion or anti-religion, on either side of the family. If you are also religious you are here to teach, instruct, guide, mentor, tutor and perhaps lead. If you are not, it may be because you questioned what your ancestry and family circle were handing down. Alternatively, you may have been born into a strong tradition of questioning religious dogma, so may have found yourself more convinced by the Tarot (for example) or alternative doctrines and philosophies. You will take turns at being both the true believer and the sceptical questioner at different times in your life. If you are Italian, for example, you may be a devout Roman Catholic – or here to be convinced by the Pope. It is hard to get away from your upbringing but you must have a philosophy, no matter if it is pro, anti or somewhere in between.

Famous Cancer First Decan: Ricky Gervais, June 25

Ricky Gervais Shutterstock 200x300 - Your Birthday

01620 CANCER Second Decan 300x212 - Your Birthday

Your Sun is at 10-19 degrees of Cancer. You are usually born from July 2 to July 11. All your life you will either be in the family circle, in the group or in the community – or leading it. Taking turns at being part of the collective or being front-and-centre with it, is part of your path. Fortunately for you, experiencing both sides means you are in a better position to be sensitive to individual needs within a clan or collection of people. This enables you to ensure everybody is content as there is always a risk with large numbers of people that you are missing signs that not everybody is fixed in position. This matters, as if one leaves, so might another – and so on. As you are ruled by the Moon you value emotional security very highly so when it is your turn to be at the front of a group, you find the backing and support is almost like a force-field. Cancer rules the extended family tree on your mother’s side and father’s side and this collective psychological and spiritual backing, might be the inspiration for your clubs, teams, bands, charities, political parties, societies, associations and so on. As with all family matters (and so with the crowd) it is important to understand that sharing a label or name does not deny individuality.

Famous Cancer Second Decan: His Holiness the Dalai Lama, July 6

Dalai Lama 6 Jul Mark Waters Dreamstime 300x200 - Your Birthday

01620 CANCER Third Decan 300x212 - Your Birthday

Your Sun is at 20-29 degrees of Cancer and you are usually born between July 12 and 22. The solution to everything for you, as a highly emotional, sensitive Cancerian – is the family tree. This means understanding your roots in terms of the places where your relatives have lived, as well as your connection to the ancestors. It can be illuminating and even life-changing to discover who is there on your mother’s side and father’s side of the clan. In the modern world we are not encouraged to live like this and identifying so strongly with the past is often ditched in favour of changing times. For you, though, it can be grounding, centring and extremely reassuring to cling on to where you come from (and who you come from, too). This can help a lot with the famous moods of Cancer. The connection with moods comes from the Moon, your ruler, which fluctuates through phases over her four-weekly cycle. The emotional security and fulfilment you need so much can only be there for you, when you are feeling at home with yourself. Is it you or them? Often, it’s you. Yet the ebb and flow of your moods can be managed once you recognise the Scot in you, say, even though you were born in England.

Famous Cancer Third Decan: Brian May, July 19

Brian May Shutterstock 209x300 - Your Birthday


01617 LEO Second Decan 300x212 - Your Birthday

Your Sun is at 0-9 degrees of Leo. You are usually born from July 23rd to August 1st, Leo. 
Let’s just say, you have a complicated love life. Love triangles are common. Leo rules the heart in astrology and your heart is often on the line. Born in the first decan of the sign, you need to come first, but sometimes find you must accept second or third place when two others are involved. When this happens, you usually leave, as you are far too proud to stay. It is also the case that you can be courted by two people pulling you in opposite directions, competing to be your King or Queen. A triangular three-way situation can also take place in your family, as well as in your love life. For example, you may be the child of divorced parents and be in the middle. The most powerful plays, films, books and songs have been written about the Leo First Decan heart. For a simple life, though, you learn that ‘Two’s company, three’s a crowd.’

Famous Leo First Decan: J.K. Rowling, July 31

J.K.Rowling 31 JulShutterstock 200x300 - Your Birthday

Leo Second Decan 300x212 - Your Birthday

Your Sun is at 10-19 degrees of Leo. You are usually born from August 2-12. You are an authority, a leader and a natural monarch. Others find you a formidable figure and it takes a great deal of self-confidence and courage to get close to you. You rule your domain. The idea of challenging your authority seems quite remote, because you are also remote; just being able to enter your world seems difficult to many people. The greatest changes in your life come when there are cycles in your opposite sign of Aquarius, which rules groups, crews, teams, clubs, societies, unions, charities, bands, political parties and communities of all kinds. It might be the navy. It might be Greenpeace. These are forks in the road when you can decide to set sail with these people and leave your private universe behind – or not. If not, you continue on your own journey in life but may never find the closeness possible with others. When you do join in and find your own way through together, it is life-changing.

Famous Leo Second Decan: Barack Obama, August 4

Barack Obama 4 Aug Dreamstime Rafael Ben Ari 300x201 - Your Birthday

Leo Third Decan 300x212 - Your Birthday

Your Sun is at 20-29 degrees of Leo. You are usually born from August 13 to 22 but use your time, place and date of birth to check. Your sign is associated with monarchs and their knights; queens and their battles; kings and their contests. Leo is the King or Queen of the jungle and it certainly can be a jungle out there. Sometimes it’s the many against you, rather like Henry V taking on the whole of France. And sometimes, like King Arthur, you gather your knights from the round table and set out to conquer your shared foe. You are ruled by the sun in astrology and the sun also rises. There are plenty of new dawns or new beginnings in your life, tied to these rather dramatic episodes. The opposite sign to Leo is Aquarius, which rules the group. This may be a football team or a rock band, but it is central to understanding yourself. You are either with the group, or the group challenges you, you see. Chanel, for example, was caught up in the war, quite separately from her career in fashion.

Famous Leo Third Decan: Princess Anne, August 15

Princess Anne 15 Aug Dreamstime 300x248 - Your Birthday


01637 VIRGO FIRST 300x212 - Your Birthday

Your Sun is at 0-9 degrees of Virgo. The First Decan of Virgo is usually August 23 to September 3. You are ruled by Mercury, are associated with the Sixth House, are an earth sign and also mutable. This combination of grounded earth (which needs familiar security so much) and the ever-changing mutable nature of Virgo, is the key to your life. At regular intervals you will face the choice to reconstruct the past or walk right away from it. This may be with the family, with work, particular houses or apartments, or big professional structures, like a company. Daily routine and a predictable existence are extremely important which is why you have a reputation for going back and starting again, no matter what life sends your way. You are a natural renovator. However, with your mutable nature, you also know how to meet change with change, and so your life is an odd mixture of quite radical departures for the new and unknown, as well as the willingness to put in the work and effort (Virgo rules both) to repair and rebuild. In your natal chart using the Natural House system, unpredictable Uranus rules everyday life. Lightning bolts do arrive.

Famous Virgo First Decan: Elvis Costello, August 25

Elvis Costello 25 Aug Paul Keeling Dreamstime 300x200 - Your Birthday

01637 VIRGO SECOND 300x212 - Your Birthday

You were born with the Sun at 10-19 degrees of Virgo, typically from
September 4 to September 13. Virgo the maiden, or virgin, is your zodiac symbol. She represents the woman who is defined by her sexual status. Figuring out the male-female relationship is a lifetime task for you. This applies even if you are professional colleagues in a platonic work relationship. With Virgo it is very hard to forget that women are frequently seen only in a sexual context by those around. Virgo the virgin also brings in ideas about morality, ethics, sin, temptation and right from wrong. Perhaps this has affected you personally in your view of yourself as a woman, or in your view of women in general (be you male or female). In fact various marriages or relationships in your life will teach you about the realities of sex and the two sexes and their biological but also cultural differences. Breaking free from this is also a lifetime quest. In fact, finding a way to liberate both male and female from ancient ideas about women is part of your mission. It is sometimes done via marriage or affairs.

Famous Virgo Second Decan: Chrissie Hynde, September 7

Chrissie Hynde Shutterstock 300x208 - Your Birthday

01637 VIRGO THIRD 300x212 - Your Birthday

You were born with the Sun at 20-29 degrees of Virgo, usually from September 14 to September 22. All your life you will be involved with groups where everyone involved must learn to shine as individuals and also within the circle. In astrology, Virgo rules the Sixth House of daily routine, workload, chores, tasks and regular effort. Virgo also rules food, drink and fitness. It all goes together in your life. In your solar chart, the Sixth House is also ruled by Aquarius, the sign of sisterhood and brotherhood, so community is part of your routine. It may be X-Twitter or an Olympics swimming team. It may be an orchestra, ballet, theatre troupe or band. Aquarius is about pooling resources and this sign has a strong impact on your solar chart, because it is so associated with the everyday. It’s a way of life for you to share and shine with others, although there is only room for one big star at a time. Virgo the maiden is your symbol and as she was the dutiful maid of all work, it was important that she was fit to serve. This is the same for you; what you put into your body and what you do with your body (from drinking mineral water, to swimming) is a core part of your being. It helps you all stand out, when you glow.

Famous Virgo Third Decan: Liam Gallagher, born September 21

Liam Gallagher 21 Sep Dreamstime Fabio Diena 300x199 - Your Birthday


01625 SCORPIO FIRST Decan 300x212 - Your Birthday

Your Sun is at 0-9 degrees of Scorpio. You are usually born from October 23 to November 2. Scorpio rules the Eighth House of complicated relationships, between lovers, partners and parents with children. Scorpio is also ruled by Pluto whose sole focus was his extremely unusual relationship with Proserpina. You are an emotional water sign and can be all at sea, emotionally, until you ground yourself in the real world. It is possible for you to lose your anchor more easily than other Scorpio people and should this take place, the solution is to judge the relationship on its own merits and find a place, where it will serve a solid purpose. The scorpion itself as an archetype of your sign is notorious for risking death in order to have passion. (Scorpions can sting each other to death when mating even cannibalise each other). So, there are high stakes for you in matters of the heart and you know it. Perhaps this is why you can end up in a holding pattern, without commitment, with people who are either all at sea, or with emotional attachments which puzzle you so much that nothing ever happens. Knowing yourself and the other person extremely well (particularly the children who did/did not arrive in the past) is the key, as is putting both feet on the ground.

Famous Scorpio First Decan: Toni Collette, November 1

Toni Collette Shutterstock 200x300 - Your Birthday

01625 SCORPIO SECOND Decan 300x212 - Your Birthday

Your Sun is at 10-19 degrees of Scorpio. You are usually born from November 3 to November 12. You have the great self-control and power which is typical of Scorpio, ruled by Pluto with all his famous willpower. You know how to get and keep a grip on relationships, no matter if you call them friendship, or more than that. Pluto is your planetary ruler since 1930 and he had to understand compromise. Bargaining agreements with his wife and his mother-in-law were the price he paid for having his passions fulfilled. You are also very good at deal-making with another person. As an emotional water sign it’s all about the ebb and flow of feelings for you; the alchemy with another and the chemistry with a different soul. There is a never-ending source of deep feeling for you to draw from, to make these kinds of well-controlled duets work for you. The double-act, pairing or two-way chemistry experiment takes all forms. Sometimes it is sexual; sometimes it is a family member; sometimes it is spiritual. Two is very much your magic number, though. Miracles can occur.

Famous Scorpio Second Decan: Alexa Chung, November 5

Alexa Chung 5 Nov Dreamstime Vonora 216x300 - Your Birthday

01625 SCORPIO THIRD Decan 300x212 - Your Birthday

Your Sun is at 20-29 degrees of Scorpio. You are typically born from November 13 to 22. You are ruled by Pluto, the god who learned to deal with extreme highs and lows by understanding that the highs came around soon enough, once he accepted seasonal change. To put it another way, life is a game of Snakes and Ladders for you and what goes up, must come down. Then it comes around again. Then it comes around again…just like Pluto’s four-season relationship with his wife, Proserpina. The scorpion is your creature and the Eighth House is your domain. The tale of Pluto and Proserpina has been recreated in television, books and film through all kinds of fictional characterisation, from Mr. Darcy and Miss Elizabeth Bennett, to Heathcliff and Cathy. There is something quite dramatically inspiring about your life and times, which has all the intensity associated with Scorpio. Observers find much to read or even write about online, even if it’s just flying e-mails scribbled about your latest dramatic episode.

Famous Scorpio Third Decan: Indira Gandhi, November 19

Indira Gandhi Shutterstock 261x300 - Your Birthday


01628 SAGITTARIUS FIRST 300x212 - Your Birthday

You have the Sun at 0-9 Sagittarius and were usually born from November 23 to December 2. You are associated with Jupiter and the Ninth House in astrology. Both of these are associated with the search for meaning, faith, philosophy and a belief system. The Ninth House covers all foreign religions of the world including the Roman Catholic and Anglican churches; Islam; Judaism; Buddhism; Hinduism. Your life is about the repeated quest for what speaks to your soul and spirit. Perhaps this is rather like the famous William Holman Hunt painting, The Light of the World, depicting Christ holding a lantern. Everybody has their own definition of where the light gets in, what it means and to which philosophy or faith it belongs. You need to be alone to find it so your life is frequently a solitary one. Powerful Pluto with all his obsession rules your solar Twelfth House of sabbaticals. Pluto also rules transformation and it is the retreat, the period of hibernation or the quiet inner search that changes you on the inside.

Famous Sagittarius First Decan: Tina Turner, November 26

Tina Turner Shutterstock 174x300 - Your Birthday

Sagittarius Second Decan 300x212 - Your Birthday

You have the Sun at 10-19 Sagittarius and were usually born from December 3 to 12. The classic Sagittarian is an explorer, adventurer, wanderer and migrant. You may experiment with all these roles throughout your life, perhaps moving from Wales to London or from London to New York. You might also enjoy hiking, camping or bushwalking. Travel is certainly irresistible to you and your journeys are so much more than holidays; they are vacations for your mind. Ruled by Jupiter, you are the eternal optimist who is happy to step out on your expeditions without a care in the world. Luck has a funny way of protecting you. Jupiter is the great protector of astrology, after all. Your approach towards the great unknown, or the road less travelled, is inspirational to anyone who wants to follow in the footsteps of Jack Kerouac or Margaret Mead. Your greatest rewards will come from being adventurous enough to explore all possible roads that lead to Rome, though, and actually finding the right one.

Famous Sagittarius Second Decan: Kenneth Branagh, December 10

Kenneth Branagh Shutterstock 300x228 - Your Birthday

01628 SAGITTARIUS THIRD 300x212 - Your Birthday

You have the Sun at 20-29 Sagittarius and were usually born from December 13 to 21. Hope for the future is your great saving grace. You are the explorer, escape artist and adventurer whose next big trip or move is just a high hope away. In fact, Sagittarius, this is how you deal with relationships which no longer work in your life. You have the sign of conflict, Aries, in charge of your bedroom and also your courtships, along with your connection to the world of children and young adults. This makes for a life full of pretty decisive endings and yet this is the key that turns your lock, to the door marked Freedom. There is always something bigger and better waiting on the other side but you have to be ready to make the leap. Doing so may involve packing your bags, but leaving all other baggage behind, Sagittarius. This is a recurring pattern with you, with one exception. Sometimes you are hopeful enough to actually recycle who or what did not work out and bring it back to life again. Then, these people can go with you. The Wide Open Road by The Triffids is your theme song. Also, Follow the Yellow Brick Road in the Wizard of Oz.

Famous Sagittarius Third Decan: Taylor Swift, December 13

Taylor Swift 13 DecDreamstime Featureflash 300x300 - Your Birthday


01629 CAPRICORN FIRST v2 300x212 - Your Birthday

Your Sun is at 0-9 degrees of Capricorn. You are usually born from December 22 to 31. You are true to your sign. Aspirational and ambitious you are always reaching for the top; for something higher and greater than yourself. Yet, you are also an earth sign and have to keep it real. You are an impressive combination of practical dexterity and towering goal-setting. Capricorn rules the Tenth House of the natural horoscope, which is the highest point in the chart; the peak. Peak moments come naturally because you are not afraid to reach for them. Your creature is the mountain goat who climbs ever higher. Saturn is your ruling planet and is a symbol of education. Not only are you educated by life, as he was, you then become a mentor, tutor, inspiration or even a professor figure for others. Saturn took his famous scythe into rural Italy and taught farmers agriculture. What you have to show, or teach, may be completely different but it owes a great deal to your commanding ambition, combined with your earth sign practicality, as you know how to take what others cannot see or perhaps even aspire to, and convert it into tools that can be used. The tools of your trade may be online; on paper; in a bank; on the markets; in sport or the military; in the world of emotions and relationships. You know how to handle those tools.

Famous Capricorn First Decan: Denzel Washington, December 28

Denzel Washington Shutterstock 300x200 - Your Birthday

01629 CAPRICORN SECOND 300x212 - Your Birthday

Your Sun is at 10-19 degrees of Capricorn and you are usually born from January 1 to January 10. The crowning glory or crowning achievement of your life will come more than once, as you are an ambitious Capricorn who will often be given the top of the mountain. Your animal is the mountain goat who wins the top spot, which is no mean achievement, given there is only room for one person. This may involve being first, coming first, winning first place or being number one. Capricorn is a cautious, clever, careful sign, though. You are just as familiar with the practise of taking a highly political approach to life’s winners, leaders and champions. You know how to be loyal (or not) and which way to turn, when promotions, demotions, departures, awards, big wins or losses take place. People tend to scatter and form themselves into new patterns when there is a change at the top and you learn, from experience, how to judge the way the wind is blowing. Victory is very sweet for you and whatever crown you end up with is always something so tempting for you.

Famous Capricorn Second Decan: Alex Turner, January 6

Alex Turner 6 Jan Dreamstime Taylor Creek Media 300x200 - Your Birthday

01629 CAPRICORN THIRD 300x212 - Your Birthday

Your Sun is at 20-29 degrees of Capricorn and you are usually born from January 11 to 20. To understand what motivates you, those in your professional life need only examine the mountain goat. This ancient symbol for your sign describes a particular kind of goat breed, famous for its staying power when trying to get the top, or draw closer to the peak. This applies to you, no matter if your aim is to take the number one job, or number one spot – or to stick closely to people who are on the winner’s podium. Saturn is your ruler and he is associated with lead. What happens to you in your personal and professional life is heavy. You or your preferred choice, go through dethronement or removal. You or your preferred choice, experience coronation and elevation. As I said, it’s not exactly lightweight stuff. This gives your life a serious cast as it is so often about departures and losses, but also resounding triumphs and victories. It is usually played out in your chosen field but can sometimes be personal, experienced through family relationships. Your greatest highs are personal peaks of achievement but do involve others’ departures.

Famous Capricorn Third Decan: Michelle Obama, January 17

Michelle Obama 17 Jan Dreamstime Faizal Ramli 300x225 - Your Birthday


01632 AQUARIUS FIRST 300x212 - Your Birthday

Your Sun is at 0-9 Aquarius and you were probably born between January 21 to January 30. It is all about the collective, the community, the association, hive mind, political party or inner circle for you. You were born with the Sun in the Eleventh House of brotherhood and sisterhood, using the Natural House System. You find your identity and self-confidence through these people (or not). There is no doubt at all that you can attract solid gold individuals who collectively form quite towering and impressive structures. This is the football team with the trophies or the formidable gathering of activists. And yet, Aquarius is the outsider who must be true to herself or himself, rather than joining the gang. You are also ruled by Uranus, a symbol of rejection, freedom, independence and liberation. It is in your nature to turn away from the groups in your world, every so often, to do your own thing and go your own way. This brings a tremendous amount of space and autonomy. It’s just a phase you go through, though, dictated by the rhythms in your chart. Sooner or later you are back again, on a different transit, with a different point of view and life looks very different, all over again.

Famous First Decan Aquarius: Germaine Greer, January 29

Germaine Greer Shutterstock 200x300 - Your Birthday

01632 AQUARIUS SECOND 300x212 - Your Birthday

Your Sun is at 10-19 Aquarius and you were probably born from January 31 to February 9. Aquarius rules groups of all kinds, from secret societies to Guy Fawkes and his inner circle. Bands, teams, clubs, political parties, military units and the Freemasons all count. You are the Glastonbury reveller who pitches her or his tent along with the rest of the crowd. You can also be part of the hive mind, when the hive mind has action, activism or perhaps something more aggressive in store. Throughout your life you will know what it is like to be on the outer with a group, which makes you highly strategic in avoiding issues. You will also come to see what it means to take your part in the usual ‘different but equal’ communities of like-minded souls so that you are all in in together. You can be an asset to any such gathering or tribe because you are prepared to act by yourself, for the good of the many. It is also true that just by being part of (say) a football team or an army division, you automatically find yourself pitched against others. This makes a cunning tactician out of you.

Famous Second Decan Aquarius: Harry Styles, February 1

Harry Styles Shutterstock 300x200 - Your Birthday

01632 AQUARIUS THIRD 300x212 - Your Birthday

Your Sun is at 20-29 Aquarius and you were probably born from February 10 to February 18. Freedom, liberty and liberation are priceless. You cannot buy them in a catalogue. It is also quite true that wealth and possessions can be a trap. It’s rather like Lennon imagining there were none of them. Your ruling planet Uranus is about rejection, rebellion and the cutting away of the past. You will experience it in connection with finance, possessions, business and property throughout your life. When things stay the same, the entrapment remains. It is very hard to move freely or do anything spontaneous when one is bound by everything owned or earned – perhaps owed as well. The age-old difference between precious space, oxygen, freedom (and tight security, heavy materialism and ownership) is writ large in your chart. Aquarius is an air sign and it is hard to come up for air when there is so much past financial or material baggage weighing one down. You may experience this for yourself, or through the men in your life. The signs Pisces and Virgo rule the economics zones of your solar chart. Pisces is escape from the real world. Virgo is the solid detail which grounds one. Going between one and the other is a lifetime pursuit.

Famous Third Decan Aquarius: Yoko Ono, February 18

Yoko Ono 18 Feb Mark Waters Dreamstime 300x221 - Your Birthday


01633 PISCES FIRST 300x212 - Your Birthday

Your Sun is at 0-9 Pisces and you were typically born between February 19 and 29. Neptune is your ruler and is associated with the ocean, rivers and the sea. For example, the English Channel from Dover to Calais. Neptune also rules escapism and particularly the vision of getting away from the real world, to set sail for distant and unknown shores. Of course, the modern Pisces can do this by plane too. You are a natural migrant for this reason. You also believe in vacations or holidays the way other people believe in the Buddha. You are highly sensitive and your response to life’s hard times is to get as far away as possible, as rapidly as possible – rather than stay and fight back or push on. Most people can understand this, but particularly anyone who is a First Decan Pisces, like you. Your zodiac sign also rules the Twelfth House which is associated with pilgrimage as well as the sabbatical. The spiritual quest or soulful search. The Promised Land is a good reference point for your decan. Do you ever find it? The reality is, you have to make it. You have to take the raw materials of your preferred destination, Pisces, and make it work.

Famous First Decan Pisces: Kurt Cobain, February 20

Kurt Cobain and Frances Shutterstock 200x300 - Your Birthday

01633 PISCES SECOND 300x212 - Your Birthday

Your Sun is at 10-19 Pisces and you were typically born between March 1 to 10. You are a natural hermit and your Sun is in the Twelfth House of solitude in your Natural House System chart. Pisces is associated with Christianity and its competing religions or belief systems, ranging from the Tarot to scientism. Pisces the fish are linked to the Bible and its repeated fish symbolism. From here comes the questioning or challenge to the faith as well. No wonder you are repeatedly by yourself, searching for the truth. Or something like it, anyway. The miracle of the loaves and fishes can either be believed, or it cannot. Neptune is your ruling planet and is associated with escapism. Being by yourself to search for answers on the internet, or through prayer, or in the Tarot or the I-Ching, is one way to escape. Matt Lucas was chosen as the famous person who exemplifies Second Decan Pisces and is Jewish but has also described himself as an atheist. Many of his grandmother’s cousins were lost in the Holocaust. How do you run deep, spiritually? It’s rather like the U2 song, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For. Or – She Moves in Mysterious Ways.

Famous Second Decan Pisces: Matt Lucas, March 5

Matt Lucas Shutterstock 238x300 - Your Birthday

01633 PISCES THIRD 300x212 - Your Birthday


Your Sun is at 20-29 Pisces and you were typically born between March 10 to 20. Your sign is associated with boundary issues and although you have a lifetime of wonderful achievements with very special groups of people, you always need to watch the boundaries. Pisces is ruled by Neptune, a symbol of flooding and spillage, so even though you and your allies are united with the pooling of resources, it is important to remember that if everything goes all over the place, all the time, everywhere – it can be a waste. Your decan is all about merged souls or shared spirits, shining brightly in the same sky. You are all part of the greater whole, rather like a constellation of twinkling stars. You are also an escape artist, as Neptune rules holidays from reality and vacations from the everyday. Pisces, you inhabit an alternative world which is far, far away from the noise of what most people would call real, normal, mundane existence. The Twelfth House is your domain and this is where we find you moving away from the merged group, from time to time, into your other role – as the solitary Pisces in a world of his or her own.

Famous Third Decan Pisces: Stormy Daniels, March 17

Stormy Daniels Shutterstock 200x300 - Your Birthday


01624 LIBRA FIRST Decan 300x212 - Your Birthday

Born with the Sun at 0-9 Libra, probably from September 23rd to October 2nd, you are drawn to partnerships – be they professional, sexual or platonic. You like balancing male and female, black and white, rich and poor within these duets. You don’t buy the stereotypes about men and women, for example. If you think about Olivia Newton-John and John Travolta in Grease, you’re close to all that this decan is about – incredible double-acts. They may last, they may not, but they teach you so much about equality. Famous Libra First Decan people include Steven Severin, born 25th September 1955 and Tracey Thorn, born 26th September 1962. Sting, born 2nd October 1951, is another example, long married these days. Gwyneth Paltrow, born 27th September 1972 is another.

Famous First Decan Libra: Sting, October 2


01624 LIBRA SECOND Decan 300x212 - Your Birthday

Born with the Sun at 10-19 Libra, most likely from October 3rd to 13th, you have the duelling side of Libra, as well as the ‘pairing up and coupling up’ side too. When the scales are unbalanced between yourself and others, you will fight hard. Negotiating what is fair in any two-way street will take up a great deal of your time and energy. Whomever is to the left and right of you, can seem to you like jokers and clowns sometimes. Yet you sail on. Famous Libra Second Decan people include Steve Miller, who wrote a song about that, born on 5th October 1943. Falling out, not speaking or having a Cold War is not unusual for you, but it tends to get fixed in the end. Another famous Second Decan Libra person is C.J. Ramone born on 8th October 1965. Twice-divorced Kate Winslet was born on 5th October 1975.

Famous Second Decan Libra: Kate Winslet, October 5


01624 LIBRA THIRD Decan 300x212 - Your Birthday

Born with the Sun at 20-29 Libra, you are probably born from October 14th to 22nd. You are one of those Librans who relishes the differences between yourself and your other half. The other half can be a brother; a professional partner; your husband or wife. You appreciate and enjoy what separates you even though you tend to be tied together. Famous Libran Third Decan people include Gary Kemp, born on 16th October 1959. David St. Hubbins was born on 17th October 1947. Fire or ice? Others have to be the warm water in the middle. Julian Cope born on 21st October 1957 has been long married.

Famous Third Decan Libra: Julian Cope, October 21


All images: Shutterstock/Creative Commons/iStock/Rawpixel/Dreamstime.

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