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Cancer Monthly Horoscope

Jessica Adams has prepared your monthly astrological forecast for July. Discover what the stars have in store for you this month including your Premium Extended Forecast

Cancer Monthly Forecast

She (or He) Who Matters So Much

Cancer Floral Rawpixel 300x210 - CancerOur second Full Moon in two months, finds you taking stock of June 2024, when so much took place involving your former, current or potential partner. You are being given a chance to absorb and process, ready for the next stage, Cancer.

The year 2024 finds Ceres and Pluto both retrograde in your house of duets, double acts, partnerships – and also, it has to be said, separations, divorces and partings. It really depends on your personal birth chart and how you have been dealing with the South Node in Libra cycle too.

In fact, if you have Libra factors in your natal chart, you have been immersed in this phase of your life since last year. Meanwhile, so much of what is going on with your former, current or potential partner is a reflection of very welcome change on the inside. Jupiter has been urging you to explore your spiritual horizons.

Back in 1968, the brilliant astrologer Richard Sterling described Jupiter as a symbol of expansion and that is what will now strike you about a one-on-one connection. Things feel wide open for the two of you. As you read this I am in Richard’s old house in the Blue Mountains. He really was a gifted astrologer.

If you do decide to call it a day with your husband or wife, the new life begins. And it will feel very new indeed. You may use the situation near July 21st, 2024, and the Full Moon, to pass through the gates of a relationship or marriage that is no longer close, and head towards friends and groups in particular. We have major Aquarius weather in December, January and February, and so for a lot of people born under your sign, this is really about the money situation in 2025. The funding or business. The investment or shares. The possessions, house or apartment.

This may be a past, present or potential partnership in purely professional, business or charity terms. Not just the heart, but it’s always about ‘the two of us’ or ‘the other side.’

As the year goes on, Cancer, you’re going to see social media, your social circles, and the social round matter more – in the context of this other person. As I said, the other side. Your other half of the see-saw. Why friends and groups? Uranus, the planet of change, is in that house of your chart. First, though, let’s look at what is going on with the other half of your equation.

This may not be sexual or romantic at all, as I’ve said. It may be a professional partnership which is now reaching an amicable close. You two would still be tied, but not connected. More commonly, after you have been dealing with many years of Pluto transits in your Seventh House, Cancer, you find yourself with a parting of the ways in a marriage or common-law marriage.

More Space Between You

If you two are to stay together beyond Saint Valentine’s Day 2025, into the months ahead, it would be with a very different structure in the relationship. Pluto has a way of throwing power and control issues at a marriage or partnership, and it may be that you move further apart, in order to stay more empowered. This also throws open the doors to the new importance of friends or groups in your lives.

Together or apart (or coupled with someone new, which seems inevitable for single Cancer people, or those looking for a work partner) life is enriching. In fact, the choices you make about being single, a sole operator or part of a duet, show up in the long-term future. From June 2025 you are relaunched. There may even be a new surname if you marry, or your old married name may go. That’s all thanks to Jupiter in Cancer.

The British astrologer Margaret Hone associated Jupiter with all that was fortunate, large in outlook and optimistic. This planet will be there in your sign next year, along with Pluto in Aquarius, which she rightly associated with renewal and regeneration. This next 18 months is a time of beginnings and endings.

The key to ‘two’ in July 2024 is to understand that you can be very much together as a power couple without having to be close, no matter if this is geographical closeness (a long-distance relationship is possible) or psychologically too close (nobody wants to be suffocated in a marriage).

Amicable Separations or More Space?

It is also true that an empowering separation or divorce for many – or the beginning of a very open new relationship – is possible. Within a committed marriage or partnership you would expect there to be a far more potent connection and communication between you on this Pluto in Aquarius transit, which rules sexual and financial partnerships. You can very much operate as a unit of two (of course) but have a totally different system – one with so much more independence.

This Full Moon on the 21st of July is showing you what could be, should be – and may or may not be – but it is laying things on the line for you, Cancer.

I mentioned your social life, the groups, societies, circles and communities in your world – and the friends. They seem central to the whole business, actually. And they’re not the usual suspects, as Uranus in your zone of socialising suggests those who are there to help you feel far more free; more liberated; more independent.

“The urge towards freedom” wrote Margaret Hone, of Uranus, many years ago – and there is a great sense of space, showing in your chart. The welcome mat is out for this very different kind of life.

Ceres in Your Horoscope

Ceres in Capricorn, retrograde, describes division, sharing, carved-up territory – and that is why life until December 2024 seems certain to roll with just that sort of understanding between you and a key person. You’ll both figure out the turf between you and find that the distance opens things up for you.

I know a lot of astrologers don’t use Ceres, but this powerful planet, the equal of Pluto, has been influencing your double act, duet or duel since the year began and has forced a new way of operating and communicating now – with more to come. Now you are over the really emotional intense aspects, Cancer, I suspect December, January, February will be about the numbers. Price tags and the ‘cost’ (spiritual, emotional, psychological) of the issues between you both is calling from the future.

Are you a Premium Member? Pick up all the complimentary online guidebooks and digital Tarot and Oracle cards for your own predictions now, if you haven’t already. You do stand to gain from moving, renovating, redecorating, reshuffling the family or household this time next year – and now is the time to create the future. The digital card decks on my website are here to give you a three-way reading, if you wish. Read on for Premium Member Diary Dates.

  • Pamela’s Tarot flipbook guide
  • The Garden Oracle
  • The Astrology Oracle cards
  • The Extended Smith-Waite Tarot



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