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Your Oracle answer describes a man who is younger than you – sexy, confident, sure of himself and ready for a relationship. He has come to terms with the fact that he is not the perfect man, and that is one of the many attractive things about him. He is at peace with himself, physically, mentally, emotionally.

He knows what is he looking for. And he has made up his mind – it’s time for a relationship. Beyond that, there are no guarantees for him. For all his certainty, he may choose the wrong person – someone who disappoints him, or someone who leaves him. For now, though, he believes in love, and all that it could bring.

This man is conservative. If you are looking for someone unconventional then look elsewhere. Some people might find him too straight. His morals, ethics and values are one of the most obvious things about him. He knows what’s right – at least from his angle. Being right, and doing what’s right, matter to him.

Who he ends up with depends very much on timing, and luck. When this oracle answer turns up, you are catching him at the very beginning of his search for a partner. If he fails to find anyone suitable right away, then his ideas about who is right for him may change over time. He may become more adaptable.

Remember that this man’s image and presentation are impressive (he’s selling himself as a romantic hero) but the human being underneath may be rather different. Once you get past the sexy ‘sell’, the words, the car or the clothes, it’s important that there is enough there for you to honestly respect and love.

Thus, it may be in both your interests to go into this slowly and carefully so that you do not fall for a ‘type’ and then wake up with someone else! Encourage him to reveal more of himself if you can. This is no time to rush into pregnancy, engagement or any other commitment. He’ll have to trust you. But it’s worth it.




This is not just another brainwave, concept or breakthrough. It is huge. It feels special – and it is. This big idea is coming into your life with a big rush of energy. It’s actually changing the atmosphere. It may seem fated, heaven-sent or divinely arranged. Even if you don’t believe in anything like this, it still has ‘the x factor.’

This idea has so much potential that it is showing you future possibilities even before you have had a chance to ground it in the real world. It offers an abundance of possibility, and all you have to do (all!) is find a way of planting this concept in the right place, at the right time, so that it can grow and thrive.

A space needs to open up in your life to make way for this plan. It is so enormous in its impact that it’s unlikely you can just fit this into the rest of your life, without making major changes. Thus, if you’re serious about future success, you need to do everything you can to find the right conditions to nurture this.

If you let the moment pass and do nothing practical, then the idea may well disappear as quickly as it arrived. It’s even possible that others will pick it up. You need to take this into account as you weigh up the pros and cons. Should you rearrange your life and take the gamble, or move on – but risk losing out?

This is a useful time to look honestly at your abilities, your skills, your talents and your resources. At your situation, the people around you, and your own time, money and environment. Do these seem mostly right for what the Universe has just delivered? Or are you worried that you are way out of your league?

There is something sacred, special and mysterious about this possible project. It’s not the kind of thing that comes along every day. And make no mistake- this idea has found you. It may even feel as if the Cosmos has singled you out. Incredible things are possible. But you must be a realist. And be practical.


93 . TABOO


Any feelings or thoughts which are deliberately concealed from other people represents taboo. Some people say ‘Don’t go there.’ Others simply banish the forbidden idea or emotion and concentrate on keeping life nice and civilised. Either way this Oracle answer is about what we cover up.

Inappropriate desire is a good example of this. So is raw jealousy or bitter rage – particularly in situations where people are supposed to behave politely. Any reactions which are deemed ugly, unwanted or undesirable (though of course, quite understandable) fall into this category.

If you draw this answer about the future, you are heading into a rather intense situation where a tremendous amount of subterfuge will be taking place. A lot of very basic, raw human emotion will be jammed down tightly under the floorboards. Thus the simmering atmosphere.

Beyond all this notion of taboo, there is a very real question about power. It may be the power of beauty. Of sexual attraction. Of popularity. Of success. But wherever there is power there is usually deep resentment (from those who don’t have it) and sometimes ruthless behaviour (by those who will do anything for it).

If we all gave in to our most fundamental human impulses – be they sexual, aggressive or Neanderthal in any other way – our world would collapse. So people go through the motions of doing or saying whatever is ‘correct’ and frantically trying to ignore or conceal the rest.

Interestingly, an all-or-nothing moment usually reveals these taboo issues. The point at which people clearly end up as top dogs, usually brings out the dog-eat-dog instincts of others. Once the primitive feelings are processed, though, the outcome is usually good – for everyone. Everybody can find their place.

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