Find out what the stars have in store for you today with Jessica Adams.


Daily Horoscopes Wednesday December 20th

Are you curious to know what today has in store for you? Here’s your horoscope for Wednesday December 20.
Skip to your Horoscope Sign: Aries | Taurus | Gemini | Cancer | Leo | Virgo | Libra | Scorpio | Sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces

Looking for Yesterday’s Horoscopes?


March 21 - April 19

The Eleventh House of your chart is where you belong to a group or a profoundly affected by one. It is also where you enjoy friendships; make new friends; organise your social life. It is also the setting for a slow transformation, beginning in January 2024 and lasting for many years. If you want more power and control in your life you will set aside time now for strong allies who can empower you, Aries.

Happy Holidays!

Premium Members can send one of 24 astrology e-cards featuring the 12 cat and dog signs of the zodiac here.

Libra Christmas 2020 Dog Animal Astrology Cards Libra Christmas 2020 Cat Animal Astrology Cards

If you want to add a one-month gift subscription, it’s just $7 and includes a basic birth chart, plus access to Tarot and astrology flip books, the Tarot online and two oracle decks.

Visit the shop here for more.


April 20 - May 20

These career, unpaid work and academic transits are making themselves known before you even get to January, which is a huge month of choices and judgements for you. What happens when Pluto more or less settles at the top of your chart, is very new. The situation was set up in March, April and/or May 2023, though, so you can see where it all began and what this intense new question is all about.

Happy Holidays!

Premium Members can send one of 24 astrology e-cards featuring the 12 cat and dog signs of the zodiac here.

Libra Christmas 2020 Dog Animal Astrology Cards Libra Christmas 2020 Cat Animal Astrology Cards

If you want to add a one-month gift subscription, it’s just $7 and includes a basic birth chart, plus access to Tarot and astrology flip books, the Tarot online and two oracle decks.

Visit the shop here for more.


May 21 - June 20

Foreign people and places, other cultures, the web, academia and the book world are about to become part of the centrepiece of your existence for many years into the future. Between March and May this year you were shown the start of something. In January and February, you will see the next stage. If you have a sense that this is going to be complicated and profound – you are absolutely right, Gemini.

Happy Holidays!

Premium Members can send one of 24 astrology e-cards featuring the 12 cat and dog signs of the zodiac here.

Libra Christmas 2020 Dog Animal Astrology Cards Libra Christmas 2020 Cat Animal Astrology Cards

If you want to add a one-month gift subscription, it’s just $7 and includes a basic birth chart, plus access to Tarot and astrology flip books, the Tarot online and two oracle decks.

Visit the shop here for more.


June 21 - July 22

You already know that you will have to make up your mind about the money, house, business, charity, valuables and/or apartment in January. February will move things along in either direction, depending on which path you take. If you feel this is all pretty powerful stuff, or the people concerned raise questions about power (yours or theirs) then that’s in synch with this very new Pluto cycle. Breathe.

Happy Holidays!

Premium Members can send one of 24 astrology e-cards featuring the 12 cat and dog signs of the zodiac here.

Libra Christmas 2020 Dog Animal Astrology Cards Libra Christmas 2020 Cat Animal Astrology Cards

If you want to add a one-month gift subscription, it’s just $7 and includes a basic birth chart, plus access to Tarot and astrology flip books, the Tarot online and two oracle decks.

Visit the shop here for more.


July 23 - August 22

The Seventh House of your chart rules romantic and professional partners. It also rules conflicts. To make more of the first category and avoid the second, be savvy enough now to cultivate and strengthen existing or potential duets. January and February will deliver. Be astute enough to detect a potential problem person or organisation before it happens and (even) use the Tarot to help you navigate.

Happy Holidays!

Premium Members can send one of 24 astrology e-cards featuring the 12 cat and dog signs of the zodiac here.

Libra Christmas 2020 Dog Animal Astrology Cards Libra Christmas 2020 Cat Animal Astrology Cards

If you want to add a one-month gift subscription, it’s just $7 and includes a basic birth chart, plus access to Tarot and astrology flip books, the Tarot online and two oracle decks.

Visit the shop here for more.


August 23 - September 22

Your lifestyle, fitness, wellbeing, daily routine, paid work, housework, unpaid work and study is all parked in the T zone for Total Transformation in January. It will take a long time, as these things do, but you have already been shown quite a powerful figure, who has stepped up, or appeared for the first time. He or she is a gateway to a very different way of operating in 2024 which gives you control.

Happy Holidays!

Premium Members can send one of 24 astrology e-cards featuring the 12 cat and dog signs of the zodiac here.

Libra Christmas 2020 Dog Animal Astrology Cards Libra Christmas 2020 Cat Animal Astrology Cards

If you want to add a one-month gift subscription, it’s just $7 and includes a basic birth chart, plus access to Tarot and astrology flip books, the Tarot online and two oracle decks.

Visit the shop here for more.


September 23 - October 22

Rather than feel as if there is not much you can do, to change the way things are with lovers, partners, children, the next generation or young relatives – you can confidently expect a person with clout to step up for you in 2024. He or she either re-emerged in recent weeks or is new to you, but this is someone who can make a real difference. In January it will feel as if you’re plugged into the mains.

Happy Holidays!

Premium Members can send one of 24 astrology e-cards featuring the 12 cat and dog signs of the zodiac here.

Libra Christmas 2020 Dog Animal Astrology Cards Libra Christmas 2020 Cat Animal Astrology Cards

If you want to add a one-month gift subscription, it’s just $7 and includes a basic birth chart, plus access to Tarot and astrology flip books, the Tarot online and two oracle decks.

Visit the shop here for more.


October 23 - November 21

Your family, home, hometown, homeland and household are clearly there to be changed, if you know it’s time for a change. And that is putting it mildly, Scorpio. Some things you already know about, and you are no doubt interested in sharing the power or splitting the controls. Other things are so very, very new that you may not even know what you feel yet. January 2024 will absolutely show you.

Happy Holidays!

Premium Members can send one of 24 astrology e-cards featuring the 12 cat and dog signs of the zodiac here.

Libra Christmas 2020 Dog Animal Astrology Cards Libra Christmas 2020 Cat Animal Astrology Cards

If you want to add a one-month gift subscription, it’s just $7 and includes a basic birth chart, plus access to Tarot and astrology flip books, the Tarot online and two oracle decks.

Visit the shop here for more.


November 22 - December 21

The shifting sands with your brother, sister and/or cousin will become a new landscape in 2024 if you commit to that in January. You can already see things moving around in front of your eyes. That’s the Pluto Effect and although the situation was actually set up in March, April and May this year, it’s not really dawned on you yet, how momentous this kind of transformation is. Your chart says, go slowly.

Happy Holidays!

Premium Members can send one of 24 astrology e-cards featuring the 12 cat and dog signs of the zodiac here.

Libra Christmas 2020 Dog Animal Astrology Cards Libra Christmas 2020 Cat Animal Astrology Cards

If you want to add a one-month gift subscription, it’s just $7 and includes a basic birth chart, plus access to Tarot and astrology flip books, the Tarot online and two oracle decks.

Visit the shop here for more.


December 22 - January 19

If you want to have more clout, more power in the game and more might (a nice old-fashioned word) then you really do need to look at the money, house, apartment, shares, business, charity and valuables with a few different scenarios in mind for 2024. January will bring it all together for you in quite an intense way as Pluto changes signs and breathing through the options may help you choose, later.

Happy Holidays!

Premium Members can send one of 24 astrology e-cards featuring the 12 cat and dog signs of the zodiac here.

Libra Christmas 2020 Dog Animal Astrology Cards Libra Christmas 2020 Cat Animal Astrology Cards

If you want to add a one-month gift subscription, it’s just $7 and includes a basic birth chart, plus access to Tarot and astrology flip books, the Tarot online and two oracle decks.

Visit the shop here for more.


January 20 - February 18

As you are slowly becoming aware, there are some quite powerful people and potent options around you, in terms of your image, name, title, appearance and profile. Nothing has happened yet, but you’ve certainly been thrown a few whopping hints. You have a lot of unanswered questions so rather than guess and assume, you may just want to focus on what you actually want. What you truly need.

Happy Holidays!

Premium Members can send one of 24 astrology e-cards featuring the 12 cat and dog signs of the zodiac here.

Libra Christmas 2020 Dog Animal Astrology Cards Libra Christmas 2020 Cat Animal Astrology Cards

If you want to add a one-month gift subscription, it’s just $7 and includes a basic birth chart, plus access to Tarot and astrology flip books, the Tarot online and two oracle decks.

Visit the shop here for more.


February 19 - March 20

The Twelfth House of your chart rules your therapy, Tarot, hypnosis, religion, rejection of God, meditation, dreams and inner life. Dreams can be very interesting. Just ask Wolfgang Pauli and Carl Jung. This inner life of yours is already shaping up to be a potential source of great transformation in 2024. Do treat this as a process towards a goal. These things can be rushed and require planning.

Happy Holidays!

Premium Members can send one of 24 astrology e-cards featuring the 12 cat and dog signs of the zodiac here.

Libra Christmas 2020 Dog Animal Astrology Cards Libra Christmas 2020 Cat Animal Astrology Cards

If you want to add a one-month gift subscription, it’s just $7 and includes a basic birth chart, plus access to Tarot and astrology flip books, the Tarot online and two oracle decks.

Visit the shop here for more.

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