Monthly Horoscopes from Jessica Adams at


Your Monthly Horoscope​
for October

Jessica Adams has prepared your monthly astrological forecast for October. Discover what the stars have in store for you this month including your Premium Extended Forecast


Welcome to October. The headlines worldwide are all about Her Majesty the Queen and the value of the pound, now. Did you know that the shocks of 2022 were predicted in a YouTube Premiere? I’ve noted the time-stamps for you on my channel.

Skip to your Horoscope Sign: Aries | Taurus | Gemini | Cancer | Leo | Virgo | Libra | Scorpio | Sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces
Photograph of Psychic Astrologer Jessica Adams taken in 2020.

As you schedule your diary and perhaps your budget or accounting, make sure you avoid the eclipsed New Moon in Scorpio on Tuesday 25th October. This month is all about your shares, business interests, family finances and so on, but timing is all. The Sun in Scorpio with Venus from Monday 24th October suggests it is time to evaluate personal, sexual and financial relationships with an eye on all that is valuable. This may also be the period in which a family will, legacy or inheritance needs a second look. Mercury in Scorpio from Sunday 30th October suggests the paperwork and discussion will roll into November, of course.
Avoid this date: an eclipsed Full Moon against Scorpio on Tuesday 8th November is unhelpful. If you need to know why certain things are happening, step back from it all and ask yourself how you are not free. If your natal chart shows factors in Taurus and/or Scorpio then October, November, are crucial in deciding your life budget. Obtain the best financial advice you can afford.
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October is about duets and duels. Your husband or wife. Your professional opponents, perhaps. Other enemies. Other types of duets, like career double-acts. There is rather a lot to sort out, but you will do so by November, with intense focus.
Avoid the eclipsed New Moon in Scorpio on Tuesday 25th October. You will not see, or will not know. Eclipses conceal, they never reveal, Taurus.
The Sun in Scorpio with Venus, your ruler, from Monday 24th October is followed by Mercury in Scorpio from Sunday 30th October. A great deal will begin right at the end of the month, and your eyes will immediately be on November for a conclusion. The Seventh House of your chart is about balancing the scales. The law may be involved for some Taurus people. Justice and fairness, equality and harmony is the hope here.
To make your life easier, skip this diary date: an eclipsed Full Moon in Taurus, your own sign, against Scorpio on Tuesday 8th November. If you have anything in your natal chart at Libra 0-8 then you have been all around the houses with one matter but it sorts itself out from Monday 17th October.
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A new job, promotion, welcome retirement, fortunate academic career offer, scholarship, number one hit or flattering project is on offer from the end of October, Gemini. Run with this until Christmas. You also have transits in your Sixth House of workload, as well as your Tenth House of success. Skip the eclipsed New Moon in Scorpio on Tuesday 25th October, please. Yet do expect the last week or so to be the biggest turning point in months or even years, as life opens up. The Sun in Scorpio with Venus from Monday 24th October suggests the work, academic or unpaid work question is about the relationships as much as anything else. Mercury, your ruler, in Scorpio from Sunday 30th October beckons paperwork. If you are scheduling a meeting, though, avoid an eclipsed Full Moon against Scorpio on Tuesday 8th November. You don’t need that in your diary. If you have anything in your natal chart at Capricorn 25, 26, 27, this is a life-changing time.
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October is about your courtship, heirs, spares and pretenders to the throne. We have a couple of eclipses coming up, and as you are ruled by the Moon, both October and November are crucial. Avoid the eclipsed New Moon in Scorpio on Tuesday 25th October as there will be a blind spot or cover-up, as there always is. It may be quite benign, but you would be amazed at the number of people who try to cover up (say) a pregnancy or a crucial matter involving children or teenagers! All the more reason to swerve around it. Yet, Cancer, decisions must be made. The Sun in Scorpio with Venus from Monday 24th October, then Mercury in Scorpio from Sunday 30th October suggests the episode that changes so much, is written only from the last week. This may be your son and daughter. Your nieces and nephews. Your godchildren. A children’s charity. It may be your private life with your wife, or a seduction by a new man. Just skip the next eclipse when inking your diary, please.
That is an eclipsed Full Moon against Scorpio on Tuesday 8th November.
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The family, your town and country, your household, home and any property investments is the central story in October. Avoid the eclipse on Tuesday 25th which is a blind spot or cover-up. The story unfolds rather late in the month, from October 23rd, with your ruler the Sun alongside Mercury and Venus in Scorpio. This episode will run into November. If you are pencilling in dates, avoid the next eclipse, please, on Tuesday 8th November. The South Node in Scorpio is there throughout, the sign which rules your relatives, ancestors and sense of belonging. This is karmic in nature and takes you back to life as it was in February and March 2004. You owe, spiritually, or are owed, from that time. The other key month is August 1985 – again – this is about seeking closure. The reappearance of bountiful Jupiter in Pisces in your sector of joint finance and shared property at the end of the month suggests some kind of reward or pay-off involving the house, land, apartment and so on – perhaps your town or country. Do you have factors in Scorpio? If so, karma from 1985 and/or 2005 becomes even more important, in the context of joint finances.
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October is about your sibling or cousin. Your heavenly or unheavenly twin, Virgo! It is also about the internet or media. To begin at the beginning, avoid the eclipsed New Moon in Scorpio on Tuesday 25th October. Don’t launch your website, front up to the press or try to meet your brother or sister then. The wool is usually pulled on an eclipse. Yet, wheels have to turn, and turn they will, from the very last week. The Sun in Scorpio with Venus from Monday 24th October and your ruler Mercury in Scorpio from Sunday 30th October sets the November agenda. This looks like signatures or a sign-off next month. A great deal will happen very quickly. Please avoid another eclipse; the eclipsed Full Moon in Taurus against Scorpio on Tuesday 8th November is unhelpful. February, March 2004 and August 1985. Do you have Gemini factors? If so, lower the emotional temperature with a sibling or cousin and reduce the stakes; reduce the speed and accept a stop-start and go-slow situation until March 17th 2023.
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October is about the money, house, shares, business interests, charities, apartment, land, valuables and – your own value system, Libra. Do yourself a favour from the start and avoid
the eclipsed New Moon in Scorpio on Tuesday 25th October. There is a distraction then (from the main event, which will be hidden in plain sight) or a deliberate cover-up. Either way, you don’t need it. The Sun in Scorpio with Venus, your ruler, from Monday 24th October is followed by Mercury in Scorpio from Sunday 30th October. The numbers will be on your computer from the final six days of the month and there is no time to waste as you must reach agreement in November. Just
avoid an eclipsed Full Moon against Scorpio on Tuesday 8th November. This also has the whiff of karma about it. You owe, or are owed, Libra. The nodes in February, March 2004 and August 1985 tell the story as it was, then. Now you must rewrite chapters and close the book in July 2023. Do you have Scorpio and/or Taurus natal factors? October, November 2022 are pivotal if so, and this message about karma is underlined.
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This month is all about you, your reputation, title, image and appearance. There is a nod to the past here; specifically February and March 2004 and even earlier, August 1985. What happened then, will come back to you for some sort of settlement or closure. Scorpio, the eclipsed New Moon in Scorpio on Tuesday 25th October is best avoided for media, portraits, matters involving your name or signature, the mirror of Google and the like. Eclipses conceal. You need clarity. The Sun in Scorpio with Venus from Monday 24th October and Mercury in Scorpio from Sunday 30th October put you in the frame. It’s as well to be on your best behaviour then and to apply some spit and polish. You are bound to be in the glare of publicity (if you have that sort of profession) by November. Even if you lead a quiet life, all eyes are on you.
An eclipsed Full Moon against Scorpio on Tuesday 8th November is best avoided if you are planning ahead. Do you have Aries factors? Pull out all the stops for matters of image or profile by October 28th when luck is with you.
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Religion, self-help, Tarot, Buddhism, therapy, hypnosis, dreams, mediumship and other invisible mysteries, dominates October and November. Yet, Sagittarius, nothing begins until the closing days.
If you have Pisces factors in your chart, October and November are hugely important in terms of your God (or the Buddha); counselling; psychics. Whatever your natal chart looks like, please avoid
the eclipsed New Moon in Scorpio on Tuesday 25th October. You don’t need it. The Sun in Scorpio with Venus from Monday 24th October and then Mercury in Scorpio from Sunday 30th October suggest the last six days, as Halloween approaches, do in fact resonate with you. This may be life after death; the spirit world – or just the church or synagogue. Avoid an eclipsed Full Moon against Scorpio, which rules your soul and spirit – on Tuesday 8th November. Looking back at your past, Sagittarius, I think February, March 2004 and August 1985 are coming back to you, for whatever reason. You are owed, or you owe, spiritually.
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Whatever happened with friends and groups in February and March 2004 or August 1985 comes back to you in October. This is karma in motion. Your social life, the communities you belong to or assist, the clubs and teams which matter – old friends – are firmly in view from the final week. Perhaps you owe a former friend an apology or something more. Maybe you are owed. Perhaps this is a case of ‘do as you would be done by.’
Do avoid the eclipsed New Moon in Scorpio on Tuesday 25th October for matters involving friends and groups. The wool will be pulled. The Sun in Scorpio with Venus from Monday 24th October and Mercury in Scorpio from Sunday 30th October suggest a great deal will happen very quickly as October ends, with these people. It may be a children’s charity; a rock band; an environmental group; a trade union; a sports team. You will obviously still be talking into November, but skip an eclipsed Full Moon against Scorpio, which rules your social life, on Tuesday 8th November. If you have factors in Aquarius, October and November are pivotal for you with friends and groups of all kinds; take your time; take good advice; know that this cycle ends in March 2023 and that month may even come up in your plans.
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You have decisions to make about your career, rank, social status, academic career or unpaid work, from the final week of October. If you have Capricorn chart factors, then the next four months will see a reshuffle at work, or in your field, and you may resign, take a new job, accept promotion or make another big move. Whatever your chart looks like, please skip the eclipsed New Moon in Scorpio on Tuesday 25th October. People will not be upfront then or you will miss a trick. Yet, the final week of October is unavoidable for decisions about your career, unpaid work or academic life.
The Sun in Scorpio with Venus from Monday 24th October is joined by Mercury in Scorpio from Sunday 30th October. This suggests signatures next month. Just avoid the eclipsed Full Moon against Scorpio (which rules your professional or university life, or voluntary roles) on Tuesday 8th November. Eclipses are best avoided if you can. There is a flashback here, of a karmic nature.
February and March 2004 and August 1985 may ring bells for you. You are clearly owed. Or maybe you still owe; there must be closure here.
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Way back in February, March 2004 and August 1985, you created karma for October 2022. The karma you see now relates to foreigners and foreign countries. You may be British and this was America or Russia – or Australia. It’s on that level. The whole month is about the last week, actually. As children count down the days to Halloween, you are seeing a countdown to November choices about export; emigration; foreign relationships; international reach. Please avoid potential traps.
So, skip the eclipsed New Moon in Scorpio on Tuesday 25th October. Yet, the final week has a certain inevitability of it and you’ll be on Zoom or need basic translation – language or accent – then.
The Sun in Scorpio with Venus from Monday 24th October is followed by Mercury in Scorpio from Sunday 30th October. Some Pisces people will be considering flying or cruising. Please look at the lowered life expectancy in America and the big jump in death in the United Kingdom (to name just two countries) then see what the epidemiologists are saying on Twitter.
The eclipsed Full Moon against Scorpio, which rules the world and you – on Tuesday 8th November. That’s a really big blind spot, Pisces. All being well you’ll have a November choice made about a pin on the map, though, and its locals, without too much trouble.
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