Monthly Horoscopes from Jessica Adams at


Jessica Adams has prepared your monthly astrological forecast for October. Discover what the stars have in store for you this month including your Premium Extended Forecast

Skip to your Horoscope Sign: Aries | Taurus | Gemini | Cancer | Leo | Virgo | Libra | Scorpio | Sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces
Photograph of Psychic Astrologer Jessica Adams taken in 2020.

Aries, to get what you want, long-term, think about setting up your life in stages in October, with one eye on the bank, your company, a house or apartment, a good cause – maybe particular valuables. Use a journal or similar, on October 12th when Mars enters Scorpio, then again on October 22nd when both Mercury and the Sun enter Scorpio. These are good times to set goals, or clip motivating images for your desktop. Or Pinterest board.

The Scorpio cycle is about all that you earn, own or owe in relation to another person and by December 29th this year, just after Christmas, you can sign off from a real achievement. Venus, the symbol of close relationships, leaves Scorpio on that date, so you can assume ‘job done’ by then. In fact, late December is calling to October, as the future triggers the past. You can have a solid result, or a really terrific result, but it depends on you.

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Taurus, this is the most important time of year for your partnership or duet, be it a marriage or a professional double act. If you have an enemy or opponent, this is also the month for decisions, Taurus. Mars, Mercury and the Sun all enter Scorpio in stages, and Venus will join them later , so you can call October-December a long period of reappraisal and important agreement. You may decide to become engaged, for example, or even part company for Christmas.

The end of the year really does seem like the end of the year in 2023, as the Scorpio weather rolls to its conclusion. Thus, if you two have a strictly work-based relationship, you may agree that near Christmas is the time to conclude things. New relationships also begin on this cycle and if so, it will happen rapidly, from late October.

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Gemini, let’s consider the health, fitness and wellbeing aspect of this new Scorpio cycle first. Everything about your body will be a lot more obvious now – which is why it’s classically a time for a medical check-up. The Sun reveals (within a few days of this Scorpio cycle beginning in the final week) what you can be proud of, in terms of your health – and what is clearly in need of attention. It exposes what is central and important – what can’t be overlooked. Even if you are already receiving medical or alternative health treatment, this three-week period is extremely useful, as it can give you much clearer insights on everything.

The Sixth House, ruled by Scorpio in your chart, is also associated with part-time and full-time work, and the chores you do at home (if you don’t have a job), together with any outside interests which you think of as your duty (volunteer work, for example.) The final week will bring things to a head for you quite quickly as decisions roll.

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Cancer, the Scorpio season is about to take you on a journey. Scorpio in your solar chart rules the bedroom; courtship; pregnancy; infants; schoolchildren; teenagers; Millennials. You have a window of October, November, December for rolling decisions which will deliver by Boxing Day, when Venus (the symbol of complicated relationships) finally bows out of Scorpio too. Set your goals and clip any inspiring images from Pinterest on the days when the planets turn into Scorpio; the 12th and 22nd of October.

You may be thinking about your girlfriend’s son, for example, or considering a class of students who are graduating under your supervision at the end of the year. There will be some terrific trines ahead from these planets to your natal Sun, so you have flow to surf in your life, if you need it. Do see this as a long-range story, though, Cancer. The final week will accelerate it all for you.

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Leo, Scorpio weather is all about your house, apartment, garden, town and country. Scorpio is an emotional water sign so it’s about the emotion as much as the bricks and mortar. Feelings dominate this month and particularly so from the final week when the pace accelerates. In fact, some of what you want, and need will not fall into place until after Christmas, as it takes that long for the last major transit of Scorpio to conclude.

This may be renovations, for example, or a move. It may be a household reshuffle or big family choices. Your ruler the Sun is always here to shed light, and everything will be illuminated from the final week, from around the 22nd of October, when Mercury the messenger also arrives, suggesting the real discussion and paperwork will be from that point onwards into November.

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Virgo, these Scorpio transits come rather late in the month, but your brother, sister or cousin (ruled by Scorpio in your chart) will be at the heart of questions sooner; Mars is in Scorpio from October 12th and so there is more urgency and perhaps more heat.

From the 22nd of October, you will see that final outcomes with or for this relative, are likely to be as late as December. In fact, the period after Christmas looks like a deadline. October is also very important for your life online, the media and all communication issues for you.

The stage is set from the 12th but the call to action may not be until the final week, with the director’s cut or final take in November or December. You could do something really solid here, Virgo, no matter if it’s a website or old-fashioned paper and pen.

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Libra, this is an important money month for the whole world, and it has an indirect impact on your own bank account. You have decisions to make, probably on paper, from the final week of October, but there are more urgent questions from the 12th of the month, as Mars enters Scorpio and your sector of personal income, property and possessions.

At the other end of your chart, we have Uranus, with all his radical change, in your sector of joint finance and shared property. So, this is as much about him, her or them – as it is about your own life budget. Set goals and declare what you want and need, if only to yourself, on the 12th and 22nd in particular, with a view to final outcomes just after Christmas. If you have Scorpio factors in your birth chart, then October is crucial.

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Scorpio, this is a relaunch period for you, and it will start quickly, as Mars enters Scorpio and your First House of reputation, appearance and title as soon as the 12th. This may be cosmetic surgery; public relations; the gym; a new role.

Everything comes together from the 22nd of October when at last the Sun and Mercury join your chart and there is something to discuss, on paper. The First House is about how you front up to the world and it is where fate puts you front-and-centre.

You can’t really shilly shally about these things in a month like October, but if you are a strategist by nature, you will want to plot and plan, rather than rush in madly, before the final week. A plan of action or plan of attack will serve you.

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Sagittarius, the Scorpio transits now in your Twelfth House of self-help, psychics, Tarot, religion, spirituality, meditation, hypnosis and so on are quite useful. They will help clarify a great deal that has been unconscious. The world of dream interpretation and counselling may also be more important. The light will dawn from the final week of October, and decisions can also roll from around the 22nd, as Mercury enters your Twelfth House and the discussion with yourself become more revealing.

By Christmas, you will have seen some outcomes, no matter if this is finding new meaning to life or giving up smoking. Set goals on the 12th and 22nd and then move on them.

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Capricorn, your friendships, social life, networks and circles become far more urgent from the 12th of October and there is the potential for friction from that point. Astrology is about avoidance sometimes so steer clear of any possible argy-bargy (an old Scots word for argument).

The potential is there for something really great to come out of a team, club, charity, association or society though. Perhaps even Substack or YouTube, in its more social incarnation. Certainly, Meetups is an obvious contender.

The last week will make discussions the focus, rather than pure action and reaction, and from that point it will also become really clear to you what friendship is; what it isn’t – and how to make it work.

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Aquarius, this is the most important period of 2023 for your career, unpaid work or academic career. The planets are gathering at the top of your chart, which is where your peak achievements unfold. If you are ambitious you may want to use the 12th and 22nd to set goals and visualise intentions. You could expect delivery of some (or all) of this by post-Christmas at the absolute latest.

If you are an Aquarian with Capricorn factors in her or his chart, then it looks as though there will be a reshuffle in your place of work, university, college or entire profession which leaves interesting options for you. For example, you could be in a new role by 2024.

At the very least, October will bring news (in the final week) which means what was unresolved since the 12th, soon will be.

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Pisces, the focus now shifts to foreigners and foreign countries; the worldwide web; academia; publishing. Sometimes these can cross over, so you may be chiefly concerned with book translation or an overseas student, for example. The Ninth House is primarily about other nationalities and languages, though, so you may be considering travel, or welcoming a traveller, in October. The action starts with Mars in Scorpio from 12th October and the pace will be quite rapid from that point.

From the 22nd, light dawns and all is revealed with discussions and possibly signatures to follow. This part of your life is about cross-cultural understanding and will take until Christmas to really sort itself out. The potential is good so do set goals.

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