Find out what the stars have in store for you today with Jessica Adams.


Your Weekly Horoscope
April 17-23 2023

Jessica Adams has prepared your weekly astrological forecast for April 17-23 2023. Discover what the stars have in store for you this week including your Premium Extended Forecast.
Astrologer's Diary

Mayo conference 2023 300x300 - Your Weekly Horoscope April 17th to 23rdJoin me at the Mayo School of Astrology online conference this April. Be there on Saturday, April 29th and/or Sunday, April 30th, 2023 (depending on your time zone). It’s open to students and professionals and has a terrific line-up of speakers including President of the Astrological Lodge of London and our Sun Sign School guest tutor here, Israel Ajose.

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Skip to your Horoscope Sign: Aries | Taurus | Gemini | Cancer | Leo | Virgo | Libra | Scorpio | Sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces

Aries, there is power in a group, and you can share the control with your allies near Thursday, April 20th, 2023, when Pluto in Aquarius is square the Sun in Taurus. The only question is, how do you compromise over running the situation?

There is also abundance around you. And you could both or all profit from this, so much more, from May 2023 to May 2024. The celebration at the way you are all together – but separate – is valuable all by itself. This is typical of Pluto in Aquarius, a sign ruling diversity and equality. You can be completely different people but bond if there is enough respect and room to move. Don’t miss what is there to be enjoyed and used, but also organised for the future.

If you are in a farming collective of friends, there is a harvest, but harvests need to be gathered up and your eyes should be on the massive potential that comes from replanting. There’s more where that came from!

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Taurus, a powerful, dominating and controlling man is usually the game-changer at work, with unpaid work or academia. It’s the way things are set up, particularly in your world.

If you are a male Taurus, you must figure out your own power as Pluto in Aquarius is square the Sun in Taurus, your own sign, near Thursday the 20th of April 2023. If you are a female Taurus. then this is your male boss or a heavyweight male figure in the profession.

Pluto control tends to be heavy-handed and quite intimidating and that’s what you are seeing, likely professionally; perhaps with unpaid efforts like volunteering, or (if you are a full-time wife and mother) this may be your husband calling the shots at home. There are rules here. There is no point in trying to change them or change the top man. Instead, try to speak the same language. You’ll have to negotiate.

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Gemini, well, you were never going to get through these aspects in Cancer and Capricorn without a good money question. This may also involve business, houses or apartments in the background, Gemini.

The feel-good factor is high near Tuesday the 18th of April 2023 as Bacchus in your Eighth House of joint finance, is in opposition to Mars in Cancer, in your Second House of personal gain and savings. The only issue is – when to act – and when to feel so good that you get stuck. Of course, this may apply to another person, but I think it’s just as likely to be you.

There is a larger pattern going on out there with Uranus in Taurus (the unpredictable property market; the unreal cryptocurrency market too). For this reason, being more open to possibilities and more open to alternatives is wise. Despite the tremendous sense of wealth and security showing up for you, or a key person this week (your husband, for example) there is also a clear message in your chart that hanging on and holding on too tightly does not always serve the situation.

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Cancer, the family tree is powerfully influenced by a man in the story this week. Of course, if you are a male Cancerian this may be you. You have Apollo in Libra in your Fourth House of origins, heritage, culture and roots. All the branches on the family tree, on either side, or even both sides at once, are being pulled in a new direction.

If you are a female Cancerian, this may be your son, brother, husband, and so on. The angle from Apollo to Hygiea suggests a great need for caution, pre-planning, prevention, shielding, guarding and pre-empting any situation.

In your natal chart, you have the Sun in Cancer in the Fourth House of home, family, origins, ancestors and so on. This is where you shine at your brilliant best. It is also what is most obvious about you. The solar placement in your Fourth House is central to public perception of you, for whatever reason, Cancer. Your son? Your home country or hometown? When you have Mars racing through your Fourth House like this, all eyes are on the man or boy around the situation who is whipping up a storm. Maybe the family tree needs this. Perhaps this is one way of rejuvenating it. The different branches of the family needed to be shaken up, or even pruned.

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Leo, we have a New Moon Solar Eclipse on Thursday, April 20th, 2023, so although the big idea is very big indeed – or the project, plan or concept – there is a lot you cannot see. There is also a lot you do not know. Reserve judgement, Leo. You are ruled by the Sun and here we do not have the usual illumination and exposure, but a kind of masking effect. Quite clearly, with this eclipse in your Ninth House of foreigners, foreign locations, publishing, the worldwide web and academia – something must find its place. This does have to happen sooner rather than later but wait for the Moon to pass out of Aries and into Taurus.

The eclipse is set for Thursday the 20th of April. Maybe you can circle back to this next week? Put the handbrake on.

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Virgo, the Seventh House of your chart rules your marriage, your relationship, the state of play with your ex and the chances with someone new. Near Monday, April 17th, 2023, Aesculapia in Pisces, which rules this zone of our chart, is square Venus, a symbol of seduction. You are never going to get away with sex being out of the picture when Venus is around.

For many Virgo people, this is a second honeymoon or a reconciliation. Aesculapia is about resurrection and revival. If your marriage or relationship has been stuck, this could easily move it forward. There are so many classic, great songs about sexuality:

  • Let’s Go to Bed by The Cure
  • Ask by The Smiths
  • I Saw Her Standing There by The Beatles
  • I Want You Back by The Jackson Five


You can bet one song this week will accurately sum up your situation with each other. The larger transits are historic. You only get Neptune and Saturn in Pisces, your opposite sign, once in your life. So, Virgo, you have the classic Neptune sense of ‘us, in our own space, in our own little world’ but also Saturn saying, ‘sort yourselves out.’ From this will come a decision to split or commit, maybe.

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Libra, in astrology, the sight of Aesculapia in your Sixth House of healing, suggests you will approach someone for help this week, or be the helper. The healer or the healed.

Near Monday the 18th of April 2023, Aesculapia in the sensitive, intuitive sign of Pisces is square Venus. This suggests that the relationship between you is complicated. It usually is with Venus. It takes a lot to be vulnerable in the healing process, no matter if it’s the doctor, the dentist, the surgeon, the therapist or Reiki. It also takes a great deal to take on the task itself.

You have some major transits going on Libra. Saturn and Neptune are both in Pisces in the Sixth House of your solar chart, for the first time in your life. This is really about working with both your intuition, but also the need for firm and practical action. You may feel your way into the situation as the needy, or the needed, but at the end of the day, it’s procedure that works. Or method.

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Scorpio, sometimes making money is a passion. It certainly can be when Cupido is in Sagittarius in the Second House of your chart, which rules personal income, and work for gain.

Near Tuesday, April 18th, 2023, Cupido is trine Minerva in Aries in the area of your chart ruling job satisfaction. Minerva is really about wisdom, deep common-sense and great basic knowledge. Some part of you realises that now is the time to keep on doing what you are doing.

Pluto in Aquarius in your zone of houses, apartments and property investments, suggests this is the background goal. All the time. But what you are most engaged with now is fair effort for fair reward. These asteroids are dancing around your horoscope along with Jupiter, the planet who was actually father to Minerva herself. So there is a theme here about ‘good work and good money’ and it’s wise to assume that you are also being paid by satisfaction. Creating, making, serving, producing are all roads to something money cannot buy at the moment.

Scorpio, if you are involved with a Gemini, then it may be that you are supplying the funds, and Gemini is securing them. It’s an enriching connection this week. Whatever signs are involved in your life, the dominant theme here is Jupiter with all his growth, expansion and feelgood factors, in Aries, in the Sixth House of your chart. This rules hard graft – hard Yakka – but also dedication to the task at hand. There is a lot to be said for this transit, because it can result in huge productivity. It is also true that you simply need the cash flow or income stream. The only reminder this week is really that the Sixth House is also about your health and wellbeing. Whatever you are throwing yourself into should not preclude that.

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Sagittarius, the Sun in your zone of work, unpaid work and academia is square Pluto near Thursday, April 20th, 2023. A change in the balance of power is coming this week and there may be a new boss, superior, client and so on. A new professor or vice-chancellor. There is also a question about leadership within the group, as the circle scatters around this change. Apollo in Libra will do that. There is usually an intensity about a Pluto-Sun square and something rather final about it, even as you spot the new beginning wrapped within the ending. This is the sort of cycle when studio bosses are replaced, or leading roles lost and passed on. It’s also very much about you, personally, as for all we know, it could be you who is being made to hand over the reins. You could also be thrown the reins. It’s that sort of week and really your personal chart will tell the full story.

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Well Capricorn, with Mars in Cancer your zone of relationships, break-ups, marriages and the dating game, you are not going to be able to put off firm action for much longer. This suggests mixed feelings for you, or a situation where you’ve had to deal with opposition to yourself, in the most emotional or personal way.

We also see the Sun in Taurus – in your zone of courtship, the bedroom, the heirs, spares and pretenders to your throne. You have these intensely personal, rather emotional sectors in your chart now taking you to the next step. You can get rid of what or who did not work out, of course. Then you can move on. Or, more radically, you can put some hard work into rejuvenating and recycling what or who you feel has fallen over in your life. There is the means to do that.

You are also pretty fortunate in having one or two really promising relationships showing up from May 2023 to May 2024, as Jupiter goes into Taurus and your Fifth House of courtship, the bedroom, babies, infants, schoolchildren and teenagers. I can also see a house or apartment waiting for you. Maybe you can too.

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Aquarius, the Aries New Moon Solar Eclipse in your zone of projects, concepts, ideas, books, websites and plans (on paper or online) is lit. There is something about the situation that either you or another key person cannot see or know about. It’s behind a screen. Eclipses tend to screen off the whole picture. So, if you want to suspend judgement, maybe that’s correct. There is time ticking away in this horoscope of yours, Aquarius, as along with the eclipse, Jupiter with all his promise of growth, reward, fulfilment – is only in your sector of brainwaves until mid-May. Either you or somebody else is failing to act. This needs to be planted, nurtured, cultivated and so on – it can’t just sit there as potential. Maybe you know that.

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Pisces, this is a good week to nip something in the bud before it becomes yet another group issue (June-December 2023). Pluto will be back in your sector of communities, circles and social media from that point. There is an issue dividing you from others, or others from you. You may be the lone wolf dealing with the pack this week, as your sector of opinions, attitudes and debates (the hot takes) is looking busy.

The reverse can also be true on this Taurus transit, coupled with this future Capricorn transit. You may find yourself as one of the many, opposed to a person who is very much against you. This is quite important in your chart, Pisces, because it can be remedied. The irony is everyone in this situation has remarkably similar angles. You’re not exactly poles apart if you put down your thoughts on paper.

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