Find out what the stars have in store for you today with Jessica Adams.


Your Weekly Horoscope
April 8-14, 2024

Jessica Adams has prepared your weekly astrological forecast for April 8-14, 2024. Discover what the stars have in store for you this week including your Premium Extended Forecast.
Astrologer's Diary

Eclipse Visibility Unsplash - Your Weekly Horoscope April 8th to 14thPlease don’t assume or guess anything on this Total Aries Eclipse on the 8th (and 9th) of April. This is about your identity online. Expect a diversion or distraction while the truth is hidden in plain sight. The issue will be Digital ID enforced by politicians – or Self ID for males claiming to be females.

As Aries rules your profile but also your head, perhaps quite obviously, this will be about Zuckerberg’s Facebook, other face/profile websites like his Instagram – or Substack, YouTube and Twitter-X. Corporations like Apple and governments with facial recognition technology need to be held to account.

The astrology shows we will have serious issues a few years from now if we do not question what we believe we are seeing on April 8th, 9th. This is a Total Eclipse in Aries and a huge cover-up, along with Mercury Retrograde in Aries and the North Node with Chiron in Aries. Mars in Aries is here too, as we go into the second quarter of 2024.

In the future, Saturn in Aries and Neptune in Aries will also land. Your identity, privacy and the ownership of your name, address, face, nationality, ethnicity, date of birth and so on is crucial.

Image: via Unsplash

Skip to your Horoscope Sign: Aries | Taurus | Gemini | Cancer | Leo | Virgo | Libra | Scorpio | Sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces

Aries – Diana in Leo in your zone of teenagers, Millennials and younger people (your son, say, or a class that you teach) has landed. She is in aspect to Fortuna in Pisces, a rather unrealistic, impractical sign. How do you bring somebody else down to earth when he or she is off in their own little world?

You have to think about this carefully. Softly, softly – as the TV show suggested. If you barge in and try to get this particular generation to wise up, roll their sleeves up and come back to Earth, you may get nowhere. So, you have to box clever. It really depends how much you care or even what is in it for you. This somewhat Bohemian creature is in possession of potential great value. A budding gift. A possible rich outcome. And yet, and yet, it’s not yours and you have to think hard about how to deal with it all.

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Taurus – Do you walk away or go back and try again? Uranus in Taurus is in an exact conjunction with Panacea in Taurus this week. You have to really look at what you call stability, security and so on. Was it actually really that stable for you, in terms of how it made you feel, emotionally? Sometimes things look vaguely solid from the outside, but you know that at the heart of it all, there’s something that is frankly quite hard work for you.

Only you can choose Taurus. Uranus tends to bring sudden choices. In a flash you realise ‘That was then, this is now, this is the unknown future.’ A big blank space can be tempting because you can invent a new life. Or being the pragmatist you are, you may decide to turn on your heel and try to renovate, rebuild, restructure, rethink – what and who was there.

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Gemini – Pluto in Aquarius is showing you quite life-changing options in other places, with other faces, in other spaces. At the same time, you have Diana in Leo asking you to think about your projects, plans and ideas. They can go locally, regionally or internationally. Diana is a terrific symbol of freedom, liberty, space and room to roam. With Leo in your Third House of internet, publishing, connection, communication, information and transportation – she is showing you what could be. Focus, focus, focus. And remember there is more than just one potential success.

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Cancer – The Pisces transits are about big ideas – huge projects – massive concepts. The Virgo transits are about commitment. Put them together and if you want a brainwave or master stroke plan to work this week, you have to marry it. You have to wed yourself to it. This will not work out if you take too long, prevaricate or underplay just how successful this could be. There is, in fact, a decent place for your notion to grow. This takes rapid research and a lot of firm intention.

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Leo – Well, with Minerva in your zone of groups, circles, communities, social media networks, teams and the rest – you are wise to be on the right side. This can be a community of local townspeople who are shunning a greedy property developer. It can be a massive global assortment of feminists (male and female) who have isolated and rejected those they see as the enemy. This is quite an important week for tactics, group psychology, the hive mind and all that comes with high strategy. What would happen if the rejected (and the rejecting) became accepted and accepting?

Leo, I mentioned Minerva in Gemini in your zone of group psychology this week. Groups do tend to shun those who don’t fit in or who mean them collective harm. That is a very powerful thing to go through with Pluto also in Aquarius in your natal chart – again in your group zone. I suggested you take a hypothetical and see what would happen if the injured and rather resentful party were to be approach with some kind of compromise. Or- if this person were to recover enough from this episode to make amends and make good. It would be fascinating to see, because of course when you get down to it, the fundamental opinions held by all are so similar.

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Virgo – You have money this week or are strongly affected by a woman who does. A huge stellium in Aries in your Eighth House of finance, business, property and charity is unfolding. At the other end of the chart we have the South Node in Libra, the sign ruling your own values, your own life budget. Aries is also the sign which rules sexual relationships for you (in the context of a house, bank account or apartment). So sex is lurking as a lingering question mark in the bigger story. What will she do? What will you do? And that really means money first, of course.

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Libra – Ever the peacemaker or keen to support a peacemaker, you are now in the presence of a truce. You have a ton of Aries patterns this week in your sector of duels. The duel is of course a waste of time. The point has been made, rather sharply (or it is about to be made). One person is on top the other – not so. Emotions come. Where does it get you, him, her or them? Nowhere. You can now welcome an intermediary, if you need one, or be that intermediary, if you feel you should clean up a bit of a mess.

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Scorpio – This week is about the Total Eclipse, of course, and understanding how a lunar cycle affects you. If you have to go away to find meaning in relationships again, then so be it. You have Ceres in Capricorn in your zone of short journeys, sabbaticals and getaways. That is where the control comes back. So you may in fact, up sticks this week and decide that you will consider people again when you have let distance lend enchantment to the view.

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Sagittarius – Ceres in Capricorn in your Second House of money is a big compromise. Some for you, some for me. Half savings, half expenditure. Half debt, half credit. Ceres is associated with 50-50 deal making. One of the reasons this is all so erratic is that in your natal chart you have Uranus in your Second House too. So you get it from both cannons. The good news is you can figure this out. Stop dancing as fast as you can and create a system which can take the endless push and pull.

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Capricorn – A large lump sum of money is available to you. Perhaps you have made a deal with a rich man, or big corporation. Maybe you feel you could have more money but are unsure about taking it. Lots of money usually draws big reactions from people. The trick is believing in it and reaching for it. Unless you do that, weirdly, this hypothetical wealth will not happen. But let’s face it, you have Pluto in Aquarius in your Second House of lump sums.

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Aquarius – Sometimes Pisces weather in your zone of values and money will make a really big, dramatic point. So you may have a lot of money and be able to help your parents or brother out. Or you may find yourself actually in need and holding your own hands out for help, maybe from the government, your father, a philanthropist. This week in Pisces weather is about needing control, but also control. Weirdly, people who are needy are also in control. You have major choices to make this week about how you are going to play a donation, loan, payment or gift.

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Tarot Deck Strength scaled e1712428402635 300x237 - Your Weekly Horoscope April 8th to 14thPisces – Diana in Leo in your zone of healing, doctors, dentists, psychologists and spiritual healing – emotional help – is here. Diana is a symbol of independence, so you tend to get a reaction of “Don’t crowd me” if you are a nurse, surgeon or therapist on a week like this. At the same time you can be the one who does not want to depend on anyone. Let Diana do her thing and get out of the way so transformation can happen. You can change someone. Or be changed.

Your Tarot card is Strength and shows a lion being healed by a spiritual being. Diana is in Leo the lion this week which rules your zone of health and wellbeing – mental and physical. It shows you being the answer, perhaps. Yet, you can also be looking for an answer. It’s a two-way street. It can be therapeutic to be the healer. It can also transform your entire existence to have someone skilled in prescription medicine, or hands-on help, to turn things around. Sometimes passing dependence liberates you; that way lies independence.

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