Find out what the stars have in store for you today with Jessica Adams.


Your Weekly Horoscope
December 12-18, 2022

Jessica Adams has prepared your weekly astrological forecast for December 12-18, 2022. Discover what the stars have in store for you this week including your Premium Extended Forecast.
Astrologer's Diary

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Skip to your Horoscope Sign: Aries | Taurus | Gemini | Cancer | Leo | Virgo | Libra | Scorpio | Sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces

To stay in the same job, working in the same conditions – or to remain stuck with the same academic or unpaid duties – is not going to work for you in the last months that Pluto is in Capricorn. Equally, if you have been unemployed for a long time, that’s unlikely to last for much longer, too. This cycle is about the jumping-off point between the past and the future, and depending on how much willpower you use, and how empowered you are, you’ll either take small hops, now, or huge leaps. You may remain in your current position but call for a new order in your workplace. Your own version of power will be unique to you and also to the times you live in. This is especially true if you have Virgo and/or Capricorn birth chart factors, Aries. The first quarter of 2023 looks like a revelation.

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Your health and well-being will move forward at this time as Ceres enters Libra and your Sixth House. December is about deal making. Losing weight? Giving up smoking? Something more serious? All those discoveries and inventions in the field of COVID, alternative medicine, or advances in basic mental health treatment, could trigger a wave of change in December that invites you to surf along with it. Ceres is always about a compromise, and you seem likely to do it. Your health issue is likely to be at the heart of wider experiments, now sweeping straight or alternative medicine – and you’ll play your part. There may be giving in, or giving way, involved.

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Typically, you will want the freedom to move ahead in your religious, spiritual or psychic beliefs now, without being confined where you were last year, or even last week. It’s the same with self-help or therapy. It may be the church; it may be the Tarot. The changes you make will also force others around you to take a U-turn though, so be prepared for the consequences of that. Not everyone likes being forced to move position, particularly if they are attached to a predictable life. If you decide to stage a one-person revolution on the inside, that would not be uncommon with Uranus in Taurus in your Twelfth House, Gemini. Your longing for a new inner life, might just cause the kind of domino effect that can also overturn your own subconscious. Your own spirit, soul or psyche.

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Cancer, the transits in Capricorn now, suggest your other half, or the other side, is the main story, right up until March 2023. What happened to Pluto’s old system? What happened to the usual dating, mating and relating set-up from 2008-2021? The answer is, other people’s desire for whatever (or whoever) means control is new, is now forcing your world into dramatically different shape. The choice is yours – move with the times, use willpower to become empowered – or miss out.

New ways of dating, mating and relating are under way now, in the world around you – at least try to see what they offer you. Pluto is on the way out, slowly but surely, Cancer. The old patterns don’t work.

This cycle rules enemies too. Don’t be surprised if they try to take a thoroughly controlling angle or if you find yourself wanting to meaningfully change the game you have both been playing. As I said, it’s over in March 2023.

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Let’s talk about your career, academic career or unpaid work, Leo. If you are wedged into a position which makes you feel stuck or trapped, you could take drastic action to break free from May 2023 and be very successful, too. Count the months ahead, though, and try to get second and third opinions on your chances. In astrology terms, you will be going into Jupiter and Uranus in Taurus in your Tenth House of ambition. That’s exhilarating and it’s big. Your world is structured a certain way now. If you want to stage a one-woman or one-man advance on the system, that’s fine – but make sure you are also looking at a second career, perhaps, or an unpaid avenue which could open every door. A revolution seems likely. And there are surprises yet to come, Leo, that cannot be predicted.

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Jupiter provides and protects, financially, from December 20th, 2022, until May next year. Sometimes financial, property, business or economically-led solutions on a large scale will force you to move forward and take full advantage of (say) PayPal or Possible. Surf with the waves and stay ahead. This new cycle may be payment for a contract, or a sizeable new offer. As I said, it’s only just nascent. Larger than life people or organisations, are very likely to change the picture for you at this time. Anything from internet banking to changes in the property, business or taxation laws where you live could have a welcome impact, surf with the big flow.

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This ongoing Mars Retrograde in Gemini cycle will change your education and self-education, your view of foreign places and people, and your web life. Publishing may also play a key role. Back and forth you go. It’s been like this since September. It ends in March 2023. Mars is action. Retrograde is backwards and stuck. That explains it!

Education is sometimes formal in this cycle (you enroll in courses, seminars or workshops) but it is commonly informal. Being made to wait, or having to cancel or change, helps you mull over things. From this comes a period of incubation, Libra, which helps you later on. The difference between your perspective on foreigners before this cycle begins – and after it has finished – will be extraordinary. Sometimes flux, cancellation or a waiting game leads to better things, later on in life. That’s the case here.

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What you have faith in (or who you have faith in) will trigger changes now. Ceres is moving into Libra and your Twelfth House of God. In this cycle, you will either want to develop your beliefs, or even jettison them, as you move on. Religion is just one area where you may experiment with deals. It’s Christmas and the church is central.

Beyond this the Twelfth House rules the Tarot, self-help, psychics, dreams, therapy and your inner life. Something is shifting inside. As with all Ceres cycles, do not push other people too fast, or too far, in terms of your own need for a new deal at this time. You will leave your old ideas about your inner life behind now, as you take advantage of every gap, and every opening, to go to a new level. This cycle commonly affects your spiritual direction.

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Sagittarius, you are now in the biggest change zone for your workload, lifestyle and well-being in many years. May 2023 looks like the start of a new era which you should be welcoming in, as Jupiter, your ruler, moves into this sector of your chart with all his sweeping solutions.

Uranus is there now. Uranus will work in two different ways now. Firstly, it will bump you along with sudden surprises (and even the occasional electrifying shock) – or deliver a particular professional turning point with the sense of disruption at the time being real, but the way your destiny will be reshaped, being even better. Sagittarius, maybe you have already been through it, these last few months. Anyway, at this time, life will take you higher, in the end – and towards new places and possibilities which your old life never permitted. Watch May in your diary and calendar.

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Ceres moves into Libra and your Tenth House of success, ambition, position and mission. At the same time, you have Mars Retrograde in Gemini in your Sixth House of daily routine, workload, service and duty. Your chosen field of achievement will be changing constantly at this time. Capricorn, new set-ups and people-politics changes will create an atmosphere of compromise – but also a great deal of strong feeling. This may well be a reshuffle where you are, or in your field. You can go further, faster, and more easily if you allow for deal making. A quite intense time of progress in your development (as a student, unpaid worker, paid worker bee or boss) is guaranteed as you go into 2023. Figure out how to share the reins.

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What if you feel held back by a relative, or by a household involvement? The more trapped you feel, the more likely you are to do something drastic. But make sure you understand the consequences this Christmas, if you suddenly decide to take on everything, and everybody, in your attempt to become a free agent. Just as butterflies flapping their wings can cause the strangest changes in the weather, your decision to do what you like, when you like, could have a trickle-down effect you had never anticipated. Uranus in Taurus in the Fourth House of family and home, suggests ongoing revolution, but there are ways to do it and ways not to!

Freedom and independence are very special, though, and after May 2023 they will come rolling in easily. If you really are desperate for change in your home life, with a relative, or in terms of the extended families you are a part of, then you may well succeed – and it may be a necessary thing.

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Saturn remains in your Twelfth House until next March. The Twelfth House rules everything you do in private. Right now, it may seem that the only way you can get the relief you seek, is by knocking down the barriers, or climbing over them. Not so easy. Whatever it may look like on the outside, your inner life could be a waiting game now. This may be church, a locked room, or an isolated place. A psychic’s office or a therapist’s couch. You’ll find life feels most barricaded or weighed down now when you hibernate or withdraw. You may consciously choose to do this, by retreating from the outside world because of COVID. It may happen to you through circumstances beyond your control, again, because of COVID – or because you have to go it alone. The cycle ends in March as I’ve said. In all cases, you will be left to your own devices. Your relationship with your God is paramount. From March, the most empowering changes in 248 years begin. This will be on a psychic, psychological or spiritual level.

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