Even if you missed the December 2nd, 2023, deadline for Astrology Delivery, it’s not too late to catch up.
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Sam Feisty on Twitter wrote, “It works! This Gemini woman is already seeing results in her health.”
Another reader on my website here wrote, “I published a video about Rice Congee on YouTube, and it took off. It went mini viral.” She booked for the web and a foreign audience.
Another believer wrote, “The booking works. I began casually in October and my partner, and I are now engaged. Today I received a $1000 gift from a family member out of the blue.”
Also from my website, a reader got funding from Kickstart for his campaign with five minutes left to go. He said, “Astrology Delivery worked like a charm.”
Here we have financial transits in Taurus and Scorpio for you but also the Tarot Card – Page of Coins – to match. Important financial decisions coming up.
The foot turned left in the card suggests a leaning towards the relatives, or one’s roots – the origins of the family tree on one or both sides. The people or the location call you. This is one of those Tarot cards which instantly mirrors the chart. This can really help with timing, as in ‘When should I invest?’ or ‘When should I negotiate the deal?’
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Well, Pluto in Aquarius starts in January and here is the Ace of Swords Tarot Card. It is showing you the end of someone at the top and the start of someone else. There is a sense of anticipation, liberation, excitement and tremendous challenge with the Ace of Swords.
The King is dead, long live the Queen, so to speak, but how are things to proceed now that there is a transformation at the top? So much about this card is potential to be filled. The scattered yellow leaves describe the group around the situation.
There may be reshuffles and departures. Elevations and arrivals. You could be the King or Queen here. It depends on your personal chart. If you have Capricorn factors in your Tenth House of career, academic career and High Society then it’s more likely.
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Well, you have Uranus and Jupiter in your zone of psychology. Your head space. It’s so easy to blame everything on the quality (or lack of quality) of particular friends, or lovers, or potential dates, or work colleagues, or family members. Here we have a clear case of someone being quite unclear about the fact that the issue is his or her own state of mind. And that’s you.
In this Tarot card, they are rejecting who and what is there because they are ungrounded (note the hovering position, several feet above the air) and very closed-off. The nice thing about your chart is that it shows the solution. It is, in fact, to go back to your family tree, remember where you come from and ground yourself. You may also want to do some yoga or other exercise to unlock yourself. It’s not them, this week, it really is you. But you can fix yourself.
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Pluto in Capricorn are here this week. The cups describe love and sex and what happens when life gets in the way.
Here we have three cups fallen over, maybe kicked to the ground, and we can see toxic green fluid (poisonous emotion or bile perhaps). This might be a woman getting over the end of a marriage (one person) and a complicated situation with two children. It might be a man who has been let down by three former friends. It can sometimes show bereavement in the past.
The terrific thing about this card and this transit is that this is almost the end. It’s virtually over, this period of looking back and you are being offered an incredible way out- ready for 2024. You can recycle these people in your life if you want .There is, also the option to just get rid of what remains.
To turn one’s back on what did not work out, emotionally, no matter if it is love, children, family or friends. Ahead you have a journey and a new place to be a new space to explore, emotionally.
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You are just off the back of a Full Moon in Gemini. Gemini in your chart rules the group. This may be Twitter or a team. A circle of friends or a club. It’s all very airy at the moment but you need to get real, even if this was an air sign Full Moon. Ideas, theories and thoughts are ‘of the air’ and ‘in the air’ until they are brought down to earth.
There is a lot of space between the wands in the matching Tarot card. They are not particularly close or intimate. This card suggests the element of Air in astrology and so Aquarius, Libra and Gemini types. Friendship is linked to the Eleventh House where you just had that Gemini Full Moon. Not intimacy. Yet, this lot are too apart, too loose, too gappy, so that nothing and nobody is united.
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Neptune is in your Seventh House. There is something lacking in commitment here and certainly seriousness. Life is fun, never dull, not remotely in the real world and – baffling.
If you are a woman dating a new man, for example, he may be on another planet. If you are a married man, with a wife, who is going the full hippy or Bohemian this week, you need to find some kind of common ground to proceed.
Neptune is about escaping from reality. Neptune in the Seventh House is about a partner, lover, possible date, ex. To actually get somewhere with a partner this week and it may be a professional partner, you are going to have to find common ground and speak the other person’s language.
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Jupiter and Uranus are both in Taurus. As you can imagine, there are sometimes really heavy karmic stories played out with Judgement. It may be the case that a whole generation of souls tied to a particular religious group, or family tree, or business organisation, or similar, now goes to the next level – because events on earth make it possible for them to ascend.
Judgement is a dramatic card which will have intensely personal meaning for you. Basically, what you do, affects your extended family in spirit. They grow and go further because of you. And their evolution affects you. If you are sensitive you will see it. If you are mediumistic you will know it. This week is really big from a spirit world point of view.
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And, of course, you are in Sagittarius weather ruling your finances.
Pamela’s cards are also very much about active imagination. She worked as a theatre set designer and you can direct this image of yourself juggling two coins, as you please. Stage directions might instruct this figure (is it you?) to stop trying to make ends meet and instead trust the situation long enough to put the money down, sit down, and draw up a budget. A proper budget with more coming in, than going out, might be the solution here. There certainly needs to be time and space for other things in life, than making the money-go-round.
The tossing ships in the background can be representative of world economic trade. Have a look at that when you interpret this card, too. Storms do not last forever. The ships will perhaps be wrecked here, but there is also a chance the weather will settle, and the journeys will continue.
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And you are coming into December off the back of a Full Moon in Gemini. That’s two signs, two opposite directions, left or right, east or west.
She has no idea where to go, the woman in this card, because she cannot see. It may be that there is no threat to her at all, in this card of defensiveness. But she really needs to put down one or both swords, at least long enough to take off the blindfold so she can actually get the true measure of the perceived risks. Then she can stop being on guard and she can get on with her life. We have to be realists here and say she (or you) may very well be at risk from people against her on either or both sides of life. If so, it is imperative that you are quick and clever.
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You also have Pluto around the corner in Aquarius in your finance, property and business zone. Investments, shares, property or cash has given this man, or perhaps you, a certain position.
The King, which may be you or a money man, is hard to get to, rather intimidating and also ‘surrounded’ by all that is there. There is not much freedom or space in this card. You or others seem fixed, earthy, stubborn and you, he or she finds it hard to budge. Capricorn, there is pleasure on his face at all that he possesses, yet he is trapped by his wealth to the point where problems may begin. And again, this may be you.
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You also have the nodes in your travel, moving and migration sector.. You, or people who matter to you, relocate next. This may be long-term travel or emigration – perhaps a move across town or across the country. The future is a blank canvas.
Using the problems of the past to prop up the escape to the unknown future is the way forward, but at a certain point that baggage must go. A group, club, team, society or other circle is supportive. So, is it you or somebody else? The main thing here is to leave the past behind. To get right away from that part of a map.
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This is really about ‘This far and no further.’ You are of course just going into December off the back of a Full Moon in your family zone. The family tree is in the card. That Full Moon was at rather sharp angles to your Sun and so you are now ready to make a sharp point with anyone silly enough to cross your boundaries. Holding your space and controlling your space is this week’s task. The true Pisces is spiritual even when he or she is being firm. Still there is no rule against being assertive.
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