Find out what the stars have in store for you today with Jessica Adams.


Your Weekly Horoscope
February 12-18, 2024

Jessica Adams has prepared your weekly astrological forecast for February 12-18, 2024. Discover what the stars have in store for you this week including your Premium Extended Forecast.
Astrologer's Diary

Happy Lunar New Year! Year of the Dragon

dragon year 300x200 - Your Weekly Horoscope February 12th thru 18thIt always falls on the second New Moon after the winter solstice. So that was Saturday the 10th of February at 7.59am in Tokyo, last weekend. The Sun was at 20 Aquarius 04 and the Moon was at 20 Aquarius 04.

I’ve recorded a Zoom for you about this on my YouTube channel here. There’s also a feature on my website, right here. You are off to a flying start this week so hit the ground running. All things are possible in a year of solutions.


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Send an e-card by zodiac sign for Saint Valentine’s Day on February 14th here. This is for Gemini. I work with quite a few of them, you see…

Skip to your Horoscope Sign: Aries | Taurus | Gemini | Cancer | Leo | Virgo | Libra | Scorpio | Sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces

Aries – The confused and confusing woman this week may be you. You have a relationship, and don’t know what to do with it. Or –if you are a man, then this is a woman in your life. This all comes down to Diana in Leo. The symbol of freedom, independence, space and non-commitment, in the sign ruling pregnancy, children and grown-up children.

Leo also rules courtship and the bedroom. What to do? Move the unique but hard-to-classify connection to somewhere it belongs. Move yourself along with it – shift your angles. For the woman in your life, or you as a woman, the babies who were (or were not) born are in the historic foundations of the situation now.

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Taurus – The world of pregnancy, babies children and the next generation is at the heart of this new week. In your natal chart, Diana with all her exhilaration and freedom, is in your sector of parenthood, young relatives and juniors. When we go to your solar chart, we find similar trends. Perhaps your daughter or son is about to go to the next level at school or college/university. Maybe a pregnancy is being confirmed, or an adoption. In a more general fashion, Millennials or other younger generations may be about to share fantastic outcomes.

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Gemini – The great escape is showing in your chart. This is someone coming to you, relocating, emigrating or taking a vacation. In other cases, you have had enough and are moving on. We have Aquarius weather, ongoing, and this zodiac sign rules the blank canvas of the future in a new town, city, region or country. It really is blank, too. Pluto is at 0 Aquarius as the year begins, so you are starting with zero idea, perhaps. Or somebody else has no clue about what to expect. This does in fact give you, or them, huge potential. There also needs to be recovery here. Repair work. For now, though, focus on getting there.

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Cancer – This Aquarius weather is about a rich, secure and comfortable person you must negotiate with – or you, yourself. Maybe you are now at a point where you have more than enough. Pluto is in Aquarius in your Eighth House of finance, property, charity and business for the first time in 248 years. So somebody else is in a powerful position to lend, sell, buy or donate – or you certainly are. The issue here is Pluto, though, which likes to control very tightly. The grip is superglue strength this week. And yet that may not be particularly useful.

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Leo – If you are a woman, then this week is about evergreen love in a relationship. Venus is involved and NASA will tell you Venus is shifting towards Mars until they appear to merge into each other around the 22nd of February. Venus is about seduction, adultery, marriage, and the mother of all crushes.

If you are a man, then this is about a woman who may be your wife, girlfriend, friend, mother, potential lover and so on. Venus is here to show that passion can be made new again.

If you are a female Leo, then this week is about beautiful surroundings, confidence in your own femininity, comfort and joy. If you are a man, then a woman like this can be so influential and powerful.

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Virgo – Juggling money is quite normal when we see so many opposing factors in your Second House of personal income and your Eighth House of shared finances, business, charity and property. Juggling is not as useful as a new budget which will actually take the uncertainty, though. The world chart shows Uranus in Taurus. That is wildly unpredictable economic weather, and it is in the background for you. Rather than just react all the time, though, think about pausing long enough to invent a new budget.

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Libra – You can get away with a lot this week and get rid of potential issues involving a circle of people before it even starts. Others are going to need ammunition, either to use against people you want to help, or maybe you yourself. If you remove the ammunition before they even realise what has happened, you are on a roll. Your natal and solar chart both show a busy Eleventh House. That rules groups of all kinds, including plotters and planners.

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Scorpio – The family tree is now affected very strongly by Pluto in Aquarius as well as Aquarius weather in general. This cycle has landed, rather as a cyclone does, and there may even be issues with your local area or country, in terms of wild weather. Whatever the climate, the actual atmosphere or climate with your relatives is powerfully affected. Change has to happen. It can happen naturally, or someone can make it happen. If you are a man, it may be you who wants to sort out the family. If you are a woman, it may be a man you believe has no time to waste. He wants action and he wants it now.

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Sagittarius – Once you realise that everything is in your imagination, or just in your head, you can banish the unpleasant visions as much as the temptations. You obviously want a better house or apartment; money or valuables; success. Yet as these are on the same level as people or situations you find toxic and even poisonous, at heart, the potential rewards will seem about as real as the visions of what you do not want. In other words, it’s time to be a realist. You are projecting. This happens because you are out of touch with yourself.

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Capricorn – The two of you, man and wife (or some other bond) must now find the trust. There is a pact or promise waiting here. Yet, with Uranus in Taurus in your zone of parenthood, courtship and the bedroom – things have not been smooth sailing for you two. Or – maybe you have an ex who has made you, the way you are. In any case, it’s time to talk. Proper communication with this person, whomever he or she is, can change so much.

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Aquarius – You are rather like Scorpio in that your family tree is blown sideways this week. Perhaps you are related. For you the reason is Uranus in Taurus. Uranus is radical change, freedom, new beginnings and independence. Taurus of course rules your relatives, your home, your place in the world. It looks as though the family tree is going to correct itself naturally. To grow properly it needs life gardening. And life will take care of that. Yet, there is a younger person here who could just wade in and sort it out.

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Pisces – Your extended family or friends in the spirit world now evolve and make progress. You are in the South Node in Libra cycle in your Eighth House, which rules your inheritance, legacy and will. It can be emotional or psychological inheritance as well as financial. Those who left you something, whom you have left behind, or who left you behind, are not far away. Death Is Nothing at All, by Henry Scott-Holland makes perfect sense this week. What happens to your people in spirit, affects you, if you tune in. What happens to you, affects them.

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