Find out what the stars have in store for you today with Jessica Adams.


Your Weekly Horoscope
February 6-12, 2023

Jessica Adams has prepared your weekly astrological forecast for February 6-12, 2023. Discover what the stars have in store for you this week including your Premium Extended Forecast.
Astrologer's Diary

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The First House, where we find Jupiter and Chiron, rules your appearance, image, reputation and public profile. It brings issues about your outer packaging or ‘advertising’ – how you present yourself to the world, as well as the way you are seen. Cosmetic surgery, cosmetics, hair colour, photographs, promotion, advertising, business cards, clothes, accessories, branding and status symbols are just a few of the avenues which lucky Jupiter will work through now. Chiron gives you the chutzpah to get away with it. This may be laser surgery, or a wig. If you work in a profession where appearances are everything (like acting, for example) or your status in life depends on your looks (you’re a trophy wife or husband, and you know it) then this cycle needs to be fully exploited by May. You want to look special in March, April – or you want the world to see you as special – the stars are aligned. But – do the work.

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Mars Retrograde is stuck, reversed or changed plans – financially. It started in September 2022 and ends in March 2023. It’s in your Second House. The Second House describes what you will happily sell out for, and what you will point-blank refuse to compromise on. It’s about your own personal stock exchange, and it has nothing to do with other people’s opinions on what makes you rich or poor.

Dig harder at your value system and you will find it’s possible to access your own interpretation of these circular, backwards or stuck situations. If you put a higher price on peace of mind, than cash, you will now be given an excellent chance to practise cultivating it. Not surprisingly, this is one of those cycles when people are forced to develop a strong, reliable value system, because it gets them through the retrograde money issues or ‘repeat, repeat’ scenarios involving property or possessions. By March, it’s over. But for now, you will need a flexible plan.

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The South Node in Scorpio will throw plenty of the ‘repeat’ scenarios it is famous for at you now, in connection with work and well-being. Because it is karmic in nature, there is no question of you changing the movie you find yourself in. However, you can always control how you feel about it, and how you choose to see what is going on. Select the angle that makes you feel most centred about it all. Find a way to view all this repetition that doesn’t merely bring on Deja vu or even eye-rolling, Gemini. It ends in July. No more loops.

Paid work, unpaid work and study are also part of this cycle. You will either have been through a particular scenario with this several times over (and it’s here again!) or you may be facing a situation that feels amazingly familiar, but you can’t work out why. When the South Node digs in, it encourages you to find creative, clever, productive ways of responding and reacting to life. Not long to go anyway, but for now – improve on the inside. There are new angles on your health. New angles on your workload. Look for your inner telescope.

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2023 and 2024 are unusual years, when your house, family, apartment, household, hometown and homeland bring karma from 18-19 years ago. The situation which begins in July is being built up slowly this week. This also applies to your flatmates, or to your live-in partner, if you are married or de facto. The Fourth House cycle of the South Node will put you in a time-warp where property, houses, flats and domestic life is concerned. You’ll long for a change in the astrological weather, but it’s unlikely to come while the South Node remains at the bottom of your chart.

Instead, use the opportunities you are being given to practise your response. Exploit the endlessly rewound tape of your life, after July, so that you can take the time to cultivate a point of view which will make you feel happier. This kind of practise could change your life, not to mention your view of reality. It will not only give you the tools you need to feel calmer, jollier and more philosophical about the things you cannot change – it will also show you why it’s the inside of your head that matters, Cancer.

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Well, Leo, you are now looking at the end of Pluto in your Sixth House of workload and well-being. He goes in the final week of March. Your part-time or full-time job, course or unpaid work will now challenge you to find a new way to look at a situation then.

Pluto is here to educate you. At some point in this end-game cycle, you will realise your only way out in late March, is a change or U-turn in the way you perceive your job, and your power. Or, maybe, your lack of power. It’s at that point that you really will start to crack your own shell and be reborn as a new person.

If you are retired, unemployed, housebound or just have full-time home responsibilities, all of the above applies to your own daily routine, and usual domestic life. With Pluto gone from late March, there is a brilliant chance to create a new way of experiencing and appreciating life.

Your health, medical condition, stamina, life force and well-being are also in focus now. With Pluto going, going, gone – some kind of change in your own body, or in your own lifestyle is likely. Even the old politics of doctors, hospitals, and COVID itself is likely to shift dramatically in the final week of March. This is prep time.

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This could be lucrative for you, Virgo, in terms of saving money or making it. You are now in the ‘go’ phase of a Jupiter cycle that is with you until May. People born under your sign, and also your opposite sign, Pisces, are experiencing similar financial, business or property trends with you now. The breakthrough you need may come when you swap stories, or ideas, with those who know the potential (whatever their sign).

An honest Virgo, the financial, property or business situation which is now being played, or replayed, has the Jupiter luck factor you ned. However, it also means consciously working hard to develop a budget, and a strategy, that will make you feel you are taking every solution or opportunity. Thus, any issue connected to taxation, inheritance, investment, mortgages, leases, assets, debts and accountants has real options, especially in April. There may also be wider economic trends unfolding (changes in your industry, or even in your country) which make you feel more optimistic.

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Mars Retrograde. If you travel now, you will be returning to a place, and a situation, which is familiar from other trips – but you may feel stuck in a time warp, or a chronic ‘loop’ of some kind. Any trip which involves a massive exchange of cultures, beliefs, and attitudes (it’s usually overseas, but not always) will now involve some kind of loop.

Of course we are also at the end of Mercury Retrograde too, so you may already have been cancelled or held up, if you are even travelling at all. Libra, the sheer repetition of what you are facing with foreigners, as well, will teach you a great deal about how you should be reacting to it. As you deal with recurring situations involving people from other cultures and backgrounds, know that you sign off in March. Unless you alter your own perspective and behaviour about these people, you’re going to feel stuck so you may want to create a new system this week! Be creative in finding a unique angle or ‘spin’ on these foreign loops and circuits.

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There will be nothing particularly real about the pregnancy, adoption, children, teenagers or young adults in your world this week. It’s almost written by Hollywood, or at least J.R.R. Tolkien. Neptune in Pisces can produce the stuff of myth, film, novels or legend. It casts a glow around itself. It’s a holiday from reality. A vacation from planet earth. Think ahead, though, as from early March, reality will land with a thump.

This cycle also rules the bedroom and courtship. You can entangle yourself with someone who is so much a holiday from ‘normal’, that you end up forgetting you had an alternative. Again, March brings Saturn as well as Neptune in this chart sector so make friends with reality now, Scorpio.

Neptune is about parallel worlds but try to be realistic and see the situation clearly. Drugs and alcohol can cause problems now, for you and/or your offspring, or lovers – so if this all depends on getting drunk or doing a lot of dope/cocaine/heroin/ecstasy then beware. Saturn is closing in on Pisces from early March so sorting things out now will make it easier later – if this does in fact apply to you.

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Your home, family, household, town, country remains an ongoing alternative to reality. The possibilities are endless. But the rule is the same. People or situations which represent a complete escape from the real world, will now be parked in the Change Zone in the second week of March, ongoing, for some years. The more these people or situations offer you the chance to lose yourself and forget who you are, the more challenged you will be by the new barriers which arrive near March 7th.

Neptune, a horoscope symbol of escapism, is joined by Saturn, a symbol of obstacles which prevent you from accessing something (or someone) – or even getting out. So be aware now. Watch how you are joining the dots with (say) the house or apartment, perhaps your husband or daughter. Maybe, your parents or the country you still call home.

A really good pub is a total escape (like The Hanging Garden in Hobart) with vast outdoor spaces, an amazing Tasmanian wine list and beautiful plants – but it has rules and forbidding locked entrances and exits. That’s what Saturn joining Neptune is all about. Escape with gates. This is prep week.

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Ever since 2008, on a regular basis, Capricorn, you realise the world is not responding to you now – it is reacting to your name, your face, your style, your persona, your image. You will be acutely sensitive to this because Pluto has a way of reminding you that there is more to you than others can see, the whole time that you deal with your reputation, title and appearance.

No matter if you get a thumbs-up or a thumbs-down from the crowd at regular intervals (and you have done, since 2008), you’ll be made aware of the need to find personality traits, talents and assets that have been buried, hidden, lost or even never consciously found because they were interior. Your personal power will be awarded to you (or taken away from you) by the very end of Pluto in Capricorn at this time and he goes, in the final week of March. There will be a strong sense of ‘me in here’ and ‘them out there.’

What Pluto asks now, is that you take whatever steps you must to end the game the right way. Your willpower and self-control has been formidable, Capricorn, no matter if you are dealing with people without a face or name online, or just endless issues about how you look on YouTube or in photographs. From the last week of March, you get to see what life is like without that. Prep!

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You will find all about Neptune with Saturn – from the second week of March – in the money, property and lifestyle game and also experience final chapters which bring an end to a drifting, cruising escape. A long period in which you swam with the currents, no matter if it was Bitcoin or Wall Street, or eBay.

Reality comes into your unreality soon. This is prep week. Situations which other people have been random about – can’t help but affect you too, from March. Other people’s values will dictate your life from around March 7th. Their idea of what (or who) is most bankable will produce walls, moats, gates and the like.

If you are Oprah Winfrey you may find yourself dealing with new taxes or a new situation with your business interests. She is an Aquarius woman. This cycle is typically about new rules and realities, so try not to dive into anything Neptunian now. You really don’t need any more randomness to be gated, come March 8th. There is enough there already, with the bank, house, apartment, and so on – it’s everywhere, all the time, all over the place, with everything and everybody!

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This South Node in Scorpio cycle will put you in touch with foreigners and foreign countries, until July – so you can gain closure with the past. These people may be in your own town or village but may not necessarily have any connection to your own culture, education or background. Travelling to other countries or making connections with people from different nationalities or belief systems to your own, might be the key to a new spiritual awakening for you once you realise life as it was 18-19 years ago plays a part. In other cases, you might find this wake-up call through returning to a culture or nationality, you’ve visited before. The South Node helps you to settle up with the universe, as you are owed, or owe.

The South Node describes your karma. People and experiences which are fated to return to you from your previous situation 18 or 19 years ago, will turn up at this time. Every one of them will educate you about what you believe and what it means. You might just ‘happen’ to be engaged with Japan again. Or you might just ‘accidentally turn up’ at a holiday resort which is next door to a mosque. Pisces, hear the call from the past. If there is a sense of familiarity or instant connection around specific individuals or locations now, closure is required by July.

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