Find out what the stars have in store for you today with Jessica Adams.


Your Weekly Horoscope
January 29 - February 4 2024

Jessica Adams has prepared your weekly astrological forecast for January 29 – February 4 2024. Discover what the stars have in store for you this week including your Premium Extended Forecast.
Astrologer's Diary

Happy Lunar New Year. Year of the Dragon begins on Saturday February 10th. Next week, you can pick up a guide to your Asian sign over the next 12 months. It’s a time for letting go of the past. It’s also good week to clean out your house or apartment, office or even your computer. You can find out more about your Asian zodiac sign here as you get ready for Year of the Dragon, next week.

dragon year 300x200 - Your Weekly Horoscope January 29th through February 4th 2024
Image: Raimond Klavins, Unsplash
Skip to your Horoscope Sign: Aries | Taurus | Gemini | Cancer | Leo | Virgo | Libra | Scorpio | Sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces

xThe only way to connect and communicate as a crew is to join a crew. Or rejoin a crew. That is the message for you or another person this week. It’s a very Pisces seven days. We have Saturn, Bacchus, Hygiea, Aesculapia and Neptune in Pisces. Pisces the two fishes swim in opposite directions. Confused and confusing. Which just about sums things up if you are on your own, having drifted too far out, in your own little world. This only applies to you if you are an Aries man, by the way. Perhaps it’s somebody else, though. He (and it will be a he) may have a fair bit of Pisces in his natal chart. Impressive, fascinating, detached, out of touch with reality, drifting and floating. The crew part of the message is down to your Eleventh House of groups, clubs, teams, communities, networks and circles. Now that’s active. Pluto, Fortuna, the Sun and Cupido are all there. In fact that’s a crew of horoscope factors, all by itself. This is a rare chance which will not come again, Aries. For you or a key man, there is a chance to be found. To be discovered and discover others. And that would transform the known world. It’s like Dr. Who being picked up by a spaceship and getting a social life. And yet it may not happen. I have to be honest with you. The solo voyage may continue. Premium Member? Go on.

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Money will fix ill health on any level this week, be it mental or physical. This applies to you or people you know, or even a good cause like The Red Cross or M.S.F. The health issue comes from the South Node in Libra in your Sixth House of healing and healers. So you either need assistance or you are in a position to steer people towards it. This is karma. You are creating karma, actually, for the future. You may also be receiving karma from a health related situation affecting you or others 18-19 years before. The financing is available. Ceres and Ops are in your zone of funding, loans, grants, settlements, gifts, favours, benefits and so on. Ceres is about sharing. Ops is about optimism and practical can-do thinking. They form a conjunction on 30th January, New York time, and that’s powerful stuff. The trouble with suffering from physical or mental illness (like depression) is that it becomes a question of just getting by, or getting through. More is required. There are institutions and organisations whose job it is to provide financial help. If you can’t see that, then see it. If you can see it and others can’t, point it out. Premium? Go on.

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The finance, business, charity and property zone of your chart is lit this week. Venus, Psyche, Mars and Mercury are all in Capricorn, which rules everything from marriage and mortgage, to family and legacy. If you are a female Gemini you will have a lump sum to spend or save. You may also be dealing with a woman who has the same lump sum so you need to negotiate with her. If you are a male Gemini then this week is about your wife, boss, business associate or similar – maybe your bank manager – who is a woman who takes her time when she decides how she’s going to manage her money. This is action in the Eighth House of your chart which rules sex as well as money. So we can’t entirely rule out Lust For Life, as Iggy Pop called it. It’s not the main story but it’s there. Capricorn as a sign is structured, stable, patient, stoic, heavyweight – need we go on? Venus and Psyche in Capricorn together are a reminder that a will or legacy can go on forever. The original money can go on through the generations. Maybe that’s an issue for you or a woman who matters to you. Premium? Go on.

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Ceres and Ops are in your health zone this week. This is where you are healed, or you heal others. Where you help others get healed or help yourself to get what you need. This is mental or physical health, which the Sixth House rules. When we go over to your natal chart we find Juno in Virgo, the sign of doctors, surgery, psychiatry and so on. Juno is always a commitment. A big move on behalf of yourself or others. On 30th January, Ceres and Ops are lined up together in quite a rare pattern. This is about a deal or compromise. It’s also about hope and unless you have hope you have nothing. When we look at your whole chart we can see another rare pattern. Pluto, the planet of empowerment, is in your finance, charity and bank zone for the first time in 248 years. Fortuna, the Sun and Cupido are also there. So there are two stories going on here. One is about needing assistance. The other is like the Cyndi Lauper song, Money Changes Everything. There is money available and it’s going to take money to sort things out. Look and you will see it. Go and get it. If it’s your role to help others, make them see it and help them find it. Premium? Go on.

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Apollo is in your zone of sleep, peace of mind, psychology, self-help and mental health this week. That’s one sign behind you and it is also where you are behind the scenes, by yourself. Apollo is many things including a symbol of healing. You are now in a position where you can change your life by finding, or rediscovering, a technique which will help you control your thoughts and look after your health on all levels. That includes relaxation and sleep hygiene. I mention this because when we look at your natal chart the same thing is going on. There are five horoscope factors (quite a lot) in the same chart zone, which is the Twelfth House. It may be Cognitive Behavioural Therapy. It may be Tibetan Buddhist meditation. Whatever it takes, begin with the idea that everything is in your head. None of it is real. It is either a memory or a composed idea about the present and the future. What is real, no doubt about it, is the fact that you have made your bed with past battles or disputes and now you have to lie in it. Correct. The Aquarius weather is reminding you of that no matter if it was a break-up, divorce, a professional feud or something else. Yet, you are also lucky enough to have home comforts surrounding you. So enjoy them. Reorganise the inside of your head and you will soon find that life feels just as luxurious as it should again. And you can recover, restore and repair, Leo.

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A small but respectable amount of money has to be invested, spent, perhaps withheld for bargaining, or negotiated with this week. There is a huge stellium in Aries in your zone of finance, business, charity and property. Six factors in that zodiac sign, in the Eighth House of your chart, tell you to do some research. If you are a male Virgo this is probably you with a lump sum to sort out. Or you may be dealing with another man who has to figure out his figures. If you are a woman then the person who is thinking over the numbers is definitely male. Aries is a male sign. I think the leading question with the money is ‘What can I get away with?’ which is typical of Chiron. There may be all sorts of possibilities here. Buying land. Saving the planet. Starting a vegetarian business. Using AI to invest. Chiron is a fairly cavalier presence in the chart. He is a centaur but he was also a music teacher. He got away with being half horse, half man, and teaching people how to play the kithara. So there is something about this financial speculation that suggests musing on the impossible, or outrageous, or unthinkable. Only you can decide how to handle that. Premium? Go on.

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Diana in Leo in your zone of groups, circles and communities suggests, perhaps, the Conservative Party or a band. A book group or a charity. Independence is extremely important. Not everybody wants to stick to the same bunch of bananas. There may be a banana split, pardon the pun. This collection of people is not stable and needs to be stabilised in case somebody leaves. Diana can be like that in a chart. She is a free spirit. And of course when one goes, another can go too. It is also true that with every collection of people you tend to get a leader or a star. A frontman or frontwoman. The Beatles had John or Paul. They took turns. Perhaps you are that kind of player. Everyone else backs you, or has your back, but you are upfront. Front and centre. Or are you in the bunch? In any case, the idea of being out on your own, a majority of one, independent and autonomous, is also true for the person who fronts any group. I am sure you can see how all of this rather threatens the watertight solidarity of the whole. This situation has to be managed. It won’t manage itself. It begins with the notion that everybody is not the same. No, not at all. Individual rights, feelings and opinions have to be respected. This also shows up in your natal chart, Libra, as we find Pluto in his new sign of Aquarius in your Eleventh House reminding us that it’s Power to the People, Right On. Not just one person. Premium? Go on.

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One against the many is the story this week. You are either in the group, shown by Juno in Virgo in your chart, in the Eleventh House, or outside it. This is quite similar to Sagittarius, but in a different way. And perhaps this sign features in and out of the circle for you. The irony of this situation with someone on the outer, and everybody else separate, is that you are all the same at heart. You have really similar ideas, plans, opinions and projects. So it may help to come back to that. Time could heal in this case as it takes time for everything to calm down and for people to feel better. This may be you or someone who is on separate sides to this group. It can be expedited by active help though. An apology does a lot. Even without an apology, a gesture can do a lot. This situation is clearly shown in your natal chart too. Pluto is in your Eleventh House of group psychology for the first time in 248 years. We do associate this transit with tribes. So there is a tribe here and an outsider; perhaps a former member; perhaps someone who is just against – in defensive mode. The potential for all of you is massive if someone can effect a change. Premium? Go on.

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If you are involved in a group with a Scorpio or Sagittarius then this week is make or break for both of you. Whatever signs are involved, you are now dealing with the same story in both your personal chart and private chart. The South Node in Libra is in your Eleventh House of community. In your birth chart, your Eleventh House of community just landed with Pluto in Aquarius. So publicly and privately this week is about how you relate to a circle and how the circle relates to you. You see this in bands all the time. The band ousts one member, or one member quits. Even though they are basically all the same people, with remarkably similar ideas about life, there is a stalemate. The wounded party really does feel and act as if they are wounded. You also see it in politics. There is a leadership contest and the rejected leader retires to lick his or her wounds. The good news about Pluto in Aquarius in your natal chart is that this situation can transform. If it transforms, because you or others make the gesture, then the new solidarity and unity gives the collective strength and influence it never had before. And from that, all is possible.

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The Four of Cups is your Tarot card this week and it reminds you go to back to the family tree to find grounding. Your family tree is ruled by Aries in your solar chart and there is a huge stellium there this week. This is true for everybody actually. Until there is a sense of connection with the past; grandparents and further back there is a feeling of drifting and floating. Nothing is really real. You are also experiencing this because of the stellium in Pisces in your zone of thoughts, states of mind and life angles. Pisces drifts and floats like the fishes it represents. So there’s a sense of needing to remember where you come from and where you are in life. This is a message for you or perhaps someone else who needs to go back to where he or she came from. Maybe both of you. It is quite true that there is nothing wrong with actual people or actual relationships this week. They are as rich as anything else in life. The issue is one’s state of mind; the angle; the feelings; the moods. When we go to your solar chart we find Ops and Ceres in Sagittarius, in your Twelfth House of spirit, soul and psychology. That may point to you, who needs to do the grounding, as Ops is really about tackling issues and Ceres is always about striking a bargain. In this case the deal is with yourself. Premium? Go on.

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The instability and ongoing upheaval with your town, country, house, apartment or family tree (maybe all) is shown with Uranus, your ruler, still moving through Taurus, which rules your sense of belonging. This can affect others in your extended family tree too so that one person in particular is on the move, this week. The family tree itself is being blown all over the place in your Tarot card for the week, the Page of Swords. Clearly there has to be some chopping and changing or will it all just happen? Jupiter, Minerva and Uranus are all in Taurus, all in your Fourth House. So there’s a good reason to allow the shifting sands to shift. It’s meant to happen. Jupiter is about expansion and improvement. There has to be something better than this, no matter if it’s the place or the people. This has to keep moving forwards and growing and changing. Uranus is about the wild and unpredictable astrological weather conditions that make life rather unpredictable and erratic. People too. Minerva is about wisdom. There is wisdom there about how this could be if you or someone else is prepared to listen. Premium? Go on.

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The Hermit is your card and with all those planets in Aquarius now, a hermit you shall be. You gain from it. Aquarius rules your Twelfth House of solitude, spirit and soul You have Pluto, Fortuna, the Sun and Cupido all there in that sign. Meanwhile in your natal chart we find a load of Pisces factors. Again this is your Twelfth House. Time apart and time alone helps you find yourself. You need to figure out what and who is meaningful to you. You cannot do that at a party. You cannot even really do it with your partner or best friend unless they are also your therapist on some level or your priest. This transit is associated with religion, Buddhism, the Tarot, self-help, counselling, hypnosis and the inner life. It’s just a phase you are going through, sure, but it’s also rather powerful because Pluto is rather powerful. This is a new transit for you. The transformer is now officially in your sector of introversion and he’s there for another 20 years or so, on and off. Being a hermit empowers you. It doesn’t mean you are like that all the time but it is the gateway to control in your life. Premium? Go on.

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