Find out what the stars have in store for you today with Jessica Adams.


Your Weekly Horoscope
July 25-31, 2022

Jessica Adams has prepared your weekly astrological forecast for July 25-31, 2022. Discover what the stars have in store for you this week including your Premium Extended Forecast.
Astrologer's Diary

Leo 2 300x213 - Your Weekly Horoscope July 25th to 31stHappy Birthday Leo, and to all the Leo people in your world. If you need to thank a Leo at work (say) or a friend – use your Premium Membership to send an e-card.

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Skip to your Horoscope Sign: Aries | Taurus | Gemini | Cancer | Leo | Virgo | Libra | Scorpio | Sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces

You will begin a new sexual relationship at this time (or a new phase of your old relationship) which finds you learning more about your needs in the bedchamber, single or with a partner. Yes, it’s the Leo weather in your house of courtship. The New Moon on July 28th could see a very different chapter being written; alone or with your King/Queen/Courtier. The world of children (your own, or other people’s) will also be in focus now. The heirs to your throne or pretenders to your throne. Your son. A godchild. A niece. Perhaps, a whole class full of loyal subjects. You are now leading a younger court, Aries, until the Leo weather subsides in September. Learn to be a parent who rules at this time – or guides.

Try to be utterly realistic about Leo weather and the high chance of serious questions about adoption, pregnancy, IVF, abortion, miscarriage and all other aspects of childbirth – and the world of children.

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Karma calls from 18 or 19 years ago, Taurus. The Seventh House, where the karma now rolls, rules your husband, wife, boyfriend, girlfriend, and ex-partners. It also rules your enemies and opponents. You may now find yourself in a karmic workout with any of these people – or discover that they are cycling around with you, spiritually. You owe. You may be owed. Closure rolls until July 2023, Taurus.

There is always something fascinating, if utterly unfathomable, about the repetition you experience with marriages, affairs, business partnerships and working relationships which turn up when the South Node is in the Seventh House. They can be baffling, with all their circuits, to onlookers who don’t really understand them. Your double-act is not respecting 2022 – it is showing you an aspect life, as it was.

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You are likely to be tempted by October, November and/or December people or plans which allow you to escape reality on some level. Gemini, you have such thick blinkers on, you are unlikely to know all the clear and necessary details now. So, get external advice and get as many opinions as you need.

This will be fantastic, October to December. Jupiter joins Neptune in your success zone. The Tenth House. Yet it requires some preparation now.

Work out where all this is taking you! I think, with all the muddles of previous years, you know what NOT to do. And even if the worst that happens is just a vague sense of confusion, or a touch of chaos, do you really need it in your life? Neptune often leads people into situations where there is no respect for boundaries, and no concept of what is realistic, practical or even possible. So, avoid. But do aim for something stupendous from Halloween to Christmas.

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Let’s talk about foreigners with Neptune in your solar Ninth House. When people do not know who they are, they lose themselves in someone else, or even in a whole alternative culture or nationality. Are you that person now? Or is the face on the web? Nobody is going to want ordinary, normal, life now. As always with Neptune, ask yourself where all this is getting you. This transit can be confusing and confused.

The growth, solutions, opportunities and improvements return when Jupiter changes signs at the end of October. Until then, boundaries are required. There is something very 1960s about this cycle! It can be dangerous if you have fallen for the fantasy that travel is safe ‘post pandemic.’ Ask science. The Ninth House covers experiences, places and people which expand your horizons. Travel is first on the list, along with emigration and relocation (usually to places which represent an escape of some kind.) Again, you have to be a realist when Neptune is transiting this house.

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Uranus in the Tenth House encourages you to use your position, your role, or your career, to bring about your most ‘impossible’ revolutions in the name of freedom. Independence Day is close. Particularly in relation to your job, your role, your mission, or your ambitions. With care, you can liberate yourself. This applies to unpaid work or academia as well.

When it comes to your achievements in this cycle, the potential for something rather exhilarating, if wildly unpredictable, is definitely there. Leo, it’s vital that you ask objective outsiders for their opinion. Leo, do ask your most objective and sensible friend to rate the choices you are making, or wish to make. The fact is you will be enormously successful at taking opportunities to improve your professional life, unpaid work or academic life – from May 2023. By May 2024 sensational outcomes are possible. It all has to start somewhere. So, now.

Your ambitions must bear a practical relationship to the real world, and your real self, though if you are going to see your impossibly high aspirations for independence come to pass, but it’s time. There is more to say about your finances, too.

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Virgo, if you’re blind to where it’s all going with that duet or duel (and what it’s doing) then wake up and pull out. The point at which you realise you have stumbled into a real-life shambles is the point at which you really must remove those goggles.

Brideshead Revisited, Charles Ryder and Sebastian Flyte, is textbook Neptune in Pisces in the Seventh House. You might also say, the Prince and the Showgirl. You can also lose yourself in the ghost of a lost love. Or lose yourself in a mighty battle with an enemy. It’s all Neptune. So, it’s all temporary sea mist. Virgo, you do get tremendous opportunities, sensational solutions and more after October. Yet, the less confusion about boundaries now, the less you have to sort out, later on. Drugs and alcohol are obvious examples of Neptune issues, in a duet. But so are reality-impaired former partners. The possibilities are endless after October. But the rule is the same. People or situations which represent a complete escape from the real world, need to be anchored and roped in.

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The golden rule with any Neptune cycle in your Sixth House of lifestyle, workload, unpaid work, academia and health – is to look at your situation as if you were completely outside it – as if you did not have a great big bubble of sea mist you – and try to judge, intelligently, what your life is achieving. Are you in danger of losing your job because you’re ignoring your work? Are you rescuing a colleague or are you just messing up the project? Neptune says “You’ve got your angles now. But you need other angles too.” These should preferably come from people you trust and respect, not necessarily people who are going to tell you what you want to hear. The point at which your life invites chaos is the point at which you must own the situation, Libra. This is a tough Neptune transit in Pisces, and sooner or later the oppositions to Virgo transits will appear. Ongoing. You are going to have the most fantastic solutions, opportunities, escape hatches, advantages and fortunate plot twists in October-December. But for now, keep it real.

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You are gaining from the game you are playing with others online now, but you are also giving your power away, because you’re ‘making it’ only for as long as they decide you’ve got what they want. Never forget the power held by the few online. Where is your power in a digital world? Well, it’s with your willpower, Scorpio, which means facing your inner contradictions, your secret complexities, your hidden parts. This is a great time to privately set your own agenda. This Pluto cycle with the internet, the media, publishing, education also brings decisive, dramatic, final chapters which accompany new beginnings. It holds until March 2023. Typical Pluto stuff! It really depends on how much you’ve invested (literally or psychologically) in the old online game you’ve been playing, but once you let the old system vanish from your life, and start the inward search, it’s game on. Never hang onto a game you were losing now.

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Saturn is now in your Third House until March 2023. The Third House rules your brothers and sisters. It rules the written and spoken word, and how you communicate in other ways – through symbols or images, for example. Finally, it rules short journeys, so cars, trains, aeroplanes, ships, boats, bicycles, motorbikes and public transport are a big focus now too. Just one look at Pandemic Planet and you can see how Saturn is working. Restrictions, limitations, boundaries, walls, fences, gates, drawbridges, moats.

There is great vulnerability and exposure behind all that, Sagittarius. Like an egg unprotected in the nest. Unhelpful astrological weather or even predators lurk. So, what do you do on this transit?

Patience works, with the Third House – your brothers and sisters; the plans, projects and ideas which use your communication skills, and finally, through the journeys you take. Stoicism. Staying power and a willingness to learn from experience, but also find out wise truths from those who are older than you, or even professionals in the field. There is more to say.

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Property will be an expanding, hopeful, potential-rich business in this cycle, no matter if you are renting or owning. Your newfound luck in the property game will have a far-reaching impact on your current feelings about your bank account, quite a different matter. This cycle goes backwards now but resumes in time for Christmas. Try an alternative property strategy for 2023 that better suits who you actually are. Where you live, and how you live, is your key to growth, optimism, expansion and improvement now. And you’ll find you can get up there, too. Your lifestyle, your address, the look or feel of your home – it all adds up to ‘more.’ You’ll end up with the kind of home life, in 2023, which puts you in a privileged position if you use this Jupiter in Aries transit.

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As with all Pluto cycles, this one is about letting go of what ends, and accepting what begins in its place. You have been living with it since 2008 and it’s about religion, therapy, Tarot, self-help and your inner world. A new order is coming. The world of God, perhaps, will bring empowering new beginnings now, and dramatic endings – which force you to find your inner power too. Find out who you really are! Maybe you’re a confirmed Agnostic. A Humanist. A Buddhist? Maybe you’re seeing a psychiatrist or psychologist. A dream coach.

Feel these ‘unacceptable’ emotions that come with Pluto, then move on. So, use this ‘period to find out who you truly are, then set yourself a different course – one which actually empowers you. This will also trigger a few new beginnings – and final chapters. A ‘deal with God’ to quote Kate Bush, may go through dramatic phases (start – stop – start – stop) at this time.

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This new Leo cycle will change the way you approach your health and wellbeing. It will encourage you to get rid of ideas, habits or set-ups which aren’t appropriate anymore and replace them with a fresh start on July 28th. Not surprisingly, this cycle often sees dramatic changes in the way people eat, drink and exercise, and also in the way they approach addictions (anything from sugar to cigarettes falls into this category.) It can also change the way they think about the connection between their mind, body and spirit. Obviously in a pandemic, a fresh start with your Covid management is shown, Pisces. The Leo weather goes on until the end of September, so this is a long-haul restart.

Make sure that those incredibly demanding lifestyle, medical, diet or alternative health choices you are making are compatible with work, unpaid work or study too. What worked for you, at this particular time, in this particular way, before? Repeat a successful formula from previous Leo cycles.

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