Find out what the stars have in store for you today with Jessica Adams.


Your Weekly Horoscope
May 22-28 2023

Jessica Adams has prepared your weekly astrological forecast for May 22-28 2023. Discover what the stars have in store for you this week including your Premium Extended Forecast.
Astrologer's Diary

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I’ll join The Conscious Café in London for a special Zoom event about the next six months of your life, with the North Node in Aries and South Node in Libra, on June 18th, 2023.

If you have factors in Aries and/or Libra, this is a key cycle for partnerships, old and new, you’ve not seen for 19 years.

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Skip to your Horoscope Sign: Aries | Taurus | Gemini | Cancer | Leo | Virgo | Libra | Scorpio | Sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces

Aries, Scorpio rules legacies, inheritance and wills in your chart and this week we find the South Node of karma there, making patterns on May 26th. This is an ending and a new beginning, far ahead in the distance. Such is the nature of the emotional or psychological package passed from one generation to the next.

You also have your ruler Mars in your zone of children, teenagers and younger people this week, which may play its part. This is quite an unusual chart pattern not seen for 19 years or so, and it won’t be back for another 19.

So this is a milestone, Aries, the final chapter and the faraway suggestion of a completely new book, actually. It will take time and space to understand what is actually being transferred here, because it runs very deep and may not be all known yet.

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Taurus, the Sun moves into Gemini now and your Second House of money, business, charity and property, valuables too. That’s your public chart. In your private chart you were also born with the Sun in Taurus in your Second House, so this week shows up publicly and privately too.

If you are a woman, there is a good sum of money here to invest, spend or save. If you are a man, then it is a woman you must negotiate with.

The Sun’s square to Saturn on the 28th of May suggests a waiting period. Saturn tends to make situations harder to get into, or harder to get out of, so time really will tell, with this one. Your own values matter most of course. Your life budget. What you will or will not sell your soul for and who or what is so precious to you that you know it’s absolutely priceless.

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Gemini, take care before you head off on a trip this week or think about relocating. You have Mars with all his impulse in your zone of short journeys. Pluto is in your zone of long journeys, meanwhile, and that can change everything. Look at alternative paths to get to your destination. Even, compare destinations. A bit of research and homework now will help you, and as these patterns haven’t occurred before in your lifetime, there is something of a landmark or milestone feeling about the map in front of you. Of course, you may not even be interested in a map, because all Mars wants to do is get moving. Action not words. But if ever there was a week to sit online and ask pertinent questions, this is it, Gemini.

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The flow between people who are pooling resources is a fantastic thing at the moment, Cancer. For the first time in 12 years, Jupiter is here in your zone of friendship, groups, teams, clubs and circles of all kinds. Jupiter helps solve any issues and better still, promises abundance. So, there’s more where that came from. There is a huge sense of hope for the future showing up in your chart as Jupiter trines Apollo on May 22nd. There is usually a feeling that you or others can spread your wings wider and take an eagle’s view of things. Going higher, further and broader in your perspective than you did before. This may be Substack or Twitter. It may be your local swimming group. The Eleventh House ideas of community, diversity and equality are at the heart of this.

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Leo, the trine from Jupiter with all his optimism, to your sector of money, business, charity and property augurs well this week. You’ve not had this transit for 12 years, and there is so much here to cultivate and accumulate. In fact, there are so any assets or options here that you may be overlooking one in particular which is right at your feet. Count all the pennies, or all the penny-producing possibilities. You don’t need a huge amount of luck with Jupiter, just average conditions but perhaps greater expectations and thus a willingness to put some elbow grease in and work a lot harder at making it. And what are you making? Well, something you can re-invest perhaps or maybe you’d just like to fund some time off.

Leo, money is bound to be a waiting game with Saturn in Pisces in your solar Eighth House of finance, business, charity and property. Saturn is by nature associated with Father Time. However we also have this suggestion of a holiday from reality thanks to Neptune. Again he is in your solar Eighth House of money. Put those two together in your public chart and we have you in a world of your own, dreaming of what might be, with all the usual bubbles, be they property bubbles, or champagne bubbles or investment bubbles. Neptune rules all kinds of bubbles, actually. The reality part of it along with the hard work comes from Saturn. Your ruler the Sun square Saturn this week will shed light on one terrific source you could spend or reinvest now. Have you seen it?

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The South Node in Scorpio and North Node in Taurus talk about knowledge exchange. If you are a woman, you will be teaching, tutoring, guiding or doing some serious talking this week. You can do this informally of course, as every Virgo mother or grandmother knows. Every aunt or godmother. Yet there is a focus here on a project or plan with huge potential which could grow.

If you are a man, this is a woman in your life who is admirable and formidable. She had something in hand that you may be involved with or could be involved with.

The idea of growth is central to your life this week. Growth through knowledge and big ideas; growth through betting on the future. This makes sense with optimistic Jupiter making the best possible angle to your Virgo Sun, in the months ahead – if he has not already just done so.

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Libra, if you are a woman, then you can’t square the relationship in front of you this week. You have a square in your chart from Venus, the planet of complicated relationships, to Chiron, in your zone of partnerships. Venus is also your ruler, so this is personal.

If you are a man, then this is about a woman who may be your girlfriend or wife. The thing is what cannot be squared can sometimes leave you stranded. Women tend not to make any moves when they cannot figure out the code. This doesn’t really help, though. If anything, there is a great need to be grounded. To be realistic. To be practical. To get up and do something sensible about what is defying all categorisation.

Libra, if you are a woman, then hidden in the background, are the children you had, or never did have. That is an unseen but very important issue here as Pluto goes through Aquarius.

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Scorpio, Apollo in Virgo in your zone of groups, clubs, teams, bands, circles and networks dominates the week. Apollo is about leadership so all eyes on you as the captain or front person, or on someone else doing that job. Apollo is trine Jupiter on May 22nd, which rather suggests there is too much complacency here. The person who fronts this, or is backed by the group, or who runs it, is overdoing the self-satisfaction. This may be you, guilty as charged, or perhaps you just realised it’s the conductor of the orchestra or the CEO of the board. It’s easily fixed. Instead of the group being regarded as all the same, to the last person, each individual needs to be recognised as having the same merit and importance as the person fronting the group. Without that, there is a strong indication someone may leave or be gone.

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Sagittarius, Chiron in Aries is in your zone of children, teenagers and young adults this week. Chiron is also square Venus on the 24th of May, so there is a situation here you cannot square. This may be your son or godson, nephew or young intern or apprentice. Chiron is about seeing what you can get away with. There is always a sense of the grand experiment with this chart factor, as if everything is in the laboratory to see what is possible. Needless to say, there is nothing here that is normal or a regular known factor for you. In mythology, Chiron should not have existed, and he did things which should not, could not, have happened. He was the centaur who confounded all expectation. There is something of that with this male, this week. And of course if you are a male teenager or male Millennial Sagittarius, this may in fact be you.

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Well Capricorn, now that Jupiter is in your sector of courtship, the bedroom and parenthood, you have something bigger to think about. This is the first time in 12 years this planet has been in your Fifth House, so this week is important. A landmark, actually, because there are decisions to make. Perhaps it is you who is laying down the law on such matters. Celibacy might be one. Religion will come into it for other Capricorn people.

In other cases, you may feel as if you are being told, or shown, the doctrine. This can stray into areas like gay and lesbian relationship politics, for example. This is a really important 12 months for you, Capricorn, with both Jupiter and Uranus, the planet of quite radical change, in this zone of your chart. Perhaps you are trying to figure out a child’s religious education, or if you should have another baby. Maybe the issue is just about sex and infidelity. What comes out of the next 7 days is intensely personal and only you know how much your soul is involved in this. Jupiter trines Apollo on May 22nd, which is when it’s obvious.

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Aquarius, Mars is in a T-square on May 26th so justice will be done. This may be legal for you or perhaps it’s moral or ethical. The scales will be balanced. Mars is here in Leo, your opposite sign, so your opposite number (like your husband) or your other half (a work partner) is involved.

It is also possible you have a real battle on your hands here Aquarius, in which case things will be perfectly balanced. The T-Square is pretty rare. It takes place between the nodes in Taurus and Scorpio, as well as Mars, and so this week is something of a milestone. There may be a court decision, for example. In situations like this, both sides or two sides have to bow down to something greater. Mars is tough. The law can be tough, but fair. Even if the situation is just about you and one other figuring out what is strictly equal between you, there is still a sense of something bigger than both of you figuring it all out.

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Well Pisces, when you see Chiron in Aries square Venus on May 24th, just know there is money to re-invest, save or spend. This is about you if you are a woman.

If you are a male Pisces, it is about a woman in your life. This obviously makes the greatest difference to you, no matter if it’s your girlfriend, wife or business partner. There is always a slight discomfort with a square, in the chart and near this Chiron-Venus square there may be issues about what you can get away with. This applies to you as a Pisces woman. How far can you take something?

Looking at the bigger picture, the nodes go into this same sector of your chart from July and stay there throughout 2024. So for all that you have all the feelings to feel, Pisces, think long term and get real about managing what is there. This also applies to any woman in your life if you are a male Pisces.

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