Find out what the stars have in store for you today with Jessica Adams.


Your Weekly Horoscope
May 8-14 2023

Jessica Adams has prepared your weekly astrological forecast for May 8-14 2023. Discover what the stars have in store for you this week including your Premium Extended Forecast.
Astrologer's Diary

The New Moon Zoom Event

Picture1 300x200 - Your Weekly Horoscope May 8th to 14th

The luckiest New Moon of 2023 takes place next week. This New Moon is in Taurus, the same sign where we find fortunate Jupiter for the next 12 months. If you have anything in Taurus in your birth chart, that’s a personal reason to join, as you stand to make or save money on this historic cycle.

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Skip to your Horoscope Sign: Aries | Taurus | Gemini | Cancer | Leo | Virgo | Libra | Scorpio | Sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces

Stuck in the Middle with You is a great song Aries. But this week you are stuck in the middle with yourself if you are a man. Being stuck makes you enlightened if you are a male Aries. If you are a woman, this is about a man in your world.

With Proserpina in Pisces in your zone of solitude, spirituality and your soul, you need to be alone in order to get to the greater truth about him. For some Aries men, this will be a religious awakening. For others, it will be about the aura. For some men, it will be a lightbulb going on, on a psychological or psychic level. You do have quite a lot of factors in Pisces in your Twelfth House of spirituality, religion, Tarot, therapy, counselling and the rest. So if you are by yourself, it’s because you have to be, in order to understand this man and his situation, or (if you are a man) to wake up.

From that point forward, you can actually swing into action, Aries and you can make a decision that will stop you dangling in mid-air. You could hope someone would come along to rescue you but actually, only you can become enlightened. For a female Aries, this is a wait-and-see situation about a man, but it seems likely he’ll eventually sort himself out and choose one direction or another.

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Taurus, the group is the thing. It’s a case of pooling resources and all drawing from a shared source, together. This may be a book group, a Buddhist meditation circle or your friends online. There is something about Proserpina in Pisces in your Eleventh House of allies, as well as circles of people, that suggests it’s time. You actually have a ton of factors in your sector of group feeling the hive mind and the tribe. What takes place this week is reassuring, comforting and perhaps illuminating – all at the same time. You will see for yourself that there is an endless supply of what is needed, emotionally, to also supply the group. And the group itself can become a supply, so there is a feedback loop for all of you – but also just you – as a friend to some of these people.

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Gemini, Pluto in Aquarius tells you that the power is in another country, or with other faces from other places. That takes willpower, though. Naturally, you also need a plan. This is a long cycle stretching for 20 years into the future. That does not mean your ideas (so ripe for foreign involvement or a foreign location) are that long-term. They may only be relevant for a year or two, but with kind of transit, you may as well allow for longer. Pluto is about finding the self-control to have control. You’re well aware that the qualifications, concept, website, book, proposal, song (and so on) that you have in hand won’t work where you are. Don’t forget about the other one, though. You are the sign of the twins and there are twin plans here.

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Cancer, men who are in their own reality, removed from everything and everybody, are a real issue at the moment. We can thank Neptune in Pisces for that, floating along on the internet, but perhaps between countries. Let’s hope if you are a Cancerian male, you are not that man. If you are (and you know you have disconnected), you can change everything this week, if you put the effort in, and take the journey of a lifetime to get out of your current situation – so you can actually reconnect with people. Perhaps you are a Cancer man who does not recognise himself as the drifter here, but has a drifter for a father, boss, brother, friend, lover, husband and so on. How do you convert him? You can’t get close. He has put himself in a position where intimacy is impossible. Think about strategies this week. There are options. You also have to decide if he’s actually worth the trouble.

If you are a Cancerian woman, then your husband, father, boss (and so on) may be in his own little world. Again, you need a strategy if you think it’s worth the effort. He is inaccessible, perhaps affected by drugs, medication or alcohol (that can happen) or just far, far away emotionally. Communication is very difficult, isn’t it!

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Leo, great ideas have to be put in place before they fall over as time is of the essence. The key is focus. Salacia in Aries is in your zone of export, the worldwide web, publishing, the media and academia too. That means keeping it real is incredibly important either for you or likely, a man in your world who needs to slow down. These Aries transits also involve Jupiter, in his final days in your sector of books, websites, ideas, courses – and also Chiron. So that means there is a lot going on, rather late in the game, which may be why there is so much rushing. Less haste and more research is a good idea. This may be about a man you see hurtling forward with zero focus, or perhaps yourself, galloping off to try and make something work, but not realising taking just a few hours out to do some homework could save a lot of time and energy.

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Virgo, the money goes round for you or a woman in your world this week. There is a lot to invest, pay out or save as you benefit from the last days of Jupiter in Aries but also Salacia in Aries too. Quite a few signs are being affected by this last Aries rush, and as it takes place in your Eighth House of inheritance, property, business, shares, charity, investment, banking, cryptocurrency – and the like – you have some good potential negotiations and decisions ahead. If you are a male Virgo this may be your wife or mother, business associate or banker. If you are a woman, it is probably you, although it is also true that another female who has a lot of assets or money is in your picture this week. In any case, you gain. No matter if you are admiring the big-ticket items, you are leaving the children in your will, or feeling comfortably abundant with your savings – or able to have a financially meaningful chat to a woman – it’s a week full of potential.

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Libra, your daily routine, lifestyle and regular workload can feel like a holiday from reality on this cycle. Proserpina in Pisces is in your sector of housework, but also gardening, and paid work as well. You also have Neptune in Pisces and as if that wasn’t enough unreality, you have Saturn in Pisces too. So you do need boundaries, urgently. Or someone else do. This is about a woman, or perhaps you, if you are a female Libra. Don’t let the bath overflow, basically. There are some marvellous cycles now in your zone of daily life, routine, rituals, method and order. Pisces the fishes, ruled by Neptune, suggests long baths, wild swimming or a spa. Perhaps just a long shower in the morning. This kind of holiday from reality is part of normal life at the moment. We also associate these kinds of cycles with overflow and waste, though. If things are spilling all over the place, then a mopping-up operation and a bit of order and organisation is called for. If you are a man, you may want to make some useful suggestions or even be practical and weigh in.

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Scorpio, Salacia in your house of health suggests you will be healed this week or find yourself healing. Salacia is in Aries, alongside Jupiter and Chiron. That’s not just one, but three factors in your sector of doctors, dentists, surgeons – but also therapists and counsellors, people trained in acupuncture or alternative medicine. This is an important week. It goes beyond a dentist helping a patient, or you healing someone with depression, into a powerful exchange. So it’s really about being vulnerable enough to ask for help and making yourself vulnerable too – or steeling yourself to deal with someone you find intimidating. Scorpio, this is the last time in a long time you will have this line-up in Aries, which is quite a fiery sign. It’s pretty clear that one half of the equation (the healed, not the healer) is formidable. This may be you in which case the assistance you get is pretty brave.

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Sagittarius, a large sum of money is in view thanks to Venus in Cancer trine the South Node in Scorpio. You have to believe you deserve it and put in the work, Sagittarius, but this is a lot of money saved or made. This works in your private chart and public chart, too. Lots of Sagittarius people have Scorpio factors in their Eighth House of finance, and it may be that you are having this week’s transits in both your private and public chart at the same time. However your birth chart looks, if you feel that you are owed something fairly, or it’s your right to take it, or ask for it, then the rest is pretty textbook. It’s not often we see powerful and empowering Pluto going back into Capricorn, into your Second House of money. He does this from June. It’s not often we also see these Cancer transits in your Eighth House of inheritance, taxation, business and so on. That’s immediate.

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Well Capricorn, justice is the word of the week and if there is a legal process, the scales will be balanced. You have Venus, the ruler of Libra the scales, in your opposite sign of Cancer on May 7th, making patterns. This is about your opposite number or the other side. This may be your marriage or your work partnership. It may be a conflict or contest. This is quite an unusual transit, with both Venus and Mars in Cancer in May 2023. They classically show up as woman and man, and there may be an issue here about sexism, or even men who claim to be women. Venus is the ancient symbol of ‘all woman’ of course and Mars was her soldier lover, in Rome. Even if this is not about 2000 years of history, there may be issues for you about who brings what, to a relationship. It need not be sexual. It may be purely professional, or two people sharing a home, and so on. The duet or duel is being balanced by a higher power, though!

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Well, with Apollo in Virgo in your house of sex and money, you can’t really get past the sex side of the equation, even if the rest is in the background. There has to be a decision here, even if the decision is for one or both of you to walk away. It seems more likely that with Apollo making so many aspects in your Eighth House of depth intimacy, you will finally fix this chemistry experiment together. You also have Ceres in Virgo, so there has to be a new deal here, Aquarius. These Eighth House transits are usually about finance or property, as well as the question of your sexual involvement (past or future). Given that you have Mars poised to enter your zone of marriage, relationships, separation, from 21st May, though, I think there is more to this than mere rent, mortgage or alimony questions. The man in this situation is a natural leader. The woman in this situation is looking to astrology, or the Universe, for answers. The real answer is with none of these, but with the encounter between both of you which must happen, soul to soul.

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Fortuna is in your Tenth House of success, achievement, position and ambition – trine Salacia on the 8th of May. There is a big victory here with you on the right team, or you leading the way. Fortuna is the Wheel of Fortune taking you or others to the very top. She is in the sign of Sagittarius, which is very much onwards and upwards. It’s about exploring the new journey and the next journey too. Fortuna was well-known to Shakespeare who often cites her in his plays. She is about the random nature of luck, or timing, and yet this is very much with you, or with your leader, employer, boss and so on – this week. You could share in great success. You may also be the clear victor, Pisces. There are some other transits in the future pulling this along. Mars in Leo in your work, business and academia zone is the big one and he lands on May 21st. The question is not so much, how long should I celebrate? It’s about future growth from current success.

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