Find out what the stars have in store for you today with Jessica Adams.


Your Weekly Horoscope
November 14-20, 2022

Jessica Adams has prepared your weekly astrological forecast for November 14-20, 2022. Discover what the stars have in store for you this week including your Premium Extended Forecast.
Astrologer's Diary

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Children in Read is a family organisation that raises money for BBC Children in Need by creating an auction and auctioning off signed and dedicated books donated by the authors.

Jessica has donated the following to this auction benefitting BBC Children in Need:

A signed, numbered, Limited-Edition hardback copy of Modern Astrology 2050 – Includes 45 Minute Zoom Astrology and Tarot Reading With Jessica Adams. Postage included worldwide (covered by Jessica).

Auction ends Friday evening, November 18th, 2022.

Skip to your Horoscope Sign: Aries | Taurus | Gemini | Cancer | Leo | Virgo | Libra | Scorpio | Sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces

This two- or three-day period will put education, academia, publishing, foreigners – or people from other cultures – on your agenda. As with all Sagittarius cycles, you may come across a particularly interesting dynamic, so (for example) a teacher-student relationship which feels like husband and wife, or mother and son. However, this cycle manifests, though, especially with foreigners – you have a lot to learn from that part of you which is feeling like a complicated relationship – or from that other person who relies on you, if he or she is playing family roles. You may shortly enrol in a course or publish an eBook. If so, it will be complex in terms of the relationships involved. The Ninth House rules everything we do, in order to expand our geographical and intellectual horizons. The New Moon on the 23rd, next week, is about being absolutely sure of yourself, inside and out. Put those ideas together, and you have excellent conditions for some kind of new voyage of discovery.

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Saturn in Aquarius ahead of Pluto in Aquarius is historic. It translates in career, unpaid work or academic terms for you. Your relationship with your boss, colleague or client will now show you a lot about the barricades, as somebody’s barriers (yours or theirs) are operating at full force. Ring of steel. If you don’t have a part-time or full-time job, but you have other important roles and goals, those will also be affected by this rather demanding cycle. Once again, you can expect some kind of challenging dynamic, as someone else shows you their vulnerability or you feel your own. Saturn tends to encourage protective layers and walls because what is within seems so exposed. Watch and learn. It’s an instructive time. If a career issue is looming large, though, it will be decided in March 2023.

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As the Tenth House of success and status is lit until Christmas, this week will bring important, lasting choices about useful changes in your career, or with your other roles and goals. Whatever the astrological weather with foreign people and places now, this period is all about moving on, professionally, academically or with unpaid work – and moving forward. One project may end and another one may begin by Christmas to your advantage. Staff, clients and employers may exit stage left, or you may see other changes in your business, field or industry.

Jupiter and Chiron in Pisces in your solar Tenth House are a terrific combination. You’ll typically feel a strong sense of purpose and direction now as the four winds carry you. Conditions around you may be hard or easy, from March 2023, but the road ahead is clear. Any new job or business now will owe an enormous amount to the past, though. Therefore, if March 2023 does turn up on your calendar, you know why.

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Freedom and independence are on offer. If you are part of a group, club, team or fixed circle of friends, then you will pair off with someone else in the network for the next couple of days who wants the same – or part company if you feel hidebound. One of you will need to be ‘fed’ – with freedom. The other will do the feeding, by drawing close with a new plan, or moving right away. Independence Day is so close, Cancer. You can learn a lot from the person who is so dependent now if it detracts from your autonomy. This also applies to a friendship. The usual chemistry between you will change this week, so that you become much more aware of the game that is being played. If, for any reason, a group involvement or a friendship makes you feel confined or restricted at this time, ask yourself why – and learn.

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Leo, this lucrative Jupiter and Chiron cycle, is when most of the financial negotiations, business correspondence or property transactions will occur. So, to your total benefit, until December 20th. Even if you don’t get to the signatures or handshakes stage, though, there will still be plenty of useful question-and-answer sessions, and a reasonable amount of penny-saving research, either at work or home. If you concentrate solely on the money, the house, the flat, the possessions or the business rewards, you may be selling successfully or trading/buying.

Thus, a clever property decision, in market terms, or a clever business strategy can extract more juice, in terms of your other half, your family, or a close tie, Leo. These are crucial times for fact-finding missions with Ceres in Virgo too, and you can cover a lot of ground very quickly.

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This is a good time to sort things out with your brother or sister, now that the Scorpio-Taurus Full Moon and eclipse is far behind you. You’ll be better informed now, and more aware. As long as you don’t ignore your feelings (or theirs) you should come up with useful results now as the road to karmic closure in July 2023 is so much clearer. As with all nodal and eclipse cycles, though, if you lean too hard on your past, at the expense of your future closure with him/her, then you may end up with a situation which is ultimately no good! What adds up and makes sense now, has to also be emotionally satisfying or intuitively ‘right.’ All of the above applies to cousins, too.

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Sagittarius transits go through your Third House of siblings and cousins in time for Christmas. So many x factors will be here with a brother, cousin or sister now, that you may want to use to start making up your mind. Whatever the nature of your cousin, brother or sister ‘business’, this is a time for fresh starts, Libra.

This is also time for a new beginning with short journeys or commuting. Cars, taxis, trucks, boats, yachts, Shank’s Pony, a new car, or a local/regional holiday are suggested. The Third House also rules communication, which covers a broad canvas – computers, telephones, fax machines, mail – but also your dealings with the media.

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As you are a water sign, just because you are satisfied that a particular course of action with money or Christmas shopping makes logical sense, is not necessarily a good reason to press on, because when human feelings are involved, as they invariably will be, you have your own values. The Sagittarius weather now suggests a new beginning on November 23rd, 2022, and a really important time of pros and cons near December 8th. New Moon to Full Moon.

So, you may sell your house, flat or land when you arrive at March 2023 as Pluto goes into your Fourth House. We are also going into Mercury Retrograde from December 13th, 2022. Prices are reduced, or inflated, all over the joint until February 7th, 2023, as there is so much flux in business and retail. Likely, property too. Because there is a general, global increase in uncertainty and instability at this time, the ripple effect can have an impact on your life budget. So be aware of that, as you box clever.

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Because the world of children, teenagers and young adults is so close to your heart, not to mention courtship and even pregnancy – this new Aries cycle on December 20th, 2022, can be extremely helpful, as it enables you to be much optimistic about what is going on. Even in these early days, you can help yourself by adding to your knowledge pool now and debating the point (even an emotional point) in a clear, sensible way.

If your daughter is a problem child, now is the moment to talk about it, before you reach Christmas and what will be a time full of hope and possibility. If you find yourself doing extra thinking about pregnancy, adoption, sons, daughters, young relatives, godchildren, sex, intimacy, contraception – or just your favourite interests and passions involving paid or unpaid efforts with Millennials – that’s useful. Introducing a few solid answers and fascinating facts into the equation can really help you get it right near Christmas, and by 2023 Jupiter could deliver. This is the sort of cycle when a celibate single man finds his nieces are the reward. It’s also the cycle when single women date divorced men with offspring. It’s when godmothers can take over when fathers are no good. Jupiter, your ruler, and Chiron, in your solar Fifth House are a splendid duet to anticipate.

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Uranus (the unpredictable) in Taurus in your Fifth House of courtship says it all as you go into Christmas and New Year. The Fifth House also rules speed dating, web dating (or just looking at parties), borderline adultery levels of flirtation. Uranus is about the last thing you expected might happen, actually happening. It is every Hollywood romantic comedy you’ve ever seen, but gasps as well as laughs. This planet says ‘Watch, wait, and take notes.” As the Fifth House also rules pregnancy and step-parenting, the need for total freedom and independence can result in you falling in love with people who cannot, do not, or will not involve you in parenting. So, menopausal women or men who have had the chop. Affairs on the side; an open marriage; polygamy in the suburbs are all standard stuff now.

However, you land it will liberate your courting. Uranus can be quite complicated in transit. There is lots to think about now you are past that Full Moon and eclipse from November. And this extends right into the lunar phase in Taurus on January 28th, 2023.

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Whatever is going on in your horoscope, the transit of Jupiter and Neptune in your solar Eighth House will deliver some of the most important financial, business and property issues of the year. You have until December 20th to make or save money. Your precious possessions, or those of other people, may also be involved. The time has come to see what is possible as Jupiter rules growth and expansion. This can be a really valuable time to research money-related questions, and do your homework on banks, property prices, leases, legal matters, investments and other complex issues.

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Christmas is coming and with it, Pisces, Jupiter in Aries. The planet of expansion, growth, solutions and hope, in your sector of personal income. At last.

So, this is your divorce settlement, family inheritance, job redundancy, tax bill or bank loan perhaps. Maybe your book deal or film deal. Pisces, you’ll be laying the groundwork for a future big saving or income stream, or useful property move. This is years into the future, when Neptune goes into Aries, and the same sector, but it’s worth thinking about. It’s an excellent time to research the bank you have in mind, as you’ll be given access to a wide range of sources and information networks to help you.

If you are laying the groundwork for a new business or even a new life in a more affordable place, you may not necessarily be aware of the long-term now, but in a few years, it will be your bubble or escape. In the years ahead, though, you’ll realise that all the ‘homework’ you did at this time, had a special part to play.

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