Find out what the stars have in store for you today with Jessica Adams.


Your Weekly Horoscope
November 20-26, 2023

Jessica Adams has prepared your weekly astrological forecast for November 20-26, 2023. Discover what the stars have in store for you this week including your Premium Extended Forecast.
Astrologer's Diary

Leo Moon Detective 300x300 - Your Weekly Horoscope November 20th through 26thThe Aries Billionaire, a new audiobook from Audible UK, is released this week.

It features Leo Moon and his mother Helena Moon, who are both astrologers.

I am thrilled to have written this with Sunday Times bestseller Rachel Wells.

You can listen free for 30 days here.

I’d love to know if you can guess whodunnit.


Skip to your Horoscope Sign: Aries | Taurus | Gemini | Cancer | Leo | Virgo | Libra | Scorpio | Sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces

Aries – You have multiple plans or ideas to take overseas, or to a foreign part of your own country – foreign to you anyway. These have fantastic potential.

From May 2024 when Jupiter enters Gemini, what you plant in another part of the world, or on the worldwide web, will take off. In fact, it could become bigger and better than anything you’ve tried online in years.

For now, though, focus on what it means to have Mars and the Sun in Sagittarius in the Ninth House of your solar chart. Mars has go-faster stripes. He is the Roman god of war and time waits for no man or woman when he is around. Mars is also about competing with others. Being first to get there or at least catching up if you feel you do not want to be left behind.

Aries, if you really want to succeed, especially overseas, you will use these dates for Astrology Delivery. What is Astrology Delivery? Well, you can find out more here.

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Taurus – This week you will receive money or donate it, lend it or pay it out. You have Sagittarius weather in your chart. So that’s in your Eighth House of joint finance. If you are in need, there will be a loan, donation, favour, gift or perhaps a government handout. This is only fair as this week is about levelling up. If you are true to your sign you will be rich enough to give others funding. This may be hiring staff or perhaps helping out the family.

If you are UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunk who is a Taurus, for example, you will make changes to taxation or interest rates. It can work on a big level or small level. There is fantastic potential here for you to make even more money, or save it, even if you are well off.

I’ll give you some dates to book that with Astrology Delivery in a moment. It’s the same even if you are not in a good position at the moment. It can and will get better if you use this helping hand. Try it here.

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Gemini – Your extended family in the spirit world, who may have passed over recently, or even years ago, now affects your life. And you affect them too. You may or may not believe in the afterlife, but your horoscope shows big patterns in Capricorn and the Eighth House. In astrology, this rules our life between lives. It’s called the house of inheritance and those involved in your destiny this week may have left you a legacy, for example. Even if it was a long time ago.

There are other sorts of legacies though. Spiritual and emotional legacies. A psychological inheritance. That is what this week is about too. You are slowly moving into Capricorn weather. On December 2nd,.2023, Mercury goes into Capricorn. That’s your ruler. So, this is really a message from the divine, the universe, the angels, God, call it what you will. Mercury is the messenger planet. Something big is happening in the afterlife and it helps your people go to the next level. Maybe you are actually making it happen.

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Cancer – Your daily life, regular routine and normal day becomes a lot faster this week. That’s because Mars is moving into Sagittarius, which rules your workload and wellbeing. By workload, I mean your job, any volunteering, any unpaid work and also study of course. This includes housework as well as your career. Mars is the Roman god of war, and you may be strongly affected by a man who is like a soldier on horseback this week, rushing around on his mission.

In other cases, you will experience Mars as a change in the atmosphere. A change in the astrological weather. Things become fast and furious for a time. We tend to get Mars when there is a big push to attack or defend. It’s really up to you to judge things. Do you join in, or push back? Do you accept things have to be this fast, furious and fiery? Or do you find a strategy so that things can slow down and cool down?

I’ve not mentioned health and wellbeing, but it’s half of the equation. For some of you this week will be about COVID vaccination or surgery as Mars rules this. Again, you have to ask yourself if the pace is right, or too fast.

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Leo – There is a search for money this week, which may or may not be there. It may also be valuables, shares, assets or property. It’s a bit of a treasure hunt. The Sun, your ruler, and Mars are now in Sagittarius, which creates a T-Square with Virgo and Pisces in your chart. In plain English, that’s three factors, pulling in money, which are at angles to each other.

So, you and a couple of other people involved are also at angles. Somebody is playing the Virgo part so is organised, focussed, practical, wants to get to the bottom of this. An accountant for example. Then we have the Pisces part which is just not suited to business or the bank, let’s be honest. Pisces is great at religion, spirituality, imagination, art and all the rest. Now, Leo, you could be playing the Virgo side or Pisces side of your chart, yourself. Or this may actually be three people, outside yourself, who are searching for a decent cash outcome but with no guarantees. I strongly suggest you pick a Tarot card from my website and follow the steps. That way you can see – is there actually anything there in 2024 for you or not?

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Virgo – This week you will be a hermit for some of the time. This helps you find the meaning in your life. It may be the weather keeping you indoors by yourself. It may be some other reason that keeps you away from people. You might even choose to be alone. The Sun and Mars now change signs, and will create a trine to Leo, in your chart, which rules your inner self.

It is time to look at the internet, your laptop, your phone, your diary, your journal. How does it reflect what you have faith in? You really need a light to guide you now. This may be God. It may be Buddha. It may be far more personal than that; perhaps you believe in a quantum universe. You can’t do any of that with noise and distraction. When you are good and ready you will come out of this. It’s seasonal.

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Libra – There is an extremely unusual relationship in your life this week. If you are a woman, then you will find it hard to understand. If you are a man, this will be a woman in your life. The Sun and Mars are changing signs to Sagittarius and immediately setting up new angles to Aries, which rules your marriage or common-law marriage.

They also set up angles to Aquarius, which rules any babies who were born in the past, who are now obviously children or grown adults. This angle also rules babies who were never born at all so there would have been a miscarriage or termination. So, this is personal.

If you’re a female Libran, then you need to move yourself and this relationship to a place where you can actually do something with it. If you are a man, then perhaps you are one of the reasons this woman is so confused. Nobody is denying the relationship is solid gold. It’s precious. But it does not at all look like any other regular relationship!

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Scorpio – There is a victory this week and it’s a good one. This may be success with a special plan or project. A real uptick in popularity or approval ratings in your career. A big win on the board against the other team, or the other side. The reason for this is simple. The Sun and Mars now make strong angles to your zone of ambition and achievement, ruled by Leo, and your zone of work, unpaid work and study, ruled by Aries. It’s amazing how the Sun and Mars going into Sagittarius can make all the difference. For many Scorpio people, the victory is with business, finance, charity or property. Then, there are the things money cannot buy, like coming first and being first.

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Sagittarius – There is a budding success this week in the form of a plan or project with great potential. It’s only budding though. It needs to be taken in hand. If you are a male Sagittarian, you either need to take yourself and this concept somewhere else, or delegate. Maybe you can hand it over. If not, it’s clear you need to act, because time is of the essence.

If you are a woman, then there is a man here who may need your help. Perhaps you can roll your sleeves up and get involved with this possible success. If so, you would need to do it quickly because it’s not going to work where it is, and yet if it was put in the right place, in the right hands, then in 2024 it could be so powerful. You have Pluto in your zone of communication and connection next year, for some 20 years and that’s what is pulling this man, or yourself, towards the future.

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Capricorn – If you change your state of mind then the relationships around you will be fulfilling. At the moment, you have the Sun and Mars moving into your zone of psychology, emotions, the soul and the spirit. That means it is time to act. I’d say it’s pretty clear and obvious to others that you are going through something. Yet it’s not the people in your world who are the issue. They are solid gold.

You are even being offered another potentially very rewarding connection with someone this week. Yet, you are not convinced by any of it. It is to the inner you that you must go. Something that will help immediately is the family tree. You are now experiencing Chiron and the North Node in Aries, which rules your heritage, history, roots, ancestors, culture, relatives and place in the world. If you own that and hang onto it you will centre. Remember what and who you come from and where you belong. Maybe where you grew up.

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Aquarius – There is a very special plan or project which must be taken to a good place, so it can grow and serve future generations. This may be your own son, daughter or young relatives. Your own godchildren. However, the very promising new patterns are also about all tomorrow’s children, who are not your own. So, you can see amazing results in 2024 and beyond with a generation that you guide, influence, tutor, train or teach.

If you are a woman, then it is very important that you act on what you have. The reason I say this is that the future is already influencing this week. From May 2024 until June 2025, you are in a stunning position with younger people. If you are actually a mother, then you will be so much more than that. If you are child free, you may be planting a website, a book, a business and so on.

If you are a male Aquarian, then a very accomplished and impressive woman needs your support. She is really on top of something with massive potential here.

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Pisces – This week is dominated by faith, belief, philosophy and what you mean, when you say you do, or do not, accept there is a God. That sounds quite heavy but as a true Pisces you understand it’s actually part of life. You are the sign of the fishes and we do associate that with Christianity. You may or may not call yourself a Christian, but we are getting up to Christmas. We are also watching Jews and Moslems fight it out.

So, are you a follower of any particular church? Are you a Buddhist? Maybe you have a less mainstream idea about the universe. It may be paganism. It may be quantum theory and the multiverse. What I am seeing for you this week is very much a question about ‘the word’ or the message. This is really going to affect your life in 2024 and beyond, with Pluto going into Aquarius and your Twelfth House.

So, the future is causing the present. This is powerful stuff. Do you accept, do you adhere, do you follow? Or do you not? If you are the one with the big message, are you in tune with the people, as much as what you are pontificating about? I use that word advisedly. Your Tarot card this week is about a pontiff. A pope. The hierophant.

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