Find out what the stars have in store for you today with Jessica Adams.


Your Weekly Horoscope
October 3 - 9, 2022

Jessica Adams has prepared your weekly astrological forecast for October 3 – 9, 2022. Discover what the stars have in store for you this week including your Premium Extended Forecast.
Astrologer's Diary

The skies in October are still full of retrograde cycles, which means life is stop-start and go-slow. All kinds of things are pulling you or other people backwards for days, or even weeks – perhaps months. It depends on your personal birth chart, but in general, any pause or rewind will slowly start to correct itself towards the end of October. The only exception to this is siblings and cousins, a matter ruled by Gemini. Mars Retrograde in Gemini is with you until March 2023 from shadow to shadow. Get things in writing and have Plan B and C too.

Skip to your Horoscope Sign: Aries | Taurus | Gemini | Cancer | Leo | Virgo | Libra | Scorpio | Sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces

What you have in mind, in terms of your 2023 relaunch, is so far beyond the usual parameters of what’s acceptable (or conventional) that jaws may well clang on the floor. Nevertheless – you believe you’re right. And more importantly, you’ve got what it takes, to make the impossible entirely possible. In this way, you will quickly show people just how far it’s possible to bend and warp the usual boundaries.

On the most trivial level, though, this cycle is about playing the maverick, no matter if you want to lose weight or have cosmetic surgery. You may want a second identity, role or title change. It’s about confronting other people’s expectations and fooling around with the system.

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Lots of people become involved in confused and confusing muddles with bands, clubbing, communities, radical political groups and change-the-world organisations in this cycle. It’s about discovering what’s possible these days, through a network of like-minded people who can help you get there – but only when you have strong boundaries. From Halloween every solution is on offer to you.

There are variations on this theme. A book group or trade union. The rule holds, however. The circle of people you make a time and energy commitment to now, will offer you a chance to experiment and explore from Halloween to Christmas. If you succeed, you will quickly show other people what’s out there for them, too. Plan well ahead though. Really know your friends, and this group. You will be living with it/them in 2023, 2024, 2025, 2026 one way or another.

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Taurus weather. No wonder you’ll need to siphon a couple of hours off every day, just to go away and work on things. You need freedom from (or freedom through) religion, Buddhism, meditation, Tarot, mediums, psychics, solitude, hypnosis or healing. I said freedom from or through – and you know why.

This will all take place under cover now. In your own time. What you are preoccupied with now is so sensitive, that it probably needs to be classified. This may be about your unconscious mind, Gemini.

Everybody has an inner need to be free. You will now give your soul, psyche, spirit or subconscious a thorough reboot. October, November is the time. Your relationship with yourself will also be changed by this cycle. You can choose to go public about what you are doing (attending counselling or therapy for example), or you may prefer to shut the bedroom door, Gemini.

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This new Pluto cycle starting in March 2023 will dramatically change the amount of control and influence you have, in terms of money, property, business interests and your assets and possessions. The changes will come as a result of dramatic turning points involving other people’s stake, share, debt or other position. Expect some final chapters, which alter everything forever. And expect some amazing breakthroughs too – the kind which give you powerful status and influence. To continue quoting from my last book, about this cycle, it is time to remember that Saturn is changing signs in March next year and Pluto is coming in. That’s huge. I mention this as you may have that date in your diary.

Saturn has been difficult, heavy and obstructive, for the time that you have been involved in certain money, property or business arrangements since Christmas 2020. Things shift in March. It’s your whole self that Pluto is interested in, not the version of yourself you were trading with before. Plan ahead.

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Jupiter back in Aries now, then from Christmas to May 2023, always results in a new (foreign) beginning, and a new kind of (foreign) life – usually one which gives you far more luck than usual. Think across the map on Zoom or online now. In this cycle, you will experience Jupiter and Chiron through travel, relocation (for work or home reasons), study, publishing, and the world of the internet, in other countries or in translation.

That’s quite a mixed bag. But it covers every situation, place and person which expands your horizons – geographical or intellectual. During these final weeks until Halloween, fate will make sure that you travel, or just travel in the mind. Often, these people will be foreign, or from a radically different cultural or religious background. The plans, too, may involve you with ideas, subjects or places which are foreign to you.

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Your ambitions, your ideas about success, and your mission in life will trigger a journey of deep soul-searching now, and result in dramatic changes in your path as you go back and forth. Mars is retrograde in your career zone. A complete change of position, status or employment may go round in circles. Circular, too, is a new place in the world, which gives you a feeling that life is on repeat. This cycle ends in March 2023, Virgo. Plan ahead.

The particular game of success or achievement you have been playing speeds up, but then you see amber and red lights by March. If you speed up and go full steam ahead in regard to your ambitions, career or mission, you will be back to square one. If you are fighting or competing (Mars is the Roman god of war) expect circularity, repetition, even cancellation. Try to work with this cycle. It is very good for first and second attempts. Rehearsals.

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Thinking about our duet or duel in October, you may want to start by bringing all of you into the picture. Can you get away with it? Maybe, if so many people want to be with you, or sleep with you, or partner with you – then you can. Only you can judge just how ready someone is to welcome you, as you really are. But as that’s the only way you’re going to feel genuinely in control of the experiment, it may be worth a try. Just make sure that the all-of-me thing benefits that man or woman in the frame, too. That way, your newfound experiment has the best possible chance of lasting. The story ends near Halloween and resumes at Christmas. 2023 could be a triumph for you with your marriage, common-law marriage, battle, contest, professional duet or double act. One against one, or me-and-you. The Aries weather in October says it’s worth planning.

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Mars Retrograde in Gemini will be played out with business, property, finance and possessions at this time. Backwards, or back to front! In your birth chart we also find the North Node merrily going backwards in your cash sector. Consequently, you get a double whammy. It can feel as if every past-life debt and credit that you ever chalked up, has come back to haunt you, from 19 years ago, or so, Scorpio.

If your financial affairs, business interests, possessions or property interests are tied up with another Scorpio or Taurus, then the evidence for a past life connection increases. Whatever signs are involved, though, the North Node in the Second House in your natal chart, during this stuck and stop-start solar chart weather too – is all about life experience. You will now meet situations which are both overly familiar, and also strangely familiar. So, selling, investing and borrowing that have been following you around lately are in reverse. Plan around and work around, Scorpio. March 2023 breaks the cycle.

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Serious connections with a brother or sister will be triggered at this time. The Third House has always been associated with siblings. Depending on your own personal situation, you’ll either take this Saturn cycle on with someone else in the family, or they’ll take on with you. The tests of patience with your brother or sister will remind you of how much experience and wisdom you can bring to the situation from 29 years ago, if you are old enough. In other cases, you will acquire your wisdom now.

Your brother, sister – or other family members – will help you bring some experience and wisdom to your home life the next time round, in another 29 years. Cousins can substitute for siblings if you don’t have a brother or sister. The tests and trials end next March 2023.

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Uranus in Taurus, North Node in Taurus. Double cycle, double whammy. Your approach to children (your own, or other people’s) will be helped by your innate wisdom at this time. You will either hit repeat scenarios of situations you have faced many times before – 18 or 19 years ago – or come across something new, which still seems strangely familiar to you.

This sense of familiarity, or ‘knowingness’ is one of the reasons it’s now possible to take the world of children, teenagers, pregnancy or young people in your stride. And yet, oddly, you also want a revolution, or need to cope with a revolution thrust upon you. A rebellious son? Uranus in Taurus and the North Node too, suggest that courtship, heirs or pretenders to your throne are providing you with brand new outlets and possibilities that are quite liberating; rather exciting; open gates to the future.

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Perhaps you really have known your son or daughter in a past life! Or maybe you’re dealing with a ‘same old, same old’ situation as you pursue the world of courtship, heirs or pretenders to your throne. If you have other planets in the Fifth House at the same time as the North Node, as you do with Uranus -you’ll find those cycles not just about ‘been there, done that’ but also about liberating revolution. This is quite an unusual cycle, and it is underlined in October. What you are seeing is very familiar; in fact, it’s quite hard to change the script. Instead, you can direct your own action, from within.

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The planet Jupiter in Aries alongside Chiron suggests it is time to see what you can pull off before Halloween when this combination ends. The money, house, apartment, charity, business or valuables suggests a bonanza saved – or made. That will repeat from Christmas until May 2023 in a rewarding and rare cycle not seen in 12 years, Pisces. This is a very good moment to think about the (very) long-term as well. From July 2023 the North Node of karma goes into the same chart sector, ruling money. From the second half of the Twenties, your ruler Neptune will also move into this zone of your horoscope. To bring things back to the present, enjoy and use what is on offer and try to do the most you can with it.

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