Find out what the stars have in store for you today with Jessica Adams.


Your Weekly Horoscope
September 16-22, 2024

Jessica Adams has prepared your weekly astrological forecast for September 16-22, 2024. Discover what the stars have in store for you this week including your Premium Extended Forecast.
Astrologer's Diary

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Skip to your Horoscope Sign: Aries | Taurus | Gemini | Cancer | Leo | Virgo | Libra | Scorpio | Sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces

Aries – If you are long overdue for special relief and release with spirituality, therapy, self-help, psychics or psychology, then now is the time you’ll look forward to 2025 when you absolutely have it. Thus, one of those people who has something special to offer, like a very good medium or a therapist, can still be hard work now but next year you will be free.

Aries, you can now pick up some credit too, for finding your own path. The interior, not the exterior, is more important this week. Saturn and Neptune in Pisces also suggest hypnosis or a journal. So tough, so tough – but it’s over soon.

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Taurus – Pluto shows you the transformation ahead, from December to February, with your business card, your achievements, your success, and your mission. If you’re getting it right or wrong with the power and control questions, you’ll know about it in November when there is a huge shift in direction.

You can get promoted now, but you can also feel like former PM Rishi Sunak or former PM Scott Morrison. Crunch time. The same trends apply to you if you are retired, unemployed or have full-time home duties – but this cycle will be about the roles and goals you have on your own merits.

This week turns your head in that direction. Are you capable of the huge willpower it will take to steer a potentially very powerful new path? Whopping self-control will be required for years into the future.

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Gemini – If your friendship is like your own version of The Beatles, Wings, The Smiths, The Jam or Oasis, than nobody would be surprised. They are all Gemini-fuelled bands from the past or present.

Social events will come along in your diary now, which throw you and your friends together in November, December in a really important way. From these gatherings come huge choices. Who is in your circle? Everyone is involved – so how will you perform the experiment? Gemini, everything about this forthcoming festive season period, planned now, is actually about the last few months or even years.

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Cancer – Jupiter in Gemini in your Twelfth House is boomeranging. You’ll become more engaged with what you do behind the scenes at church, or at temple, or even with Tarot now. This cycle is about the big things you achieve privately or by yourself – away from other people’s attention. So, seeing a therapist, meditating, using hypnosis or dream counselling qualifies

Cupido is also with Jupiter in Gemini now. People who are passionate and also bring about passion, are here. This may be someone at church. Your psychic. Your therapist. Someone in an A.A. meeting or in your meditation group.

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Leo – The focus now is on your cash, business, property and possessions. The Sun, Apollo, Mercury and Vesta are all in Virgo in your Second House of personal income and life budget while Saturn, Neptune and the Moon are in Pisces in your Eighth House of joint holdings or debts. What you feel spiritually about money, property and possessions – and what the rest of you really needs – to feel secure – will now combine.

Not surprisingly, this is a good time to make decisions about your tax return, your valuables, your bank, your income, your debts, your lifestyle and your house or flat. Your more escapist feelings about sales, purchases, business transactions, rentals and other financial matters will characterise this time.

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Virgo – You have friends and groups triggering your chart. Proserpina, Mars, Panacea and Minerva are all in Cancer – all in your Eleventh House of allies. This is a friend of a friend, perhaps. An important woman or a rather driven man. This week is about adding new people to your social circle. It is also about rethinking the group, band, club, team, community and so on.

Minerva is useful as it suggests a wise female who knows the answers. You also have a go-between there with Proserpina. A bridge between two sides or two people. Mars suggests heat and urgency. It’s far better for you to all join forces and do something together, rapidly and fearlessly, than it is to pursue in-fighting.

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Libra – Pluto in Capricorn rolls. A parent-child relationship in your family circle now will dominate the atmosphere of your week. It doesn’t matter who’s playing the parent, or who’s playing the child (you may be mothering your own grandmother) but what is important, is the lessons this experience brings about power and control.

When it comes to the house, the flat, or your flatmates (or live-in partners) the issue is the same. It is about who is top dog in the kennel. Be it shared household or family circle, power is now in the room. You will be relieved to know that this is over in November, then December. Until then as this is nuclear level power handle the atomic situation with extreme care.

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Scorpio – The Moon, Saturn and Neptune are in Pisces in your Fifth House. So, courtship, the bedroom, the next generation are the focus. And it’s all rather out of focus. A baby or child in your world now needs special attention. But, in exchange, this small person will teach you about boundaries. If you become pregnant at this time, the soul who has just arrived in your world could have a psychic bond with you. No boundaries!

The Fifth House also rules sexual courtship and also courtly love with no sex involved. An intimate relationship now will also muddy the waters, blur the lines and require clarifying. Emotionally, mentally, spiritually and physically, you will now reach an unusual state of spiritual and psychic expansion way over your usual boundaries. Taking it in from others when it comes to children (your own or other peoples), your sexuality and the involvement you have with the young. This does end. It ends in 2025. For now, though, the world is expanding in terms of offspring or courtship. Auras are expanding and overlapping.

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Sagittarius – The North Node, Salacia and Chiron are in Aries in your Fifth House. Children can be an ongoing experiment now. Perhaps, you may find that issues involving the world of children bring out maverick behaviour in yourself or another adult.

The gadfly years. The years of heresy. Dennis Elwell defined Chiron as a heretic or gadfly and he was right. The Fifth House where we now find Chiron the Centaur also rules babies and children (your own or other people’s). But it also rules sexual courtship and platonic courtly love, too.

At best, this week can bring a real life ‘laboratory’ feeling and yet it could be even more important than that. You are paving the way for 2025 when Saturn and Neptune also go into Aries (also into your Fifth House).

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Capricorn – Jupiter in Gemini in your Sixth House is joined by Cupido. This week will remind you that you’re not just a body – you are also a soul. Equally, if you have been forgetting that you exist below the neck, various cosmic signposts will turn up that put you in touch with your physicality. You stand to gain. You can even say you can feel passionate about fitness, passionate about being healthy.

This cycle, which ends in June 2025, is also about your job, your daily routine at home, and the regular tasks and chores you do for a salary or to keep everyone else happy. Here, too, you should be able to reach an unusual point of fulfilment when you feel quite rewarded after June next year – having gone around some amazing opportunities.

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Aquarius – Always look to the stelliums to see where the main story is in your solar chart. It’s a toss-up this week between Taurus, which rules your house or apartment, and Virgo, which rules your finances and real-estate. No prizes for guessing they meet in the middle.

If you are one of those Aquarians who have Cancer natal chart factors – double that message. Essentially after weeks of delays and frustration with printers or the post and whatnot, you are now cleared to sell your apartment, buy an apartment, renovate your house, reorganise the garden and so on. Or this may be a more concrete, regular arrangement about rent for your flat. Of the two stelliums, I think the family and household situation is superior – as with Hygiea there, you have caution, prevention, screening, and shielding going on.

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Pisces – A maverick Chiron in Aries experiments with a financial matter that cannot be easily branded, pretty much sums up this cycle as far as cash, property, business and possessions are concerned. As always, this will be a time to see what you can get away with. The possibilities are endless, but the situation is always the same – an arena for experimentation.

You also have Salacia and the North Node in Aries which is your income or ownership. At the other end of your chart, you have the South Node, Juno, Diana and Venus in Libra. This is a hugely important time for contracts, agreements, repayments and purchases. In fact, it’s karmic in nature. What you owe from 18-19 years ago, spiritually, or what you are most definitely owed, now returns.

The lunar nodes go backwards in time. I’d say there is a commitment looming. Who or what you wed yourself to with the business, money, house, apartment, valuables or charity is complex, though. You have to factor in independence and personal freedoms.

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