Find out what the stars have in store for you today with Jessica Adams.


Your Weekly Horoscope
September 9-15, 2024

Jessica Adams has prepared your weekly astrological forecast for September 9-15, 2024. Discover what the stars have in store for you this week including your Premium Extended Forecast.
Astrologer's Diary

Book ONE e1725768267283 300x260 - Your Weekly Horoscope September 9th to 15thRunningPress Birthday 300x300 - Your Weekly Horoscope September 9th to 15thDid you know that my book about your long-term future, but also your past lives, the eBook Modern Astrology 2050, is free to Premium Members this Christmas for the month of December and comes with your birth chart included? If you are not a member, you can also buy a copy now for US $19.95 here.

My new book “Your Birthday” will be published on October 15th, 2024, by Hachette USA. Written with Sunday Times bestseller Rachel Wells, it’s a detailed astrology and Tarot profile of you, and the people you know, based on your date of birth. Thank you for making this the #9 result on Amazon USA in New Age Horoscopes. You can pre-order it here.

Skip to your Horoscope Sign: Aries | Taurus | Gemini | Cancer | Leo | Virgo | Libra | Scorpio | Sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces

Aries – Pluto retrograde in Capricorn now is historic. It translates in career, unpaid work or academic terms for you; your final flashback to 2008-2023. Your relationship with your employee, plural employers, boss, colleague or client will now show you a lot about power. If you don’t have a part-time or full-time job, but you have other important roles and goals, those will also be affected by this rather intense cycle. Watch and learn.

It’s an instructive time. If a career issue is looming large, though, it will be decided by November 2024 with a final deal in December. If you have wanted to retire, resign or just reshape – the person who can make that happen has been making all the right noises for most of this year. Time to really look at this.

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Taurus – Pluto Retrograde in Capricorn shows a long backtracking period with foreigners and foreign countries; the web; academia; publishing. Pluto is about total and permanent transformation. The lay of the land is changed. It can be adjusted or fixed later on, and any more change can be blocked, but for now – what’s done is done.

You spent 2008-2023 using pants of steel to push past incredible hurdles. Sheer grit and willpower empowered you. Yet, particularly with foreigners, there is one more bridge to cross. What comes up by November is a final adieu. In December 2024, there will be a deal, bargain or compromise.

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Gemini – As the Tenth House of success and status is lit up by Saturn and Neptune, this week will bring important lasting choices about necessary January 2025 changes in your career or with your other roles and goals. In January, the North Node joins Saturn and Neptune.

2025 looks very different even now. This period is all about moving on, professionally, academically or with unpaid work – and moving forward in January as a stuck situation ends. Staff, clients and employers may exit stage left, or you may see other changes in your business, field or industry. This week is prep time.

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Cancer – If you are part of a group, club, team or fixed circle of friends, then you will know this very well. Independence Day is so close, and it is one of many between now and the end of the long freedom trail in 2025. This is about circles and Venn Diagram circles. This also applies to a friendship.

The usual chemistry between you will change this week, so that you become much more aware of the freedom questions. If, for any reason, a group involvement or a friendship makes you feel confined or restricted at this time, ask yourself why you haven’t left yet – and that includes Facebook.

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Leo – This Pisces and Virgo cycle is when most of the financial negotiations, business correspondence or property transactions will occur. You can now approach the signatures or handshakes with the money, the house, the flat, the possessions or the business rewards, as you may be selling or buying. The Mercury Retrograde malarkey ends on  the 11th of September 2024, then onwards.

Thus, a clever property decision, in market terms, or a clever business strategy can give more, in terms of your other half, your family, or a close tie, Leo. The difficulty of Saturn’s restrictions and limitations, and the confusion of Neptune’s lack of boundaries, is over in 2025. This is the Eighth House of family and property agreements (like a will) or sexual and financial deals.

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Virgo – The corrected motion of Mercury Retrograde Shadow now enables you to focus more clearly on your duet or duel. Your marriage or your lawsuit. Your de facto partnership or your enemy. Your professional other half or a career rival.

Saturn and Neptune in Pisces tell you that there are hefty lessons for being unfair. Even, for being downright illegal. Be aware of that if you have been congratulating yourself on getting away with what is basically a Monty Python castle defence (or attack).

Next year, you see, the North Node also goes into your sector of duets and duels and karma calls. More happily if you are far more interested in your marriage, or your professional marriage, what happens this week will remind you that when you feel all at sea, you need anchors. When the lighthouse is lost in fog you can have Plan B.

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Libra – Pluto is now turning backwards in your family, property, household, town and country sector. With it, you once again turn to a particular relative or a question about the family circle in its widest sense. You have been here before. You are going back, then you sign off. In fact, November 2024 looks like the end of an era.

What follows is a deal, bargain, compromise, time-share agreement, territorial decision (the turf) and a real sense that 2024 is over. It’s not just 2024, though, it’s the last few years, Libra. This may have been about a parent or sibling. A husband or sister. It may have been about a specific property or an issue about your neighbourhood or country. Take a deep breath and go backwards to go forwards, because you will be.

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Scorpio – As you have Jupiter in Gemini on your side financially – expanding your options with the Eighth House – your course of action with money or Christmas property choices ahead, makes logical sense, as this suggests a new beginning from the final week of November. So, you may sell your house, flat or land, for example or just sack your bad bank!

Prices are reduced, or inflated, all over the joint on Mercury Retrograde and we are only leaving this on September 11th, 2024, and as there is so much flux in business and retail as the week begins, you may want to consider that. Likely, property too. Because there is a general, global increase in uncertainty and instability at this time until the 11th, the ripple effect can have an impact on your life budget. So be aware of that, as you keep your eyes on a bigger prize – particularly with partners or relatives – for 2025.

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Sagittarius – Because the world of children, teenagers and young adults is so close to your heart, not to mention courtship and even pregnancy – this new Saturn and Neptune in Aries cycle in 2025 can be extremely helpful as it enables you to be much more focussed about what is going on now. If you find yourself doing extra thinking about pregnancy, adoption, sons, daughters, young relatives, godchildren, sex, intimacy, contraception – or just your efforts with Gen Z – that’s useful.

At the moment, life 18-19 years ago is still catching up with you, and you are on a loop. That ends in January. What is new next year is a great escape. An alternative to the real world. A holiday from normality. Like all vacations though it comes with rules, restrictions, limits and a few queues.

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Capricorn – Uranus (the unpredictable) in Taurus in your Fifth House of courtship says it all as you go into the last leg of the year, before Christmas and New Year. Uranus is about the last thing you expected might happen, actually happening. As the Fifth House also rules pregnancy and step-parenting, the need for total freedom and independence can produce all sorts.

Uranus makes patterns this week which remind you of how erratic life has been since 2018. Courtship, the bedroom, other people’s children, your own children, pregnancy, abortion, stepchildren – the whole lot – is still under the most radical, revolutionary, unpredictable weather. If you are still hanging onto the past and tightly resisting, it may be time to loosen up. Uranus can be quite complicated in transit. There is lots to think about now you go into October 2024, which is decision time.

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Aquarius – Whatever else is going on in your birth horoscope, the transit of the Sun in your solar Eighth House will deliver some of the most important financial, business and property issues of the year. Your precious possessions, or those of other people, may also be involved.

The time has come to see what is possible as Mercury is now out of retrograde shadow on September 11th. This can be a really valuable time to research money-related questions, and do your homework on banks, property prices, leases, legal matters, investments and other complex issues. In fact, you have to! Saturn and Neptune give you a waiting game, but also no boundaries. It’s really peculiar and needs a constant strategy update. High walls and big fences, restriction and limits – but also peak random.

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Pisces – The massive 2025 financial or property changes show up this week with some pre-planning or research well evident. So, this is your divorce settlement, family inheritance, job redundancy, tax bill or bank loan perhaps. Maybe your book deal or film deal.

Pisces, you’ll be laying the groundwork for a new business or even a new life in a more affordable place, as in a few years, it will be your bubble or escape. In the years ahead, though, you’ll realise that all the ‘homework’ you did at this time, had a special part to play. I am thinking specifically about a house, apartment, block of land or real-estate investment here. You have until June 2025 to take full advantage of good opportunities, be they an agent and seller who will knock down a price, to a lucrative contract which can pay for a conservatory or overdue bathroom repair.

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