Asianscopes - Asian-influenced, chinese Horoscopes from Jessica Adams Psychic Astrologer


Ace Cards in Tarot

If you use the Tarot alongside astrology, you will soon realise that every time a planet, asteroid or Node enters a new zodiac sign, an Ace card will turn up.

The Aces in the Tarot represent new beginnings and open doors to the future. If you use the Tarot alongside astrology, you will soon realise that every time a planet, asteroid or Node enters a new zodiac sign, an Ace card will turn up. For example, in March 2019 we saw Uranus switch from Aries to Taurus.

Are You Aries, Libra, Sagittarius, Gemini? How the Ace of Pentacles Talks in 2019

Tarot Deck Ace of Pentacles 600x400 - Ace Cards in TarotIf you were born under the signs of Aries, Libra, Sagittarius or Gemini (your Sun is there) then the headlines of your life in March or December will reveal an Ace of Coins moment. A big new beginning for your finances, your house or apartment, your charity or business. This is because if you are Aries or Libra, Uranus (the revolution) is moving into one of your two finance zones, for the first time in your adult life. And if you are Gemini or Sagittarius, Jupiter (the solution) is moving into one of your two finance zones, from December 2019, to be with you throughout 2020.

The Ace of Pentacles, sometimes called coins, is the Tarot card which shows a large sum of money, represented by the gold coin appearing from a cloud. You have to reach for it and make it real. This strongly applies to Gemini or Sagittarius, from December 2019. You have been going through the most difficult cycle in 29 years, and the most powerful cycle in over 240 years, in slow stages – with your house, charity, apartment, business, shares, bank account and so on. You have also been going through a karmic period not known for 19 years. So – you are looking for answers. They will come with an Ace of Coins moment in December.

Are You Pisces, Virgo, Scorpio, Taurus? How the Ace of Wands Talks in 2019

Tarot Deck Ace of Wands 600x400 - Ace Cards in TarotWands represent the world of ideas, books, multimedia, concepts and big brainwaves. Until you plant the wand (ground the theory) nothing can grow – yet if you are Pisces, Virgo, Scorpio or Taurus, there is huge potential for a new beginning in 2019. This comes from Uranus entering Taurus in March, which is a green light for Pisces and Virgo. Jupiter then enters Capricorn in December, a green light for Taurus and Scorpio.

The other thing to watch in this astrology-Tarot crossover is the month when the Sun also enters a new sign – Taurus in the final week of April and Capricorn in the final week of December 2019. This will echo the larger, longer cycles of Uranus and Jupiter so again, if you were born under these signs, you’ll have a ‘chapter one’ feeling.

Are You Cancer, Libra, Capricorn? How the Ace of Cups Talks in 2019

Tarot Deck Ace of Cups 600x400 - Ace Cards in TarotThe Cups in Tarot represent feelings and emotions. These may be present at a Christening, when a new baby is named, for example. The Cup can represent strong passions within a group, or ‘my cup runneth over’ in a relationship. If you are born under the signs of Cancer, Libra or Capricorn then 2019 is about a fresh start in this department. Uranus going into Taurus means a ‘day one/chapter one’ feeling for Capricorn in connection with the world of existing or potential stepchildren, godchildren, sons, daughters, or young relatives acquired through marriage. For Cancer, the arrival of Jupiter in Capricorn in December is a new beginning with a former, current or potential partner. For Libra, Chiron going into your opposite sign of Aries in the first quarter of 2019, echoed by the Sun entering Aries in the final week of March, signals a fresh start – also with a former, current or potential partner. Turning over a new leaf!

Are You Leo or Aquarius? How the Ace of Swords Talks in 2019

Tarot Deck Ace of Swords 600x400 - Ace Cards in TarotFor Leo, the Ace of Swords brings new beginnings with career, unpaid work or university (Uranus in Taurus, from March 2019) and at the end of the year, with Jupiter in Capricorn, from the start of December. You can see the crown on top of the sword in this card – that is a crowning achievement for you, or someone hugely influential in your chosen field, industry or business. That kind of crowning moment of victory alters everything!

For Aquarians, the Ace of Swords is really about home, family, the hierarchy or pecking order between your relatives, or within your shared household. I am sure you can see the crown as a symbol of the King or Queen in your ‘royal’ family. The sword tells you that change is coming – the old structure of your family or home is going to shift. This occurs from March with Uranus in Taurus and is then repeated, or echoed, when the Sun goes into Taurus from the final week of April 2019. Play your Ace.

Ace Cards and Ingresses

In astrology, an ingress is when a planet, asteroid or Node enters a new zodiac sign. You can track this any time on my website, day to day. It’s amazing how often you will draw an Ace in Tarot and find that this is the precise hour that a heavenly body has just entered a new sign. The Tarot you see here was, of course, created by Pamela Colman Smith with Arthur Waite, who trained within The Golden Dawn, where astrology was on the curriculum. Astrology symbols and ideas are right through this deck.

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