The July 2024 Full Moon

The Full Moon on Sunday 21st July 2024 is extremely important for millions of careers, academic careers and political careers too. It foreshadows the final reshuffle of power and control worldwide, including Trump, in September-November 2024.

The Full Moon July 2024

At around 11.15am on Sunday 21st July in London, the Moon at 29 Capricorn 08 is exactly opposite the Sun at 29 Cancer 08. This is an important Capricorn Full Moon.

In this feature I will look at what it means for your Sun Sign. How it affects you if you have anything in Capricorn in your natal chart. And why any factors at 29 degrees in your birth horoscope are triggered.

I’ll look at the way this Full Moon shows up around the world, from Sydney to New York.

Questions are welcome. There is also an extended video session about this Full Moon at The Astrology Show on Substack, for subscribers, with a Tarot reading to guide you.

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Why This Full Moon in Capricorn Counts

This is a big bridge to cross for large corporations, big business, governments and politicians. It foreshadows the deep changes to come from Tuesday 3rd September until Tuesday 19th November, when Pluto returns to 29 Capricorn.

You will be affected by a domino effect. If you have Capricorn factors in your birth chart (more on that in a moment) there will be an emotional tug-of-war for others – or large organisations. Capricorn is about the establishment. So, High Society. The Royal Family. Presidents, Prime Ministers, politicians, any C.E.O.

Big Business, the Professions, Politics

This huge pull between the Sun and Moon, foreshadows reshuffles in your chosen field or even your immediate workplace, 3rd September to 19th November.

Promotions, mergers, resignations, retirement, abdication, demotions, departures are on the way. In general, with Ceres also in Capricorn, if you do have factors in the sign of ambition, mission and position – you can bank on compromises over control and power right up until 7th December.

However, it would be this Full Moon which precedes quite dramatic transformation, 3rd September to 19th November. Capricorn image: Sergei Maksimov/Dreamstime.

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Do You Have a Capricorn Stellium?

This Full Moon falls in your Tenth House of position, ambition and mission. You or those in your work or academic sphere – perhaps your unpaid work sphere – are pulled in two directions. So will you be.

So, for example, there may be a job advertisement in the newspaper that weekend, but you are in two minds. You may hear news of a reshuffle which you have mixed feelings about, in your chosen field.

Capricorn rules your need to get to the top and how you feel about the people at the top. So this may be your employer or another superior. It’s not just about the people, though, it’s about the system. The high-rise towers that mark out the big company or corporation at the very peak of where you stand, looking up or across.

Do You Have 29 Degree Chart Patterns?

Pluto at 29 Capricorn has been in aspect to these, on and off, for a long time. September-November 2024 is his last stand. The Full Moon nods to this sign-off of issues about controlling people, powerful organisations, dominating groups.

They have all strongly affected one area of your life, perhaps more. It depends on what you have at 29 degrees, what sign and what house of your natal chart.

How All Signs Are Affected

This Capricorn Full Moon will fall in one area of your solar (Sun Sign) chart where you have been on a very long road since January 27th 2008. The years 2008-2024 have been like a long-running television series with some life-changing episodes for you along the way.

Now, the Full Moon comes along to show you what and who does not add up. What and who cannot be reconciled. That’s why it’s a good idea to avoid the Full Moon for important decisions, launches, beginnings. The whole horoscope is in a tug-of-war. Even if you are not directly affected, others will be.

Tip: Watch Charles III and his brother Prince Andrew on this Full Moon. Why? It falls in Andrew’s Eleventh House of groups (the Epstein circle) and Charles’ Third House of siblings.

Your Sun Sign and the Full Moon

Libra – House, garden, land, apartment, holiday home, citizenship, extended family, household, town, country, emigration (if you want a better home town and homeland).
Scorpio – The media, magazines, newspapers, television, radio, the internet, the written and spoken word, brothers, sisters, cousins, neighbours, the local scene, regional/local travel.
Sagittarius – Commission income, profits, property gains, bargains, business, charity, valuables, collectors’ items, shopping, investments, shares, insurance, superannuation/pension.
Capricorn – Hair, glasses, cosmetic surgery, profile, identity, image, reputation, title, letters after your name, self-promotion, public relations, publicity, wardrobe, body, shape.
Aquarius – Tarot, mediumship, Buddhism, religion, therapy, counselling, psychology, psychics, dream interpretation, Carl Jung, meditation, hypnosis, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy.
Pisces – Friends, groups, social life, social circle, societies, associations, trade unions, bands, charities, people power, sports teams, community groups, collectives, Substack, X-Twitter.
Aries – Success, status, awards, hits, promotion, prestige, career, profession, vocation, calling, trophy wives, trophy husbands, rank, elevation, letters after your name, titles.
Taurus – Foreigners, foreign countries, emigration, migrants, multiculturalism, translation, the worldwide web, travel, academia, publishing, gap years abroad, languages.
Gemini – Possessions, houses, apartments, business, insurance, investments, charity, shares, shopping, sales, auctions, pensions/superannuation, banking, cryptocurrency.
Cancer – Marriage, engagement, de facto relationships, separation, divorce, professional partnerships, duets, double acts, duos, enemies, opponents, opposition, legal action.
Leo – Workload, daily routine, wellbeing, health, doctors, nurses, surgeons, alternative health, mental health, housework, unpaid work, study, lifestyle, fitness, food, drink, drugs.
Virgo – Sons, daughters, godchildren, stepchildren, pregnancy, fostering, adoption, the bedroom, courtship, adult children, younger generations, Millennials, teenagers.

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What Time and Date Is The Full Moon?

The Capricorn Full Moon falls on Sunday around the world at these times. Give yourself and others time and space.

This is a time of tension, push and pull. If you are in L.A. at around 3.00am and your radar tells you to avoid a situation on the street, avoid it.

Full Moon light is so bright that it can disturb sleep. Disturbed sleep or deprived sleep is the medical explanation for why you see the behaviour you do, on a Full Moon. This is Sunday night in Singapore and Sydney. Take care on the roads as people drive home.

London – Sunday 21st July 11.16am
Auckland – Sunday 21st July 10.16pm
Helsinki – Sunday 21st July 1.16pm
Bucharest – Sunday 21st July 1.16pm
Los Angeles – Sunday 21st July 3.16am
New York – Sunday 21st July 6.16am
Sydney – Sunday 21st July 8.16pm
Sofia – Sunday 21st July 1.16pm
Singapore Sunday 21st July 6.16pm
Athens Sunday 21st July 1.16pm
Kuwait City Sunday 21st July 1.16pm

Flashbacks to February 12th 2023 to March 23rd 2023

Why a flashback to major questions about business, the professions, society, royalty, the establishment and politics which were there when Pluto transited 29 Capricorn from February 12th 2023 until March 23rd 2023. He then resumed at 29 Capricorn from December 21st that year, until January 21st 2024.

This Full Moon will take us back to Nikki Haley and Donald Trump; Nicola Sturgeon; Xi Jinping; BRICS and the Queen of Denmark.

The Full Moon and News Headlines

As the Full Moon is at exactly the same point where Pluto stood in early 2023 and early 2024 we can expect unfinished business in the politics and power game from that time.

There is an important flashback (near 21st July 2024) to Nikki Haley and her run for President on 14th February 2023; the first major Republican challenger to Donald Trump.

Donald Trump and the Republican Party

Haley has since (at time of writing on 16th June 2024) gone out of the running, but there is unfinished business here with Trump, right on that Full Moon near 21st July. (Donald Trump image: Dreamstime).

Another typical Pluto in Capricorn moment on this last Pluto cycle came on 15th February when Nicola Sturgeon announced her resignation in Scotland.

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On March 10th Xi Jinping was re-elected as President of China.

On January 1st 2024, the following year, Egypt, Ethiopia, Iran and the United Arab Emirates became BRICS members, joining Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa.

Watch BRICS on this Full Moon on July 21st 2024 as this is the new world. It’s a huge ongoing power shift for years into the future.

On January 14th 2024, Margrethe II abdicated as Queen of Denmark in favour of her son Frederik. 

New! Watch the Video and Ask the Tarot

If you would like to watch a video about this Full Moon and post questions to me (for individual Tarot only) you can subscribe to The Astrology Show on Substack hosted by Alicia Fulton, left. (Image: Copyright Alicia Fulton).

Paying subscribers receive a New Moon and Full Moon video every month and I will look at as many questions as possible, with the Tarot cards.

Alicia Richardson 300x300 - The July 2024 Full MoonThe Astrology Show has now been #1 in  ten countries including Great Britain, Australia and Singapore, in the Apple spirituality charts.

It’s time to offer you more, beyond the podcast, or even this website, so if you would like a regular New Moon and Full Moon video update, every month – now you can. With Tarot.

Subscription is US $60 per year. 

I will also cover your sign by decan, if it’s your birthday that month. Decans are the Ancient Egyptian way of seeing your horoscope and they are the basis of my new book, Your Birthday, published on 15th October 2024.

Astrology Delivery

Astrology Delivery is also included in the new video subscriber service at Substack.  This is the incredible new way of using astrology to deliver some or all of what you want.

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You can also join the free part of the Substack for The Astrology Show too and have the podcast sent to your email by Alicia, every weekend. (Image ©Alicia Fulton).

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Photographs and illustrations: Rawpixel, Dreamstime.

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254 Responses

  1. Hi Jessica,
    I hope you are well. I’m a returning member and good to be back :). I have two factors at 29 degrees in Sagittarius. My mother’s health is not great – she has been in hospital for the last 6.5 months and is slowly improving. I will be out of the country at the time of the full moon. How will this full moon play out for me?
    Thanks and best wishes,

    1. I am sorry your mother has been in hospital. You are a Sun Capricorn woman who has the North Node of karma in her family zone. So life 18 or 19 years ago has come back to you, with your mother – and the whole family actually. The karma will complete in January 2025. The birth chart clearly shows your life as a traveller, migrant, dual citizen, foreigner – and also with foreigners – changing quite profoundly. It happens on the Full Moon, which is stage one, and is then concluded September-December when you mark the end of an era.

  2. Dear Jessica,

    In my chart I can identify Minerva at 29 degrees Capricorn and I am expecting a lot of reshuffling in my current job, department and organization. I am planning to try to apply to another role on another project as on the current one there is no future at least for me in terms of growth, promotion or even promote other members, etc. The only thing that makes this decision difficult is leaving some colleagues and members that are somehow reporting to me. I picked six of swords tarot card which I think somehow explains my situation being tired and unpowered of what is happening now at my current job. It will be much appreciated if you can expose some insights related to Minerva, if it will have a role. All the best.

    1. Minerva does not change in your personality and life even though you are temporarily under pressure. This is most evident on the Full Moon when you realise there is no ‘perfect’ in this. It triggers the deepest change September-December but you will sign off from the situation as December comes into view. This may be because of a further reshuffle or a new position/project. The Six of Swords shows you or others leaving a difficult situation; relocating or emigrating. Time will tell who this is, but the future looks potentially so much brighter.

  3. Hi Jessica, Fascinating insights. Thank you. I am intrigued by the quantum mechanics concept of the future influencing the present. Can you shed any light on my chart as to what to look out for up ahead? I have Psyche and MC at 29 Aries in the 1st House and IC at 29 Libra in the 7th house. Also my Moon is at 28 Aquarius in the 11th house. I am a writer and I write about the ”future” – not so much as sci-fi but as an observation in real time. Like it’s happening now. I spot trends and join dots before they become ‘things’. I wrote a book – published in 2017 – about AI and humanity. The aspects I highlighted are becoming reality now in very concrete ways. I offered a vision for the future by 2050 if – big IF – we take action on those flashpoints highlighted in my book. Thanks for your insights so that I can hone my observations to add value and make a difference. Warm wishes, Emma x

    1. You will in fact have a Grand Cross, Emma, as the corners of the cardinal cross, Aries and Libra, are completed by the Full Moon in Cancer and Capricorn. This is about a duet or duel for you, if your birth time is correct. If your birth time is out, then set that to one side. Even so you still have a T Square from the Full Moon to Psyche in Aries which is about your portrait, profile, reputation, name, image and packaging. This is challenging to negotiate and you may prefer to avoid moves in that direction on the Full Moon. It does however point to a change in September-December as Pluto will be square Psyche. I suspect this is your book about AI or similar. Powerful people or organisations will enter the picture. The pressure you feel will actually help the longevity or even permanent digital presence that Psyche in Aries suggests.

  4. Hi Jessica – it’s all heating up ready for the big changes which are exciting!
    I have Pluto at 29 degrees in Virgo in the 10th house. I was made redundant a month ago and to be honest I haven’t felt like doing anything at all as I am totally unsure what I want to now progress in. I am very interested in non-dual practices and the esoteric things in life which is totally different to what I have done in the past. I feel I could be doing something to help the world and the people in it more but I can’t seem to settle on what that could be or how to progress – its almost like I want it all to break down and just see the true nature of reality and life. Is there any clarity on the way forward for me at all?

    1. Thank you. You are experiencing a Full Moon picking up your need to control your lifestyle and hold the reins with your workload, so it may be that there is an offer on the table then, or you are pulled in two directions about study, say. It nods to the future, as September-December is about Pluto and Ceres trine natal Pluto. This is a total transformation of your interpretation of what service, duty and gainful employment means. You will find it changes everything and also come to terms with your own power. You were made redundant in order to change direction, which is part of transiting Pluto and Ceres trine natal Pluto. You have never been in this position before, although you would have been aware, all your life, of the need to run your own show, even if you’re working for the man.

  5. Hi Jessica,
    I’m probably not the first to say this, but it’s Sun in Cancer, not Capricorn in the first line.
    Thank you for this post! I’m eyeing it carefully since I have a job interview the following day!

    1. Thank you for picking that up. I stand corrected. Good luck with your interview.

  6. Hello! I have Minerva at 29 Pisces, Apollo at 29 Cancer, and Fortuna at 28 Aries, as well as Salacia, Cupido, and South node in Capricorn. Life since January 2008 has been a long slog as you say, with the same employer since then, although with lots and lots of growth and change as well; now I am ready for a new direction, and changes are brewing at my workplace. Anything to be on the watch for? Thank you very much.

    1. You have that crucial 29 degree pattern in your chart so will in fact experience the Full Moon around home v career issues. It can also show up as family background v success and status, or home town v big city lights. This is a nod to the future, as September-November brings Pluto at 29 Capricorn, again in opposition to Apollo at 29 Cancer in your home, property, town, country and family sector. This is a big sign-off decision for you, as the most powerful people, organisations or entities are bringing pressure to bear. This may in fact be the workplace changes you mention. By December 7th you’ll have cut a deal or made a bargain and moved on.

  7. Thank you, Jessica , for the excellent article.
    I have a lot happening in my professional life.
    Could you please review my chart and share your insights?
    I have a stellium in Capricorn and am curious if there’s a possibility of changing jobs or relocating in the near future.

    Thank you again

    1. You’re a Sun Gemini with 4-18 degree factors in Capricorn. You want a new job. There is no ‘fast and easy’ here because you have Saturn, which is always a waiting game, in your solar Tenth House in 2024. In your natal Tenth House you have Ceres retrograde so the deal making and bargaining is back and forth. You will notice the biggest change from December 7th when Ceres changes signs and then by February, March 2025 you should feel as if you are coming out of something. This applies even if you were to change jobs in 2024; you would still feel as if everything was moving in slow motion and that the whole process of negotiation was one step forward, two steps back. This does end. You could easily end up with a more flattering and prestigious job title or qualification by June 2025.

  8. Hi Jessica, thank you once again for the excellent article and insights.
    I have the Moon at 29 degrees and Ceres in Sagittarius at 29 degrees, as well as Juno, Vulcano, and the South Node in Capricorn.
    Feb23-March23 I was in mid of changing city for a job
    Could you please review my chart and share your insights


    1. Your Moon at 29 Cancer in the Fourth House of town, country, ancestors, the family tree, your household, property investments, house and/or apartment is the key here. What does not add up on The Full Moon rewards you in the second half of 2025. Don’t make decisions about relocating (say) on the Full Moon unless you actually like being stretched. It will however raise an issue that you must deal with, September-November, regarding these matters. Don’t be too concerned if it’s a big ask at the time; from June 2025 until 2026 you will realise that the challenge to change then, helped you into a much, much better future in terms of home, belonging and a sense of place.

  9. Hello Jessica
    I have 28 and 29 factors in my birth chart (do we still look at one degree either side for this? My ex is paying both child and spousal support, and I have 29 Uranus in Libra. I don’t earn enough to survive without it so am a little nervous what this full moon will bring!

    1. Uranus at 29 Libra is your former husband and he is at the heart of the Full Moon in a T-Square with the Sun and Moon. Skip that period for any big talks with him; there are easier times. Later on, Pluto will be square Uranus from September to November so there will be an immediate need to change the deal you have with him. The Full Moon will nod to that; it will be essential to reshape the terms with each other, regarding the money, the children, any new partner of his, any new partner of yours and so on. Transiting Pluto square natal Uranus asks you to say ‘That was then, this is now’ and get on with what is required. No need to be nervous, just do it.

  10. Hi Jessica, thank you for the interesting article. I have Jupiter at 28 Capricorn and Juno 29 Pisces and I wonder if you could interpret this for me. It has been a year of endings, selling house (in limbo renting, nothing suitable to buy), death of much loved pets, daughter’s marriage ending and her plus children moving soon to live in same county as me and husband. Of course, every ending leads to a new beginning and I am trying to be positive, but it is a bit of an uphill struggle!

    1. Juno at 29 Pisces is the factor here. You have a lifelong history of ‘marrying’ therapy, Tarot, mediumship, psychics, religion, spirituality, hypnosis, self-help and other inner pursuits. So this is about the inside, not the outside. The Full Moon picks this up for you, with a decision to either separate from the last thing you committed to, or to remarry it, so to speak. Later on in September-November, the most powerful person, organisation or movement comes along and asks you once again to think so much harder about your soul, spirit or psyche with a sign-off decision by December.

  11. Hi Jessica, I have Mars at 29 Taurus, Uranus at 28 Libra, and Chiron at 28 Aries. Things have finally started to improve a bit at work this year following several very challenging years impacting my mental health terribly (Triggered I assume when Pluto transited my Bacchus at 22 degrees a few years ago) and my husband’s health in turn watching me go through this, and probably as a result I am struggling with my weight the last couple of years and all of this has impacted my sense of self and self-esteem quite badly. Hoping by the end of the year things will be better but curious about what challenges this full moon could bring. Thank you.

    1. Lots going on here. Your husband is unwell, you are overweight and had work issues which made you anxious or depressed. Reaching into your solar chart first you are a Sun Leo woman who is in the final battle with her body/about her body in 2024. Believe it or not this ends in December. Actually, it’s body and mind. So you can be forgiven for thinking this struggle has gone on for years, because it has. You need to take Ozempic if you possibly can; The Lancet confirms it’s the answer. Your Leo chart shows the very end of Pluto with Ceres in the Sixth House of mind, body and spirit this year so you may as well sign off from it with something proven to work, quite safely and effectively. In your natal chart, the Sixth House shows a stellium, which has also been under oppositions from Neptune in Pisces and more recently Saturn in Pisces. So it’s the same story told twice. The Full Moon itself is about your money, possessions, charity or business. So is the Pluto trine later on in September-November. So nothing to do with your weight, your husband or your work. You will find it reshapes your life budget. Your husband requires a decision from you, December, January, February next year so take your time.

  12. I have Pluto 29 Scorpio how would this affect me for this upcoming full moon, any insights? I can say that my toxic coworker -Scorpio has ill intentions with reporting me to work regarding my social media, no harm was done but they clearly have it out for me and want to intimidate and harass people, I have much to speak on the mistreatment of organisations and toxic work culture… I’ll save that for when it’s needed.

    1. You are a Sun Capricorn man with Pluto at 29 Scorpio in the Eighth House of joint finance, property, charity and business. That’s your natal chart and it shows a great need for total control. In your solar chart you have Pluto transiting in your Second House of money, houses, apartments, good causes and banking. So on both counts, you have to push back quite hard on the Full Moon and again from September to November as Pluto is sextile natal Pluto. You will find your power through willpower and strengthen your psychological muscles, regarding agreements with others about all that you own, earn and owe. There will be a sign-off deal. As for the toxic Scorpio, he or she is using social media to find the power. This is a huge mistake. Don’t participate in the game if you can possibly avoid it.

  13. Hello dear Jessica. Thank you, thank you, for all the guidance and insight – personal and political – that you provide your community, so generously. I have a Cap stellium as well as four factors at 29 degrees. So this full moon seems big. Would appreciate your read on how/where in my life. Much gratitude and all best wishes–

    1. So many factors at 29 degrees of the signs suggests that a national and global issue about powerbrokers, powertrippers, fat controllers (to quote Thomas the Tank Engine) and patriarchy has a domino effect on you. We’ll see it at the Full Moon and again September-November. Virgo, Scorpio and Sagittarius are picked up in your chart, so this is certainly about work, health, finance and foreigners. It’s at a distance, most likely, so you may find that ructions in politics affect the sharemarket. Or corporate/political shifts have a trickle effect on your plans to travel abroad. Your Sixth House, Eighth House and Ninth House are picked up here. All change. But it’s over in months.

  14. Great article. I have 29 libra sun (and 28 Uranus) which will be square to both the sun and the moon on July 21. I’m nervous I thought this might affect my work (as a teacher) since I started my career around 2008 but the full moon falls in my 3rd house. Can you help clarify what area of my life will be most affected?

    1. Your Sun at 29 Libra is in a T-Square on the Full Moon and later on, Pluto at 29 Capricorn will square your Sun. So this is about your identity as a partner, or one half of a pair. If you are involved in a conflict or dispute, it is about your identity as the attack or defence in a lopsided situation. It may be legal. Your marriage, former partner or potential partner is likely the story here. Perhaps, an opponent. You shine at your brilliant best when you balance the scales with another person, or the other side. This is now in the frame on the Full Moon and it nods to September-November when Pluto goes over the same spot. It’s time to be John Lennon in a Yoko Ono or Paul McCartney situation.

  15. Hi Jessica
    I hope this finds you well . I wonder if you could please review my aspects . I feel there is big change coming & the astrology echos this with work sometime in January / February, however I’m not sure how this will play out and if it’s a good change .

    I have 29 Jupiter in Libra
    29 Neptune in Scorpio which I think points to partnership / business changes

    I also have Jupiter in Gemini transit till next year in 2nd house plus Uranus in Taurus and Pluto at mid heaven

    I have stelliums in Aries,Taurus & Gemini .

    I feel a sense of change I feel I should be worried but I’m super calm lol

    Any insights or clarity would be very much appreciated

    Thank you & take care

    1. Thank you, I am very well. Jupiter at 29 Libra aspects Neptune at 29 Scorpio in a lifelong pattern about relationships and money; marriage and property; former partners and the redistribution of possessions and money; potential new partners and apartment or house arrangements. We also include legacies, wills and inheritance in this. You would already be familiar with how this has played out throughout your life as there have been huge opportunities here and no doubt property bubbles as well as holidays from reality, financially. The Full Moon accents this as July ends. Other people’s issues affect you here. I would expect this to be either at a distance, or close up. So, their complications regarding family and property, or the property market as a whole, have an impact on you. No need to worry, it’s just a bridge to cross. It points to September-November when Pluto is also at 29 Capricorn and again, you will see other people’s big changes, affect your own plans with a partner, former partner or potential partner. This alters everything and it will be intense but it gives you that vacation from the real world, one more time, with everything you own, earn or owe.

  16. Hello Jessica,
    Thank you for your article. I have a Capricorn stellium and several factors at 29 degrees: Mercury at 29 Cap, Minerva at 29 Libra and Prosperina at 29 Sag. Can you kindly share what this means for me. What area of my life is most affected. Thank you!

    1. Mercury at 29 Capricorn in your Tenth House of ambition, position and mission is the big one. Pluto goes back over that from September to November so there will be a replay of a major career, academic or unpaid work question from some time ago. A powerful person, situation or organisation dominates and it is your task to push back. Pushing back makes you stronger, particularly in terms of your ability to communicate, connect and persuade. There will be a situation with a duet or duel then which is hard to square. Once it’s done, it’s done and you sign off from this in early December, once Ceres has also passed through Capricorn. 2025 is completely different.

  17. Hello Jessica
    Thank you again for an insightful read, you are so gifted. My last post (which you so kindly responded) I stated I was still looking for a new venue for my practice. Two places showed up last week, I am looking into them, and they look to be a good fit. My concern is the Mercury retrograde? If I can get into seeing these this week, and I feel good about it I plan to propose moving in Mid September. What are your thoughts?
    And how does my Capricorn stellium play a part in this long, overdue, exhausting search!
    All the best to you and thank you.

    1. Thank you, that’s very kind of you to say. Mercury Retrograde is in Leo, then Virgo. It’s the sign and house that matters. You are a Sun Aquarius woman so this is about a duet or duel (Leo) and then finance, property and business (Virgo). So it’s the Virgo cycle you need to watch. Just anticipate delays, reversals and rewrites with your plan to move in September. Assume Plan B and C will be required, but this should not stop you from doing anything. Your Capricorn stellium is part of a longer story about your practice and career and once you dispense with the usual issues about your own self-control and willpower, September-November, there is a total sign off by December. Never again will you go through such long and intense chapters.

  18. Hi Jessica! Greetings from Florida!
    I’ve asked you before elsewhere on the Capricorn full moon article back in June.You couldn’t answer me, and I understand as I’ve been reading your other articles and read you saying you were really busy with more tan 15K comments to answer. Well, first of all thank you for your work, helping people to see better when they need – thank you! This is very noble from you. What I wrote was a long text, at the time I was looking to your insights on how that full moon in June would affect me, but I think this one will be something bigger for me due to my placements and sttelium? I’m definitely stuck with job position – I want to do something different then I do, I’m tired of the corporate world where you have no freedom to make choices and decisions, even if you are at the top level. I’ve been downgrading positions in order to avoid the boring corporate politics. I also started a business in 2020 when everything stopped – it was my chance to do it as the home office was stablished. Since then this business journey is being a roller coaster, I got some important customers but I’m not where I suppose to be yet to leave my 9-5 and focus on my business – there is still a lot to be develop in my business, and this also means my money invested to it and this is the other part I’m feeling stuck, because my family needs a new house that fits our daily needs, since our family has been growing and we need more space. Hopefully I’m lucky this time to get you insights, and if not, I’ll always appreciate you because your website is a whole guide by itself! But having you commenting – there is no price for that, just gratitude.

    All the best!

    1. Thank you. Yes, 16,058 comments today. I’m just sitting down with a coffee to answer your question now. You are almost finished with the corporate world. You have a side hustle. Your family also needs a larger house. This is classic Capricorn-Cancer stuff and the Full Moon will bring it to a head. You are a Sun Capricorn with Jupiter in Capricorn, which will protect you professionally all your life. In fact the seeds of what would become your future success were sown when you were aged 11-13 on your first Jupiter Return. Consider 2024 the year of endless bargaining, negotiation and deal-making with your job, but also your own business. This is because Ceres in Capricorn goes back and forth over this area of your chart, which rules your job title and reputation in your solar chart and your career in your natal chart. There will be a huge change in the balance of power, September-November with demotions, mergers, promotions, departures and it ends up on December 7th with a completely different year ahead for you. No more corporate politics. The rest is up to you. You will have terrific opportunities with property, a current or future home, real-estate choices – from July 2025 until mid-2026.

  19. Hi Jessica

    I have a stellium in Capricorn and Pluto at 29 degrees. Would this be the time when there will be changes at work? We may have a sudden influx of work in the very near future so will need more staff, hopefully that will mean promotions for some of us, me included perhaps. My husband is a Virgo, will this mean we will be getting news of a pregnancy soon, his daughter married earlier this year? Thank youxx

    1. It depends what decan of Virgo your husband is, but one-third of people born under that sign will have great news about a new baby near this Full Moon. If not that, then confirmation that there may be a pregnancy or adoption later in 2024. Your Pluto at 29 is about your power, control, willpower and self-control. This will be tested on the Full Moon and again September-November, as transiting Pluto aspects natal Pluto. Call it weight training for the soul and mind. Yet you’ll do it and be stronger for it.

  20. Thank you Jessica.
    I am a Virgo Sun with a Natal Midheaven @ 29 Taurus, Mars @ 28 Leo and Neptune@ 28 Scorpio. What to expect on the Full Moon?

    1. Your MC at 29 Taurus depends on a strictly accurate birth time; when the umbilical cord was cut. If you have that, then your finances, business, property and/or charity will hit a bridge on 21st July and the bridge will lead to a new road, September-November when you realise that you have to turn your back on where you came from and head towards a transformed future.

  21. Hi Jessica,
    Hope you are keeping well.

    I have my Sun, Mercury and Bacchus in Capricorn but I don’t have any aspects at 29°.
    Does that have any impact on my chart?
    I feel despite whatever is going on in my astrology, it’s one thing after another and I must be constantly blocking myself from any positive movement forward.

    Many thanks as always for your time

    1. You are strongly Capricorn and are coming out of the most demanding cycle in 248 years. It began in 2008 and has completely transformed your career. It ends in November, December with a clear sign-off event. This may be a controlling person in your industry who resigns or is sacked, for example. It may be a dominating corporation or organisation which is forced to close, merge or downsize. Sometimes there is a trend, or a movement, or a dominant force in one’s profession which ceases to bother you or have any impact whatsoever. That can happen too. 2025 will look and feel completely different to you.

  22. Dear Jessica
    Thank you for this blog, it always gives me calm and perspektive towards some hope in the new era, we are moving into. I do hope it brings some relief for all the suffering.

    I do hope ,with all my heart, one day, humans will understand- that everyone could live their life in paradise and peace, if every single person decides not to bring any harm to any one – just to stay on own two feets and perhaps offer a little help instead. If many has the courage to say no to supressors , it will show, we would be the many, they would be the few

    We have 1000s of year statistic to prove hate and war wrong.

    To get and understand we are all in the same nest, and the clever part is to keep it a good place to live. What would have happend if, at the 7 of october 23, the people from israel had turned open arms towards the palestine people and said, lets help eachother to a better liveable place, against the attackers, Or if the united states of america now says “enough is enough, power is an illusion ,lets work together towards af better USA for everyone, not just powerpeople with money.
    Somehow humans has to get the lesson, creating power is an illusion- it has nothing to do with real life.
    I do hope that day will come on earth before we destroy everything. Meanwhile I´ll just walk the forest and swim the sea.

  23. Good morning Jessica, thank you for this article. i dont have anything at 29 degrees but i certainly have lots of 0 degrees and 28 degrees in my chart. i asked tarot how i will be affected by this moon in capricorn and i got the star card. does that relate to my aquarius stellium jessica or something else? im hoping for an entirely new career but it just doesn’t seem to be happening. Thank you.

    1. Quite right, The Star is about Pluto transiting Aquarius at 0 degrees. Your Descendant is 0 Aquarius. This transit can only happen every 248 years and so it is to the group you will turn, to shine collectively or individually.

  24. Hello Jessica, thank you for this interesting post. I’m currently just over one year into a 2 year work contract in the East Kimberley of WA, ending in April 2025 with a big possibility of extension should I so wish. I returned to Australia last March having been back in the UK for 9 years. I currently have my ‘home’ in the UK tenanted out whilst I have this midlife adventure back in Australia having the privilege of dual nationality. I’m actually flying back to the UK next Sunday, 21 July for 3 weeks (early evening too) as sadly, mom’s chemo has been stopped which sadly hadn’t worked as we’d hoped. My trip will be an opportunity to spend quality time with mom and my daughters whilst we can with a hope that mom will still be with us at Christmas too, but we do have to be realistic. I have a Capricorn stellium as well as my MC being 29 Capricorn. I’m definitely feeling pulled between 2 worlds at the moment and dearly love living in both the UK and Australia but know that when this current work chapter ends, I will have to pick a permanent ‘home’, which I do believe will be back in the UK to be nearer to my daughters. I’d be interested to hear how the full moon may affect me, please and I’ll certainly try and get a bird’s eye view of the full moon as I fly back North. Thank you. S.

    1. You are having the Full Moon experience as you are flying to Britain to see your mother after chemotherapy. The Full Moon is opposite the Sun in Cancer, in your Fourth House of family and home. Your IC is 29 Cancer. This is the Immum Coeli or your heritage, family tree, ancestors, origins. You will see the Full Moon out of the plane window, as you say, and it is timing a future decision in September-November when Pluto goes to 29 Capricorn, on your MC and in opposition to your IC and you will make an historic, life-changing decision. Then it’s done.

  25. Hello Jessica,
    Such an interesting article about this month’s full moon. I have a Capricorn stellium, Juno 29 Libra and Cupido 29 Pisces. I’ve been working hard on my own business which is starting to gain momentum financially very slowly and am unsure about my future in terms of returning to my original work as I am off due to an injury. I am trying to shift the financial income in my life to be my business. Can I please ask you in looking at my chart, what do you see regarding my career and finance? I hope you are having a lovely weekend and are in good health. Thank you for your articles.

    1. Thank you. Juno at 29 Libra is the focus here, as the Full Moon will create a T-Square. Later on, Pluto will square Juno. So the story is actually about a duet or duel. Your current or former partnership, perhaps. You will make an historic decision about this person or situation, your other half or the other side – later this year. Work and money are things any Sun Capricorn woman is classically interested in. You’ll cut a deal and do some bargaining in December and more decisions will follow in January, February 2025 as you realise you have to put a price tag on being top dog (or being second or third dog, perhaps). You are in a stunning position with work until June 2025 if you pursue the idea that service and duty, meticulously performed, in great detail, are what people want. They truly do and it will reward you.

  26. hi Dear Jessica,

    for the first time I organized an event (buddhist) ( by coincidence; it just came on my way ), and Sunday is the last day of this short event. I have Salacia at 29 Capricorn..
    what does it mean?

    is this the start of something new with work?

    1. Salacia in Capricorn in your Tenth House describes a life spent in two worlds, neither of them real, as your main mission or ambition. You sometimes see this placement with people who have a career and a side hustle, or a paid job and unpaid job, but there is an element of escapism; it’s a holiday from reality. Your Buddhist event of course firmly puts you in that camp. The event will pull you in two directions or pull others, the same way. It is actually a nod to the future as September-November will require you to make a huge decision about your position, mission and ambition. You will restart in 2025.

  27. Dear Jessica, if you get to read this then thank you, I can not imagine 16000 emails a day. Also thank you for your articles and insights, the world needs hope and insight in these times.

    I have Juno, Ceres, Panacea and Salacia in Capricorn and nothing at 29 degrees. I have been backwards and forwards from Spain to the UK for 10 years and about to make another move. I was living in Madrid for 3 years but about to start a job in Malaga in mid August. I am high up in my role in Education, so my work is linked with young people. I accepted a new job in April but there is some movement at my new place of employment and it may well be changing, perhaps a promotion, I have the interview on the 22nd July. I wanted to move to the coast for a better life style but also I have been single for a while. I met someone in December 2020, they are much younger, we had a great connection but when I moved it changed in July 2021. We are still in touch. I can also fine a way to buy a property in my new area of Spain.

    What significance will this full moon have for me please? career? property? love life? sense of knowing if Spain is my home or the UK?

    1. Thank you. The 16,079 comments I can see today actually go back in time, quite a long way, so it’s not quite as drastic as it sounds! Without a chart I can only tell you about your Capricorn stellium and not emigrating. You are strongly Capricorn and ‘live’ in your Tenth House of ambition, position and mission. The Full Moon will pull you in two different directions. Home or away. You will make the final decisions about your career in September, October, November and sign off by December. The Tarot is free to use here and can help you.

  28. Hello Jessica – Fascinating article as always. Will be very interesting to see how this all plays out for my friends in the US. For me, I have three factors at 29 degrees as you can see – 29 Capricorn in Saturn; 29 Libra in Ops and 29 Cancer in Minerva. I’m wondering how this will play out for me at the Full Moon as I’ve been feeling lots of push pull energy for months. Many thanks for your insight.

    1. Thank you. Saturn at 29 Capricorn in your Tenth House of career, unpaid work and academia is a test. It picks up other issues with a duet or duel (Libra) and home or family circle (Cancer). The Full Moon will ask you to accept that there is no perfect solution with your professional life, your success and status, or university/college. You may prefer to avoid it actually, for big choices. It does however nod to September, October, November, when the most dominating, forceful, powerful and controlling people or organisation will reappear to ask you to fundamentally change how you deal with your own ambition, position and mission. You sign off from this in December and it’s over forever.

  29. Hi Jessica,
    Thank you for this article. My children and I will fly to Rio de Janeiro to spend a few weeks with my mother, arriving on the morning of Sunday, July 21. My mother has Ceres at 29 Cap (Nov. 11, 1946). She will leave my 83-year-old Leo (Aug. 12, 1940) father alone for four weeks while we visit family and take care of her real estate in Rio. He has extensive health problems and I’m not sure he will be all right alone for so long. At the same time, I am eager for this trip together so that we may visit relatives, and so I can help her finally make money off her real estate investment and turn it into a vacation rental. Any thoughts?
    Thank you!

    1. Your mother is a matriarch with Ceres in Capricorn and her parenthood is her passion and also her power, but she regularly has to share the controls in her life, and that has been the case likely since the 1960s. The Full Moon in conjunction with Ceres is her bridge to cross as there is no perfect answer for her, then. I daresay the separation from your father is that bridge. Time and space are required for her then. The bridge is the first challenging obstacle on a long road to September-November when Pluto will be in conjunction with Ceres and she will need to decide how the reins are to be shared in her life; how to co-pilot with others, including the whole family actually.

  30. Dear Jessica, I have a number of factors at 27-29 degrees in my chart: Salacia 29 Cap; NN 28 Pisces; Sun 28 Taurus; Bacchus 29 Cancer; SN 28 Virgo; Neptune 27 Scorpio; and have a Capricorn ascendant. I have been learning a foreign language independently since the pandemic, have enjoyed the courses completed so far and reached a reasonable standard; however, I have been dithering for some time about committing to a more advanced course of study, as a part of me feels it would be an indulgence as it is unlikely I would ever be able to develop any kind of occupation from it. Do you think the full moon will provide some clarity as to the best way forward? Also with the variety of factors at 27-29 degs, do I need to ‘watch my step’ on the 21st, so to speak? With thanks and kind regards for all your help and guidance on the blog, podcast and substack. xx

    1. Linguistics and translation are the future with Jupiter in Gemini, then Uranus in Gemini, but what does your chart say? Mars at 13 Sagittarius opposite Aesculapius at 14 Gemini is a classic indicator of a foreign language student, translator or teacher. It drives you. It’s also rather tense and quite a test, all your life. Do you learn Latin or even its derived languages? Aesculapius is about revival and resurrection. In Gemini it is about a vocabulary that some might say is dead and buried, but in your case it always comes back. This chart is not really about making a career from this, or a lot of money. Yet it also drives you. Write down what you want and need from this on a sheet of paper and jot down what you can offer/give from pursuing it. Read it aloud and ask your guides, family and friends in spirit for help. Prepare to be guided!

  31. Hi Jessica, what a fascinating post. I have Venus at 29 degrees Capricorn and have been struggling financially for years. I only stay at my low paying position because it affords me flexibility in my schedule as a single parent. I am also incredibly close to paying off some old debt, which I did all by myself. Lately the company hasn’t been doing great, but I am pretty sure I won’t be let go as there are less senior ppl here. Can you tell me what this full moon might have in store for me?

    1. Venus at 29 Capricorn in the Tenth House is your capacity to turn work relationships into real relationships. So you have a high attraction factor there with your employer, staff, colleagues – all your life. It’s complicated, like the bond between family or partners, yet it’s never boring for you. This is the most intense year of change for 248 years, with reshuffles in September, October, November. The Full Moon will show you the first of the changes to come. You will sign off from the situation by December and 2025 will really feel like a fresh start for you without the politics, or questions about who or what has the upper hand. For a simple life avoid getting sexually involved with anyone in your career this year. Maybe you already know that.

  32. Dearest Jessica thankyou for being everybody’s friend and for your insights
    I would appreciate if you are able to provide some insight as to how this timing would affect me in relation to my chart ? We seem to be going one step forward then back in relation to our sons sudden death by another person unknown to him during COVID interstate. I asked the tarot & pulled the justice card as we will be in court for this again around about this time so to a point it fits with the situation I am new to this and am having difficulty translating if we could resolve problems that we have encountered and if I can go back to work finally I would appreciate any feed back Thankyou

    1. Thank you. I am glad you pulled Justice as the Tarot card about your son’s tragic death. Justice will be done, in court. You will find the judge and/or jury is fair and square and you will find this judgement something you can accept. Looking at your chart, you have Aesculapia at 29 Leo in your Fifth House of parenthood. This tells me that the Full Moon at 29 Capricorn is a big ask for you so give yourself a lot of time and space please and skip momentous decisions then, if you can. Yet what happens near July 21st will nod to September, October, November, which is the end of the matter for you and your son. The final agreement will be by December 7th at the absolute latest. Your son may in fact let you know he is okay, from the spirit world. Aesculapia shows who or what is resurrected. I hope you get that confirmation and reassurance; perhaps you already have it. Dreams are often the way our people appear to us from the spirit world to comfort us.

  33. Hello Jessica, as always thank you for this detailed information. There’s been a lot of action in various aspects of my life and frankly, I’m quite nervous about this upcoming full moon. Can you check my chart for some insights?

    Sending love and light✨

    1. You are a Sun Gemini with a large Libra stellium so two things are going on here. (And no need to be nervous). Basically the financial, property, business and valuables zone of your chart shows the beginning of the end, of years of tests and trials. This is about your partner, ex partner, or relatives. You sign off in slow stages and from December 7th you realise 2025 and beyond will be totally different. Skip the actual Full Moon for choices regarding the same, though. Your Libra stellium shows karma going back 18 or 19 years with your current, or a former, partner. It is complete in January 2025 so again, next year is year zero.

  34. Thank you for your post with regard to my 29 degree placements. So very accurate. The Libra is my sister. One of the factors in my decision-making process when I am offered (and decline) a job opportunity, is my ability to be able to continue to visit my sister when needed. It will be interesting to see how October, November and December unfold. Jessica, appreciate your insight. Thank you.

    1. It’s always good to have confirmation, this is much appreciated. I am glad the psychic astrology helped.

  35. Hi Jessica,
    Love your work!! Big fan!! I have Apollo at 29 Capricorn with Vesta at 29 Aquarius, Jupiter at 29 Leo retrograde, and Chiron at 28 Pisces. Salacia is at 26 Capricorn with Neptune at 26 Scorpio retrograde, Uranus at 27 Virgo retrograde, and Diana at 25 Aries.
    I sense dynamic change is on the horizon in many areas. Feeling calm and excited. With my Sun and Moon in Pisces and my Ascendant in Scorpio there is super-heightened emotional sensitivity. Is this about unfinished business perhaps? With much appreciation, AJ

    1. Thank you AJ that’s very kind of you to say. You have a huge line-up at 29 degrees and Apollo in Capricorn is the key. You are a lifelong leader in your chosen field and often copied. You are actually somewhat of a golden boy, professionally, academically or with your unpaid work. Apollo to the Romans was a bit of a rock star. You multi-task your way to success. You are correct in sensing big change. Skip the Full Moon itself which falls right on Apollo as it’s quite a stretch. Yet once you reach September you will realise the part late July played in future decisions, which you will make by November. The most powerful, in-control, seductive, rather dominating person or organisation will play a part here. The choice is yours.

  36. Hi Jessica, thank you for all your guidance through such insightful articles and comments. this is an interesting one. I only have one planet in capricorn and cupido is at 29 degrees in leo. I also had an interesting 2008-2024 journey. 2008 was the year that I decided to move overseas and start my international academic path which has since shifted to something more stable in government at the end of 2021. 2024 was finally the time to make it permanent. I wonder how this full moon will impact my career? I haven’t found full satisfaction in it but at least I get stability. I hope to find satisfaction in creative pursuits that I have yet to turn into reality. What will this full moon bring me? Much gratitude and best wishes.

    1. Thank you very much. Cupido at 29 Leo in your Fifth House is the key here. You have a lifelong pattern of falling in love with love and have always been vulnerable to Cupid’s arrows, which are all about short term passion. You actually have a stellium in Leo, though, so this is only part of the story. You are quite capable of commitment, but will either have secret crushes you can never disclose, or find yourself going through regular passion/loss of passion/reignition of passion with the same person. Cupido is also about your heirs, spares and pretenders in Leo. So godchildren, sons, daughters, stepchildren, nieces, nephews – and also any younger people who are like your own children or godchildren in the sense that you guide them. A class you teach might be an example. This Full Moon is best avoided for decisions about all this. It’s too difficult. Yet it does tell you that in September, October, November you will need to closely examine a sexual relationship and also your role as Queen to a younger court and make some big changes. By December it’s done.

  37. Thank you for sharing such specific information. I am somewhat hopeful for this new moon and what it could uncover related to my career. The new moon falls in my 10th house and I’m feeling pretty lost on all things career related. The duet/duel you have mentioned recently make complete sense as it relates to a previous employer. I am hoping that things will finally turn around.

    1. You are a Sun Virgo with your MC or Midheaven at 29 Virgo so in the zone for huge career change. You are in the right place, at the right time, surrounded by the right people until June 2025 so there is plenty of time. You could easily be promoted, win a sought-after new job, be accepted into a prestigious university or have another major success on your hands. No need to feel lost. The elements are all there.

  38. Hello Jessica,

    I draw Nine of pentacles, my north node is in Capricorn.
    How do you think this full moon July 21 will affect me?

    Thank you, Jaana

    1. The Nine of Pentacles is a delightful card as it may well be you, Jaana, who is luxuriating in a beautiful environment with more than enough money to go around. If not you, it is a rich woman who could easily help you or negotiate with you. The Full Moon at 29 Capricorn opposite the Sun at 29 Cancer suggests the status and success of this woman (possibly you) but also the pull of home and the need to be more in control of property, real estate, the garden, the local area and so on. You have Juno at 28 Scorpio in your Eighth House of joint finance and property and first the Full Moon, then Pluto, will aspect this by one degree. So it’s about Juno, Jaana. You are committing to your own wealth next.

  39. Hello Jessica!
    I hope you are well. I’m a returning member; was away for too long, feels good to be back. I have several factors 28-29-0 degrees with 3 factors in Capricorn and stelliums in Leo & Aquarius. From your article, this full moon will have an affect on my career. Yes, it has been a very long journey since 2008 and the last 2 years have been stressful w/ work I work w/ kids), many changes in administration and management, too. Stress and anxiety have been such that I now have some health issues that I didn’t have previously. Would you please look at my chart and give your insights as to how this full moon will play out for me?
    Many thanks and sending you much love and blessings!

    1. Thank you N, I am very well. Thank you also for renewing your membership. Anxiety is always shown by Virgo factors in the Sixth House. You have Panacea at 20 Virgo and Ops at 22 Virgo. Panacea rules prescribed and illegal drugs as well as alcohol. Whatever is a ‘panacea’ is always a grey area for you as it comes with rights and wrongs. Symbolically, Panacea is also about your capacity to offer cures, solutions, remedies to others – at work or at home. Again, there is usually a grey area here, nothing is black or white ethically or morally. Ops is really about your ability to solve things too. So a picture is emerging here of you as a fix-it person. Rather like Mrs Thatcher coming into Downing Street with problems to solve. I can see why this makes you feel anxious. Have a look at what you are putting in your body or being prescribed. Have a look at how much you are taking on, with the children as well as your job – and no doubt Uncle Tom Cobley and all. You are not a machine and you cannot function without serving yourself. Virgo factors are about serving your own health and fitness first then worrying about everybody else. You get results. You can always come up with the answer. Yet that is clearly stretching you too far. What is actually happening in your chart is that you have been experiencing transiting Chiron at 22 Aries, quincunx Ops at 22 Virgo. So a person who pushes all the boundaries, is outrageous in many ways, seeks to get away with things – has been having quite an impact on your wellbeing and your work. This does not last. However, long-term it is also time to figure out how to live with your Virgo/Sixth House placements too.

  40. Hi Jessica,

    Thank you for your detailed post. I have Sun Libra with Panacea at 28 degree Capricorn. How will me and my family be impacted by the full moon. There have already been plenty of reshuffles at my workplace. My job is important as Im the only breadwinner for my family, my husband is unemployed for over 3 years now. We have a 14 year old daughter about to go in high school. Also my mom who’s 82 years old and lives by herself in India, Some insights into how things will play out would help us a lot.
    Thank you

    1. Thank you Priya. Your husband has no job so you are the breadwinner and have a teenage daughter. There is karma with your husband which ends in January 2025. You owe him on some level or he owes you. Around 18 or 19 years ago you seeded the karma, or had it sown for you. Once you reach January you can draw a line under this and move on. It is similar timing with the family, the household, your mother and your home. This Full Moon may be quite a demanding bridge to cross, but it will also show you two things. Firstly, something has to change and it will change – September, October, November. The balance of power and the controls within your extended family circle will alter with a final deal or bargain by December. The other thing you will glimpse is the chance of a new (better) job, a promotion, academic opportunities or other kinds of success – which will be offered to you, June 2025 to June 2026. You can and should be optimistic about that.

  41. Hello Jessica
    Thank you so much for all your help!
    My Leo sun is at 29, and also have stelliums in Capricorn and Leo. How might the full moon affect me? Can I expect more focus anytime in the near future ?
    Best to you,

    1. Thank you. Your Leo Sun at 29 degrees is in your Fifth House, which rules courtship, the bedroom, heirs, spares and pretenders to your throne. So, godchildren, perhaps – or a son. Maybe younger people you teach, mentor or guide. Certainly, sexual relationships both long-term and short-term. This is where you are profiled by people. It’s what you are known for, all your life and at your brilliant best you shine very brightly here as Queen to a younger court, or Queen of the royal bedchamber. When you don’t shine here you typically work very hard to come back. All of this is now open to change. You may prefer to skip the Full Moon for decisions about the same as it is a big stretch. Yet it does nod to September, October, November when Pluto at 29 Capricorn will quincunx your Sun and the most powerful, dominant, rather controlling person or people will have quite an impact on you. Pluto is strength training. By pushing back and coming back to your true Leo Sun self, you remember who you are and play to your strengths. There is no chart here so I cannot see your age but if there is any chance at all of you becoming pregnant think very carefully about the consequences.

  42. Thank you Jessica as always for your insight. I subscribed to substack astrology podcast as well and I am looking forward to see this full moon video once it’s uploaded.
    Please, can I kindly ask what this full moon means for my birth chart? I am just at the crossroad of making decision whenever to stay at the same rental or just pack my stuff to save on rent for a bit and go to Asia to explore nature and find a bit of tranquility as I feel like change is inevitable. I went through huge changes in past year and beside working on my image and self esteem, improving lifestyle, health and creating boundaries many of what I called my friends didn’t align with these changes and I kind of separated myself as I no longer felt happy around certain people and family. I guess this is Aries libra nodes cycle proving what’s needed. However I felt like “the tower” like everything needs to fall apart to either start all over or to be rebuild. As I am on my own and feeling like I can’t find a suitable partner, not feeling like I fit anywhere, without any friends or family, I am thinking of packing my stuff and going on other side of the world for few months. Would beginning of October be a good time or beginning of December? This would be a huge change for me as I am also not enjoying my job as well and I feel like being away can also push me to change my job when I get back. I always wanted to do something more creative such as writing and drawing. Would this be a good area to focus on when it comes to work? I drew the tarot card when asking about this full moon and what it will bring me: the high priestess. Thank you Jessica, we appreciate all you do and your time to respond back to us is very much appreciated as well.

    1. Thank you very much. Please do ask a question on Substack as well as Alicia Fulton and I have been putting together The Astrology Show on video so that I can look at some questions during the filming, but also check on as many as possible, in the final days of the month. You have a big choice here. Keep renting or emigrate to Asia. You also want a partner – and friends and family don’t do it for you. Neither does your job. There is a huge difference between a temporary stay in Asia and relocation. Apart from anything else, you will be viewed completely differently by whichever government you are appealing to. You have Neptune in Sagittarius in the Ninth House of foreigners and foreign countries and so find your holiday from reality overseas and your vacation from the ‘too real’ abroad. It’s been like that all your life. Just be aware of Neptune’s reputation for confused boundaries and muddle over blurred lines. This is why I mentioned governments. Within Asia they are all quite different and their view of you as a working person, renter and so on changes dramatically depending on if you commit or not. The North Node at 29 Cancer in your Fourth House of home, family, heritage, culture, house and apartment (and household) is opposite the South Node at 29 Capricorn in your Tenth House of career, status, success and rank. This is an intense Full Moon, crossing both and you may prefer to make up your mind later. Yet it nods to the big sign-off about home, September-November and you will have made your decision by early December. Pluto in conjunction with your South Node and in opposition to your North Node can only happen once in 248 years so this is big for you. Take a deep breath and remember that aspects to the lunar nodes call in past lives, karma and also any incarnation involving family members. Once you have decided, it’s done.

  43. Hi Jessica,
    Thank you for all the work you do and always such fascinating reading. I just found out this morning that the company I work for (I’ve been there for over 10 years) might be selling/bought/downsizing but definitely change is underfoot in the next few months… I have my Desc at 28 Gemini and Asc 28 Sag plus Uranus 28 Libra. I am also hoping to get a residency for 2025 and finish a manuscript (stellium in Gemini) so do I just ride out the last bit of Pluto’s power play in Capricorn? Thanks again for everything.

    1. Thank you very much. There is a lot going on here so I will start with your solar chart. You are a Sun Gemini who has this very demanding Saturn and Neptune transit in Pisces in your Tenth House of career. It’s an odd combination of heavy reality checks, but also a certain amount of insulation from the real world too. You’ll find you experience the clanging bells telling you to get real, followed by the big bubbles to ride around in. Turning to your natal chart, your DC or Descendant is 28 Gemini and your AC or Ascendant is 28 Sagittarius, as you know, but given you are writing a manuscript, I think your birth time is slightly out. It is far more likely that your DC is 29 Gemini and AC is 29 Sagittarius, which would fit the big bridge you are crossing. The Full Moon will emphasise this challenge to try and sort out your identity and profile, your reputation, name and appearance (the AC) and also another person involved in the story (the DC) who may be a partner, an agent, a writing partner, a tutor and so on. Pluto at 29 Capricorn September-November will slowly help you sign off from this and in 2025 as Jupiter goes to 29 Gemini the most incredible opportunity will appear.

  44. Jessica, thank you for being always so helpful to all. We so appreciate your efforts and help navigating hard times in life ( thinking about the post of the person who lost his son!).
    I have a 28 Moon in Virgo ( with a massive stellium), 28 Venus in Leo ( and a stellium) and 29 Saturn in Aquarius (stellium again!). I picked a tarot card and The hanged man it is…more waiting?

    1. Thank you. People do come to astrology when all seems lost and having been in the business for such a long time, I know it helps. That’s very kind of you to say, I appreciate it. Your Saturn at 29 Aquarius is the key here. Saturn is always about a waiting game and is an ancient symbol of time passing. You will often see Saturn on antique clocks, for example, or holding an hour glass. This is about a group. It is about your friendships and your social life. The Full Moon and also the Pluto transit in Capricorn at 29 degrees, semi-sextile your natal Saturn, suggest a man in your circle, or a male platonic friend, who is dangling or suspended – September, October, November. This Full Moon on 21st July is the first sign of that. He needs the hiatus in order to achieve enlightenment. Can you assist? You can offer.

  45. Hello Jessica, I have sun at 28 cancer and Jupiter at 28 Aries. I will have my lunar nodes return in September. I guess the rest of the year is gonna be special somehow. I am looking for a job and hoping to relocate abroad. May I have your insights on my chart? Many thanks!

    1. You want to emigrate so we’ll begin with your solar chart. You are a Cancerian who is in quite a difficult Ninth House cycle for both travel and for relocation to a foreign country. Saturn is in Pisces in your Ninth House in 2024 alongside Neptune. So you are going through an odd period of quite heavy reality checks (Saturn) coupled with bubbles to ride around in (Neptune). You were actually born with Saturn in Sagittarius in your natal Ninth House of foreigners and foreign countries, so the same message is told twice. It’s always going to involve situations where you cannot get in, or you cannot get out. It’s the same with academia and publishing, actually, which are also Ninth House matters. What does work for you is regional/local/neighbouring places. You are strongly Gemini, and virtually ‘live’ in your Third House of adjacent cities, areas and nations. Jupiter in your Third House until June 2025 will offer you fantastic opportunities if you are prepared to compromise and look closer to home.

  46. Hello Jessica – thank you as always for being here for all of us. I also really enjoy our tiny little ping-pongs on Twitter too (X will just never quite work for me…).
    I have Hygeia in Virgo and Ops in Cancer @29. Work and health have been closely interconnected since 2008 – and since my divorce in Oct/Nov 2021, also home and health. As a highly sensitive person, my need to unplug and be completely alone now and then in order to fully recharge, is crucial. Sometimes really hard to combine with being a professional and a single mum of two. Being a Leo Sun with Saturn there, too – the younger court is forever a challenge. One that I embrace with all my heart – cause my kids (10 and 13 now) are the best, best thing in the entire world <3 I would not have it any other way.
    Astrology delivery helped me land a new part-time job mid June. I am very grateful for it – but also have this feeling that it might not be one that I stay with for very long?.. I have an interview for another, also part-time job, in early August (I'm very much aware of the Mercury retrograde) – which is all about communication and cyber security. I can't help but feel that with my Hygeia placement and also Jupiter in Gemini – this holds a lot of potential. The one I am in now has a much greater Pluto in Cap sort of vibe to it – but also a more international scene.
    Any thoughts? Thank you, Jessica!

    1. I think calling it X-Twitter has become popular with those of us who are compromising with Elon Musk. I am happy to hear Astrology Delivery helped you land a new part-time job. You’re also seeking more. What does your chart say? You are a Sun Leo who is slowly closing a work and lifestyle chapter between now and December. The rest of the Twenties will be completely different for you in terms of daily routine, your work ethic, your service to others, your duty to others and so on. This is the gradual exit of Ceres and Pluto from Capricorn, retrograde, in your Sixth House of labour. In your natal chart you have Hygiea at 29 Virgo in your Sixth House, too. So it’s all about wellbeing, fitness for duty, your need to do the job for others and with one eye on protecting, shielding and guarding – all the time. It’s quite common in the charts of people in the health profession for obvious reasons. Whatever you choose to do, Pluto at 29 Capricorn trine Hygiea at 29 Virgo September-November will transform your working life. This can only happen every 248 years. Both charts tally. Big lifestyle shift.

  47. I Jessica I have 6 factors in Capricorn, plus, Mars in Libra at 29, Chiron in Pisces at 29, Vulcano in Capricorn at 28, Psyche in Sag at 28, minerva in Aries at 28. I am so stressed looking after elderly parents, whilst trying to put my own life back together. Is there anything in this full moon that will help me or I need to learn? Thanks Bal

    1. I am sorry you have anxiety looking after your elderly parents, Bal. Nothing you have mentioned here is about them, as only Cancer/Fourth House and Scorpio/Eighth House rule the family. What is most important here is Mars at 29 Libra. This is your lifelong approach to duets and duels, as you are quite an assertive, fearless partner (professional or sexual). You are also a natural fighter and will attack or defend in opposition with another. Avoid the Full Moon for duets and duels. Note what happens and start slowly moving towards a sign-off solution in September-November when Pluto goes to 29 Capricorn. This is transiting Pluto square natal Mars and it’s down to you to balance the scales with him (or her) then – without unbalancing yourself at the same time. The Tarot is free to use on this website and you can follow the steps to see solutions regarding your parents.

  48. Hello Jessica, long time listener, first time caller here. You’ve had heaps of questions so completely appreciate you may not be able to get to me. Wanted to ask what the meaning might be for me this coming full moon with a Capricorn stellenium, Neptune at 29 degrees in Sagittarius, Hygeia at 29 in Libra and Poserpina at 29 in Scorpio?
    Thank you so much for your time and all that you do – absolutely extraordinary work.

    1. That’s very kind of you to say, thank you. This is in fact the last question on the screen, before I go and put the kettle on. Your chart is loaded with factors at 29 degrees so transformation is coming. Sagittarius, Libra and Scorpio in your natal chart are being picked up. The most powerful people or trends are hinted at near July 21st but it will not be until September, October, November that you really see quite dominating and potent individuals or groups reshape the way you deal with foreigners and foreign countries. In addition, the way you deal with duets and duels – and joint finances or property. Transiting Pluto is about a sign-off, so once you have done what you need to do, you will close the first week of December feeling a book has also been closed and a chapter. A classic example would be your marriage (Libra) to a foreign man (Sagittarius) with a mutual legacy made out (Scorpio) which is dramatically affected by, say, government rules on inheritance and taxation altering. Pluto can sometimes turn up as a wider trend as well as a person with clout.

  49. Dear Jessica,

    I have some Capricorn influences and factors at 29 degrees in my chart. Can you please analyze my chart and tell me what this might signify for me? I’m reapplying for my previous job at the company I worked for before Covid led to my redundancy. I returned to the same department but at a lower grade and salary. The opportunity has arisen again, and I’m interested in trying for it, despite my current boss not favoring me.

    Thank you

    1. This sounds like a textbook Pluto transit, ahead. You were made redundant and are reapplying for the same role with a boss who does not favour you. The boss is Pluto. Looking at your chart, Jupiter at 29 Taurus and Vulcano at 29 Scorpio are in opposition. Avoid the Full Moon if you can because it’s too big a stretch, with your finances, but also your value system. It will hint at September-December decisions, though, as transiting Pluto at 29 Capricorn will trine natal Jupiter and sextile Vulcano, suggesting that your natural protection and luck with money (Jupiter) will come into play for you, along with your steely willpower regarding money, property, business. This is a reshaping of your situation with the company favouring you, or even a new job elsewhere. You only have Pluto trine Jupiter every 248 years and here it comes, aspecting your Second House of banking, life budgets, values, houses, apartments, business, charity, shares, insurance and so on.

  50. hi Jessica, happy birthday! I assume your birthday must be close as you’re also a sun Leo. could you please advise what I need to look out for as I have so many aspects at 29 degree? am a little worried as lots of things seem to be hidden from sight. thank you Jessica

    1. Thank you. Yes, I will be 60 years old on 25th July – so am happily becoming an ancient old bat. Your natal chart shows an unusually high number of factors at 29 degrees. Skip the Full Moon for forks in the road. Those are paths chosen under pressure and you don’t want those kinds of paths. You can’t really avoid some kind of crossroads on this transit but if you can choose/act once the moon has passed into Aquarius, it will be easier. What happens as July ends nods to September-November when the most powerful, seductive, rather dominant person or organisation enters the picture, or re-enters the picture in a more prominent way. Pluto types are usually men. If you disempower them they will attempt to manipulate the situation. The way forward with Pluto people and groups is to push back with your own willpower and self-control and also make sure that you get yourself into a powerful position too. In other words you are not dependent on their say-so. Pluto is actually a gift if you can grit your teeth and get on with a strategy, because the transit makes you stronger and far more influential. The cycle rewards you with true power and of course, true power is the wisdom to know how to share it, once you have it.

  51. Thank you. I have Psyche at 29 degrees in Aquarius, plus a Capricorn stellium. Would you have particular advice for me during this full moon?

    1. Psyche is your ability to achieve immortality. In Aquarius and the Eleventh House you achieve immortality through your friendships and through your groups, clubs, teams, circles, networks, associations, societies and so on. When you live forever, you likely do so online, so social media in particular, like Substack, may be where you are immortalised. However, friendships or group achievements which endure in the wider imagination or memory, long after you have gone, are also part of this placement in your chart. Avoid the Full Moon for actions regarding friends and groups. It’s complicated. Yet, later on in September-November when Pluto is semi-sextile Psyche, you will find you are asked to really examine how you handle your social media, social life and communal efforts.

  52. Hi Jessica – its been a while since I left a comment or asked for your insights, though I continue to read and love and learn from your work. I would be so grateful if you could look at my chart and tell me what you see/feel I can focus on to continue to support my healing process which has been incredibly intense for many years. I feel it coming to a head, but I’m not sure. I keep waiting for things to get better to wake up feeling content and settled. Thank you in advance, I really appreciate you. -Nena

    1. Nena, your healing process will be shown by Virgo and the Sixth House. You have Proserpina at 29 Virgo and Pluto has been retrograde at 29 Capricorn. Before that, you had Saturn pass 29 Capricorn too. Proserpina is your life as a go-between, at work, with unpaid work, housework or academia. You bridge the gap between two powerful people or organisations – habitually. Proserpina is the tunnel from one side to the other. It is very common with people whose careers revolve around sharing time and energy between two employers, or two large groups. It does in fact come to a head on the Full Moon, first of all, but more dramatically September-November when Pluto goes to 29 Capricorn for the last time, trine Proserpina. They were in fact husband and wife in the Roman mythology which underpins the archetypes we use in astrology. People-pleasing may have taken a toll on your mental or physical health and it may be time to figure out a new way to be Proserpina.

  53. Hello Jessica, thank you for this brilliant article. I am a sun Capricorn with a stellium and also Salacia at 29° of Capricorn. I also have Pluto at 29° Virgo and several factors at 28° across Scorpio and Sagittarius. I have a very big transition coming up in the next six weeks which includes a house move and new school for my daughter. I also have some legal financial issues to resolve hopefully before the end of this year. I would be so grateful for your insight into what this full moon holds for me. I pulled a tarot card asking exactly that question and how the next 3 to 6 months may unfold for me and I received the Star card. Many thanks, Jessica. Warmly Alexia.

    1. Thank you Alexia. The Star is about Aquarius and the Eleventh House. So, nothing to do with the Full Moon, but then your question wasn’t about that. You’re being told that Pluto in Aquarius over the next six months will empower you as part of a group, or in front of it. You will either be one of the many who shine brighter because of a star, or you will actually take a starring role. Aquarius pools resources and that is what will happen here, be it the Parent Teacher Association, Mumsnet or a political party. The house move and new school for your daughter are shown clearly by Pluto at 29 Virgo in your Sixth House of lifestyle, workload, daily routine and wellbeing. Skip the Full Moon for choices about the same but know it is a nod to September-December when transiting Pluto at 29 Capricorn trines natal Pluto and one of the biggest transformations of your life takes place. So that’s the move, but likely a big shift with your paid work, unpaid work or academic career. As always with Pluto, self-control gives you control.

  54. Hello Jessica.
    I’ve been reading your amazing insightful analytical essays for about a year now.
    Never asked for advice, but I could use one now. I’m at the crossroads, professionally and personally.
    Looking forward to few major changes in my life in the near 18 months or so.
    After almost 25 years with the same employer, I might get laid off.
    Also, my husband is elderly, and not in good shape after a stroke.
    My daughter is 31 (Capricorn) and hopefully will be doing better for herself, since I plan to sell the house, and maybe re-locate.
    I have Salacia and Mc in Capricorn. Thank you very much !

    1. Thank you. I appreciate your time. You may be laid off. Your husband is post-stroke. You want to sell the house. This all sounds like Cancer and Fourth House stuff. Sure enough you have the IC or Immum Coeli at 2 Cancer and Pluto is circling 2 Aquarius for the first time in 248 years, so December, January and February in particular look like necessary transformation, rethinking your ideas about where you belong, where you come from, what grounds you – and where. The good news is, this does work out. From June 2025, Jupiter goes to 2 Cancer for the first time in 12 years, so there is improvement here. Solutions and opportunities. Your MC or Midheaven at 2 Capricorn is also involved, as the two are opposite, and this is your role, goal and ambitions. Again, you have Pluto at 2 Aquarius semi-sextile the MC so at exactly the same time, you must rethink your ideas about what success actually means to you. I think this will be quite a concentrated decision for you, December-February and the Tarot here can help you if you need it. All change.

  55. What a great blog! I have placements all over Capricorn and Bacchus in Scorpio at 29. I can’t wait for Pluto’s power over Capricorn to dissipate. It was not a bad ride, but I am ready for it to be over. Would you have any insights as to how Bacchus will be triggered by the full moon? I also have Diana in cancer almost at 29. Do 28 degree placements count?

    1. Thank you. You can include 28 degree patterns but the timing may be out by a few days. Bacchus at 29 Scorpio is about the hedonism of purely sexual and financial relationships where you can ‘have a good time, all the time’ to quote Spinal Tap but also figure out the house, the apartment, the bank account, the valuables, the business…and so on. Pluto will sextile Bacchus in September-November so there will be the most powerful person, organisation or potent, dominating situation then. You are strongly Scorpio so you live in the Eighth House a lot of the time. Professionally or personally you understand the scorpion who can kiss and kill – sexual liasons can be dangerous liasons, sometimes symbolically, perhaps even literally – in your past. This never really goes away. The legacy, will or inheritance is always a thought away. Yet you also understand the total abandon to pleasure of Bacchus in Scorpio. This has to reshape itself by November. The Full Moon is a nod to that.

  56. Hi Jessica fascinating as always. I have a list of full moon names which calls this one the Sturgeon Moon. My eye was drawn to Nicola Sturgeon’s name in your article and note that Alex Salmond has this week initiated legal proceedings against her and her governmental departments. I trust there will be a reckoning for her betrayal of women and country. This is my second attempt at commenting and wasn’t sure if I even should. A strange thing happened with my first attempt. The number 7 and letter u froze highlighted on my keyboard and I had to shut down to clear it. The second attempt the page froze and I could not type at all. This third attempt seems fine. There are indeed more things in heaven and earth ……….

    1. Yes, we are seeing a Nicola Sturgeon moment in history return. What is happening is the tail end of the South Node in Libra (women’s rights versus men’s rights) and the start of Pluto in Aquarius (women rise). Sturgeon is part of what is happening and history will record, as it did with the Suffragettes, that women betrayed women – they were sometimes the worst. She may in fact go down against Salmond in the end but it’s too early to call; we’re not seeing these transits until January 2025. Your keyboard frozen on 7 and U is peculiar. This may be meaningful for you. Sturgeon was born in the seventh month, July.

  57. Jessica,
    I discovered you in summer of 2020 while looking for some hope in the upcoming American elections. I fell into a very deep depression when Trump was elected in 2016 and was desperate for some hope that he would not prevail in 2020. Your predictions for the upcoming 2024 election has allowed me to sigh a breath of relief so thank you so so so very much! I wanted to see if you could give take a glance at my chart as I have some questions about my career. I’ve definitely lived a life of confusion and any and all insight from you would be greatly appreciated. Thank you so much for everything that you do!!

    1. Thank you very much for letting me know. I appreciate it. I have learned to trust astrology and history. Donald Trump is a classic symbol of a crumbling patriarchy, having slept with a porn star when his wife was pregnant (just one instance) and selected yet another man as his Vice-President (and not any man; see Vanity Fair on Vance’s stance on abortion and violent marriage). When the patriarchy collapses it tends to do so straight after the very worst of the cycle. Abortion is now banned or limited in almost two dozen American states. This has distinct echoes of Nero and Henry VIII who were the patriarchs on previous Pluto cycles like this. Nero had various affairs until his lover Poppaea Sabina convinced him to divorce his wife, Octavia – who was first exiled then executed. Charming! Henry VIII had Anne Boleyn and Catherine Howard executed. So we are now in a similar cycle where it gets worse before it gets better and women rise. In your own chart, what is happening with Pluto leaving Capricorn to go into Aquarius is not specifically about sexual relationships or parenthood (and men/women) but it’s similar. Hygiea 0 Leo and Apollo 29 Libra are about the bedroom, courtship, heirs, spares and pretenders to the throne. They are also about husbands, wives, former partners, divorce, marriage and love triangles. As Pluto goes over 29 Capricorn and onto 0 Aquarius the most powerful person or group – perhaps the most overpowering situation – will come to pass and a decision must be made. So that is September 2024 until February 2025. By pushing back you become more powerful.

  58. Hi Jessica,
    Thank you for this website. I read it every day – you truly are gifted!
    I have a stellium in Capricorn and I pulled the Six of Pentacles when I asked what the upcoming full moon holds for me. Can you look at my chart and share any advice you have for me? Particularly about my love life, or does a stellium in Capricorn mean my life is only about work? I’d love to retire and travel, but will only consider it when I no longer have to worry about needing a paycheck. Many thanks,

    1. That’s so flattering, thank you very much. The Six of Pentacles or Coins shows a wealthy person giving to the poor. Muffy, this is you donating, lending or giving. If not, it is you holding out your hands and receiving, taking and storing. Salacia 20 Capricorn and Apollo 21 Taurus are sextile in your chart, in your zone of life budgets, money, values, security, need, generosity and exchange. The Full Moon will pass through Capricorn as you know. So this sextile in your chart will be triggered. You say ‘worrying about needing a paycheck’ Muffy, so this sounds like you are about to be helped, financially, by someone/something with a great deal to give. It can be the government. It can be your father. It can be a boyfriend. It’s on the way.

  59. Hello Jessica. Thanks for your insightful articles I do get a lot from reading them. Bit nervous about this as I have Saturn at 29 Taurus. Please could you share your wisdom about the impact of this full moon for me? Thanks 🙂

    1. Thank you. Saturn at 29 Taurus in your Second House of money, charity, property, valuables and business is about lifelong restrictions and heavy boundaries, with walled and gated situations involving banks, taxation, other people and the house/apartment and so on. The Full Moon aspects this so for a simple life don’t make big decisions about the same, then. However, the Full Moon itself will show you September-November when Pluto at 29 Capricorn is trine natal Saturn. Pluto trine Saturn in transit is the most powerful organisation or person, perhaps the most powerful trend (like a change in interest rates) coming to bear on the way you have structured your budget. Pluto is actually a strong life coach and personal trainer, asking for self-mastery and self-control and in exchange, giving tremendous clout and resonance. Real power, ongoing. So rise up to meet who or what comes and understand that the way you have set up your finances or property in particular will need a good long look. A bit of professional advice wouldn’t go astray. You’ll strike a final deal, probably in writing, by December.

  60. Hi Jessica

    Just wanted to let you know that the Astrology bookings are working for me so far. I have absolutely engaged with this.
    I asked for a buyer for my home of 30 years to enable me to move to a new home near coast and country for my retirement. This has come into being- and it all went through smoothly much to my surprise. I am now living in an area that I have spent many years wishing to relocate to and loving every moment so far.
    My younger Scorpio son has moved into his own apartment and is slowly settling down with positive changes at his work place and better mental health- all of which I asked the astrology booking to assist with. He seems to be building his confidence in his career, after many difficult years.
    My older Capricorn son has found a house to buy after years of saving and searching and is currently going through his purchase, much quicker than he expected- thanks to astrology bookings.
    I have one last remaining hope for my astrology booking and that is that my older Capricorn son does have a much longed for and wanted family after many long years of trying. I live in hope that this will also come true as both my son and his wife would make very loving and wonderful parents. Can you see any sign of this Jessica? I would love this last booking to also come through.

    1. This is marvellous, thank you. I will quote you anonymously in our next New Moon video at The Astrology Show on Substack as I relish these stories of Astrology Delivery rewards. You asked for results with property and also your sons. You’d also like to become a grandmother. This Capricorn of yours is in the most unpredictable cycle of his adult life, in terms of pregnancy, adoption, fostering, I.V.F., surrogates, stepchildren, godchildren and so on. What happens will be out of the blue. It will be a revolution for him. It will happen in 2024, 2025 and from 2026 the years of never knowing are over. The kicker is, with this Uranus cycle he is in, the actual outcome can’t be seen. But yes, you can see how this booking goes with firm high hopes given your results so far.

  61. Hi. Thank you very much for this article which triggered a lot for me. I have Mars/Neptune conjunction at 28/29 Scorpio in the natal 11th house and a Capricorn stellium.
    I resigned my job (and pretty much gave up my career) in 2013 as I could no longer tolerate working with an abusive, sociopathic line manager (herself a Capricorn sun and the problems with her really started in 2008 although she had been very tricky before) and in a toxic department in which I experienced bullying and victimisation. I was also in a position to retire modestly at that stage. I have had a pattern of experiencing group bullying and victimisation in the workplace (which I attributed to the Mars/Neptune conjunction, although I wonder also about the Jupiter/Uranus/SN conjunction around the midheaven).
    I have always felt frustration, disappointment and failure over my career (I should have put up more of a fight). I don’t like being “retired” but haven’t forged a new path (just some consulting in my previous area). I’m wondering whether to emigrate.
    I would be very appreciative of any insights you are able to give me as to how this full moon and Pluto’s final return will play out in my chart. I did pull a tarot card and got King of Swords – maybe a man will point the way.
    With much gratitude for all that you do.

    1. I am sorry you have had such a rotten time with a sociopath at work and yet more workplace bullying. You wonder if you should emigrate now you are out of full-time paid employment. The King of Swords is your Full Moon in Capricorn card. This is of course an ambitious man who has made it to the top – an archetype of Pluto in Capricorn. So there are pros and cons with negotiating terms with this kind of powerbroker. He’s hardline and has the power to axe people or projects. Yet he may meet you halfway depending on what you want. That’s what this Full Moon is all about, and of course it nods to Pluto in Capricorn September-November. Looking at your natal Sixth House and Tenth House, the labour and ambition houses, Pluto at 24 Virgo, the Descendant at 24 Gemini and Ascendant at 24 Sagittarius form a T-Square. This is lifelong and was there at school. You need total control of your projects, plans, roles and goals. Even though you are cast in a service position, or required to do your duty, you want to run it. This has never been possible as you are always put in a position where you must share, or step back, or compromise or even leave. Over time it becomes easier to manage Pluto in Virgo in the Sixth House, once you realise that your very great passion (obsession, actually) is an asset, but you must accept that if you seek to take over, you will be pushed back. The tension comes from a chain of both partners and also adversaries, with the DC or Descendant in Gemini in the Third House. Do you have a sibling or cousin? This may have been the first such ‘other half’ or opponent in childhood. A Castor and Pollux relationship, in fact. The AC or Ascendant is Sagittarius so your image is foreign, global, international, multicultural but there is tension here with that, in terms of work. Emigrating would not make that any easier, but that does not mean you should not do it. You just need to be aware of the pattern. Gemini-Sagittarius-Virgo in a T-Square is tight, tense, taut and a lifelong test. Language differences are usually a challenge as Sagittarius rules all that is foreign and Gemini rules vocabulary, communication, the internet, the media and the written and spoken word. Use your Tarot and Oracles here to find a way through the T-Square.

  62. Hi Jessica,
    My wife has been put forward for promotion by her boss along with a colleague who hasn’t performed but has been there slightly longer. an you advise what the future holds for her.

    She has Pluto 29 Virgo and Sun 28 cancer, Moon 28 Scorpio and Vesta 28 Taurus. Born: 21-Jul-1972, 03:20 (51.5924453,0.2242378)

    Would very much appreciate your thoughts.

    1. Your wife is set to experience transiting Pluto trine natal Pluto which is empowering, typical of promotion – but also rather intense. Power and control issues come along with it too. She may want to skip the Full Moon itself as it’s too demanding. Yet it does nod to September-November when Pluto aspects the work, family, home, financial, marital zones of her chart. It’s not just a promotion, it’s a complete lifestyle change. And here’s the rub. If the promotion does not work out, she’ll just be given power anyway. A new job, for example, or a reshuffle at work which gives her the reins. All this changes the partnership with you, too. Having more clout is probably way overdue in her case.

  63. Hi Jessica I have Chiron 29 Pisces İC 28 Gemini MC 28 Sag (birth time from my birth certificate) Minerva Hygeia & Salacia in Capricorn,How do you see this full moon affecting me?Thank you

    1. Chiron at 29 Pisces in your Twelfth House of solitude, Buddhism, Christianity, mediumship, Tarot, counselling, therapy and other inner pursuits suggests a lifelong quest to see what you can get away with. Kate Bush sang about making a deal with God. You strike fairly outrageous deals with the universe all the time and as Chiron is in close aspect to the Third House and Ninth House, it tends to be tied to the internet, to travel, to foreigners and foreign countries and perhaps to the media. This now changes. Skip the Full Moon as it’s too great a stretch. Yet Pluto at 29 Capricorn will pick up this need to experiment, to explore and to challenge the Gods. What happens by December will empower you.

  64. Dear Jessica:
    I am an Aries with a Capricorn stellium, and Apollo at 29deg Taurus. Ever since losing my job in 2008, things have never been the same financially. There have been health issues for myself, followed by having to be there to deal with terminal illness for a parent, and more recently a sibling who has now passed. I am eternally grateful to my elderly mother who has been there for me, whose health isn’t the best — I purchased her chart, a Virgo with Fortuna at 29deg Scorpio. Wondering what this full moon has in store for us.
    Many thanks.

    1. Thank you. You have the North Node at 27 Cancer in the Fourth House of family. Opposite is the South Node at 28 Capricorn in the Tenth House of success. You have incarnated in this lifetime to gain closure with your parents and siblings. You were related in the last incarnation or perhaps even married. The losses and also the challenges of being a carer are shown by the slow transit of Pluto at 27 Capricorn, also joined by Saturn at 27 Capricorn, in recent years. This can only happen every 248 years and it is now over. The job loss is Capricorn and the family is Cancer. It is entirely possible that one or all family members cared for you in your last life. Now you owe them the same. The Full Moon is wide of 27 degrees so it won’t have much impact. What will really make a massive difference is Jupiter going to 27 Cancer, so you can expect solutions, expansion, hope, growth, remedies, answers, reward, gain – with the family, house, home town, homeland, apartment. Jupiter enters Cancer in 2026 and moves to 27 Cancer in 2027.

  65. Hi Jessica,

    I enjoy reading and learning from your articles, your writing has always been a bright spot in my day.I’ve been working really hard for many years, and now I’m about to apply for college. I’m feeling quite anxious about it. Based on my astrology chart, do you have any advice for me?

    Thank you for all that you do!


    1. Thank you Zerui. You have a Virgo stellium and know how to work. You know how to study. You also have interests, all your life, which may as well be second careers. You will blossom from June 2025 to June 2026 in particular as Jupiter in Cancer is sextile your Virgo stellium. Don’t be anxious about one specific college or another, just keep focussing on excellence as a student but also as a working person. Success comes.

  66. Hi Jessica. I have Vulcan at 29 Virgo and Hygeia at 29 Aquarius, and I’m curious how that can play out for me. Thank you. Looking forward to seeing you on Sunday.

    1. Thank you. I am also looking forward to Sunday with Paul Fenton-Smith. You were born with an exact quincunx from Vulcano at 29 Virgo in your Sixth House of work, duty and service – to Hygiea at 29 Aquarius in your Eleventh House of friends and groups. Do one, get the other. This was there since childhood, so whenever you attended to school issues or questions about chores, part-time jobs after school – your friends and groups came along too. Vulcano is powerful at work for you these days because you know self-control. Hygiea is about ‘prevention not cure’ with your social life, social media, groups and friends. You are strategic and pre-emptive here. Again, the two go together. What happens between now and December will transform that. Powerful people, organisations or situations will utterly change your service and duty to others, and also the social or friendship aspects of your life too.

  67. Hi Jessica, Could you tell me what the Capricorn full moon will trigger in my chart, please? I have held back for years now on letting an ex’s family know about his serial abuse of women, including me, because of my fear of Pluto in Capricorn (the ex is a Scorpio). I have Mercury 29° Taurus and Salacia 29° Capricorn. When will the right time to do this arrive? I feel it’s the only way I can close that chapter in my mind for good. When I asked the Tarot if I should, I drew The Three of Cups which, of course, portrays a female celebration. Secondly, could you also look at my son’s astrology? He’s home educated and when I asked the Tarot about how his exams will go next year, I drew The Magician. Thank you so much for all you do for your readers.


    Sun 21° Gemini
    Moon 03° Libra
    Mercury 29° Taurus
    Venus 25° Cancer
    Mars 07° Cancer
    Jupiter 26° Libra
    Saturn 17° Taurus
    Uranus 04° Libra
    Neptune 28° Scorpio
    Pluto 24° Virgo
    Chiron 09° Aries
    Juno 19° Aries
    Vesta 28° Leo
    Ceres 22° Aries
    MC 10° Aries
    IC 10° Libra
    ASC 23° Cancer
    DESC 23° Capricorn
    Diana 09° Capricorn
    Fortuna 25° Capricorn
    Minerva 04° Leo
    Bacchus 28° Cancer
    Apollo 04° Cancer
    Aesculapia 20° Leo
    Hygeia 01° Cancer
    Panacea 27° Aries
    Ops 02° Cancer
    Salacia 29° Capricorn
    Proserpina 16° Scorpio
    Cupido 20° Pisces
    Vulcano 05° Leo
    Psyche 12° Taurus
    North Node 05° Pisces
    South Node 05° Virgo

    My son:
    Sun 21° Libra
    Moon 22° Aries
    Mercury 07°
    Venus 25° Scorpio
    Mars 07° Scorpio
    Jupiter 14° Capricorn
    Saturn 16° Virgo
    Uranus 19° Pisces
    Neptune 21° Aquarius
    Pluto 28° Sagittarius
    Chiron 16° Aquarius
    Juno 24° Sagittarius
    Vesta 10° Taurus
    Ceres 22° Leo
    MC 19° Pisces
    IC 19° Virgo
    ASC 19° Cancer
    DESC 19° Capricorn
    Diana 25° Sagittarius
    Fortuna 05° Capricorn
    Minerva 27° Sagittarius
    Bacchus 16° Scorpio
    Apollo 02° Libra
    Aesculapia 22° Cancer
    Hygeia 18° Gemini
    Panacea 21° Cancer
    Ops 16° Leo
    Salacia 18° Pisces
    Proserpina 06° Libra
    Cupido 12° Virgo
    Vulcano 25° Virgo
    Psyche 02° Sagittarius
    North Node 16° Aquarius
    South Node 16° Leo

    1. Yes, you should help the other women who were abused, or knew about the abuse, by disclosing what you know. Ask the Tarot again regarding timing. Your son will do exceptionally well academically as he is multi-talented and has the right teacher to show him how to juggle.

  68. Hi Jessica,
    Hope you are doing well. I have nothing in Capricorn, but my life has turned upside down and some more since 2008. I am trying to understand how I am so impacted with Pluto and other planets in Capricorn despite of having no factors there. Infact I seem to be going through everything you stated about Cap Sun or Cap Stellium – impending divorce, travel, relocation, change(s) in career since 2008, foreign citizenship. Does it settle for me as well by Jan/Feb 2025?

    1. Thank you. Your Virgo, Taurus, Gemini and Leo stelliums are the answer here. Virgo and Gemini are mutable signs, strongly affected by transits in Virgo, Gemini, Pisces and Sagittarius. You have had a huge number of these, picking up your workload, your health, your wellbeing, your daily routine and your service to others. They have also pulled in your ability to speak and understand a second language. Understanding your Virgo and Gemini side will help you to deal with the transits. The lunar nodes going into Virgo and Pisces, from 2026, suggest a slow sign-off, with clear signs by 2027. Taurus and Leo are fixed signs and again, any time you see slow-moving outer planet transits, or nodal transits, in fixed signs – Taurus, Leo, Aquarius, Scorpio – you face the challenge to change. You have had this too, primarily with Uranus in Taurus since 2018. Leo of course rules the bedroom, courtship, heirs, spares and pretenders to the throne. Getting to know your Leo and Taurus side can be very useful. ‘Fixing the unfixed’ is the solution here. In fact, with Pluto in Aquarius, you have no choice. This is not just about sex or parenthood, it is also about money and property. The Tarot can be a useful guide here too.

  69. Hi Jessica,

    I was not sure where to post the question, here or on Substack (as a subscriber) since you may not be able to see the natal chart there. I am shortly going to start a part time job which suits my current situation as I am helping my adult Cancer son receive therapy for his depression. But I am eager to work full time eventually and have been trying unsuccessfully for the past 2 years. Can you please look at my chart and let me know if this Full Moon affects me, I have the North Node at 29 Sagittarius and South Node at 29 Gemini. Thanks

    1. Good point. Substack is for Tarot readings and this website is best for chart readings. Your nodes are at 29 and show your last incarnation with foreign languages, travel or emigration and cultural translation. In this life you are here to gain closure but also use what you learned. A second language or third language may come naturally because you knew it before – or cultural translation. This is at the heart of what happens. The Full Moon and later this year, Pluto, picking up your nodes will remind you that your mission has not gone away. When Jupiter goes to 29 Gemini in 2026 you could so easily achieve it. This has nothing to do with your son. It may involve your career. However, the theme of communication, connection and cross-cultural comprehension is the thing; that can surface with matters outside work too.

  70. This is so fascinating, thank you!
    I have a stellium in Capricorn, Ops in 29 Aquarius, Venus in 29 Sagittarius, Proserpina in 28 Capricorn and Juno in 28 Cancer. I’m curious to know how these altogether will affect my life. I’ve been struggling with my career since 2008 when Pluto came to Capricorn. I have two homes now, one with my family and one for working elsewhere.
    I’d like to have your guidance for the near future. I pulled the Moon for the full moon in July.

    1. The Moon shows yourself and another person who is the same as you, but different. You have a choice between two locations – work or home. You can’t delay as financial, property or business realities won’t wait. Yet it is hard to know what to do. The line-up at 28 and 29 degrees in your chart is about friendship (Aquarius), close relationships with people who raise issues about foreigners and foreign places (Sagittarius), ambition (Capricorn) and home (Cancer). You say you have two homes, which you can see in the card. The Full Moon is best avoided for decisions as it’s all too hard. Yet from September-November with Pluto triggering your chart, a choice must be made. It does not have to be binary. There may be lateral thinking here, if you choose it, or alternatives not obvious now. The other person is presumably your partner or a friend. By December 7th you will have compromised and found a solution.

  71. Dear Jessica,
    Amazing post! Thank you!
    I have Minerva @29 Leo. There is a lot going on in my life draining my energy: very long graduate studies (a life-long one) that doesn’t finish, a long-time miserable marriage, a very long-time due property buying, an awaited job promotion.
    Any insight from you would be greatly appreciated! Thank you!

    1. Thank you. Minerva at 29 Leo in your Fifth House of courtship, the bedroom, heirs, spares and pretenders to the throne is the key here. The Full Moon will be quincunx Minerva on 21st July. It nods to Pluto at 29 Capricorn, also quincunx Minerva, from September to November. Minerva reveals your tremendous wisdom and sage understanding, when it comes to sexual relationships, children and younger people. You may be sought after by others for advice regarding the same because you have such clever answers. A long-time miserable marriage can make you an expert. Something has to give, though. Pluto will emerge as the most powerful, quite influential, commanding, rather dominating, somewhat controlling person – or group. Sometimes it’s an entire situation which feels as if it is taking over. You know the answers. You know what to do and how to do it. What these transits will do is reshape that. I expect when Uranus goes to 29 Taurus and is square Minerva, something will have to give in your miserable marriage even more. Get to know your Minerva in Leo. She is waking up and ready to make choices.

  72. Hi Jessica thank you for this insightful information on this full moon. Can you please help me clarify for Saturn 29 Aquarius as I’m dealing with a court case about boundaries .Thank-you Regards Lilia.

    1. Lilia, you have Saturn at 29 Aquarius in the Eleventh House of friends and groups. Since childhood, even since birth, you have been handed quite unavoidable circumstances regarding friends and groups. You may have been born into a family of football fans, for example, where you automatically had to grow up with the team and the club. Your parents may have volunteered for the Girl Guides and so you were born into guiding. Your family’s friends may have had children your age with whom you were expected to be friends. The lifelong pattern is always to feel that friendship and also group involvement is something you cannot get out of. At the same time it prevents you from getting into, or accessing, other aspects of life. The Full Moon will semi-sextile Saturn and from September-November, Pluto will do the same. Then also in November, Pluto actually goes into Aquarius and your Eleventh House. This may or may not involve your court case but it is about the slow start of total transformation of your social life, networks, social media, old and new friendships, formal communities and informal circles. Pluto’s task if you should accept it is to become so very much more powerful.

  73. Hi Jessica:
    I hope you are well. As always, thank you for your insight, and sharing information. I look for new information on your website almost daily.
    I have the following in Capricorn, and/or factors at 28 / 29 degrees:
    Diana 16 Capricorn
    Vulcano 29 Libras
    Northnode 28 Aquarius
    Pluto 29 Virgo
    Salacia 28 Capricorn
    SouthNode 28 Leo
    Proserpina 02 Capricorn
    What does this mean for me?
    I have recently moved into a new home which has been a positive move for my family; it was a struggle, or rather I was scared, having to decide to move forward, but am glad I have; the energy in my new home feels good but I still have this feeling of not belonging and feeling displaced; I hope I can own my home one day. I have been experiencing many issues with my grown children, dealing with many of their auto accidents, insurance claims for the last 6-8 months. It’s quite disheartening, and quite costly for me. My daughter is a Cancer, and son Capricorn – why can’t they find jobs? What am I doing wrong or doing too much of? Also, I am still feeling at a loss on many days – pulled in many directions, with my grown children, elderly parents who are demanding and difficult, and long term live in boyfriend – who I might add, is a Pisces, who is bipolar, and quite detached. It’s a lonely time. I am working such long busy hours, and although I enjoy working, I feel frustrated at times, that there is something more I could be doing, but at my age, not sure where or what I should do.. Some days, lately, I feel I want to get my car, and drive with no destination!! I am trying very hard to take care of my health, keep my stress low, and sleep well – all of which are a challenge living with so much stress. Can you please, please advise and share any insight as to what this full moon might also mean for me. Everyone I know sees me as successful, smart and independent; I however, feel like I am in this ongoing cycle of repeat…everything feels stagnant.

    Thank you, and take care.

    1. You have Pluto at 29 Virgo in the Sixth House of duty, service, daily routine, lifestyle, workload, housework, paid work and health. This covers mental health (depression, anxiety) as well as physical health (head to foot). For the first time in 248 years transiting Pluto at 29 Capricorn is trine natal Pluto, from September-November 2024. The Full Moon at 29 Capricorn is also trine natal Pluto. You have a great need for total control of your days, in great detail, and even when you are an employee, or ‘serving’ the son, the daughter, the dog, the boss, the clients – you do not want to serve at all. You want to completely own the situation. Pluto can never do this all the time, so life is a series of compromises and trade-offs. Deal making with others and the universe itself. You are now approaching an historic change when by Christmas you will have accepted that you cannot have total control after all and that power has to be shared. Your parents, son and daughter want you as Virgo the maid of all work. Your boyfriend has bipolar disorder and also needs a maid. When you are in a repeat cycle, you know your Pluto in Virgo has gone too far. You are not a Japanese robot servant. Take the Full Moon as it comes but refrain from acting as it is too demanding. Yet use the situation to anticipate a big life choice, September-November, with a final outcome in December. If you want to get in your car and drive without a map, then you want total escape. You are overdoing Virgo, overloading on Pluto and are way overdue for a massive lifestyle shift. Only you can do this, of course, but it seems inevitable.

  74. Hi Jessica,
    I’m in a bit of a horrible patch at work. My boss has been just awful and not just to me but a bunch of other people in our team. HR have been involved and we’re guessing that the CEO has intervened from a now overly nice boss. We know it won’t last. I’d be very grateful for any thoughts on my chart and this full moon about my career. I’d love a new job or at least some real change about my boss.
    Love and light.

    1. You were born with Ops at 28 Virgo in the Sixth House of work and are going through boss problems. This is shown by the Full Moon at 29 Capricorn, trine natal Ops by one degree, on July 21st. On or near that date you will realise you are once again the problem solver who must come up with a plan and wait patiently for the result. Virgo rules service and duty; gainful employment; daily routine, regular tasks and chores and also your fitness for duty (your health). Ops in Virgo suggests a lifelong pattern of being presented with problems and then solving them. You are Ms Can-Do. Pluto at 29 Capricorn is trine Ops in September-November when your boss will go, or change – or you will go. It will be empowering, transformative and once it’s done, it really is done.

  75. Thank you very much for offering all this advice to your member readers Jessica! Your insights are very appreciated. Living in Canada, I mostly look at your take on the USA election and its effects on neighbour countries and the world.

    I posted earlier but there seems to be a problem so I’ll re-post. I’m a Libran with Ascendant in Capricorn 28 deg 1′ 30″ and Ceres at 29 deg of Cap 31′ 14″. Other than the US elections, I’m mostly concerned with my health and my home environment which is also part of my income. How do you see this full moon impacting these two areas of my life?

    Again, thank for your insights.

    1. Thank you. The Full Moon at 29 Capricorn is in an exact conjunction with your Ceres at 29 Capricorn in the Tenth House of ambition, success and status. It falls opposite the Sun at 29 Cancer, also in opposition to your Ceres. Later on in September-November, Pluto goes to 29 Capricorn. You have a lifelong pattern of being quite powerful, in control and very much the mistress of most things, in terms of work, unpaid work or academia. Then you repeatedly find yourself being dislodged and having to compromise. This also applies to general status, rank and position. So, for example, being in a prestigious marriage or having a particular place in High Society. Capricorn is the mountain goat who steadily ascends. Ceres in Capricorn is a little different because she is a symbol of loss, fierce reaction to that loss and ultimately, enforced compromise and deal-making. It is common in the charts of people who go through the impact of demotions, mergers and promotions, as well as departures, in their companies. A reshuffle of rights, roles and responsibilities is coming. It may happen on the Full Moon or be set up for the future, then. Skip the Full Moon for decisions about the same. Yet, by early December, a deal will have been done, a new landscape will appear and you will also know for sure that the most intense episode of politics is over.

  76. Hi Jessica, thanks for this article about the Capricorn full moon. I have 29 Chiron in Pisces .. and also my north south nodes at 00 in Taurus and Scorpio .. do they count? Not sure what this will mean for me . The tarot card I got was Ace of wands. I tried astrology delivery for a house move to a better area back in October for Leo as you suggested, but unfortunately it didn’t happen even thought I did all the things you suggested. Does this card mean it’s now finally on its way ? Thank you so much .

    1. The Ace of Wands is about an idea, concept or brainwave that has huge potential but needs to be grounded. You have Chiron at 29 Pisces in your Twelfth House. The Full Moon at 29 Capricorn will transit your Tenth House and aspect this, at the same time that the Sun at 29 Cancer in your Fourth House, is triggered. The key here is the Tenth House, which rules success, ambition, achievement and accomplishment. The stage is set for a project to grow, but only you can make it happen. Your Astrology Delivery would have gained you some or all of what you wanted, if you followed the steps. If you didn’t get all you wanted, repeat on the next booking window for property, for Leo, which is in October-November. Details in the annual report or at The Astrology Show on Substack in a few months’ time. Thank you.

  77. Thank you very much for your reply. I asked the Tarot about timing and drew the Ten of Wands, which I interpret as having too much on my plate at the moment, so I’ll wait a few more weeks, and then ask again. As for my son, as much as I’d like to think the teacher is me (!), he’s just got a place at a workshop with a famous artist, despite not being an adult, so it could be her.

  78. Hi. An astrologer has found Vance’s birth time for 8:11 AM making him a Leo Ascendant. This means both he and DT have transiting Jupiter in each of their 10th houses through March 2025. And Pluto will be in Cap on election day. This is so concerning. Trying to hold steady here. Thanks!

    1. Yes, we are told Vance was born on 2nd August 1984 at 8.11 am (according to astrologer Steve Stuckey who called the county office of vital records to find the data and get the time. Stuckey has ordered the birth data and it will then appear on Astrodatabank, which is the industry’s data watchdog. Astrodatabank, has this information on Donald:

      “Birth certificate found online. Since the document was evidently posted by Trump, some caution is advised even though there is no evidence that the document was altered. Previously this entry was rated “A” (from memory) and had a birth time of 9:51 AM with the following source notes: Rodden quotes a private source who obtained the data from his mother, confirmed by another astrologer who said, “He laughed, then called his mom.”

      Trump has since told the authorities (in writing) in New York he is a Cancerian not a Gemini, supplying quite a different birth month. As I’ve just said to another reader, the man was done for fraud in 2018 and was then lucky not to be banged up on falsifying documents this year. In such cases, we go to the American chart, never mind Vance or Trump. And the American charts says the power is with the people from 2025, in a diverse community of black, white, old, young, male, female. That’s hardly these two white chaps at the top, is it?

  79. Hi Jessica
    I started the astrology delivery process last month and am looking forward to seeing what results it brings in the area of lifestyle, work and health. As a Capricorn I read here that the full moon will shake up my work / unpaid work over the next few months. Hoping for some relief from burdens at home and work. I have been tied to my parents by huge debt which i entered into around 2010 in a property deal with family. I’m trying to clear this by Oct by subdividing and selling some of my fathers land on his behalf. Meanwhile my day job has caused me to lose hair and neglect my physical health over the last year. at the moment all my money is disappearing into the mountain of bills owed by the family. I am supporting my father brother and mother which makes me angry inside. Like I said, I’m trying to move forward through the difficulty proactively but it feels like pushing the proverbial uphill. My question is, what is the key to relieving myself from this financial codependency situation – I took a tarot card which said seven of wands. I will meditate on that. In the meantime, any advice you can give from my chart is very welcome ! many thanks.

    1. You sound as if you have a lot on your shoulders, with a family property arrangement, your father’s land, a lot of bills, a dependent family and a day job running you down. Okay let’s look at both your charts. You are a Sun Capricorn man with the North Node and Chiron in your family zone. This ends in January 2025 and so does the karma. You are owed, or you owe, spiritually, from 18-19 years before. That is why this situation has arisen. Final closure and settlement on a soul level comes next January. After that you have quite a different future ahead both with family and property, and once Neptune enters Aries from 2025, ongoing, the whole situation will become an escape for you. A bubble world where you are insulated from the real one. We might say, an ongoing vacation from reality. So this does change. January is also a turning point with work. A rather stuck phase ends. Turning to your birth chart we find the IC at 20 Cancer and MC at 20 Capricorn. Your Immum Coeli is at 20 Cancer in your Fourth House of family and property, in opposition to your Midheaven at 20 Capricorn in your Tenth House of career. Same themes, played differently. Again, this ends well. Jupiter goes to 20 Cancer in September 2025 and there will be sweeping solutions, tremendously beneficial rewards and huge growth then, tied to a house, apartment, property investment, land, the family tree, the ancestors and so on. In fact, your father, brother and mother are not the only story here. The IC itself is about grandparents, great-grandparents and your ancestry on both sides. These people are in spirit, of course, but very much connected to what is happening for you.

  80. Hi Jessica, I’m wondering how this full moon will affect me and what’s in store for the year with my chart? I have a Capricorn stellium and a few 28/29 factors in Libra I think? I’ve been feeling stuck in pretty much every area of my life for many years now and finding it very hard to find a way forward and feel a sense of direction. Is further study or a new career the answer? Would very much appreciate any insights.Thank you!

    1. You have Apollo at 29 Libra so take the lead with professional partnerships, sexual relationships and marriage. You are also a born warrior with duels, rivalries or conflicts of all kinds. Study and a new career is not the story here (not unless your new career involves a business partner). In general the Full Moon and Pluto at 29 Capricorn are square Apollo, so there is a situation you cannot square about your other half, or the other person, coming up. Skip the actual Full Moon for decisions, as it’s too demanding. Yet from September-November you will realise this was the catalyst for change, as your usual modus operandi with duets and duels will be challenged.

  81. Good Morning Jessica,
    Once again and as always thank you for such an informative and fascinating article.
    I’ve got so many questions and of course you’ve got so little time, any of it that you can give to me is so appreciated!
    My heart so wants to join the Sun Sign School but as a typical Libra I’m agonising over the whole “is now the right time?” thing – do I wait until the New Year – because I will be travelling for 6 weeks from early October and don’t wanna waste a minute of it! 🙂 ?
    Also, I have the Moon in Capricorn and Salacia and Ceres too and a bunch of planets at 26, 27 & 28 degrees – I think this means I’m gunna cop it, right? I’m a bit over it to be honest and would like it to mean I’m going to be receiving all sorts of amazing cosmic gifts because I’ve worked so very hard to keep my head up above this bubbling water for so very long now and although I still possess that lovely deep-down positivity, I really need some good news soon.
    Any chance?
    Thanks in advance,
    Sandie x

    1. Thank you Sandie. You can sign up to The Sun Sign School once Mercury is back to normal, if you like – so after September. It’s not everybody’s cup of tea but I personally think for US $100 it is amazing value, over 12 months, thanks to top-hole Tarot professionals like Daisy Waugh and not just one, but two of Princess Diana’s astrologers on board. In fact, both Tara Buffington and Julie Fowler (who subscribed) now have their own flourishing Substacks. Ops at 28 Libra trine Saturn at 28 Aquarius is a permanent fixture in your personality and life. You are the eternal optimist with sexual partnerships or marriage, because you have to be. You are the fix-it person who always has a plan, no matter what life throws at you with de facto relationships or a spouse. This goes hand-in-hand with the realities of your social life, social media, friendships and group involvements. Were you ever to become the partner of a friend, for example, it would be very heavy weather indeed with the other friends. None of this is news to you, but the Full Moon at 29 Capricorn and then Pluto at 29 Capricorn will aspect this pattern in your chart. The way you deal with partners and friends will have to alter. The way you deal with groups and perhaps rivals or opponents will have to alter.

  82. Hello Jessica, As always thank you for your enlightening work! I am in the middle of a divorce and wondering how my stellium might be affected. I want ownership of our home as he left me for another woman who has a home. I am on pins and needles about how everything will turn out for me. It’s scary at 58. Also, I do have a new love interest and I wonder if it’s meant to last. I met him 12/20/22 and things do seem serious. It’s quite interesting that my husband and my new beau are both Libras with Virgo moon…though born 3 years apart. If you can shed any light, it would help me immensely as it always has…

    1. I am so sorry your husband has left you for a woman who has a home. On the plus side, you have found someone new at 58. You have the North Node at 25 Taurus in your Second House of personal income, possessions and property. Opposite this is the South Node at 25 Scorpio in your Eighth House of sexual and financial relationships – and property-based family relationships. The transit now can only occur once in your adult life and is Uranus at 25 Taurus, so transiting Uranus in conjunction with the North Node and in opposition to the South Node. It can feel like an electrical storm. and November 2024, April 2025 bring more lighting bolts. This liberates you. It sets you free and offers you real independence, not only with your ex-husband but also with your new boyfriend and anyone else who comes along. Your husband was involved with you in your last incarnation and you have soul contracts to go through particular tests and rewards in this lifetime. Get yourself into the most flexible position you can in terms of property, finances, possessions and business. Uranus has already turned your world upside down once and the revolution is ongoing. You will find you hang a price tag on being your own person and having space, by April and in the years ahead will be pleased you paid it. You can find out more about Uranus, the North Node and South Node here and in your flipbooks. If your ex is a Sun Libra man then the issue in 2025 and beyond (once the money and property has been settled) is children. You don’t say if you have them, or if she has them. This extends to younger in-laws and the like. For both this pair this is where major issues are about control and power, ongoing.

  83. Hello Jessica! I’m wondering (before the full moon has come & gone) what Jupiter at 29 degrees in Aquarius in my chart will trigger? I’ve also got a Capricorn stellium, but it seems to me that Jupiter being triggered would be the bigger “deal” (so to speak). I’d hate to waste what seems like a really good planetary placement. I’d be very grateful for any insight you can offer about this Jupiter placement! Thank you!

    1. Jupiter in the birth chart is always about hope, growth, big solutions, expansion and optimism rewarded. This ancient symbol is associated with the acorn that grows into a mighty oak. In fact, the Great Red Spot on Jupiter resembles an acorn. Jupiter was always sculpted by the Romans as being gigantic. He is in fact a gas giant, as NASA knows (but the Romans couldn’t possibly have known). In Aquarius in your Eleventh House of friendship, people power, groups and allies, he will have shown himself around age 12, 24, 36 for you. At around age 12 for example you may have joined a football team, or been made captain of your class, or made a very good best friend who expanded your horizons. The beat goes on. This Pluto semi-sextile at 29 Capricorn will remind you how fortunate you are to be able to supply a group, be it online or in the real world. You are the sort of person who can make a group bigger and better and friendship on your watch becomes so much more. Pluto brings quite powerful people, situations or organisations which will turn things around. Ongoing, you also have Pluto now in Aquarius for the first time in 248 years, so what you will notice in December, January, February is the emergence of real influence and clout with a particular community of people. They will be diverse; male, female, young, old, rich, poor, black, white.

  84. Hi Jessica, I have the sun at 28 cancer, Jupiter at 28 Aries, vesta 29 Gemini, Hygeia 28 Cancer…
    Feeling the intense pressure in my workplace and it’s been quite difficult to deal with, not to mention separating from my partner and so called friends showing their true colours, this year has been quite tough to be honest. Could you possibly tell me what I might expect to unfold or give any insight? Many thanks

    1. I am sorry you have had such a difficult time at work, with your ex-partner and false friends. I bet you’ve had quite enough of it. You are a Sun Cancer person with stelliums in Cancer, Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Libra. You will get rid of the situation with your old partner in slow stages in September-November and sign off on a compromise in early December. Skip the Full Moon for anything at all regarding this person, or a friend, if that individual is more like an enemy or opponent. The whole situation with your ex has been about finding your willpower and self-control and in fact it has made you stronger. You will never again go through anything like this, romantically, and 2025 is the start of a new era. Your issues have been mutable signs. You have Gemini, Virgo and Sagittarius patterns that have been under quite historic transits with Saturn and Neptune in Pisces filling in what is a Grand Cross. A cross to bear. This is also less of a load now and before too long you will realise it has vanished from your life. You will relaunch in June, July 2025 with a new look, perhaps a new title at work (or with unpaid work) and you will also be liberated from so-called friends. In fact your new friends will be nothing short of a revolution for you and set you free; give you huge room to move in life and so on.

  85. Good afternoon Jessica, I have four planets at 29 and specifically 29 Mars Capricorn, you’ve given me such helpful advice in the past and was just wondering whether this phase means that things will start to get a bit easier for me, particularly in terms of my career. Thank you for you guidance and this amazing resource that is your membership. Take care, Jessica

    1. Thank you. I will pass that on to Alicia, Alyas, James, Jodi and Justin. Once you are past December 7th you can close the book on professional, academic or unpaid work challenges. Skip the Full Moon for decisions about the same. Yet, note the way events around this Full Moon are coaxing you towards decisions in September-November which would change your life. Mars at 29 Capricorn in your Tenth House is about your ability to assert yourself within your profession, academic career or unpaid calling. You are used to attacking, competing, being first (or trying to be first), winning, battling and pushing. What is happening is transiting Pluto in conjunction with Mars, so quite powerful people, organisations or overpowering situations are coming to bear on your habitual responses. It is important to go back through your own history (even at school) and figure out what works for you – and what does not. You do need to pick your battles with this one. Yet from December you realise that one situation is already fading from your memory and the people politics vanishes with it.

  86. Would love your thoughts on the Microsoft outage. I note we should be either in or very close to the shadow of Mercury Retrograde. Do you see this as a classic retrograde moment.

    It’s the second notorious incident today that has the elements of retrograde. My company made a series of announcements on Monday and today had to backtrack them all and start the process again.

    I’m wondering if this is a sign of a particularly volatile month to come

  87. Dear Jessica, thank you a million times for your reply about 29 Jupiter in Aquarius, and for the detailed examples you provided. I read your reply TWICE, and thought back over my life – and then I started laughing because what you wrote is 100% true but I had NEVER “connected the dots” that way until reading what you wrote!

    Throughout my life, this pattern has absolutely been the case – I’ve had groups that I was just “a member of” that ended up coalescing around me, and/or I increased their size. And those groups were indeed diverse! Looking back, I can also see that I promoted friendships (not just for myself, but again among the group’s members), and in many cases those friendships still endure decades later (even though some people have moved away and are now located around the world). Yet I didn’t think it had anything particular to do with me; it just seemed to be the way life happened to unfold!

    So again, thank you very much for your insights and for enlightening me on this placement! I’ll be interested to see “what’s next” as this plays out in December, January & February.

    1. Thank you for confirming your astrology reading is correct. What you have found, will come back to you in December, January, February.

  88. Hi Jessica! If you could answer one more question about planets that are 29-29 degrees and what I should anticipate. In my chart, I have:
    Mars 28° Leo
    Pluto 29° Leo
    Jupiter 29° Virgo
    Neptune 29° Libra

    The future right now seems very uncertain and I just don’t know how to interpret this July 21 Full Moon when I have these planets at 29 degrees. Thank you for your wonderful work and advice!

    1. The story here will be about courtship, the bedroom, stepchildren, children, the world of Zoomers or Generation Z and possibly babies. It will also be about your work (paid or unpaid) and wellbeing. It will very much be about a partnership – or a conflict. It all changes in September-November with Pluto at 29 Capricorn. The future is hinted at on 21st July, or close to it, by the Full Moon at 29 Capricorn too. Pluto shows up as people who are given a lot of power, or earn it the hard way. Sometimes as teenagers they find themselves in a powerful position at school (for any number of reasons) and when older, seeking control seems natural. They get it, too. They can be manipulators and players. They are often a magnet for quite strong reactions from people. So someone like this, whom you already know, is about to rise in impact and importance, asking you to meet change, with change. Or someone quite new will emerge later on and you will realise that you need to push back, in order to have control. This is strength training and you will become impressively stronger.

  89. Hi Jessica, Thanks so much for incredible work that you do! I am wondering if you have looked at the charts of the Democratic and Republican parties to gain insight into what the outcome the November election might yield, and what the long-range outcome for each party may be? In addition to the presidency, the congress is also important As of now, it looks like the democratic party is imploding based on panic and anxiety – it doesn’t seem as though there is much rational thinking happening. Any light you can shed is most welcome as it feels like we are on a roller coaster with ups and downs happening seemingly by the minute!
    Thank you!!

    1. Thank you. We are missing important birth data for the key players and Trump, who has been convicted already, has supplied two different birthdates. I stopped using the supplied data in 2016. Rather than pin this down to her winning, or him winning, or them losing – it is far more helpful to look at the broader trend. That is Pluto in Aquarius, replacing Pluto in Capricorn. Henry VIII is being replaced by Elizabeth I and she will do a better job, basically. Catherine the Great is about to replace a man in Russia and take the country to, indeed, greatness. This looks like a female President or a female-heavy White House dominated by women. Which party? Well, the Republicans have fielded two men. So they are already on the wrong side of astrological history. This may, of course, change later.

  90. Hello Jessica,

    I would be immensely grateful if you could provide some guidance regarding my well-being and work-life balance. Last December, I was on the verge of resigning; I was being bullied at work, didn’t get along with my boss, and felt exhausted. At that time, our company had been acquired by a foreign company just a month before. I chose to open up to the new owners and share how I felt, which resulted in me staying. I still don’t get along with my immediate boss, I feel exhausted and have low energy. I worked hard all spring but did not receive the pay raise I had hoped for. During my vacation, I fell ill with the flu and still don’t feel completely well. My husband has also recently been laid off, and I feel some anxiety about the financial situation.

    Additionally, we have had bad luck with our house. We have been ordered to connect to the municipal water supply, and everything that could go wrong has gone wrong. It feels like it never ends… I wish to find a balance where there is time for recovery and where my work situation and the situation with the house are resolved. Can you please look at my chart and give me some guidance? I would greatly appreciate it! Thank you so much in advance.

    Best regards,

    1. Alexandra, this is a rotten situation to be in, with post flu, your husband out of work and a boss you dislike. Your house also has water issues. This all sounds like Virgo/Sixth House territory, so I will begin with your natal chart. Ops at 16 Virgo and Juno at 26 Virgo have been opposed by Saturn at 16 Pisces (first time in 29 years) and Neptune at 26 Pisces (165 years). An opposition is what it sounds like. You have an opposition party; an opposition team; an opponent. In your case it has shown up as your boss. It has also shown up as influenza. It is showing up as the authority who ordered you to connect to the municipal water supply. None of this lasts. It’s just tough while it does but you have done well to get this far. Something an opposition does is force you back to your strengths and tactics. When a football team is losing the manager uses half-time to rethink strategy. The team then goes on to win the game or just put in a better performance before the whole thing ends. Ops in Virgo is the woman who is a fix-it person; a practical and patient female who can take any situation and turn it around, long-term. So that’s you. Juno in Virgo is married to the job. Also married to the marriage, in terms of the housework, cooking and cleaning, caring for any sick partner or child and so on. Again, this is you. These roles have worked quite well for you at other times and Juno has a certain amount of security, prestige and position, just by being married. Yet now your husband is at home, you are the breadwinner, you’ve also been unwell and it’s all changed. Even the daily routine with the bathroom and kitchen is affected (Virgo rules routine too) by the water issue. You actually need a new lifestyle and daily routine. The old one is not fit for purpose. Ops and Juno in Virgo are big on tiny details, like the alarm being set 15 minutes earlier, or the bathroom shelves being sorted out so there’s less time wasted, or the fridge being stocked with recovery food. The Pisces transits opposite will disappear and from the second half of 2025 and into the first half of 2026 you will be thrilled to have Jupiter with all his luck, benefits, solutions and rewards moving into a stunning sextile with Ops and Juno in Virgo. This does get a lot better. For now, though, get in touch with your Virgo side and rethink the entire 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, Alexandra. You have the Moon at 4 Cancer and will either move, redecorate, renovate or make other improvements with no effort required when Jupiter goes to 4 Cancer at the end of June 2025.

  91. Hello Jessica, hope you are well, wishing you a blessed birthday for the 25th July! Thank you for this timeous post, love the comments and insights! I have quite a large 28/29 degree pattern in my chart and would most appreciate your insights into how this could play out for me. In addition, my second son, Matts has Uranus at 29 Cap and Pluto at 29 Scorpio. My oldest son Wes, has Jupiter at 29 Cancer. Are these all interlinked, given Capricorn is my 5th house and there would be a story about children and the younger generation?
    Thank you very much!

    1. Thank you very much Marls. It’s common for the same degree to repeat between mothers and sons, because the same things happen, at the same time – like moving. Pluto will aspect all charts on the way out of Capricorn so you will all be affected by a wider change in the balance of power. Capricorn is career or academic career. Scorpio is money and property. Cancer is property, home and family. At 29 Virgo, Cancer, Capricorn your own chart factors are inseparable from your sons. Virgo is your workload, health and lifestyle. Cancer is again – property, home, family. Capricorn is career, unpaid work, academic career. Pluto tends to bring big compromises, deals and bargaining over some kind of division of control. Someone is looking at a big shift in rights, roles and responsibilities here and it affects everyone else.

  92. Hi Jessica

    I have juno @ 29 cap conjunct this full moon; also mars @28 Virgo & minerva @28 Gemini.

    I know there is a link to both health & work; I have been since last year struggling with anxiety again ( perhaps even with mild depression) – with my Virgo stellium it’s an ongoing battle – some years go well, then not – I slide, I pick up the pieces and so on.

    Point is exactly as you predicted – it’s having an impact on my motivation levels work wise.

    Monies are slow to come in – I have just started an independant consulting business in my field – it is frustrating & then I get even more demotivated.

    If I could simply have some freedom financially – I would like to move out of my current situation – I think it would really help with mental peace.

    Do you forsee more high paying work & financial freedom basis my chart. Is this full moon a line on all my troubles to date?

    Sone hope would be very welcome! Thank you as always…

    1. Do skip the Full Moon for decisions and discussions as it will pick up your commitments (Juno) in your career, academic career, or unpaid vocation (Capricorn) and a tug-of-war will unfold. So keep the stakes low. You can have a small episode of push and pull, or a big one. It may well involve the internet (Gemini) short journeys or commuting (also Gemini) or neighbouring places. It will involve work, per se, or your health (Virgo). You need money and have anxiety, perhaps depression. What the Full Moon will do is set up a major sign-off decision in September-November. Pluto will be in a conjunction with Juno. Juno is who or what you wed yourself to. In Capricorn, this is ‘marrying’ an ambition, position or mission. You will need to examine your reasons for committing in the first place, at that time. The most powerful person, organisation or situation will appear from September which needs a choice. It really will feel like a sign-off, particularly with a signature or verbal agreement made by December 7th. At that point you will put a price tag on peace of mind, wellbeing, better sleep and so on – and likely pay it. The financial issues become steadily better over time.

  93. Thanks so much for your reply Jessica, I’ll be joining the Sun Sign school in November then and pretending it’s a Christmas present! 🙂

  94. Dear Jessica Adams,
    Thank you so much for your reply to my previous comment on the New Moon in Cancer blog post, it is much appreciated. Yet I am now to be in a bit of a confusion about this Full Moon in Capricorn. I do not believe that this impacts me as I don’t seem to identify anything at 29 degrees in my chart. However, I am having to make a decision about houses on Monday as I have mentioned previously but am a bit worried about the financial implications if I decide to opt in moving to a new house. Would it be best to stick to staying where I am currently for now whilst under the influence of this Full Moon in Capricorn? I believe too that this Moon is to be in my solar 8th house. Would this opportunity of moving to a new house appear in the future? Sorry for all of my questions, but thank you so much for all your wisdom and guidance shared, it is much appreciated =]
    Take care, Kindest regards, Bea x

    1. Bea you may want to let the actual Full Moon pass as it’s a big stretch. However you do need to end the year with more control over your house, apartment and/or money. Yes, the Full Moon in Capricorn falls in your solar Eighth House of joint finance and property, opposite the Sun in your solar Second House of personal income and life budgets. It is an opposition. You have nothing at 29 degrees so it won’t change your life, but you do have to figure out a way of controlling your own finances and property, September-November in particular. That comes from managing your own life and self, never mind what other people (or the world as a whole) wants. This cycle began for Gemini in 2008 and now ends, once and for all, as Pluto slowly exits your solar Eighth House.

  95. Hi Jessica, I always find these big astrological events slightly alarming, especially if I’ve got relevant factors in my chart – I have a few at 28, 29, 0, and like alot of people, I’ve been struggling with business, property and money since 2008. I have 2 businesses, I’m not very good at self promotion and need to be more visible. I really need to see change but at the same time I’m a bit scared of how that change might happen. I’m very happily married (husband 21.4.1970) we are trying to find a new home. Can you shed any light on what this full moon will bring? Thanks so much, JND x

    1. The Aries, Leo and Capricorn sectors of your chart are triggered by the Full Moon at 29 Capricorn then Pluto at 29 Capricorn. Aries rules self-promotion and self-assertion. Leo is your husband. Capricorn is your business. They all tend to join up in your life (at any time) and now they certainly do; at least until early December. Change need not be scary. You were born with a square from Aries to Capricorn so find it hard to square being upfront, front-and-centre, combative (if necessary) and a woman of action – with your ambition, which is necessarily cautious and plodding, as you have chosen a profession where you cannot put a foot wrong. This now becomes more important as your businesses are not working for you. Change, it certainly will, as a person, group or situation which is powerful, controlling, dominating, forceful appears as September opens. The Full Moon will usher in awareness of this, or set the future up. Pluto actually empowers you (a good thing) if you push back, so that’s the idea here. It’s also a rather intense episode but finished forever in months.

  96. Dear Jessica,
    I hope this note finds you well.
    Please could you share how this relates in my case , as I have Pluto 29 in Virgo, and Vesta 29 in Taurus. Months back I have moved to the Middle East for work, however, I cannot take any longer the extremely controlling, highly toxic and truly abnormal female manager that I report to (like me, she is also an expat). Thus, even though very much needing the financial aspect, I am practically certain to needing to leave the country (at the latest, in a few months), as I cannot continue to deal with her bullying, mistreatment and harassment on a daily basis. She is a very good friend of her manager (local male), so I do not feel I can raise this for any resolution. In my ideal scenario, she would leave the company asap, so my child can re-join me, and we can remain to work/study until next summer here.
    Appreciate all your work, and perspective you may shed on the above.
    Best wishes!

    1. Thank you. Your fellow expat manager in the Middle East is showing up on the Full Moon at 29 Capricorn, ahead of Pluto at 29 Capricorn. This does not last beyond December, for whatever reason. Yet skip the Full Moon for decisions or discussions as it’s too big a stretch. What happens then will shape the future, though, as this toxic woman is showing up as Pluto trine Pluto and Pluto trine Vesta. This is a rare transit not seen in 248 years and once it’s over, it’s over. Pluto was found in 1930 as the Fascist and Nazi movements rose and in transit it presents as people who see what they want and go for it. Nothing and nobody stands in their way – until it doesn’t. One of two things is likely to happen in September, October, November (with a sign-off in December). Firstly there may be a reshuffle at your workplace. Secondly there may be a reshuffle in your industry, which means a job for you elsewhere. I think you will find her manager is playing the situation, trying to get you two women to compete for his approval and attention. Grit your teeth and don’t play. It will empower you, even though it will take willpower.

  97. Hi Jessica,
    it’s a bit difficult to me understand all, it looks all quite alarming… I’m a Taurus Sun (05 Taurus 09’02”) and I’ve a couple of factors in 29, such as Saturn 29 Capricorn 41’38” and Ops 29 Libra 47’48” R. Also Minerva 28 Cancer 58’54” and Hygeia 28 Scorpio 50’28” R.
    Can you help me to understand what does it means for me?
    Best wishes.

    1. The Full Moon is building to completion as I publish this answer to your question. Saturn at 29 Capricorn is a lifelong test of your patience, Paola. It tests your profession, unpaid career or academic career with a series of waiting games. Also, perhaps, reality checks. The planet Saturn is associated with boundaries, as the ringed planet. So, you were born to experience school, further education or professional life rather as an inaccessible place which is very hard to get into, or a tightly confined space in your life which you cannot get out of. We sometimes see girls born into families where they are expected to go into the family firm, for example, or girls who are born into countries and cultures, where a certain kind of work is not accessible. Every so often this story in your chart is rewritten and that is happening now. Skip the Full Moon itself, though, but Pluto at 29 Capricorn will ask you to reshape this and alter the plot, for the last time.

  98. Hi Jessica, So many comments on this post! This full moon seems quite karmic for me since I have Pluto at 29 Virgo and several planets in Cancer and Capricorn including the sun, moon and south node in cancer, north node at almost 26 degrees of Capricorn and Jupiter at 1 degree of Capricorn. Any insights would be welcome, C

    1. Pluto at 29 Virgo in the Sixth House will have surfaced several times in your life by now, but you’ve not had transiting Pluto trine natal Pluto repeating like this in 2023-2024, before sign-off in September-November. Essentially you are being asked to take control, then take back control again, of your lifestyle, workload and above all else, your health. You were born needing this kind of power over your own service to other people – and your own power over your own body. You typically find that you have it, then it goes, then you compromise and a new way of working and living emerges. This is set to happen again and the Full Moon is a nod to that.

  99. Hi Jessica, I feel like a scratched record saying this – but my gosh your horoscopes are always on point. Having had ongoing knee problems for the last three years impacting my ability to do my favourite sports – crossfit and olympic lifting I’ve just received the devastating results of an MRI (because physio hasn’t been working) and am heart broken to find out I have chondrosis (knee oesteoarthritis apparently) and while I shouldn’t be surprised since my dad and uncles have had knee replacements I was hoping for better news and am still gutted. I’m reading Saturday’s daily for Leo about Ceres (which you have mentioned throughout the year) transforming my approach to health, wellbeing, food, drink and exercise and that couldn’t be more accurate or relevant. Forewarned is forearmed and although I’m still struggling and sitting with heart break at the news I’m also reminding myself that I will still be able to exercise I will have to seek out the right professional to help me review my weight training and options, like you have said which is the light at the end of the tunnel. Thank you for that hope and guidance.

    1. I am so sorry about your knee. You will in fact transform everything and find a different sort of power in your life. Sometimes news we do not want makes us stronger; more formidable; more resilient; more admirable to ourselves and others. So this is coming.

  100. I just read a communication from the White House, that President Biden will not be running for re-election. I think you predicted this sort of turmoil – in prior blog postings.

    Now, what kind of mess are we in? Will VP Harris prevail?

    1. Yes, women rise in American politics as September-November is the end of white men at the top. This applies to both parties. You are referring to a prediction I published about Kamala Harris four years ago, here. You can be sure that the situation you see in July, August and September with Harris, the Democrats, Trump and Vance will not stick. What is announced will change or come to nothing. Mercury Retrograde is here.

  101. And Biden just dropped out of the presidential race and is now endorsing Kamala as the nominee. Didn’t you say something about Pluto in Aquarius and women in power?

  102. What a day of change! I have Saturn in Leo at 29 degrees, I believe in the fifth house. What might be in store for me? Thank you!

    1. Yes, you were born with Saturn in Leo in the Fifth House of courtship, the bedroom, pregnancy, children and young adults. There are lifelong tests of patience here; the Saturn Return at 28-30 years old is quite notorious for such tests, be it a child’s entry into adulthood; a pregnancy that does not emerge; a stepchild; a young relative. This Full Moon picks up your Saturn. You can see a situation which is impossible to get out of, without massive effort – or a situation you cannot get into, again without massive effort. Later on this prompts a transformation, September-November.

  103. Hi Jessica. I am writing just after President Biden has announced he will not run for re-election. Can you shed any light on what is to come? I have read all your previous posts on the subject and am heartened by your predictions that Trump will not be re-elected. Any new or further insights would be appreciated.

    Thank you.


    1. Thanks Lauren. Yes, we are headed for Pluto in Aquarius which is about diversity and equality. There is a notorious clip of Trump mocking a reporter’s disability from 2015. So we know who he is. And of course he had sex with Stormy Daniels when his wife Melania was pregnant. So we further know who he is. Any man who does not respect people with disability or women as his equals does not fit the future. I think it’s even more dramatic than just a second massive political loss, though. I think as a symbol of Pluto in Capricorn, Trump is gurgling down the plug hole of life. As for the White House, what we see now is Mercury Retrograde. We are seeing Harris-Question Mark. We are seeing Trump-Vance. What you see now is not what you get in November, December 2024.

  104. Hi Jessica
    I have Pluto in Capricorn at 29
    can you please have a look at my chart and how this full moon impacts me


    1. Saini, the Full Moon has been and gone and we are just waking up to its impact now. You would be well aware of the pros and cons within and there are more to come, regarding your career, unpaid work or academic career. This may be an offer you can/cannot refuse or a new professional direction you are in two minds about, because someone else is not up to par. That can happen too. Let this go and understand that you will make a second big change September-November which must be permanent, partly as a result of the present situation.

  105. Once again Jessica you are spot on! This full moon is indeed proving consequential. And I would love to read your fresh perspective on Kamala Harris who you have written about previously…! Thank you for all your insights. I have Capricorn stellium.

    1. Thank you. Well, if you have a Capricorn stellium, you will already know that this is a bridge to cross in your professional life; your academic career; your unpaid calling. The Full Moon is still unfolding but it will be about a yes/no on the inside. Kamala Harris was predicted four years ago on this website as you know. What we think we are seeing in July 2024 is not what we get in November. Trump and Vance. Harris and – question mark. I originally predicted a huge bridge to cross for Kamala Harris in September this year, four years ago, and am standing by that.

  106. Hi Jessica,

    Love reading all your predictions! Especially this morning as Biden endorses a Female president. Hopeful for the future in the states and the world. As a Sun Aquarius, looking forward to the age of Aquarius. However, I’ve been stuck professionally these past couple of years and also wanting to be a mom again. Capricorn moon and Capricorn Stellium. Any insight would be greatly appreciated.

    1. Thank you. Yes, on all sides of politics, women are rising. This US election hasn’t even started. Your career is stuck and you want more children. As a Sun Aquarius with Jupiter at 2 Aquarius and a stellium in Aquarius too, you live in your Eleventh House of friends and groups. A paid or unpaid role supplying a group with what it needs will change your life between now and 2025. Will you also have time for children? That is your choice, but you will be an integral part of a society, association, club, team or similar with a strong common goal.

  107. Hi Jessica
    You continue to be spot on with your predictions and I’m really enjoying seeing how more things come to light. Well done it is phenomenal.
    I’m curious about this full moon in Capricorn as it shows up in my chart in Mars, cupido and north node. I’m currently not working and spending time figuring out what I want to do next. Any insights will be appreciated. Thank you so much.

    1. Thank you. Long-range prediction is not always easy as there is no cheating (you cannot read opinion polls) but I think it’s fair in the case of politics. The Full Moon in Capricorn has now been and gone. It didn’t hit your chart at 29 degrees so it’s not enormously important, but the ongoing issues about your social life, friends, social media (Twitter, Substack and the rest) remains. Something you have learned since 2008 is that powerful friends whose clout comes from money, or fame, or status – can teach you lessons you would rather avoid about your own power. Disempowerment too. You have shed, or lost, former friends who played out Pluto in the Eleventh House for you in your solar chart. These people took over and tried to control. By now you know better. You also realise your own need to hold the reins is part of the story. Figuring out the ride happens one last time, September-December.

  108. Fascinating to read it again, thank you for the link. All things considered, I feel encouraged 🙂 Thank you again!

  109. Hi Jessica, thank you for all your exciting articles and valuable insights and perspectives.
    You have previously been so kind and helped me with Astrology to get through a tough time of selling my company that did not go so smoothly (but in the end really good). I have recently had a tough year to find myself in working life again, feeling lost, now as an employee. But since a month ago I have landed, what I believe and hope, my dream job! Very exciting ahead and I wonder if I can expect a leadership position in the near future?
    Thank you for your time.
    Best, Christine

    1. Thanks Christine. You’d like a promotion from a dream job which the astrology predicted for you. As a Sun Aquarius woman you do in fact have the best and biggest work opportunity in 12 years appearing from June 2025 and one or more gigantic possibilities will come to pass then, by 2026.

  110. Jessica,
    You want so bad to make Trump a bad guy but he’s really NOT!! Trump has the biggest heart and truly loves our country.
    Trump has always made crazy hand gestures, at all his Rallies, when he is referring to someone that he doesn’t agree with he tells a story about a conversation and he speaks with his hands. He never made fun of anyone with disabilities!! My older daughter, who has Cerebral Palsy even said it’s all a lie against Trump!!! Everyone loved Trump when he was a Democrat! Then he changed Party affiliation and ran for the Republican Presidency and the Democratic Left viciously attacked him!!!! It’s Pathetic!!!!!! All lies!!
    Aquarius isn’t just about Woman becoming Leaders. The Man does not go away!!!!!! I know a lot of Aquarians (my kids included) who are voting for Trump!! Trump has women in key positions…but I’ve always felt the Commander in Chief should be a Man who leads our Military and there is nothing sexist about that. We need a Man to do a Man’s job PERIOD!!!!!!!!
    The Republican Party is Unified and strong!!! The Democratic Party is in turmoil and chaos!! Biden has been stabbed in the back, chest heart,….. stomped on… and thrown under the bus,, by his very own people and supporters who were suppose to stick by him!!
    It’s been sickening to watch!!!!!! Meanwhile, Trump is getting stronger! I just don’t see what you see in how this all plays out on November 5th!!!!!!
    Here’s the debunked story on Trump making fun of a disabled reporter!

    1. I cleave to Wikipedia on the subject of Serge F. Kovaleski and Donald Trump. Mr. Kovaleski has endorsed this Wikipedia page, of course. The astrology clearly shows women rise and the end of patriarchy is coming. Pluto in Aquarius replacing Pluto in Capricorn is about feminism.

  111. Hi Jessica, thank you for another great article. Reaching out to see if you can share any insights as I feel a bit discombobulated at the moment and at a crossroads with my employed work, I’m not having the best time there. I’m grateful for the income but would love the time and mental space to pursue my ‘soul’ work. Can you see from my chart what may be possible / ahead with my employed work and self-employed work? Also getting strong feelings of big changes ahead with home / property and generally all areas of life which feels very unsettling at the moment. Thank you very much

    1. You are a Cancer woman with a stellium in Virgo in the Sixth House of duty, service, method and order, daily routine, paid and unpaid work, health and fitness, mental health and lifestyle. Looking at your solar chart first, a stuck situation ends next January 2025 when the North Node in Aries leaves your Tenth House of career for another 19 years. The biggest change in several decades then slowly begins, as Neptune and Saturn both enter Aries and your Tenth House. Eventually, your vocation will become a holiday from reality; a vacation from what most people would call the real world. At around the same time, in your natal chart, you begin to experience Jupiter sextile your Virgo stellium (from the second half of 2025 into the first half of 2026) and then, some three years after this, Jupiter goes through Virgo and will offer you opportunities, solutions, growth and improvement not possible in over a decade, with your working life.

  112. Hi Jessica,

    I’ve read with interest your comments on this blog and others. I offer my gratitude , too, for sharing your gifts and talent. I only have one asteroid, Apollo at 29 degrees Aquarius, no planets at 29, nor any Cancer stelliums. But my Sun and Mars are at 0 degrees, Pisces and Cancer, respectively. Is this close enough to 29 degrees? I sense the energy of these times, in fact have been for quite sometime. Not just the political spectrum but with humanity. I served in a strong capacity for 3 plus decades in a meaningful profession and retired early (50) from a job I loved, but I had to retire given the structure I was in. I have focused the past ten years of my life in assisting others in succeeding ( children, husband) and wonder, if I will pursue anything else? Do you see anything in my chart that leads you to believe that I will lead again, or is it time for me too, to step aside for the younger generation? And if I were to lead, how, meaning, in what medium?

    1. Thank you, that is very kind of you to say. Stelliums tell us what we need to do, to feel complete. You are Pisces/Scorpio/Aquarius dominant. You live in your Twelfth House, Eighth House and Eleventh House. You also have Apollo at 29 Aquarius which will be triggered in September, October, November. You are a leader where groups and friends are concerned. What happens will be intense, transformative and empowering. You will join or rejoin a very special circle, network or team in December, January, February. This will involve your supplying people with what they need, to be powerful. Rather like plugging a socket into the mains. You will always be a little outside, never immersed, but over many years this collective, or a community to replace it later, will transform your life and also transform a small corner of the world. That is your Aquarius stellium under transit by Pluto. You are also strongly Pisces so need to be alone, need to be connected to all that is, no matter if you describe this as the Multiverse or God, or the Universe. For all that you have children and a husband you need your own space. The Scorpio side of yourself is well met by your husband as a complicated sexual and financial relationship is where you understand what you need, emotionally and psychologically. There are no major transits in Scorpio ahead, but you do have the remaining Saturn and Neptune in Pisces transit of 2024, 2025 and then the North Node in Pisces, as you go from the middle of the Twenties forwards, ending in July 2026. Your Twelfth House is lit. You can find out more about the signs and houses in your flipbooks.

  113. Hi Jessica,

    Thank you for sharing your astrology insights and predictions. I have watched in awe over the years as so many of the predictions came true. I am eagerly watching here in US to see how November elections play out.

    Personally, I have struggled in career as well as in a business I recently started. I was wondering if this full moon will bring any positive change? Trying to switch jobs first, then take care of business too. I tried the Astrology delivery earlier but did not see big change yet. Should I be patient longer?
    Thank you for your time!

    1. Thank you. The Full Moon has now passed and was a bridge to cross. You crossed it. You are now waiting for September-November and the beginning of the end, with a long pattern of many years regarding friends, social media, your social life, groups, networks, circles, clubs and teams. It’s the last gasp of Pluto in Capricorn. It may be that a powerful solution you found weeks ago actually starts working, in such a way that you make it a permanent part of your life. You won’t look back. (Or you shouldn’t). It also seems likely that a pattern of many years comes to a halt, evident now, as you are shoehorned into a situation where the smartest thing to do is call time on what has become a way of life for you – once again with a friend or group. You have been trying Astrology Delivery as a Sun Pisces so I assume you were using Aries weather to book for more money. That’s the only booking window so far you could have made. If you followed the steps you would have achieved some of what you wanted, at least. Money saved or made, delivered in that time-frame a few months ago now.

  114. Hi Jessica. New to astrology and your site. That said, I would love to understand how this New Moon will hit my chart. I am really new at this and just getting to understand the planets and houses but I do see that I have several things at 29 degrees. Any insight on how to understand my chart as it pertains to the New Moon would be gladly accepted and very much appreciated. I feel a bit lost in understanding how this all works together w the various houses and planets.

    1. Thank you. We are now past this Full Moon at 29 Capricorn, opposite the Sun at 29 Cancer, and you are on the road to Pluto at 29 Capricorn in September, October, November. Gemini, Taurus, Sagittarius factors at 29 in your chart suggest a sign-off with siblings, cousins, neighbours, short journeys, the internet, the media, money, property, foreigners and foreign countries. Yes, all at the same time. This may happen for one big central reason. It may happen because of parallel developments, unrelated, but timed to take place together. Pluto will appear as a powerful person with clout and influence, or an overpowering organisation (or situation). Pushing back makes you powerful too. It ends in November and you can walk away, with a final deal done in December.

  115. Hi Jessica. I was so distraught over US politics the other day that I forgot to ask about myself. I have a Capricorn stellium. I should say that I have not worked or had a career in a little over 7 years due to disabling arthritis, and both of my parents recently passed.

    Thank you.

    1. Lauren, chronic illness which prevents a full working life is usually a transit in Virgo, or transits to Virgo factors in your chart. You have a Uranus-Pluto conjunction at 16 Virgo in the Sixth House of health, wellbeing, unpaid work, paid work and academia. You were born with it so in fact some of your earliest memories are of disruption and total change. Perhaps you were dropped into a very particular kind of school with a Virgo routine for you (Virgo being the sign of meticulous detail, method and order). You may have woken up to find your parents had decided to uproot you. Once again, as a child, you may have found normal life as you knew it, quite gone. It goes on into adulthood as every time you have transits at 16 degrees by slow-moving outer planets or nodes, aspecting your Uranus-Pluto conjunction, there is more upheaval. The arthritis is part of that. So is the recent loss of your parents, with that particular routine gone. I am sorry for your loss. What happens next is really up to you, but you will be helped by Jupiter at 16 Cancer making a perfect sextile, which unfolds in 2025 and 2026. This is an opportunity, not possible in 12 years, to take back control of your workload and body. Also, to actually encourage quite radical change; the kind that sets you free. I do think with the lunar nodes at 16 Virgo/16 Pisces in November 2025 there will be a big bridge to cross with health and work, but once you do it, in February 2026, April 2026 you will realise how very different life could be (and should be). I suspect the hidden underlying issue with your arthritis was the particular job you had when you showed symptoms. In astrology the body acts out what the soul needs, even if the soul is programming from the unconscious mind. Have a look at your entire notion of service, duty, working for others, putting others first, daily routine and the like. Go back as far as you can to see any patterns.

  116. Dear Jessica: You have been so on point with your astrological predictions on politics (Modi, Trump, Harris, Pluto in Aquarius vs Capricorn impacts). Thank you for all that you do.

    I am a sun pisces with capricorn stellium and was hosting a gathering for young adults on this July full moon. It was quite some success but feels meaningless for me now. I crossed the limits of being generous, as a learning. I have emerged from it physically sick and have been wondering why did I get into this in the first place! Same thing happened in Mar 2023 that you tie to full moon on the 21st. I feel these charitable commitments are taking away from my goals. I also feel this will naturally slide away in two months or so because I am making positive progress, quite blessedly, on the composite front of work+academic goals 🙂 Still, I wanted to request your input considering I have Capricorn stellium and the sun at 28 pisces, moon at 29 sagittarius and mercury at 29 pisces, and would love to know how it could pan out with my birth chart that is visible to you. Much gratitude for your personal responses to us readers. xx

    1. Thank you. I am very sorry you feel physically sick about what happened with your gathering (charity) for younger people. Unfortunately as a Sun Pisces person you are in that cycle when it is the network, the club, the charity, the team, the circle which has the most potent effect on you, emotionally. I am hearing from other Pisces readers that they have given their all, to particular friends and good causes and been left reeling at the way they have been treated. Run don’t walk in the other direction. Perhaps you have already done this. You are at the fag end of the Pluto in Capricorn cycle in your solar Eleventh House. Meanwhile Ceres is there too. It is extremely common to be played by someone who intends to somehow increase their power in a situation; give themselves some kind of upper hand. The reality is, you also have power. Oh boy, do you have power. You do realise taht, don’t you? Please minimise the emotional stakes with this or any other group so that when you sign off from a situation once and for all, September-November 2024, it’s really less of a deal.

  117. Hi
    I had a dream about Nikki Haley one night, which was strange because I really don’t follow any news about her. That day, she announced her run from the White House. Hmmm. Then I watched her do so-so in the primaries and ultimately give her support to Trump.
    Personally, I am not a trump hater (and really think the depth of hatred towards him felt by so many is ridiculous) but I’m not a fan, either. I don’t much like the democrats either. I think they have damaged the US with their policies. Especially as a Californian.
    With that said, I don’t have a dog in this race. I just want things to be calm and civil again and I’d like to see better economic opportunities for the younger generation.

    However, I still can’t shake the thought that Nikki Haley isn’t out. I have no reason to believe this as trump has strong numbers and the democrats are quickly rallying behind Harris.

    1. Dreams are often portals for information about the future. Nikki Haley has no birth time so we can only read half the chart; it’s not really fit for purpose if we are talking about a replacement for Vance or Trump. We are seeing a double Mercury Retrograde election so the current Vance-Trump-Harris dance does not stick. There will obviously be another Democrat to come. Both the Republican and Democrat nominations for President and Vice-President take place when Mercury (information, communication) is backwards. There is also a second Mercury Retrograde just after voting day in November. The bigger picture is, the Republicans will see women rise. The old days of two men holding all the power are history, from the time Pluto enters Aquarius for another 20 years, from November itself. And it may be Haley, but with her half-chart she’s just a guess for astrologers.

  118. Hi Jessica,

    The political landscape right now is fascinating and your predictions are on the nose, well done!

    I know the full moon is passed but would like to know about how it has affected me. When Pluto went into Capricorn in 2008, something shifted in my career where my career just stopped in its tracks and I started teaching more because I was not getting any traction. Teaching is fine, but the creative side of my profession is where my heart lies. I have a stellium in Capricorn, can you tell how will this be for me. Thank you so much!

    1. Thank you. If you have a stellium in Capricorn in the Tenth House of aspiration, ambition and upward mobility, you spend a great deal of your time and energy trying for promotion, social advancement and higher rank and status. Doing so within a system, like the aristocracy or the monarchy, works best as there are well-trodden paths and rules to follow. Capricorn the mountain goat does not put a foot wrong and moves slowly and carefully, onwards and upwards. A corporation is another example of this sort of system, or a rather traditional profession where one rises from work experience to CEO status in older age. You have been living with Pluto in your Tenth House since 2008 and he is virtually out of the picture. He returns in September-November and is then gone for another 248 years. This will take tremendous stocktaking by you, emotionally. In fact it may be rather odd to wake up in 2025 and realise the endless, constant tests of your willpower and self-control have gone. And yet you can already see the pieces in place on the jigsaw board. You can see how a very different picture in your career could emerge. There will be a sign-off deal, bargain or compromise by early December and it’s over.

  119. Thank you so much for validating my feelings. I am on the mend now. I am running in the other direction. It is important what you say about groups and pisces — the other group I am associated with has had a hugely positive impact at a subtler level in my life, as we pisces know it. I count them as a source of power especially since this January. But yes I would be careful not to get too emotionally invested. Love and peace.

  120. Thank you for taking the time to answer my questions. Any suggestion on where to start learning about astrology? I’ve been going through your 2020 lessons on Sun Charts and planets/astroids. Still very confused about Conjunct/square/trine/sextile/etc. Any suggested reading in bonus materials for beginners or books? Thanks you again. This is all so fascinatingly accurate I’m intrigued to learn more.
    Appreciating you from afar, Alisa

    1. Thanks Alisa. Aspects can be confusing, I understand. The best book on aspects is by Sue Tompkins; Aspects in Astrology.

  121. Jessica,
    It’s amazing! Just as you predicted ! In a rally speech the other day, Kamala Harris said “Because we are a people-powered campaign,” she said. “That is how you know we will be a people-first presidency.” Wow just wow. CHILLS!!! Power back to the people ! Truly amazing .

    1. Thank you. Yes, I wondered if Kamala Harris had been reading all the astrology about Pluto in Aquarius, which translates as people power/power to the people. She has spoken about astrology before so she’s interested. Her problem is that she backs the men who say they are women, taking female identity and space. That’s not Aquarian. I’ll be curious to see if she changes her tune during the next few months. It’s a vote loser. Dylan Mulvaney (Fraudrey Hepburn) cost Maybelline, Bud Light and Nike dearly. We are in a South Node in Libra cycle, which is about karma, women, women’s rights, feminism and the law. Harris is in risky territory by backing men like Mulvaney.

      1. Tonight Rachel M (MSNBC) spoke about Trump telling his “Christian People” that there will be no need to vote in the future (Trump said this on TV and in rallies over 18 times). She also states that he is saying that there is “No need to vote at all right now- it won’t matter”. Rachel goes on to predict that Trump has election denyer/hard core republican loyalist delegates in rural areas of red and blue states. The loyal delegates are swearing to “not certify” these small ballot vote communities in which state and federal rules say that the entire state is then “not legally certifiable for the entire state’s votes”. If this is the case, the issue would eventually go to the Supreme “biased” Court where they would pick who wins the presidency. It is hard to fathom this, and amount of unrest with people from both parties would be wild. I sure hope you are right that the women win and rise. It is all so scary what Trump is doing. I read Article 47 and Project 2025 and it is mind blowing material. We contemplate a 1-way ticket to Portugal and leaving if this were to happen and Trump wins a dictatorship.

        1. Donald Trump certainly is acting out Pluto in Capricorn, at levels not seen since Nero in 60 AD. Nero was of course the infamous enemy of Christianity. The comfort of astrology and history is that this 248-year cycle always reveals the very worst of itself, as it dies. Nero in fact took his own life, in the end. The Plutocrats tend to hit rock bottom before they go. Amazingly, Trump is yet to even do that, but he’s obviously getting close. The Pluto in Aquarius cycle, still not entirely there (it is retrograde) then kicks in, typically, as America votes. The rise of the feminine then starts properly. None of this should stop anyone pushing back hard against this attempt at dictatorship or defending Christ and Christianity (of course) but it can reassuring to know we’ve seen this before.

  122. Hello Jessica , there is so much shifts challenges and I asked a question to tarot for guidance and 10 of cups with education and Midhaven with North house came thru . I am in no relationship at this point with a partner though would love one in the future , Currently focussed getting myself the right job . Can you please advise me , Yesterday wanted guidance but your website was not accessible and then mercury Rx in Leo . I don’t think I have Leo in 5th house though I do have Leo stellium and I am a sungemini with Aquarius rising .
    Can you please guide me for next few weeks best plan . Much appreciate your help . Thanks in advance Ranjula

    1. Okay Ranjula, so the Full Moon has been and gone, but the Ten of Cups appeared to show you how it would work out. The Full Moon was opposite the Sun in Cancer, ruling home and household. You have a lovely card here showing you that even if things did not add up in recent days, from the second half of 2025 into the first half of 2026 you will be offered a partnership and a sanctuary. Turning to Cancer and the Fourth House of real estate and clans, you have a stellium in Cancer. Jupiter is also in Cancer – the biggest and best. You will have your Jupiter Return once Jupiter goes into Cancer from June 2025 and will. be offered something fantastic in terms of property but also emotional belonging.

  123. Thank you Jessica! you are so kind and generous and I truly am blessed to have connected to you and I really appreciate your work and blogs that are so mind blowing . I am so grateful for your feedback . I asked the tarot for guidance for search of my perfect job and I got king of pentacles money women and Salacia and 4th house . I want to find a good role with good remuneration and nice ppl to work with that stimulates my mind . I am so confused with the cards feels like there are rich energy around me and I am trying to manifest it but lost now if I should just buy a lottery maybe . Thank you for your insights best Regards Ranjula

    1. The King of Pentacles is the man who can hire you. The Money Woman is you, or a woman involved in his business. Salacia and the Fourth House is about dual realities with the home, family, household, town, country, real estate and property. So this will show up for you. Thank you for your kind comments.

  124. Thank you Jessica! as always appreciate your guidance support and insights . sending you much love xx best regards RA

  125. Hi Jessica. I greatly appreciate all your insights. They provide me with some hope in these times. Thank you for all you do. With this past full moon, I am wondering about change in my job. I have a good job, a great career, but things seemed to be stalled. I want to make a move to a bigger, better role in the next 8 months or so. This will likely mean moving to a new company, which I am fine with. I also want to start my own business. And I want to move from where I live currently to a different city and state. What do you see in my chart? I’m a Sagittarius sun, Capricorn moon and rising, with stelliums in Scorpio and Aries.

    1. Thank you. You are ambitious, want a better profession – and want to move. You are a Sagittarian so we’ll start there. With Uranus (freedom, independence) in Taurus in your Sixth House (work, lifestyle) the window opens when other factors start moving through Taurus in April, May 2025. What about your natal chart? You have factors in Capricorn and your Tenth House of aspiration and ambition, plus factors in Virgo in your Sixth House of workload and lifestyle. As the Taurus factors of April and May move through, they trine all these. I suspect that is when you will know for sure, what your choices are. At about the same time, Uranus slowly starts to go out of your work zone so the uncertainty, the lack of predictability and the huge push for independence fade. What about moving? That is a different issue and there may be barriers there which are only resolved through patience. Eventually Saturn and Neptune both go out of your solar Fourth House though and by 2026 you should be in a far better position to permanently relocate and call somewhere else, home.

  126. I would like to locate Algol in my chart, please recommend how or where I can find it….

    1. Algol is not something I have ever used, or will ever use. I don’t really see the point of predicting beheading. I also don’t use individual stars. Your chart is best read with modern 21st century astrology. You have a huge Leo stellium in your Fifth House, which rules courtship, the bedroom, children, stepchildren, godchildren and youth in general. A spectacular year of good fortune is up ahead, as Jupiter goes into Leo in 2026-2027 when you could easily see another child, teenager or young adult become a big part of your life – not to mention, marry.

  127. Hi Jessica,

    I’m new to your website and I’m really enjoying the topics you write about. Do you mind another question about the July 21 full moon? I think I understand that, while the full moon has passed, we can expect to feel its effects between the beginning of September and the beginning of November. How, exactly, depends on our birth chart. My chart shows Jupiter in Leo at 29 degrees, Neptune in Libra at 28 degrees and Pluto in Leo at 28 degrees. And I think I have two stelliums? (This is a new term for me, so I’m not sure.)

    My biggest concern is finances. I’m going back to school for two years (even though I’m old enough that I should be retired) in an attempt to remain relevant and provide the credentials needed to teach at the college and university level. Expenses will be high and I’ll be relying on limited retirement savings to get me through. Do you have any insights on how this may play out for me in the coming months and maybe beyond?

    Thank you for being so generous with your time and knowledge.

    1. Thank you. Yes, the Full Moon was a nod to the future. You want to study and are unsure of your finances. I can’t see a chart here and it’s not enough to know about Leo/Libra placements as these are about sexual relationships and a younger generation; not so much money. You will have a spectacular year for teaching Generation Z, the Zoomers, or similar – when Jupiter goes through Leo, so that’s 2026. You will also reboot a relationship or marriage, or very likely end up with a new other half.

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