Trump, Republicans, Assassinations and Astrology

The Republican Party astrology chart shows crisis in April and May 2021 based on its 'birth' horoscope set for October 12th 1853. The Trump Shooting of July 2024 also fit a pattern for other assassinations. First published in 2019.

This feature was first published on March 24th 2019 and was updated on July 14th 2024 by popular demand.

The Crisis Ahead For the Republican Party – Astrology 2021 Predictions

The Republican Party or G.O.P. (Grand Old Party) has produced Abraham Lincoln, Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan and Donald Trump. It also shows a severe crisis set for April-June 2021.

There is no point in using the data supplied by Donald Trump’s staff (or himself) as he has used two different birth dates. Yet, the chart for the Republican party is clear. (Software:AstroGold).


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October 12th, 1853 at Major Blake’s Hotel 

In astrology we use the ‘birth’ of a political party just as use the birth of a baby, to gather the facts.

In his excellent book, Hidden History of New Hampshire (The History Press, Charleston 2008) author D. Quincy Whitney writes, “On October 12th 1853, Amos Tuck called a secret meeting in Exeter at Major Blake’s Hotel (later the Squamscott Hotel, now Gorham Hall) of fourteen leaders from the Independent Democrats, Whigs, Free Soil and American or Know-Nothing Parties. (Image: Shutterstock).

All agreed to give their formal allegiances to unite under the principles of Democratic-Republican Thomas Jefferson. At Tuck’s suggestion, they named themselves Republicans – a pivotal moment that that signified the culmination of ten years of work.”

The Chicago Tribune notes: A bronze plaque erected in 1929 at the site of the hotel reads “On this site, the Republican Party was first so named by Amos Tuck, Oct. 12, 1853.”

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A G.O.P. Revolution in 2021

This is the chart for the Republican Party or G.O.P. above, set for 12.00 noon (without a time, in astrology, we always use 12 noon). Even if the meeting had been in the morning or night, however, nothing would change about the most important patterns in this line-up. (Image: Rawpixel).

The line-up is as follows, below.

It has been triggered at every major turning point in the history of the Republicans, from the assassination of Abraham Lincoln, to the end of Nixon, the rise of Reagan – and the controversial victory of Donald Trump.

You can see the pattern at 11-12 on the wheel.

The Fated Horoscope Pattern in the Republican Astrology Chart

Uranus 11 Taurus
Neptune 11 Pisces
North Node 12 Gemini
South Node 12 Sagittarius
Mars 11 Leo

The pattern at 11-12 degrees is very important. It was there at the assassinations of James A. Garfield on 19th September 1881 and also William McKinley on 6th September 1901.

There is also a second key pattern, at 7 degrees. The Republican Party was ‘born’ with Chiron at 7 Capricorn, Cupido at 7 Cancer and Panacea at 7 Taurus. In modern astrology we use the asteroids which complete the family tree of astrology.

The Trump Shooting, 13th July 2024

This original feature on the Republican Party was posted on March 24th 2019. Everything remains as it was originally posted, except for this new section. Because – the Trump shooting of Saturday 13th July 2024 at 6.11pm in Butler, shows the 11-12 degree hotspot again.

There is Ceres at 12 Capricorn. Salacia square at 11 Aries. Proserpina at 12 Gemini. (Software: AstroGold).

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How History Shows the Crisis

The low points for the party are shown when we see serious, difficult, heavy transits to that pattern at 11/12 degrees:

April 14th, 1865 – Abraham Lincoln assassinated. Pluto at 12 Taurus, Mercury at 13 Taurus.
September 19th, 1881 – James A. Garfield assassinated. North Node 12 Sagittarius, South Node 12 Gemini, Saturn 11 Taurus.
September 6th, 1901 – William McKinley assassinated. Uranus 12 Sagittarius, Sun 12 Virgo.
August 9th, 1974 –  Richard Nixon resigns. Saturn at 13 Cancer, Ceres at 12 Pisces

Highs and Lows 

The high points for the GOP. are also shown at 11 or 12 degrees of important, slow moving, outer-planet transits.

President Ronald Reagan was elected on November 4th, 1980, and inaugurated for his first term in 1981 as Pluto moved to 12 Scorpio. He won a second term on November 6th 1984 moving successfully into 1985 with Uranus at 11, 12 Sagittarius and Ceres at 11 Taurus.

If you are curious about Trump, he came to power on November 8th 2016 with Jupiter at 12 Libra and the North Node at 10 Virgo and South Node at 10 Pisces. This is a hotspot in the Republican horoscope. (Image: Shutterstock).

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The Seven Degree Pattern 

The pattern which shows up in the chart (above) with Chiron at 7 Capricorn, Cupido at 7 Cancer and Panacea at 7 Taurus also reveals itself when there are historic highs and lows.

For example, when Democrat Franklin D. Roosevelt won a massive landslide victory against Republican Alf Landon on November 3rd, 1936 – Uranus stood at 7 Taurus.

When Ronald Reagan was shot by John Hinckley Junior on March 30th, 1981, we found this line-up:

Saturn 6 Libra
Venus 7 Aries
North Node 8 Leo
South Node 8 Aquarius

Allowing up to one degree’s difference (or orb) is the rule in modern astrology. That is why the bomb plot against George H.W. Bush made on April 13th, 1993, in Kuwait is so striking. That day Jupiter stood at 7 Libra. The plot was foiled.

The Crisis of April, May, June 2021

There is a perfect storm in the Republican horoscope between April 11th, 2021, and May 7th, 2021. The lightning strikes continue in May and June 2021. There will be one shock after another and the party will change radically.

In April, May and June 2021 the Republican party is in serious trouble.

The transiting North Node is at 11, 12 Gemini. The transiting South Node is at 11, 12 Sagittarius. Saturn is at 11, 12 Aquarius. Uranus is at 11, 12 Taurus. Chiron is at 11, 12 Aries.

This Hasn’t Even Started

This triggers that old chart set for October 12th, 1853, in a powerful way.

Remember, the Grand Old Party was born with Uranus at 11 Taurus, Neptune at 11 Pisces, the North Node at 12 Gemini, the South Node at 12 Sagittarius and Mars at 11 Leo.

The Mueller report was handed in on Mercury Retrograde. It was not and never will be the full and final story, as I write this on the weekend of March 24th, 2019. The peak crisis for the Republican party will be April-June 2021. Seriously, this hasn’t even started.

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June 6th to 11th, 2021

I also want to draw your attention to Ceres, a powerful planet equal to Pluto. (Image: Rawpixel).

Ceres goes across 7 Taurus on May 27th, 28th, 29th 2021.

Ceres then moves across 11 and 12 Taurus, on Sunday June 6th, Monday June 7th, Tuesday June 8th, Wednesday June 9th, Thursday June 10th, Friday June 11th.

Between May 27th and June 11th, 2021, the Republican party will be forced to cut a deal and make a compromise over its funding sources, its financial documents, its deals and its donations –  in the light of sudden and shocking changes which are set up in April 2021 and come to pass in May 2021.

Why? Ceres will conjunct natal Uranus in Taurus. She will also conjunct natal Panacea in Taurus.

April, May, June 2021

This is the historic Uranus Return in Taurus for the Republican Party which can only happen every eight decades. It is also the North Node and South Node Return, which can only happen every 19 years.

There is so much to say about April, May and June 2021 but I will leave it to you to comment on the chart.

  • Uranus Return in Taurus – the sign of political donations, taxation, charity, business, banks and accounts.
  • Ceres Conjunct Uranus and Panacea in Taurus – again, we have to focus on the finances of the Republican party.
  • North Node and South Node in Sagittarius and Gemini, the signs ruling foreign countries, travel and travellers.
  • Uranus in Taurus Square Mars in Leo. Leo rules the children of the King, or the heirs to the throne. The White House.
  • Saturn in Aquarius Opposing Mars in Leo. Again, Leo is about sons and daughters, godchildren and young relatives.
  • Saturn in Aquarius Square Uranus in Taurus. Aquarius rules groups – political parties like the Republicans/Democrats.

This is a shock. Nobody has ever seen a line-up like this in their lifetime.

The clincher is Saturn, the horoscope symbol of difficulty, hard karma and tough learning experiences and life lessons. Saturn’s heavy position in the astrological chart of the Republicans in April-June 2021 will be a big load to carry for them. (Image: Dreamstime).

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The Trump Children and Donald’s Heirs

The storm of April-June 2021 will involve the Trump children and young relatives, because the transit of Uranus at 11 Taurus will square Mars at 11 Leo in the Republican chart.

Leo rules ‘the King and his heirs’ and in the case of the U.S.A. the President and his sons and daughters.

So –  if you want to look for the original cover-up about the young Trump dynasty, you’ll find it on Wednesday 31st January 2018.

Why? Because on that day, America experienced a Full Moon and Eclipse, with the Sun at 11 Aquarius and the Moon at 11 Leo. An eclipse is always a cover-up and that one fell exactly on the Mars 11 Leo position of the Republican birth chart.

Ivanka, Donald Junior, Eric and Barron 

This astonishing illustration depicting Donald Trump and his children as a royal dynasty, is a symbolic Leo statement. It comes from the well-known website (artist unknown) and can also be seen on Twitter and Pinterest.

In April, May and June 2021 the crisis which erupts for the Republicans and their finances – and values – will involve one or more of the children and perhaps Jared Kushner, married to Ivanka Trump.

Watch Barron Trump. He is a child and as Chelsea Clinton often says, he should not be drawn into any discussion about politics. Yet – we do have confirmed data for his birth, as his parents publicised it widely. Barron Trump will play an important part in what is to come.

Astrology is democracy. Keep asking questions. As I write this on Monday 25th March 2019, the Mueller Report is about to be handed down. It is being handed down on Mercury Retrograde and it is not the final story. April-June 2021 will be.

Published on 24th March 2019. Photographs and charts updated on 14th July 2024. Main image: Rawpixels.


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Trump, Republicans, Assassinations and Astrology

The Republican Party astrology chart shows crisis in April and May 2021 based on its ‘birth’ horoscope set for October 12th 1853. The Trump Shooting of July 2024 also fit a pattern for other assassinations. First published in 2019.

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38 Responses

  1. Jessica,
    The 2020 election is on November 3rd, 2020. Uranus will be at 8 Taurus and Venus will be at 8 Libra in the US on that day. Is this a fantastic omen for the Democrats’ chances?

    1. I am still researching the Democrats’ chart to make sure it is as reliable as the Republicans’ chart. While I do that, I can comment on the Aquarius weather which begins in December 2020 as Jupiter and Saturn enter the sign of equality, community and diversity. We associate Aquarius and Uranus, its ruler, with the diverse spread of humanity. Women, men, white, non-white, old, young, straight, gay, lesbian, transgender. Everybody pooling resources. We have never seen this line-up in our lifetime, followed by Pluto (transformation) also in Aquarius from 2023. This does not suggest the current White House line-up which is very white and very male. It does suggest not just the Democrats, but actually the rise and rise of independent candidates who are outside the system. Astrology is sociology as much as it is history, mythology and synchronicity and it is Generation Aquarius (Gen Aqua) who are now teenagers, who all came onto the planet with Neptune and/or Uranus in Aquarius, who will hear the call, vote and rise. This is the Parkland generation. It is also the ‘Greta’ climate change movement. You have never seen anything like it and neither have I. This does not suggest Trump and his family and cronies at all. The future looks radically different – but let me get to the chart.

  2. for trump use Jamaica hospital birth certificate. it’s accurate. most hospitals in nyc before 1960 were semi private hospitals and did their own birth certificates.

    1. Unfortunately there is a long and contradictory trail with the Trump birth data. I wish it was different but right from the start there have been question marks about time, place and date of birth. Thank you for your comment, I appreciate it.

  3. I went to Tarot and Asked what is to become of the Republican Party during this election (because it is not just Trump that threatens America’s Democracy with autocratic and Christian fundamentalist tendency to control its population). I pulled the Five of Wands, what a card!

    1. The Five of Wands shows infighting within a group. So that is the Republican Party. Trump can be seen on the left. This is very useful, thank you. This is not quite the direct path to power that some say. It’s a conflict within. You are asking a good question here which hasn’t been asked. It’s very simple. What becomes of the Republicans? I’d be looking for Haley in this card too because women rise from 2025.

  4. Curious I looked up Republicans April 2021-June 2021 and all the headlines from May 2021 were in relation to the proposal to establish an independent commission into the Jan 6 uprising. It was during this period that Liz Cheney (a critic of Trump) was sacked from the house leadership (12th May) and 35 House Republicans split from their colleagues to vote for the independent commission (May 18). Ultimately the bid for a commission failed in the senate- although 6 republicans voted with the democrats (27th May)

    Many of those 41 republicans who voted for the commission did not stand at the 2022 mid-terms. Instead the republicans put forward a large number of pro-trump candidates. The result was a poor showing by the republicans who had expected to “win big in 2022” but instead fell well short of expectations, by not gaining the senate and only just gaining back the house. Both Pennsylvannia and Michigan ( who are swing states) both saw democrat landslides.

    At the centre though was the abortion ballots – where 5 of the 5 states who put abortion rights on the ballot – all favoured a pro-choice stance – including in 2 republican states Kentucky and Montana. The women came out to vote to ensure they kept their hard fought rights.

    I think Jessica – you called both issues between Nov -2020 and mid 2022 (when Roe vs Wade was overturned by the supreme court)

    1. you said the Republicans would split into two – which we saw in May 2021
    2. Women would stand up for their rights to abortion in the US and Women would retain their rights – just not as it was in the past. If this 2024 election is about Women in America – then they showed how powerful they can be in Nov 2022.

    The question is – is Nov 2022 about to be repeated in Nov 2024. Will most Americans really vote for those highly conservative pro-trump republicans or will the centre and the left hold like they did in 2022

    1. Thank you for doing the research! This is extremely useful as I just don’t have time to validate and confirm predictions. This does indeed ring true as a Republican crisis. We’re back to Cheney and January 6th. And yes, of course, the abortion issue. As the Kremlin intended (never doubt Russian interference) it split the party. The Kremlin is very old-fashioned and believes in ‘divide and conquer’ and set up these things to split America. They have attempted the same in Britain with immigration issues. The coming election is a Pluto in Aquarius election. The set date just happens to fall when Pluto leaves Capricorn for 248 years and goes into Aquarius. Women rise. The diverse black/white group rises. That’s not the G.O.P. as it stands. And of course the Trump adultery; Epstein; abortion are part of Pluto in Capricorn. You tend to get the most appalling misogyny at the end of Pluto in Capricorn, before the massive change. So here we are.

  5. Hi Jessica, Suspect Device by SLF is one of my favourites too! Do you think the Trump assassination attempt was staged? Trump is certainly trying to capitalise on it, as the ‘unity’ candidate.

    1. Thank you for picking up on Suspect Device by Stiff Little Fingers. In common with many mediums I receive songs as messages from my guides. Ever since I saw the shooting at the Trump rally I have been given that song, clairaudiently. Like you I am also a fan of S.L.F. and I am sure you know the lyric – ‘Suss, suss, suss, suss, suspect device.’ The media investigating this extremely dodgy event should start with the alleged bombs in the car and home of Matthew Crook.

  6. Hi Jessica, with regards to Trumps chart, which I know you feel you cannot trust because of confused birth data, Penny Thornton said in her latest video that his 14 June chart is now AA rated, and using that chart she predicted the assassination attempt a few days before it happened. Does that mean that following your method of retroactively comparing events with charts, would you now find it possible to use that chart to make some predictions based on his chart rather than the US chart only? It does unnerve me that with that chart he has Jupiter on his Sun and he does just seem to be lucky this year, catching every break. I know it’s still 4 months away but his likelihood to win is starting to feel fated…. If you did use that chart I’d love to know how it would correspond. Thanks!

    1. Penny is a friend and she was uncannily accurate about Donald Trump, but the chart is in question and has been ever since Kepler College questioned it. Trump gave two different sets of data to the authorities, so despite the production of a birth certificate, he can’t be AA rated. He’s also obviously a convicted fraud. The US chart is a nice, reliable guide to American politics and I used it to call Donald’s impeachment and also his infection with Covid, on the month it happened, some time before it happened. He’s not your 2025 president. The Democrats are very wise to push the narrative that he might be, because it frightens millions of Americans into voting. The American chart says (and I keep repeating this) ‘Decline and Fall’ to quote Waugh and ‘Down, Down’ to quote Quo!

    1. A woman (or women, plural) will rise within the party and replace Donald in terms of sheer power. We don’t know why. It is evident from November and by 2025 the new America is here with far greater female clout. The Democrats understand diversity (black, white, male, female) and so are in tune with the times. Pluto shows who or what is top dog, and the top dogs in Washington are a mixed pack. Not the usual Trump white man line-up.

  7. Just want to pose this question in genuine curiosity. Your predictions about King Charles and Putin were totally wrong, so you contrived far-fetched conspiracy theories about why you were still correct in those cases. Your explanation for Putin was so extreme that you claim he is now being portrayed by actors. Wow. Somehow you know something that the US intelligence agencies can’t figure out. Why should anyone here believe your predictions about Trump?

    1. Charles III is at the heart of an enormous legal and constitutional problem known since 2010 and only when he dies can the documents be unsealed. You seem to have overlooked this so I’ll just give you the link again. When he dies the coronation will be invalidated. There are several actors performing the role of Putin. It’s a common ploy which was used in the last war by the British for their own leading personnel. Body doubles are regularly used for security purposes. You are in the US but may have missed this story in The New York Post. Oh, and the Kremlin lost the war on Ukraine and are still losing. President Biden confirmed that, as I predicted, way back in July 2023. Bloomberg reported it. Again, although you are in the US, you may have missed it. Here is the link.

  8. I pray you are right about Trump. I think this must have been the same in Germany during the 1930s as Hitler gained power. It is so scary. I wish Biden would resign now and let Kamala have it. Recent polls show she does better than Biden against Trump. She could take him down in the debates. That is what she is great at. But Biden is so resistant to stepping down. Even his voice is faint, like an old person.

    1. Yes, the Kremlin tend to ape the strategies of the last war, no matter if it is that old chestnut ‘Divide and conquer’ which they have been trying with abortion in America and the trans movement worldwide. The Kremlin, rather like Hitler’s Germany in the 1930s, believe in splitting a country, or dividing a bloc, to weaken it. It’s all pretty standard stuff and they have a Republican capture in America. President Biden and Vice-President Harris won such an enormous landslide that it has made their opponents ever more driven to find emotional issues which will force the vote. Vaccination is now up there again! The Democrats will go through chaos on Mercury Retrograde in July, August but it ends in early September and by then Harris-Biden and the rest of us will know exactly where we stand. Thank you.

  9. Hi Jessica, I always get chills down the spine when your predictions hit so dead on. Just reading what the last person posted, I don’t think they understand that some predictions are timely and others take time to unfold and I have seen it time and again in your predictions (personally and universally) just how accurate you are. Full stop. So perhaps, they need to really understand, research and read! Anyway, I somehow missed Penny’s prediction on the attempted assassination but then again as it happened on my birthday (oh my!) we were out at a festival celebrating my 56th turn around the sun. My question is about the female rising in the Republican Party. I am not a card carry Republican, but ever since the age of 18, I have always conscientiously voted across party lines researching candidates that I believe will best serve the American people. However, these past few years as you can imagine I have voted only within my own party. I have been wondering of late if Liz Cheney would make a go of it so I went to the Tarot on your site and of course what do I pull? The Five of Swords! My goodness. It is feasible that she is all three people in this card. The downcast, the instigator and the peacemaker. She certainly has been beaten up by her own party, she definitely is instigating the revolution against her own party and perhaps she might become the peacemaker or rather the one who knits the party back together. It is not lost on me that a reader above pulled the Five of Wands for the Republican Party. There is conflict, embattled party members (contrary to them attempting to appear unified) with deceit and extremism in spades. Add that Five of Swords for Liz Cheney and you have the powderkeg that can only result in party implosion. We are seeing it unfold right before our eyes and from what I can see of her chart (Leo Sun, Taurus ascendent) she was always going to be in the mix of all of this in some way or another. What do you think, Jessica? What do you see for Liz Cheney’s future prospects?

    1. Thank you. Chills down the spine are confirmation that your spirit guides or friends/family in spirit are inside your auric field. It is usually a ‘yes’ from spirit, so thank you for passing that on. In regards to the other comment, I usually get Trump hires, or Trump voters, who are not members or who don’t actually read my astrology regularly, reacting when I talk about his slow downward spiral. Penny Thornton wrote a brilliant astrological prediction about Donald Trump, which you missed, but it is worth re-reading. Liz Cheney turns up for you as the Five of Swords and your Tarot card was correct. She is the peacemaker. She is also the female to watch now in the Republican party along with Haley. I was asked about 2025 and beyond by another Tarot professional who was worried that Trump-Vance would rule. According to astrology and history, that is not going to happen. Patriarchy ends on Pluto in Aquarius. Two white men at the top, one of whom is an adulterer, are patriachy. Within the party, as you saw on a psychic level, you will see a huge split between two members. It may in fact be Vance and Trump.

  10. Today,the Washington post wrote an article about the misalignment of the GOP platform with many Republican voters, and another article noted those previously prominent Republicans, including former Pres. Bush and VPs Cheney, in addition to former Speakers of the House of Congress, (Ryan, Boehner, McCarthy) missing. Former Republican Pres. and VP nominees were also missing like Mitt Romney. A WaPo opinion article lamented that the GOP platform is not conservative. So tensions are evident, the extent, of course, is the million dollar question. I asked the TAROT, of the registered Republican voters, to what extent will they accept or embrace the GOP platform this fall (at the voting polls)? I pulled the Four of Cups. It is clear that many registered Republicans do not identify with the GOP platform. I then went to the Garden Oracle and asked, how will these disaffected registered Republicans vote? I pulled the True Justice card.I interpret this to mean, against the party. Because, for there to be justice, there must be risk. The risk of a new form of GOP is what they would vote against. But I’m interested in your interpretation.

    1. That is a very good question to ask the Tarot, which I’ve not seen. How will registered Republican voters accept the Trump-Vance ticket? The Four of Cups shows a person rejecting what is on offer, and who is on offer. There are three rejections (three people) and a fourth potential one on the way. Your Garden Oracle reading showed True Justice – that is how they will vote. This is open to interpretation. Will Trump be further involved with the law? Are we talking about Vance’s wife, who is a legal eagle? To go back to the figure in the Four of Cups, you tend to get this when there is a group (the G.O.P. in this case) and it’s overdue for total transformation. Until that happens nothing is good enough. We do in fact have Pluto (total transformation) in Aquarius (the group) right now and he will reappear in November, as America goes to the Electoral College. I find your reading fascinating.

  11. Hi. Would you please look at JDV on election day? Is he happy? It will be Pluto in Cap on that day so this is very concerning. Also, please look at his chart for the Inauguration. I think Pluto is not in Aq until spring of 2025. Is that correct and significant?

    1. Happiness doesn’t really come into it with this American election as it is rather more like relief and release. Not so much elation and jubilation as ‘Thank God that’s over.’ Politicians can change their tune according to the polls. What the polls will steadily show all sides, is that people want – people power. They want women to hold half the space. They also want black and white, gay and straight and lesbian, old and young, rich and poor – to share the space. Unless the Republicans undergo some kind of miraculous transformation, with their two white men at the top, it is not going to be them. It is going to be the Democrats, pure and simple. Yet, this party will also have to change, as its policy on men who claim to be female (never true) is wholly against what Pluto in Aquarius is all about. This is about male cross-dressers sharing the territory, not taking it away from women, or taking over. It will be fascinating to see any policy shift from Harris.

  12. Hi Jessica, Do you think the ‘suspect device’ in the shooter’s car was intended to remove him should he have got away from the rally?

    1. That’s interesting. If Thomas Matthew Crooks had been a patsy, as Lee Harvey Oswald once described himself, then those in charge may have had Plan B – explosives – to kill him in the car or at home. Dead men don’t tell tales. I do trust my guides and hope that the truth behind the ‘Suspect Device’ or suspect devices plural, will come out.

  13. Thank you for all of your work and time.
    Shame on some of these commentators and there nasty remarks to you!
    Respect Jessica and her work!

    1. Thank you. Inevitably when I write about Trump emulating the Status Quo song and going Down, Down I have rude, factually incorrect and frequently illiterate comments. Too much fun.

  14. Hi Jessica! Thank you for your insightful responses and postings. I keep saying to myself “He’s not your 2025 president”, “Decline and fall”, “Down, Down, Down!”. It helps. My question is about Trump’s 2 birthdays. For the July one, he made a mistake and put in the wrong month. It can happen to anyone at some point. Birthdates and times are much more closely recorded here in the U.S. than other countries. It has been my experience that in India for example, if there is any dispute about the birthday, the astrologer will try multiple days and times that are possibilities and pick “the best match” based on the person’s life, if there is one. This can be difficult for any ordinary person. But we have 2 dates here (at least for now) and someone with a life that has been quite out of the ordinary. So, with respect and with acknowledging that I have little understanding of the time it takes, resources, energy, etc. I am wondering if you have or would ever try to chart him for both the dates and see if there is a close match. I mean, aren’t you a little bit curious? I know I would be.

    1. One of the realities about a two-horse race is that sometimes the other side will spend quite a lot of time and money, scaring the undecided into backing them – actually exaggerating the power of the other horse. The Democrats have an interest in bankrolling the media and social media into building Donald and his crew into a larger, more terrifying, more potent entity than they actually are – all the better to get people out of bed to vote against them. I have no evidence whatsoever that they are doing this. I could be completely wrong. I am just looking at the American chart. The issue with Donald is that he may not have made a mistake at all, with the second birthdate. He’s told us he’s a Gemini, eventually producing a birth certificate after a great deal of pressure – and then he told us he was a Cancerian. With anybody else one might not be so sceptical, but Donald was guilty on 34 counts of falsifying records in the New York Supreme Court. He was done for fraud in 2018. Do I believe either set of birth data? No. I would not waste my time and energy even speculating on various times and dates for the man. He continues to Decline and Fall, to quote Waugh.

  15. Hi Jessica,
    Love the updates to your blog and all the insight. You are keeping me sane. What are your thoughts on the coordination of the US media in zeroing in on Biden’s bad debate ( a disaster) and his age, yet glossing over Trumps many issues. Why is the white, largely male, promentent figures in Congress asking Biden to leave the race?

    1. Thank you. Stepping back from President Biden and Donald Trump to see the bigger picture, Kamala Harris has to come up. And so she is. There is a fated quality about Pluto (power) going from Capricorn (white men at the top of an old system) to Aquarius (black women coming up into a new system). When we turn to Trump we find his best shot at this – is the black wife of Vance. So, not actually a politician. What we’ll likely see is yet more Decline and Fall (I keep quoting the title of Waugh’s book) with both Biden and Trump. Up comes Vance and with him, his wife. Up comes Harris. This is most likely in September, October, November as Pluto goes through Capricorn for the final time in 248 years, quickly entering Aquarius for another 20.

  16. I must give credit when credit is due. You called this prediction about the rise of Kamala Harris a long time ago. We owe President Biden great respect for his decision today and the ways he will bolster VP Harris to become the Nominee. Let’s hope and pray she carries the election successfully in November as you are predicting. She would be a phenomenal president.

    1. Thank you. I have had a few people on X-Twitter and Substack asking about the Kamala Harris prediction and I made it four years ago here. Astrology can only predict the weather, not the choices of the person in the weather. Yet she has chosen to pursue a path right for these times, with Pluto (the power) in Aquarius (the diverse community). The only issue for Kamala Harris (and in fact the US) is her stance on men who claim to be women. She has used she/her pronouns in the past. With the South Node in Libra and Pluto in Aquarius this is not the right time for anyone to endorse the takeover of identity, rights and territory by one group at the expense of another. It remains to be seen if she will clarify or change her position on men and women. More depends on that than a lot of people think. And the other issue? Her marriage. However that is a matter for her.

  17. HI Jessica–this is the first election I’ve been excited about since Barack Obama…I have the sense that this JD Vance, who is despicable when it comes to women, will be kicked to the curb–not even sure if Trump will be able to stand his values. I hope fervently that Harris will prevail. So far they are trying to take her down in every way possible. And why did Vance’s wife marry him? She is Indian and smart and he is all about getting rid of every immigrant in the country!
    Thanks for all you do! You have saved my sanity.

    1. Thank you. I wrote about Vance and Trump as an ill-starred partnership on Substack on 15th July 2024. Vance seems to be one of those things which are coughed up at the last dying stages of the Pluto in Capricorn cycle, which is notorious throughout history and astrology for its misogyny as the patriarchy breathes its last. Of course, women can be part of that too, which is always astonishing, but also true. So let’s see.

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