Asianscopes - Asian-influenced, chinese Horoscopes from Jessica Adams Psychic Astrologer


Ten True Predictions – Stargazing in 2019

Ten true astrology predictions from February-April 2019 which are date-stamped, specific and prove horoscopes predict the future. Do you want to learn how to do this too? Join The Sun Sign School launching on April 23rd.

Stargazing can be uncannily accurate. In this feature, we’ll look at 10+ predictions that came to pass February-April 2019.

Astrology can predict the future months or years in advance. I know that many of you want to learn how to do this like a professional, which is why I’ve started The Sun Sign School (coming on April 23rd, 2019) with world-famous horoscope columnists and authors like Penny Thornton, who gave personal readings to Diana, Princess of Wales and the amazing Susan Miller, who American astrology fans will know is the planet’s most visited author, columnist and broadcaster in our profession.

Their exclusive interviews and podcasts will give you rare insights into how the most popular kind of astrology works. A number of us will also be available to teach you personally, with online tuition and at some live events in Britain and Australia. If you want to find out how to use this kind of astrology for yourself (or even professionally) make sure you join us. Come back here on 23rd April for your chance to be part of this new kind of astrological education.

Top Ten True Horoscope Predictions February-April 2019

Not every Sun Sign astrologer wants to look at global headlines, but I like using cycles like Mercury Retrograde to see what is in store, because in an age of Fake News, we need to keep it real. This is what you read here in January, which has come to pass.

Astrology is also so useful if you are watching the weather where you live – or just things which personally affect you like Facebook privacy. There is a reason why Stonehenge was arranged in those patterns. Astrology really works – now as it always has – in helping us know what’s really going on out there.

True! What You Read on January 2nd, 2019

“Astrology tells us that between February 20th and April 17th we can expect:  The biggest challenge yet for Wikileaks and Julian Assange.

SBS News April 5th, 2019: Julian Assange could be expelled from Ecuadorian embassy within ‘hours to days’

More True Predictions for Facebook, Nigel Farage, Prince Harry and Meghan

From Meghan Markle’s tax headaches to the $1 billion Midwest flood damage in the US, these headlines became real during one of the most powerful Mercury Retrograde cycles on record. The headlines, below, tell the story from February-April 2019.

  • People traffickers and migrants on boats to trigger a new crisis in the English Channel.
  • Scallop Wars II as French and British fishermen come to blows over their Brexit rights.
  • Billions of dollars’ worth of damage from U.S. floods, hurricanes and storms.
  • Cloud computing failure – loss of customer data and outages around the world.
  • Multi-millions affected by widespread hacking.
  • Nigel Farage under scrutiny for his secret dealings with Donald Trump and others.
  • More Facebook undercover tactics revealed and a further steep loss in numbers and value.
  • A huge Asia-related drug-smuggling bust which makes front pages all over the world.
  • Newspapers scrutinise the budgets, spending and charity activities of Harry and Meghan.
  • Another major spy scandal with smokescreen after smokescreen in Europe and the USA.
  • Absolute chaos in the Liberal Party in Australia with rumoured spills and re-spills.





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