Astrology, COVID-19, Prediction and History
Welcome to The Astrology Show for March 2020. Our special guest is Sharon Knight, Astrologer of the Year in 2016 and an expert on William Lilly, the Great Plague of London astrologer, whose green plaque hangs over The Strand in London.
As you might expect, the show for March 2020 will be about our modern plague, the pandemic known as COVID-19 or the Corona Virus.
Astrology has a long history with plagues. Remember, we were the original doctors – as well as hired to predict.
From the 14th century on, we know that the profession of astrology was called upon to consult and give advice about public health crisis.
Science rules in 2020. Wash your hands, social-distance and self-isolate if you’re instructed! However, it’s also time for great astrologers . Because this kind of crossroads – better called a pandemic today – has always been at the heart of the astrological trade. It’s time to roll up our sleeves and go into the horoscopes.
In this show, we’ll have podcasts, YouTube clips, links and charts to walk you through what we know so far. What’s already been proven as a date-stamped true prediction and how you can begin your own research, on your own personal birth chart.
Astrology, Nostradamus and William Lilly
In this show, we’ll look at this and other horoscope work, focused on public health crisis. We’ll go into the prophecies of the astrologer Nostradamus who was a plague doctor as well as a clairvoyant who used scrying as well as horoscopes. And, of course, we will look at Britain’s most famous 17th century astrologer William Lilly.
During The Great Plague of London, the astrologer William Lilly not only sounded the alarm several years before it happened, he also led himself and his landlord’s children to safety.
If you use astrology, you need to know more about Lilly in particular. In this multimedia show for March – something to listen to, watch and read – Sharon Knight has profiled the great man.
SHARON KNIGHT Sharon Lilly church
Tobsha Learner on William Lilly
The novelist Tobsha Learner, has written a wonderful novel called The Magick of Master Lilly which is a ‘faction’/fiction account of The Great Plague astrologer’s life. Tobsha is a special guest on The London Astrology Walk, on this website, which is a self-guided tour – or a virtual tour – which takes you around Lilly’s London.
Derek and Julia Parker – Saturn in Capricorn
I am a huge fan of Derek Parker. He and his wife and writing partner Julia live in Sydney. I’m sure you know their books.
In his biography of the Great Plague astrologer William Lilly, Familiar to All, Derek Parker gives us a great quote.
It comes from one of William Lilly’s astrologer colleagues of the 17th century. His name was William Camden and he said:
“When Saturn is in Capricornus a great Plague is certainly like in London…Saturn was so posited in the great plague of 1625 and also in the last great plague 1665.”
Well, in 2020, for most of this year, as it was in 2019 when COVID-19 arrived, Saturn is also in Capricorn. History is repeating in the Ephemeris. Saturn takes around 29 years to return to Capricorn in our zodiac.
In 2020, he is joined by Pluto and the South Node, making our situation more extreme.
AIDS and Saturn in Capricorn
When AIDS arrived it became a global source of panic in 1987.
By the time we reached February 13th, 1988, it was an epidemic. Saturn moved into Capricorn the same day and stayed there until November 12th that year. The old plague rule in astrology was there during AIDS.
So what’s the logic in this astrological message? When you take it apart you can see what’s going on.
Capricorn rules big business and politics. The economy. The monarchy. The patriarchy. Capricorn is ruled by Saturn the old man of the horoscope. Capricorn the mountain goat climbs to the top.
Capricorn is about the CEO and the Prime Minister; the President and the politician.
When you have this pattern, with not just Saturn in Capricorn, but also Pluto – transformation – and the South Node – ancient cycles repeating – the mountain comes down. This is a period of intense restructuring, just as it was in the 1980’s.
Astrology Doesn’t Cause Anything
Now, astrology doesn’t cause anything. Never has, never will. It correlates with things, though, and here we have a clear correlation with viruses and this cycle.
That is why it was possible to call it twice, a long time before it happened. Astrologers can and do have a responsibility to raise the alarm, so that people will take matters seriously, when they arise. So as part of The Astrology Show for March, we need to reference some old predictions. This forecast is now about one year old.
The New World Order
March 28th 2019: China will experience this historic line-up of Pluto, Ceres and Saturn at 22 Capricorn, exactly conjunct her Jupiter at 22 Capricorn, timed by Mercury (the faster-moving planet of news) on Sunday, January 12th, 2020. Allowing for world time-zone differences, we will see the first headlines for Monday, January 13th, 2020.
Between Monday, January 6th and Monday, January 13th, 2020, there will be a critical change in the balance of power between the United States, China and Europe. “
One Last Note – Post-Millennium Bugs, Hackers and Viruses
As an astrologer, I always deal with American readers who type day, month and year dates in reverse order to British and Australian calendar dates. Yet, no matter how you key in the date of the eclipse on 10th January 2020, you end up with what looks like a memorable code.”
Predicting March 2020 in November 2019
The astrology was also really clear about human viruses set for 8th and 9th March 2020, back on 11th November 2019. So, four months before COVID-19 became front-page news.
This is the original prediction:
“Where is the Chaos on 8th and 9th March?”
This period is particularly chaotic because we also have a Full Moon in Virgo (organisation and order, clashing with flooding and confusion) and the Sun’s conjunction to Neptune (randomness) across this period. In fact, you can circle these dates in your diary now, because we’re going to see computer and human viruses, and regular traffic, air traffic and shipping affected by wave after wave of rain/flooding.
WHO and the Pandemic 11th March 2020
WHO, the World Health Organisation, declared a Pandemic on 11th March 2020. So, two days later. The global travel chaos of course rolled the previous weekend, so exactly on March 8th and 9th, 2020.
Lilly’s Plague Pamphlet Prediction of 1651
Astrologer William Lilly predicted The Great Plague in 1651. He did it four years before it happened, and he date-stamped it, as every responsible professional astrologer should. Websites being unavailable then, he published a pamphlet with an illustration of bodies awaiting burial. He did it as a warning.
Now, as then, we do what Lilly and his 17th century contemporaries did. The dates of previous epidemics were collected, and the position of the planets compared.
The history of astrology is the history of plague and vice-versa. Lilly survived and so did the children he rescued. Astrology is about ringing the bell, loudly, before a crisis. It is also about knowledge, because knowledge is power.
In this special edition of The Astrology Show, we will look at that issue too, particularly for those of you with factors in Virgo in your chart, and everyone born in the 1960’s, who will automatically have an outer planet in Virgo too.
Virgo being the sign of personal health, the immune system and self-care, there is a lot of old astrological knowledge to draw on, so we’ll get onto that in a moment. This famous engraving commissioned by Lilly to warn Londoners about The Great Plague which was coming, has a curious feature. Clouds that look like white T-Cells. The immune system defenders. Have you noticed?
How William Lilly Survived the Plague
Lilly used his horoscopes to save himself. His landlord died, but he saved the four children in the family from death, by transporting themselves and him out of London. Just at the right time.
Lilly, despite being subjected to people bringing in urine from infected people (for examination) – and treating the sick with cordials – survived intact. His landlord died. Lilly took himself and his landlord’s four children into Hersham, away from London, near Walton-upon-Thames and lived to predict another day.
In 2003, we astrologers were asked to donate money to purchase a green plaque to remember William Lilly, so that it could be placed on the Strand, where he lived and worked.
Together with astrologers Pat Blackett, Geoffrey Cornelius, Robert Currey, Anthony Demetris, John Frawley, Roy Gillett, Maggie Hyde, Sharon Knight (featured here) Wanda Sellar, Wendy Stacey, Sue Ward and many more – I celebrated this tribute to the master. The Great Plague astrologer.
Lilly Rings the Warning Bell
Astrologers are here to serve. It’s part of our professional code. When William Lilly predicted back in 1648, that in 1665, “so grand a catastrophe and great mutation unto this monarchy and government as never yet appeared” would come – it did.
He rang the alarm bell.
Lilly wrote“it will be ominous to London, unto her merchants at sea, to her traffique on land, to her poor”. He actually wrote “by reason of sundry fires and consuming plague.”
The Company of Astrologers still holds a church memorial service in his honour on Lilly Day, every year.
What is really interesting in 2020 is is his prediction in a 1648 London pamphlet. This was the astrologer’s equivalent of a website today.
He saw, in the year 1665, “so grand a catastrophe and great mutation unto this monarchy and government as never yet appeared.” Note his use of mutation. Viruses can mutate.
Lilly went on, “it will be ominous to London, unto her merchants at sea, to her traffique on land, to her poor.” He actually wrote “by reason of sundry fires and consuming plague.” In 1665 the woodcut of bodies in shrouds came to pass and in 1666 The Great Fire of London began.
The Bubonic Plague of 1665 has thus passed into the history books as a date-stamped, illustrated, astrological prediction. It’s worth taking a closer look at Horary Astrology, the branch of our work made famous by Olivia Barclay Q.H.P. in her book Horary Astrology Rediscovered, dedicated to William Lilly, who mastered the technique. We’ll do that in a moment, but first, let’s stay with the professional astrologers of the past.
Practical Astrology, Comte C. De Saint-Germain, 1901
This book, published in Chicago over 100 years ago, has this to say about the Sixth House, ruled by Virgo, the sign which is so important in the personal birth charts of everybody born in the 1960’s. The generation now living and working with COVID-19 on the front lines of politics, medicine, science, power and business.
Anybody born in the Sixties will have Uranus and/or Pluto in their Sixth House. So how was it seen back in 1901?
“House VI used to be dubbed, by the ancient astrologers, the “Hospital of the Zodiac” and it truly deserves this appellation, since it is there that we are notified of everything concerning our illnesses…In the same house, we must look for all that concerns our inferiors, our servants, our dependents.”
Generation Virgo and Hands
We can also look backwards in astrology to look forwards, to see more about more preoccupations of Generation Virgo, born with Uranus and/or Pluto in that sign.
Ronald Harvey, writing in The Spindle of Meaning (The Urania Trust, 1996) went into considerable detail about Virgo and its associations. “The hands and fingers…There is a link with the other mercurial sign Gemini, with the lungs and nervous system generally. Both Gemini and Virgo appear sensitive to asthmatic and respiratory complaints.”
Ronald Harvey was a brilliant astrologer. Remember, this is more than 20 years ago. We are now dealing with Generation Virgo, born in the Sixties, on the front lines of a pandemic which is transmitted through hand contact and affects the lungs and respiration.
More, the North Node is set to go into Gemini for the first time in 19 years in May 2020. So Generation Virgo will experience a square from the Gemini Node.
Now, what does the astrology tell us, about what we should do, and when, and how?
The Virgo Generation Born in the Sixties
The Virgo generation are at risk from COVID-19 but they are also the best equipped to handle it. Why? Virgo rules hard work and good health but it also rules research. It rules the fine details of self-care and well-being.
Anyone who was born between November 1st, 1961 and January 10th, 1962; August 10th, 1962 and September 28th, 1968; May 20th, 1969 and June 24th, 1969, has Uranus in Virgo.
This entire generation aged to 51 to 59 years has Uranus in Virgo. The planet of radical change, revolution and independence in the sign that rules doctors, nurses, health insurance and epidemics. The time has come to test (and test again) but also to create solutions. We are already seeing this. Under orders to self-isolate, Generation Virgo is coming up with creative ways to deal with that. Under orders to hand-wash with soap for the length of time it takes to sing a few bars of a song, Generation Virgo is singing along. More seriously, we are seeing incredible solutions coming from this generation as it must deal with the crisis.
Generation Sagittarius and Generation Virgo – Solving Travel
There is a younger generation coming through, as we hit this historic Virgo-Sagittarius-Gemini-Pisces weather in 2020, 2021 and 2022. These are the different Sagittarius generations, born with the slow-moving outer planet in the ‘get a map’ sign, Sagittarius the Archer. If you were born with Uranus, Neptune or Pluto in Sagittarius, that’s you. You’ll meet Generation Virgo headlong in the next few years, as you try to solve travel.
The New Challenges: Travel, Export, Import, Emigration
Little by little, from May 2020, when the North Node goes to Gemini and South Node goes to Sagittarius for the first time in 19 years, everyone with personal birth chart factors in Virgo will experience a transiting T-Square. A challenge. T stands for tension and you need Tenacity, capital T, to work through it. This is COVID-19 but it is also travel, which Gemini and Sagittarius rule. We are seeing this now in March 2020 as airlines are under threat, and certainly cruises – and hotels.
Anyone with Pluto in Virgo in the year 2020-2022 will at some point experience a T-Square from the Nodes in Gemini and Sagittarius, so holidays and vacations as you knew them are over. So too is export, import, emigration.
As a planet we are going to have to completely rethink how people travel, when, where and why. How they move around the world. Globalisation, which is what Sagittarius rules. Commuting, which is what Gemini rules. The internet, too, also ruled by Gemini. These different age groups, born with either Sagittarius factors or Virgo factors, now have big problems to solve.
People Born 1956 to 1972 – Pluto in Virgo
Were you born from October 20th, 1956 to January 15th, 1957; August 19th, 1957 to April 11th, 1958; June 10th, 1958 to October 5th, 1971; April 17th, 1972 to July 30th, 1972?
If so, you have Pluto in Virgo. Again, by yourself, but also as part of a generation, you are here to take back control of your health and to find your power (Pluto rules power) over your own body.
This is really important. You have, through Pluto’s rules of self-control, the ability to find your own power and use it, as COVID-19 sweeps the world.
If you do have Uranus and/or Pluto in Virgo remember that this is the sign associated with research and detail. Hygiene and health. Of all the 12 signs it gets behind the science most!
Generation Uranus and Pluto in Virgo
Generation Uranus and Pluto in Virgo, may be you, your parents, your employers, and so on, but it is going to be squarely affected by the Nodes, which change sign in May 2020.
If you have their charts, or your own, you are looking for pressure on your Virgo side. That comes for 19 through 29 degree Virgo people from May to December 2020, as the North Node and South Node go through 19 to 29 degrees of Sagittarius and Gemini.
These are the signs ruling the cruise ships and travel insurers. The planes, trains and buses. They are square those Virgo factors. Squares describe what is hard to square. What is challenging.
In the year 2021, the North Node and South Node go through these same two signs, ruling planes, cruises, export, import and emigration, between 1 and 19 degrees.
So anything you have in Virgo 1 through 19 degrees is affected in the year 2021 again squarely through questions about travel, vacation, emigration, export and import.
How Astrology Predicted Travel and Education Transformation
None of this is prediction after the fact. In March 2020, we can all see what is happening with travel. The astrology is working.
This was published on 7th October 2019
“The New Travel, Trade and Immigration Rules”
The world is set to change its border control, trade and immigration rules in a radical way, between 2020-2022. If you were born with Uranus, Neptune, Pluto or the South Node in Sagittarius, you will be affected most.
This goes beyond the ‘special relationship’ that British Prime Minister Boris Johnson and Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison are discussing for Australian-British working and residency visas, into something sweeping in its global impact.
We’re looking beyond smart passports here, into a whole new world of travelling and working – studying and trading.
New border controls. New-style customs and immigration processing at airports. The South Node in Sagittarius will conjunct, or sit exactly on, the position of anything you have in that sign.”
Predictions About the New Education From October 2019
Again from the same feature:
“University, College, Publishing, Internet Breakthroughs”
What else does Sagittarius rule? Well, college and university courses, for a start. We also associate Sagittarius weather with digital and traditional publishing. The worldwide web as a whole is ruled by Sagittarius, because it embraces knowledge, foreign languages and global culture, as well as ‘the word.’
As the South Node sweeps through Sagittarius after May 6th, 2020, we will see ‘the new education’ as universities and colleges around the world embrace technology in the most innovative way yet. We’ll all be looking forward to a new world of learning, online.
The cost of study and the price of a degree will plunge, to become affordable and accessible to students who could not afford it before. This is ‘the new world university.’
People With Virgo Factors at 18-23 Degrees
I also need to mention another group, who have Virgo factors at 18, 19, 20, 21, 22 or 23 degrees. Why? Because Neptune will cross 18 to 23 Pisces, right opposite, in these challenging years, 2020 and 2021. Do check your personal birth chart.
If you have Virgo planets or other factors at 18-23 degrees it’s not just about this ongoing travel, import and export issue. It’s also about Neptune, opposing your Virgo side.
It does so from the water sign Pisces, ruled by Neptune itself. So – this is a time to ground. A time to earth yourself. To roll up your sleeves, get practical and get real.
Get deeply into your Virgo side. Any opposition by transit brings that out, and now is the time.
All the Virgo qualities you have, if you have factors at 18-23 degrees, will ultimately be challenged by Neptune in Pisces, the South Node in Gemini and North Node in Sagittarius.
So, this is the moment to commit too full Virgo. Find out all you can about this sign, and read right around it. It’s part of you.
The Aquarius Conjunction of December 2020
Astrologers of centuries past, Geoffrey of Meaux and his colleague Guy de Chauliac both ascribed The Black Death to the 1345 conjunction of three planets in Aquarius.
On December 20th, 21st, 22nd, 23rd and 24th 2020, Jupiter and Saturn will form a conjunction in Aquarius. Mars is absent but the two big outer planets are there. Astrologers have also been talking about this for years now. It’s a fact of our work but also of history.
The wild card in this is Uranus in Taurus, which we last saw during the Second World War when ration books and ration coupons came in. Shortages.
Fortunately just as astrology can ring a loud warning bell, months or years, before you hit plagues or recession, it can also help you survive. And thrive. In the last part of The Astrology Show I am going to look at what’s going to work, according to astrology laws, in 2020 and beyond.
The New Age of Aquarius
The New Age of Aquarius will bring group thinking, the hive mind, one planet leadership and power shared across, not down. It will be partly because of COVID-19 but also Climate Emergency.
It’s also going to bring in the age of the loner. We’re already joking about self-isolation but it’s the new normal in 2020.
Again, this is classic Aquarius.
This is a prediction made in January 2020 – two months before WHO declared the COVID-19 Pandemic.
The Friend To All Who is Still Apart
“This photograph by Daniel Salcius (above), shows what will become a commonplace part of life in The New Age of Aquarius, as it slowly takes hold in 2020 and is here to stay from 2021. This is the ‘friend to all’ who is still apart. It’s a phenomenon of Aquarius. In Rome, the Aquarius was the water-carrier who fed the Roman baths where people gathered. Yet he never got in the pool. He supplied the community but stayed outside it. Aquarius is friendly to everyone, but never fully and completely part of the gang. He or she can ‘feed’ the people but must always return to duty. A quick dip is allowed, but that’s all. Aquarius is a symbol for both the vast network, but also for the independent individual outside it all.”
The End of China as We Knew Her
This was also predicted in January 2020 as COVID-19 took hold:
“China and Australia Leadership Change”
Climate criminal countries, as some call them, where coal and other fossil fuels continue to increase global temperatures, cannot and won’t continue with current (old) 2019 leadership as The New Age of Aquarius unfolds.
By all astrological laws, it just won’t work. We have to move towards one-planet thinking about lack of clean water, failing water supply, flooding and fire. Also – the extinction of birds, animals and insects.
As I write this very early in 2020 on January 16th, it looks like the end of PM Scott Morrison and his Liberal-National party (unless they radically change direction). Certainly, too, the end of China as we know her – unless she also switches!
Both nations have been stuck in Capricorn thinking during the Old Age of Capricorn, fast disappearing. Men in suits. The elite.
How Astrology Predicted March Chaos in January
“The Mercury in Aquarius ‘train’ is receiving signal failure notices up ahead from March 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th, 13th, 14th, 15th, 16th. In fact, you can use these dates to factor in chaos. Cricket and football teams may have technical issues with scoreboards, or results will not be final. Aquarius also rules political parties, so – the Democrats and Republicans, Conservatives, Labour, the Brexit Party and so on. We’re going to see reshuffles, and retracted statements.”
And in the same forecast about the year ahead, published in January 2020:
The Right Thing To Do
The idea of pouring from the right hand gives us the idea of ‘what is right’ or what is ‘only right’ in a situation. What is the right or correct, decent thing to do.
As the eleventh sign of the zodiac, Aquarius rules the Eleventh House of community, friendship, collaboration and cooperation. If you are a Premium Member, you can read more about this in your guide to the houses of the horoscope, available in The Members’ Lounge. Remember, a cricket team is composed of eleven players. Cricket is a good image for Aquarius.
What is most interesting here is the link with Christianity. Now, astrology comes to us from Ancient Rome, and yet the Romans who have passed on their symbols and signs, gods and goddesses were profoundly rejected by early Christians. They worshipped God, not Jupiter.
Yet, the Aquarian ideal of humanity – the common family – giving and sharing, doing the right thing, pooling resources – is very close to the Christian ideal of ‘Do unto others.’ What is your experience of the zodiac sign Aquarius? Is it big in your chart?”
The Greater Meaning of COVID-19
As we all go through this – and we will get through it together – we will also be asking ‘What does it mean?’ What’s the higher purpose of this virus? Astrology is really good at this – astrologers and their clients have been pondering the bigger picture for centuries.
Have a look at this, from 20th December 2017. It was a forecast about 2020 (peering three years into the future) which figured in two-part series called The Capricorn Effect.
How Astrology Saw 2020 in 2017
From the December 2017 forecast about 2020:
“A lot of people see Uranus, with all his shock and upheaval, as a terrifying prospect when he enters Taurus. Actually, Uranus transits can sometimes wake us up, as well as shake us up. We are never woken up without good reason and the smart money is on people who realise this. When an old global system has to go – it has to go!”
Your Career in 2020
By the time your career has been directly or indirectly affected by not only Saturn, but also Pluto, Jupiter and Ceres in Capricorn – in 2020 – you may have a restructure of your restructure.
The natural ‘climb’ of the corporate and political world is to start young, stay in the system, work the system, and end up with a top job, retirement package and the kind of family life, status, house and wealth that lets you and everybody else know you’ve made it. The climb is usually helped by a shove at the start – being white, male and from a privileged background helps. If this sounds like your company or department, then you’ll see the climate change from December 2017.
Student Life is at Stake 2018-2020
Paid education has always been the gateway to status, rank, privilege, success and High Society throughout the centuries. It is very unlikely that paid education is going to survive the slow tests and trials of both Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn. More so, because we have important cycles in Sagittarius and Gemini (which both rule education) alongside Capricorn.
Why January 2020 Matters to You and Your Family, Friends, Lovers
In astrology, the only time events come from nowhere (usually with much shock) is when Uranus is in charge. Generally, events evolve over months, and so it is with January 2020, when there will be a sense of inevitability about the crisis – and the forthcoming solutions – for people at the top, which of course will affect the people you care about, as we’re all affected by government and business decisions.
There is a third, important group of Gen Capricorn people, who were born with Pluto in Capricorn from January 26th 2008. They will be around twelve years old in January 2020, and one wonders what massive events that month will stay in their memories when they are adults, because they were surely put on the planet to take control of corporations and governments when they are older.
One obvious outcome of the 2018-2020 period is an upheaval in paid education and the private/public school system and they would fit this age group, perfectly, when changes come. You might even speculate that transiting Saturn on their Pluto, followed by Ceres, makes their transition into High School or similar (teenage education) quite critical.
Management Versus the Fifty-something Workforce in 2020
Everyone born 1961/2 to 1968/9 has Uranus (revolution) in Virgo (work) and those born 1956/8 to 1971/2 have Pluto (power and control transformation) in Virgo, as well. Thus, the majority of people born in the Sixties, who are steadily approaching usual retirement age in 2020, have Pluto and Uranus in Virgo, the sign associated with the working class, trade unions and the supportive work force. I’ve talked a lot about Capricorn ruling the people at the top. Well, they all need the people further down – middle management – and then the workers, massed at the base of the mountain or pyramid, holding it all up.
The massive change in the balance of power which is coming in 2020, affecting every C.E.O. in the world, will have a great deal to do with these people, and I am one of them – the workers of the world.
Worker Bees Born in the 1960’s
2020 feels like a massive shift in the old working world, away from the hive shape (lots of bees down the bottom, one bee at the top) towards a very different kind of hive. I would also suspect that the Hive Mind, the collective thinking of billions of people born with Uranus and Pluto in Virgo, is behind the reshape.
Virgo is very much about doing your duty, performing a service, being the cog in the machine. It’s really about, as The Beatles sang in A Hard Day’s Night, ‘working like a dog’ but as Uranus (freedom) and Pluto (empowerment) are in this sign for so many people whose lives have been changed by the computer and the internet, these billions of people born in the Sixties are also working for themselves, these days.
Increasingly, 2020 is beginning to look like the crisis point in a major detox of the pension system, the corporate pyramid structure, the banks – and it’s going to revive trade unions. Gen Virgo will wake up.
I am sure you know Virgo is also associated with the body. Our physical condition and physical state. January 2020 will also be a time of reckoning for any corporation at risk of class-action lawsuits by people whose health has been endangered by (for example) big pharmaceutical companies. This is Gen Virgo again, born 1966, 1967, 1968.
Of course, with Virgo and its great emphasis on the workers, we are also looking at the astrological impact on Communism and countries like China and Russia in January 2020, because it is the Uranus/Pluto in Virgo worker bees who are most affected as the hive is restructured.
New Predictions for Generation Virgo and People With Virgo Factors
So, that was the bigger picture, as seen in 2017. As those of you with Virgo factors will be at the heart of things until January 2022, let’s look at what is possible. Virgo is a practical, productive, sign after all. No matter if you have the Sun there, or Fortuna, or Uranus – you are part of the solution for COVID-19.
The Sixth House and Virgo in Horary Astrology
One of the main reasons I predicted that the Virgo Full Moon of March 9th, 2020, would see a human virus, months before it happened, was the perfect storm I could see involving billions born with Virgo planets, asteroids, angles or points in their personal horoscopes. Virgo rules the body, after all, because it also rules the Sixth House. The zone of your chart which is in charge of your self care, fitness and health. Whatever you have in your Sixth House describes how you use self-care, health knowledge and research. So here’s what you need to know:
There are a huge number of issues coming up for us with COVID-19 in 2020 which feature on horary astrologer Olivia Barclay’s list in the classic Horary Astrology Rediscovered which came out in 1990. I mentioned the legendary Olivia earlier. Let’s take a closer look at what she was telling us thirty years ago.
The Sixth House According to Olivia Barclay.
“The sixth house rules such matters as service and work. It is connected with employment, work, toil…it rules employees, office or factory workers, farm workers, lodgers, tenants, accountants and secretaries. Also associated with healing, the sixth house shows the illness from which a patient suffers…The sixth house rules small animals up to the size of sheep and goats.”
Raphael’s Mundane Astrology 1932 – and Virgo Factors
Raphael’s Mundane Astrology was published in 1932 by W. Foulsham. What does it have to say about Generation Virgo, with Uranus or Pluto in their Sixth House, unfolding 90 years into the future?
“The sixth house has special reference to the public health and the general condition of the working classes and servants. It also governs the national service, Army and Navy, the Soldiers and Sailors, battleships.”
“The lunation falling in the sixth house, if evilly aspected, disturbs these affairs…The Moon in the sixth shows much sickness among the populace, discontent and dissatisfaction. It causes disorder in the Navy.”
This is what was on my mind when I predicted a human virus for March 9th, 2020, five months before it happened. (The Full Moon or lunation in Virgo, in the Sixth House). A little book written in 1932 has a big astrological message. We are seeing huge problems for cruise ships too, as noted above. And naturally – critical questions for those in the navy.
Deborah Houlding on the Sixth House
Deborah Houlding is another brilliant horary astrologer and author of The Houses: Temples of the Sky (The Wessex Astrologer, 2006). She published this book 14 years ago and wrote, about the Sixth House:
“All matters relating to the health industry and those who work in it: dentists, doctors, nurses. Employees, tenants and servants…caretakers, au-pairs, lodgers.” She notes the relationship with “an elderly relative, employee, nurse pet or tenant.”
She goes on to note the Sixth House is about “The nation’s food reserves, especially grains, and the farming industry…factories, trade unions, social security services, unemployment insurance, disability allowances.” She goes on to say “this house highlighted indicates national vulnerability to epidemics.”
So, with Uranus and/or Pluto in Virgo in the Sixth House, Generation Virgo, now in their fifties, are knuckling down on just these issues (and how to solve them) as COVID-19 sweeps through.
Geoffrey of Meaux in the 14th Century and COVID-19
Geoffrey of Meaux was one of the physicians who attended Charles IV at his coronation in 1326 and he was also an astrologer.
He spent time in Oxford searching for the cause of the Black Death. Again, it is to Derek and Julia Parker that we turn, as they quote his predictions from the 14th century plague, in their book A History of Astrology (Andre Deutsch).
The royal astrologer of 1326 declared: “Everyone should avoid standing or talking for any length of time with anybody who has the sickness, for it is contagious, poisonous and deadly in every way.”
Now that’s a big leap for the 14th century. Very few people were identifying plague with close contact.
The Black Death and the Aquarius Conjunction
What is important for us today, of course, is that Geoffrey of Meaux and his colleague Guy de Chauliac both ascribed The Black Death to the 1345 conjunction of three planets in Aquarius. As we know, on December 20th, 21st, 22nd, 23rd and 24th 2020, Jupiter and Saturn will form a conjunction in Aquarius.
Those of you who are versed in astrology will recognise the famous Aquarian detachment, distance and separation in that description of avoiding standing and talking for too long. Geoffrey of Meaux’s old astrological advice from the 14th century is really about social distancing in 2020.
Aquarius, ever the air sign – light and easy, breezy and distant – is strongly symbolic in the COVID-19 message, just as it was for astrologers in the 1300s. We’re in bubbles of 1-2 metres.
Nostradamus and Plague
Nostradamus, the astrologer and psychic, also survived plague. Together with William Lilly he is the most famous of predictors and survivors. In 1544 he was studying it at Marseilles – and by 1546 he was a hands-on physician. The Nostradamus biography by Ian Wilson (St. Martins) is a good source. He was treating it and also forecasting it. So what was he seeing?
Nostradamus’ Plague Forecasting
In Nostradamus and His Prophecies, Edgar Leoni looks at the years 1544-1546 when plague hit the astrologer’s world in France.
Nostradamus’s son, Cesare, wrote an account which could be France or Italy today in 2020. “The shops shut, arts halted, temples solitary and the priests all confused.”
Nostradamus made three plague predictions. Plagues have come and gone since he left the planet, over the centuries – including The Spanish Flu of the early 20th century and AIDS in the Eighties.
I find this particular prediction quite interesting:
“The number of the great ones greater will not be as many.
Great changes, commotion, steel, plague.
The small estimate: lent, paid, counting.
Contrary month frost molests greatly.”
The first person to die, tragically, from COVID-19 was reported to have passed away on the 10th January 2020.
In sequence this number looks like 10012020 or if you are in America 01102020.
The Number of the Great Ones Greater – Will Not Be as Many
This struck me as both a psychic and an astrologer, when predicting the long-term future back on 28th March 2019. It’s part of my job to look months or years ahead and this is what you read.
Whenever you see a line up in Capricorn 20, 21, 22 warning bells ring.
So, what we have here is another number sequence. 20, 21, 22.
I believe that Nostradamus was clairvoyant and saw website and newspaper headlines when he was scrying, or just receiving visions. It’s my belief that when he wrote
“The number of the great ones greater will not be as many” he was talking about 20, 21, 22 or 10012020, 01102020. Almost like a code, or at least a coded clue. You can read more about that here.
Last Words on Generation Virgo and COVID-19
We’re looking at how so many of you have Virgo factors – particularly if you were born with Uranus or Pluto in that sign int the Sixties. Here is some astrological wisdom about that sign. It rings absolutely true in 2020 as COVID-19 reminds us: wash your hands, long and often.
Hand-Washing and Virgo
Dennis Elwell, writing in An Astrological Anthology, Volume I, 1995 (The Astrological Association) links Virgo and Pisces to hands. This is very interesting given that hand-washing is the global response to COVID-19.
“Consider the hand, a part of the body connected with the signs we are discussing…The hand is not an instrument in the sense that animal limbs are: it has remained unspecialised and indeterminate, full of possibilities.” It’s also the main source of Coronavirus infection, hence the planet-wide search for soap.
Listening to Generation Virgo in the COVID-19 Crisis
I’m going to finish this edition of The Astrology Show by referencing Generation Virgo, specifically, born with Uranus and/or Pluto in the sign that rules work and health. And hands. Were you born with these slow-moving outer planets in either or both of those signs? Your time has come, as a perfect storm of cycles in 2020, 2021, 2022 calls you (And your Sixth House).
Uranus is about new inventions and innovation. Pluto is about empowerment through self-control. Generation Virgo, born with either or both of these planets in this sign is a clear case of a generation whose time has come.
There is more to say about how COVID-19 will create a New Age of Aquarius on the planet in 2020 and beyond, but we’ll look at that in future shows.
Sharon Knight Biography
Sharon has worked as a professional astrologer for nearly 30 years. Initially, studying with the Faculty, passing the Intermediate Diploma, before qualifying as a QHP with Olivia Barclay.
Sharon gained her MA in Cultural Astronomy and Astrology in 2004. She’s a Fellow of the Association of Professional Astrologers International and has been Chair of the Association for over a decade.
Sharon is a Tutor and Convenor for the QHP and has her own course teaching Traditional Astrology that is recognised by the APAI. She has a wide client base from all over the world and is passionate about her work and the place of astrology in society.
In 2016, Sharon won the Coveted Astrologer of the Year title in India. Sharon is one of the few astrologers worldwide to have correctly predicted Trump’s victory, as well as Brexit, David Cameron becoming Prime Minister and other mundane predictions.
In the past, Sharon taught Astrology at Adult Education classes and has spoken at the AA Conferences, at The Astrological Lodge of London and abroad, giving lectures on the use and methods of traditional astrology in today’s world.
She’s written columns for various women’s magazines, newspapers and astrological journals, and for the past 10 years has had a regular slot on local radio discussing astrology and world events. Her website is
Notes on the March Astrology Show
Illustration of William Lilly’s engraving from PBS Learning Media
Photograph of three books about The Great Plague and William Lilly: Jessica Adams. Familiar to All, Derek Parker, Ascella Proof Edition, 1975; British History in Strip Pictures, James Mainwaring, M.A., D.Litt. Odhams Press Limited, Mysteries of Prediction, Angus all and Francis King, Bloomsbury Books, 1991.
Featured Image Credit: Rawpixel
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