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This Oracle answer is about the need to persist, even when you know that things could go wrong. If you are determined, and courageous, and positive enough to look for every possible answer, your reward could be wonderful. New hope. A new place to work or live in. The chance of peace and security – at last.

If you find this Oracle answer comes up in reply to a question about the future, be aware that it describes a very tough journey. Do you want this? Can you see how it might emerge, from the choices you are making? Of course, if this Oracle answer describes your past or present, you’re well aware of the struggle.

You are not alone in this. Others are with you. Yet you are in control of the situation and driving it forward. They are either unwilling or unable to help, so you are on your own – but carrying all the responsibility. This partly explains the need for persistence. You cannot give up or give in. Others depend on you.

There may be a multitude of possible problems you could meet along the way. But there are also a multitude of potential answers. It is now crucial that you come up not only with Plan A, but also Plan B, C, D and so on. With luck, you may never have to use any of them. But you need to be alert and aware.

Are there others who can assist you now? Where are they, and how do you reach them? What would it take for one or two of the other people who are with you, to be able to help? What does your environment offer you, in terms of resources and possibilities? These are all good questions to ask as you move forward.

If you make it, you can leave the pain of the past behind. Clearly, there has been some kind of attack. But if you successfully finish your journey and find somewhere to start again, it should be possible to dump this unwanted baggage from your past. You may even be able to use it, to fashion a new future.

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