Find out what the stars have in store for you today with Jessica Adams.


Your Weekly Horoscope
August 26th to September 1st, 2024

Jessica Adams has prepared your weekly astrological forecast for August 26th to September 1st, 2024. Discover what the stars have in store for you this week including your Premium Extended Forecast.
Astrologer's Diary

Your Birthday Coming Soon 225x300 - Your Weekly Horoscope August 26th to September 1stYou can now pre-order Your Birthday – my newest book – from some very special bookshops around the world including Hatchard’s and Shakespeare and Company in the UK, Readings in Melbourne and Barnes & Noble in Union Square, NYC just to name a few.

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Skip to your Horoscope Sign: Aries | Taurus | Gemini | Cancer | Leo | Virgo | Libra | Scorpio | Sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces

Aries – You have just a few more months of the South Node in Libra putting your other half, or the other side, in the karmic spotlight. Thinking ahead in your diary, the Libra Sun from the final week of September to the third week of October 2024, will expose what you are well-known, recognised or even famous for, in terms of the former or current partner that your life is picking up. This exposure in terms of him (or her) will make you sharply aware of how proud you do or don’t feel about the karma accrued 18-19 years ago.

Plan ahead now, as any part of yourself or your two-way street or two-sided battle which does not bear really close inspection will require closure in January 2025 when this hugely important cycle ends. With Diana and Juno – two powerful female symbols also in Libra now – the accent is on feminism.

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Taurus – Women and female issues are writ large with your job, doctor, unpaid work, academic career, housework, dentist, and so on. Circumstances force us into unbalanced situations where we deal with internal battles over female and male, with ourselves.

In the book of your life, this is just another chapter about workload and wellbeing, but it is important to write it with one eye on what happened 18 or 19 years ago. Now, you can rewrite the chapter or start a new chapter. That’s the book of your life.

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Gemini – There is a season for everything – just like the old Byrds song Turn, Turn, Turn. This is the slow turning of the astrological year towards Mercury and his forward motion. So, when planning September, know that correcting a couple of areas of your life will be your number one priority. Everybody and everything else can come second.

You have to reverse, rethink, reschedule, rewrite the plans and so on or rebook the trip on this transit. Gemini, this is second nature to you. Your ruler Mercury, meanwhile, is helping you rethink, recycle information, renegotiate and redraw plans involving siblings or cousins. It’s the same with your house, family, apartment, and household. This extends into September.

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Cancer – Women dominate. Feminism matters. The female of the species can be more deadly than the male. Well, with that in mind now, you can sort out the house, apartment, family, or property investment – not to mention your feelings about town and country.

There may be a question here about brothers, sisters or cousins as Mercury has been retrograde in this zone. Mercury brings a butterfly effect with it. But at this time, you will be the butterfly or, perhaps, he or she will. You are just coming out of a really odd Mercury Retrograde period with these relatives, you see.

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Leo – Well, you have been through an epic Mercury Retrograde in Virgo ruling tax returns, business negotiations and so on but also ruled in terms of inheritance, mortgages or sexual and financial relationships. Why?

Saturn and Neptune in your Eighth House along with Mercury backtracking in your Second House. Oils ain’t oils. Astrologers advise against signing anything important at this time, because what appears to be gospel truth, or a done deal, could turn out to be anything but, thanks to delays. You cannot always avoid negotiations during Mercury retrograde cycles but by early September you can renegotiate the renegotiation.

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Virgo – Saturn and Neptune are making patterns in Pisces, so think about so much more time for plans involving dating, mating, relating, and partnerships – or separating. It’s about two together or two apart. That is why this cycle until 2026 can see a separation; because you realise even this early on, you can find a better partner.

It is also the transit when you realise how many ring-fenced situations there are. Saturn is covered in them. Neptune, the other transit, is random, floating, uncontained, uncontrolled, confused and confusing. This odd combination is now at large, but as I’ve said, you have bags of time – no matter if you are falling in love or thinking about calling it quits. Less dramatically, the question surely has to be – how do you live with extremely tight boundaries with this person (virtually roped off) at the same time that everything is all over the place? Strategy required!

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Libra – Let’s talk about the transits in Aries in your zone of duets and double-acts, partnerships and two-way streets. This is such a long story in your life, Libra, no matter if it’s been the same de facto partner for years or multiple lovers in serial monogamy. It goes on next year, because Saturn and Neptune both go into Aries. Right now ,you have Chiron and the North Node there. Aries always has, always will, describe how you both balance the scales.

If your marriage really is on the rocks, 2025 looks like the game changer. If you are edging towards engagement or marriage, again, it will likely be 2025 when Saturn shows up in Aries for the first time in 29 years. My eyes are also on Pluto in your zone of parenthood, but that’s another story.

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Scorpio – Two of you – one against the other – your other half or the other side? The scales rock almost constantly on this transit. Quite radical progress in the name of freedom for you and/or the other person is guaranteed when Uranus moves through your chart. And if you stubbornly refuse, using your fixed sign with a fixed approach? Well, this week, your horoscope can no longer wait for you to move on. Uranus was discovered in 1781 around the time of the French, American and Industrial Revolutions. It is about lightning strikes and electrical storms. You will not be able to predict nor control the results. Dancing in any storm, now through 2025, is the thing to do.

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Sagittarius – How much control do you have over your money or your property? These are important questions during the final months that Pluto is steadily transforming your life. Interestingly, no matter if you feel you are holding the reins or shaking them now, the impact on you will be the same. In both cases, it will be vital for your soul that you look inside yourself to find your deeper qualities.

Pluto teaches us about surface and substance. Pluto challenges you to look inside yourself – to the very core and find what you are really made of. It is these qualities which will empower you now until the cycle ends in March 2023. It’s also common to go through experiences which give you incredible control and influence at this time. But, as you have learned since 2008, the only thing that swings it is willpower. Also, huge self-control.

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Capricorn – The North lunar node in your sector of home, household, family, ancestors, hometown and homeland nods to 2025. The North Node is also known as the Dragon’s Head. Astrologers associate the North Node with people, situations and places which are strangely familiar from 18-19 years before. Or the issues are familiar. They may come disguised in different ways, but what unfolds will essentially be something you know very well.

Between now and January 2025, there is tremendous focus on the nodes, as we begin to see the end of some karma for you. Closure with the past, in fact. Expect a ‘Been there, done that’ feeling about the set-ups, individuals or issues which turn up now. Yet in 2025, when Saturn and Neptune also go into this zone of your chart, it’s all change. On the extended family front, babies, children or Generation Z are also subject to quite radical change.

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Aquarius – The South Node in Libra now in your sector of foreigners and foreign countries is also known as the Dragon’s Tail. It is joined to the North Node and the two travel together in opposite signs through the houses of your horoscope.

Well, although you may be repeating the past from 18-19 years ago –the more you go over old ground or meet with oddly familiar situations, the more you can complete karmic closure. In fact, it ends in January 2025. The idea now is to pursue inner development, growth and improvement. You may occasionally feel stuck (say, with travel, or emigration, migrants, or travellers) as nothing appears to be changing – it’s the same old thing. It can be the same with export or matters centred abroad. Yet, you can change yourself. That will work well and help you until January 2025 when you sign off.

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Pisces – Your Saturn and Neptune in Pisces cycle is triggered now in this notoriously confused and confusing transit. So, your online personality will be in the frame as people are trying to work out who you really are and what you’re really all about. Neptune is about distortion – what is bent out of shape or in incorrect perspective – rather like a slipping horizon. Apply that to your profile, reputation, portrait, photographs, YouTube clips – and you will realise this has been going on for years. The more people try to grasp you online, the more you slip away, like the two fish which lend their imagery to your sign.

Pisces, with Saturn also here these days (though not beyond 2025) you also have to respect boundaries. There are some pretty hefty boundaries these days too. A new strategy may help.

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