Find out what the stars have in store for you today with Jessica Adams.


Your Weekly Horoscope
August 8-14, 2022

Jessica Adams has prepared your weekly astrological forecast for August 8-14, 2022. Discover what the stars have in store for you this week including your Premium Extended Forecast.
Astrologer's Diary

Venus enters Leo this week. This is all part of the Leo Weather. If you have Leo factors in your birth chart and haven’t yet read this, it’s time to catch up here.

Skip to your Horoscope Sign: Aries | Taurus | Gemini | Cancer | Leo | Virgo | Libra | Scorpio | Sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces

To find sign-off power in your career in March 2023, you need to summon up all the willpower again now. If you are retired, have full-time home duties or are unemployed, Pluto will deliver the same scenario, but channelled through other areas of your life which relate to your role, and your goals.

Even if something (a new job, a professional coup, a union demonstration) is actually highly political now, it’s important to try and strategize as much as possible. This cycle typically makes people feel as if everything has to happen in extremis. Ask yourself is this is actually the case. Sometimes sustained effort is better. The slow climb to the top or the patient hanging on the cliff edge.

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Your image, brand, appearance, title or reputation? The message as always, with Mars in Taurus Cycles, is not to be distracted or swayed by the look in anyone’s eye. As you won’t be immune to heated emotion at this time, don’t take the bait. Stress is not a good place to operate from. Nor are hotter impulses. Distance, emotionally, will help you sort out what’s worth it and what’s not. What’s the intention here? And the likely outcome?

I’d say it’s about freedom for you. Uranus retrograde in Taurus from August 24th, 2022, sends your freedom ride backwards for a while but keep your eyes on the independence prize.

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The burning issue in your life after Mars changes signs to Gemini on Sunday, the 21st of August 2022 will be yourself. Your image. This extremely personal matter will make you (or others) feel fired up, and passionate. You’ll want to do something – now – and that’s understandable. Plan ahead. Try to get the relaunch over by September 4th, Gemini. If you persist after September 4th, Mars Retrograde hits you and you end up spinning your wheels with the cosmetic surgery, new title and so on until, wait for it, March 17th, 2023. This applies to photo shoots, weight loss, your autobiography or contact lenses.

If you look back over the last few Mars in Gemini cycles over the years, you should be able to learn from any mistakes you made (or nearly made) at the time. It’s important to decide your next move based on logic, as well as heat.

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Plan ahead, Cancer and try to finish your religious, self-help or psychic agenda before September 4th. After that date, you go backwards until March 17th, 2023.

Your private relationship with yourself, which usually emerges in religion, spirituality, dreams, meditation, tarot, prayer, astrology, mediumship, journals, therapy and other navel-gazing pursuits, is far more important now. For a few months, as Mars is stuck in a sign you will meet your own raw energy, or that of other people, through encounters with your own soul. That can and will be triggered by anything and anyone at this time. Try to sign off. Mars is about action. Mars Retrograde is about backward action. It’s the kind of cycle when you sign up for events with the Anglican church and they are COVID-cancelled. Or the ‘guru’ on your slightly dodgy cult-driven course trips over her own cape. Best to get the enlightenment finished before Mars turns retrograde, Cancer.

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Two outcomes are likely now with Mercury in Virgo. The first is purely financial – for one reason or another, you’ll have more cash to play with from October-December, Leo, so the nit-picking now is part of that. In turn, this opens doors later and expands your usual charity, business, income or property horizons, allowing you to do much more with your life.

The second outcome is equally good. You may wake up to find that your skills, talents or abilities are commanding a much higher price in October-December. In other words, you are your most valuable asset! This in turn will allow you to branch out and be much more adventurous. This Jupiter in Pisces cycle can only happen once every 12 years so don’t waste it. Money is one area of life where we tend to focus on our fears and need for security. In this cycle, however, you’ll be given several chances to cut loose and explore. The little details now with Mercury in Virgo are part of that. And it may involve a family member or partner. That is very common. Just finish the paperwork before the 21st of August 2022 when Mercury is on the retrograde turn.

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The time has come to explore bigger, better ways to get your message across, about yourself – now. A foreign language class could do it. So could new technology – and the latest thing from YouTube or Twitter could give you much more scope to explore the written or spoken word in the context of self-promotion. Autobiographical material, Virgo. Mercury in Virgo can do this for you until August 21st, 2022, but if writing or publicly speaking after that date, allow for delay or cancellation. Your ideas and opinions (flying the flag or yelling through a megaphone) could travel a very long way at this time and open up all kinds of doors for you. That speech, poem, blog, script, manuscript or petition which has your name attached to it and your opinions uppermost, could be your key to the most intriguing possibilities. Just skip Mercury Retrograde please. It starts with a shadow near the 21st.

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A few weeks after birthday, Jupiter will change signs and join Neptune in Pisces, as both planets travel through your lifestyle, wellness and workload zone. It’s a positive time, full of big thinking and a lot of hope and faith – not just for you, but for everyone around you. Your work, unpaid work or academic world will get a lift at this time, and if you’re smart, you’ll be able to catch this enormous wave of optimism and surf to success on top of it. Plan ahead. An astrologer can tell you the exact date and time of this turning point in the heavens, but as a general rule, expect it either a few days after your late October birthday, or 1-3 weeks later if you were born earlier in Libra. Put yourself out there, then, even if you’re retiring. Destiny will give you several chances to take yourself onward, upward and outward then.

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You’ll have dozens of financial options to explore when Mars changes signs on August 21st, 2022. Plan ahead and try to turn this around quickly. Space does not allow for me to list all outcomes, but within a few days of this cycle beginning, you can expect some or all of these choices:

a) A new income source, either through investment, a part-time job, a business scheme, or even a new job. An offer on the table.
b) An alternative way to manage your banking or accounting, so switching your mortgage type, or by changing accounts to PayPal.
c) A chance to explore cryptocurrency or shares, locally or internationally, on a new level.

Lifestyle options which allow you to reject your old way of life and drop out (financially at least) in favour of a more meaningful existence.

The only issue is expediting action plans. Mars goes retrograde from September 4th, so life goes backwards. From shadow to shadow, you will be trawling the same loop until March 17th, 2023. So, get a move on. I mention this, Scorpio, because you may already have dates penciled in. Try to speed things up before Mars starts the loop on September 4th (give or take a day depending on your time zone).

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Opportunities to make much more of your home life will appear from October 29th and you could easily move, build, emigrate, make home improvements, decorate or renovate then. Time to plan ahead. Whatever gives you a bigger picture in terms of your domestic life (even a more adventurous approach to family or flatmates) will suit your lifestyle now, as Jupiter encourages you to look for more possibilities in your life, then. When it passes through the Fourth House of your chart, from October 29th until December 20th, 2022, you will be amazed at how much bigger your options seem, in terms of your lifestyle, property situation, and family life. Every few weeks, it seems, there will be another new possibility to explore – and each time you do it, life opens up. Get your diary out.

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Jupiter and Neptune in Pisces from October 29th this year, will give you the opportunity to holiday in (or move to) local places which expand your understanding of life, regionally, and give you a much fuller picture of the places near your own home. You don’t have to go, of course, but the chance will be there. It’s the new foreign, isn’t it? In order to make the most of your new situation, though, you’ll need to expand your perspective. Sticking with the same attitudes, habits and rituals is not going to help you. Try to be open. The pandemic has stopped foreign travel with very good reason.

Sometimes this process of local expansion can take place without you leaving the sofa! Plan ahead; the cycle extends until just before Christmas Eve, Capricorn.

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The emphasis is on your courtship, heirs, spares and pretenders to the throne from the 21st of August 2022 so plan ahead. This will take a strategy if you are going to avoid delays and flux until March 17th, 2023. Get the diary.

This Mars Retrograde cycle will bring new possibilities linked to children, teenagers, or Millennials. That last category covers your talents, abilities and special interests – be they creative or sporty – which involve a younger generation.

Let’s look at children first! What happens in terms of your own, or other people’s children, will help you to speed up action plans. The caveat is, do it before September 4th or they will go backwards. A confirmed adoption, or a big leap forward for (or with) your son or daughter is a very common outcome. Grown-up children could make big life decisions which expand your own horizons. Often, they get you travelling, studying or moving. Courtship? Perhaps. So, step-parenting could be in the mix too. Sign off by September 4th, Aquarius but prepare for rapid outcomes from August 21st.

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Leo weather. Tremendous new options for your body, health, wellbeing and medical situation will appear in this cycle. Don’t miss a trick. The Reiki healing course or the private healthcare fund. The group wild swimming sessions, the distance healing or the doctor who runs Zoom sessions. Interesting!

I know of no other cycle which opens the doors to new possibilities for healing, treatment – even cure – of conditions you have been stuck with for years. Leo transits run on into the very last days of September. Seek and ye shall find. Sometimes you just need time or contacts to deal with your problems; if so, that may appear now. Alternatively, you just need medical breakthroughs, scientific advances, hi-tech inventions or new people in your world, who can improve your quality of life. UV-222 light, also known as UVC or Far-UV eliminates COVID. That’s another example. New findings on depression are also worth reading.

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