Find out what the stars have in store for you today with Jessica Adams.


Your Weekly Horoscope
January 9-15 2023

Jessica Adams has prepared your weekly astrological forecast for January 9-15 2023. Discover what the stars have in store for you this week including your Premium Extended Forecast.
Astrologer's Diary

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If you make a new friend now, this rather interesting man or woman could turn out to be of lasting importance in your life in March. It all depends on how much you are prepared to give to each other, in terms of time, tolerance and tact. A true and powerful friendship is the prize (and it could be there for years.) The Venusian rules, though, are strict. Understand that you are at different stages.

A special phase in an old friendship can also begin now. Even if you’ve been with this person for years, destiny will throw you together so that you can join forces to pursue a mutual goal. The real point of what you are both going through, is the friendship itself. With Saturn, Venus and (from March) Pluto in Aquarius in your friends/groups sector, this is central.

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You will now find yourself in a spiritual, psychic, religious or counselling relationship which is vital to a confidential plan, or a secret solitary agenda you have. Juno joins Jupiter in your Twelfth House of soul, spirit and psyche this week. The relationship with your mirror or diary may just hit a phase where everything suddenly has to become a commitment. Or you could begin a new kind of connection with someone, who enters your life at this time, to help you move forward, like a hypnotist for private after-hours or a Tarot professional. As this cycle begins, you’ll find your attention is increasingly being drawn to goals that are firmly under wraps, or behind the scenes.

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What sets you free in 2023? Liberation from, or through, religion, Tarot, psychics, self-help, therapy or mediums. Dreams or hypnosis.

Less commonly in this cycle, you will find yourself all alone and that liberates you too. There could be any number of reasons for your period of solitude, but from May it benefits you and even changes your life. Some people go on a sabbatical, others find themselves hibernating while their partners have COVID (heaven forbid) or even find themselves hiding from the world to sort out their souls. If you are by yourself for a day or two, then right now, your primary relationship will be with yourself. Gemini, the issue will be sensitive. Delicate. Exhilarating, from May.

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Mars Retrograde suggests a long, long period of heat over psychics, religion, therapy, hypnosis, self-help, dreams, meditation, Tarot and so on. Your inner life, Cancer.

You’ll still be fired up about these issues now. Mars often brings tension. To offload some of this, find yourself a physical activity like swimming outdoors, or a Zoom yoga class. These are all clever tactics. On one level, managing the Mars Retrograde in Gemini this way will make it less likely that you’ll be ‘gripped’, and you’ll be fitter, and look better. Mars is about attack or defence. You may feel like ‘attacking’ goals which relate to church or psychic, say. Yet, with Mars Retrograde they reverse or get stuck. Separate yourself from the fired-up feelings and look at the overall plan.

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Leo, March will make or break your financial, business or property progress over the next few months – even the next few years. You have a lot of cycles going on now, I know, but make this one your priority, in terms of managing your life. Pre-empt, prepare, think ahead and do some research.

What does Saturn do in Pisces? It puts up barriers and barricades in relation to cash, security, lifestyle and all the things that make us feel rich or poor. It can challenge you about a mortgage or put a heavy weight under an investment plan. Manage the challenge to come by updating yourself, now, on (say) taxation or interest rates. Houses and flats also matter in this cycle, for obvious reasons, and so do assets.

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This South Node karma cycle rules cousins, brothers and sisters, short trips (and the way you get around), and the written and spoken word.

You are being taken back to life 18 or 19 years ago, and the cycle does not end until July 2023. Now and then it is triggered and that is the case as you go into January. You owe, or are owed, from the past, Virgo. So, let’s analyse… If a cousin, brother or sister is acting in a repetitive way now, this cycle is probably responsible. Look at your cousin, brother or sister’s issue on its karmic merits. Do your homework on the sensitive subject of handling close relatives who are owed, or who owe you, from around 19 years ago. How should you proceed? You know them better than anyone. What’s inside their karma and how can you manage it?

Short trips and the written word can trigger South Node karma too. You owe or are owed.

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Your family relationships, flatmate relationships, house, flat or temporary accommodation will be shaped by what happens next – with long-term results from March, when Pluto changes signs. Take your time as you navigate as you may be rewinding, replaying or rescheduling until the 7th of February, when the Mercury Retrograde circuit ends.

Whatever else is going on astrologically, your mother, father, brother, sister and other close relatives (passed or alive) will be an issue now. So will your relationship with a partner, if you live with him or her, and any flatmates in your life. People who have a direct influence on your home life, like neighbours, builders or co-tenants will also go to the top of your list now.

The recurring issues about control, power and the upper hand will end in March.

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Look at March in your diary or calendar now. The world of children, sex and the bedroom will turn up the challenges a notch– and for longer, as Saturn is spending a long time in the Fifth House. Let’s look at the world of children first. Children in this context means your own sons and daughters, or other people’s. It also covers pregnancy, fertility, abortion, miscarriage, adoption, and so on. In March, barriers come up, but you will see exactly what has to happen. Be aware of that now Scorpio.

Now? Find a technique (mental or physical) that will ground you, stabilise you, center you and help a March choice. Then, get outside opinions from people you trust and respect, who have no vested interest in the situation, but can give you excellent impartial opinions. It may be that you’re right.

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Freedom comes in May. Fantastic freedom. Your everyday working life has its own chain of command now, though. Even if you’re working for yourself (or head of the home) you still have to think about your duty to other people. All work is a service, even if you’re apparently calling the shots. What May brings is a revolution and an opportunity. Dream bigger now.

This new cycle will strongly influence the chain of command where you are, Sagittarius. Work or routine issues will now continue to change, perhaps because of COVID. This cycle also rules health. You’ll see gaps where you can get in, from May – and doors that you could push open, or quick measures you could take, so plan ahead.

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This Saturn and Venus cycle rules financial issues, like a shared mortgage or property investment, or a family inheritance, or the tax department, or the car you share with your wife. It’s about money, houses, flats, possessions, assets and resources that are barricaded, or blocked. Saturn puts up high walls and barriers.

If you find yourself trying harder, over what you own, earn or owe then you need to observe the usual Saturn rules. Slow down, cool down and try to look at the issue dispassionately. A clever, objective outsider can help. March ends the cycle for you, Capricorn. The ability to take a detached view is handy.

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This cycle in Aries is actually about the expansion of your local horizons. It’s about stretching your usual limits, geographically or mentally. That’s why it covers the world of neighbouring travel, and relocation to the next town, and your dealings with people from other neighbourhoods, or just next door.

This cycle will also teach you how to make the relationship with your cousin, brother or sister work. It will also help you to come up with more effective ways to use the written and spoken word. Finally, this cycle will show you how to manage local travel and transportation issues – from the commuting to the walking. It’s a good one. Juno in Aries this week brings a commitment. Soon you will wed yourself to who/what works. Jupiter and Juno together in Aries are great.

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You cannot change the conditions you are saddled with now, in terms of your church; therapist; Tarot deck and so on – but you can completely control your response to them. So work, wait, and calculate, and strategise. The cycle ends in March when Saturn leaves Aquarius at last.

This cycle also impacts hypnosis or self-help. As a basic starting point for this late-stage cycle, always read the fine print on religious organisations, and on contracts for therapy. You will now need to face up to issues and conditions, around your soul, spirit or psyche, you cannot avoid. I do know you need to get real, and you need to be practical.

This cycle is about making a to-do list and then sticking to it.

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