Find out what the stars have in store for you today with Jessica Adams.


Your Weekly Horoscope
July 22-28, 2024

Jessica Adams has prepared your weekly astrological forecast for July 22-28, 2024. Discover what the stars have in store for you this week including your Premium Extended Forecast.
Astrologer's Diary

Leo Week 1 300x212 - Your Weekly Horoscope July 22nd to 28thHappy Birthday Leo – First Decan!

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Skip to your Horoscope Sign: Aries | Taurus | Gemini | Cancer | Leo | Virgo | Libra | Scorpio | Sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces

Aries – You cannot buy independence in a catalogue, and you can’t purchase freedom online. Uranus in Taurus is about the numbers that liberate you. Losing the shackles now? It is certainly time to negotiate. What happens this week should motivate you to talk about becoming more independent.

Soon, this crucial period of quite liberating calculation will be over, but until then – get the best financial advice you can afford or turn to tried, tested and trusted sources. This transit can also show up as offers and assets which are worth their weight in gold, like a free housesitting offer. Cupido, Aesculapia and Hygiea are also with Uranus in Taurus now. All of them will trigger freedom calls soon.

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Taurus – They say that Uranus cycles bring the last thing anybody expected to happen – and they tend to encourage you to do the last thing anyone expected to see. This stellium alongside Uranus in Taurus, in your first house of image, will be the challenge to change.

New wardrobe? Title? Glasses? Online profile? Taurus, you will have your own version of events this week, as they affect your packaging. This is a reputation, image, title, branding or profile shift. Anyone who thought they had you pigeonholed or stereotyped is in for a shock. You may even surprise yourself.

It can feel exhilarating to realise you can be your own woman (or your own man) and even reject your old persona. You may decide to scrub the internet of previous portraits of yourself, for example. Lose weight with Ozempic. Order heel lifts in your shoes (or throw them out).

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Gemini – This week is about your inner life, so keeping a diary, blog or a journal (which many of you do). Prayer is another way of having a conversation with yourself, as well as your God. Talking to a counsellor or psychologist? The Tarot? Dream interpretation? Mediumship?

With a stellium in Taurus now in your Twelfth House, everything that changes this week, will change on the inside. If for any reason you have found religion to restrict you, this is the week you may break free. By the same token, you may turn to your God, or the Buddha, and be set free. This is an intensely private cycle. Yet, you will find the most exhilarating, exciting independence as one by one, the asteroids cross Uranus, the planet of space and independence.

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Cancer – Socially, with groups or with particular friends, the old way of operating is now null and void. It will comfort you to know that this is to be expected. This is Uranus transiting your solar Eleventh House together with several asteroids. So, people who ended friendships and felt quite liberated by doing so are typical of this transit. There can be sudden exits from football teams, online groups, cults masquerading as meditation circles, and the like. Uranus is about liberation.

The other side of this cycle? You can begin or renew friendships, or start or reboot, particular group involvements. Uranus turns the known world upside-down and is associated with sudden independence. So that’s coming, as this planet aligns with the asteroids in your chart, in the sector of people power. This may be the Labour party or a rock band.

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Leo – Your aims, goals and ambitions are now looking very different thanks to a Taurus stellium. This may be full-time study, or full-time parenting, or life as a carer for a parent. It may be volunteering or charity work. Yet, whatever you are pursuing, it is really about the pinnacle of your status and achievement.

Very suddenly this week and, in August too, you will be given independence from who or what confined you. It happened once, some weeks ago and it’s about to happen again. It takes great insight to step outside the situation and see that the chains have been snapped. A second career, a side hustle, or just a radically different way of doing what you always did, set you free again.

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Virgo – The revolution continues with other countries, regions, or with foreign people (or long-distance faces). Also – different accents, languages, passports or cultures. Now, asteroids in Taurus join Uranus in your sector of foreigners to challenge and change you again. Perhaps, this is about the worldwide web, books, courses or classes. Maybe it’s about travel, export or emigration.

The sense that the world is turning upside-down is characteristic of any Uranus cycle, and that’s what you have right here. The astrology insists you look at quite revolutionary developments and start talking the language of independence. This is the right time to see what others are developing on the cutting edge of international communication. This may involve Zoom – it may not. This transit is associated with knowledge, not just information. So how do you share, give and receive? And who or what sets you free, Virgo?

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Libra – This house, banking, apartment, share market, charity, business, retail or sales question will not be remotely predictable now. It may feel as if you are dealing with something unprecedented, unconventional, unlikely, wholly unexpected. Correct. Uranus, the planet which moves in peculiar ways, tends to deliver all the ‘U’ words Perhaps – unorthodox.

This also applies to pensions, superannuation, shares, income, government allowances, rent, mortgages – and all that requires you to pivot and twist, spin and juggle, with extra moving and shaking as the news or the numbers arrive, by August. The asteroids now circling Uranus in your Eighth House of finance suggest a sexual and financial relationship is foremost, or a family-based agreement about property. A will is typical. So is a mortgage.

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Scorpio – The stellium in Taurus changes the test tube contents. This is a chemistry experiment with your former, current or potential partner. Perhaps – with an enemy, opponent or rival. Maybe both! There is no formula. The ingredients are not entirely known either. You may be entirely conscious of that aim to be free now – it is on the whiteboard in the lab.

What and who sets you free, in the context of the other person, is wildly unpredictable but be honest enough to admit it is freedom on a plate. For all that you two are in some kind of chemistry experiment with each other, you have to be free to explore what space actually means. You can be the US president and find a way to shake up the laboratory with both your wife and your election rival. With, say, your deputy. This is the duet and duel cycle.

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Sagittarius – Just look at that Uranus-led stellium in Taurus in your Sixth House. I doubt that your current approach to your lifestyle, daily routine, health, fitness, workload, food, drugs, drink, doctor, healer, or housework will continue as this week brings a reasonable amount of lightning in a bottle. Something about this situation will set you free. Soon, you will see you are quickly being liberated from some kind of invisible fence. What happens with work, unpaid work, service, duty, your body (mind, body and spirit) will show you a way out.

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Capricorn – Uranus and Cupido are now in your zone of sexual relationships, babies, infants, schoolchildren, teenagers and young adults, centre-stage. To this list we add a younger demographic – Generation Z. Gen Z. The Zoomers.

This utterly changes the landscape, very quickly. There may be considerable relief and release, perhaps an Independence Day for one, both or all of you on this cycle. The problem child may no longer be a problem. This can be as galvanising, as it is confronting. It really depends on you. A new boyfriend with an adult son. A new relationship with no more stepchildren, say.

Whatever happens in your personal situation, and you may be a child-free teacher, independence is a good thing. A great thing. A necessary thing.

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Aquarius – Ever since your ruler Uranus changed signs in 2018, you have already seen tremendous changes affecting your apartment, roommate/flatmate, household, family, house, town or country. Your people and your place in other words. This week is more of the same. I’m going to refer to my book 2020 Vision (Penguin) to fill in the details for you.

Advances in the property market, in the building industry, in mortgages, in tenancy laws, and even in the most basic home-related areas (the quality of house paint, for example!) will affect your domestic life this week. You will end this cycle in 2025/2026 in a very different domestic situation to the one you began with. You will have your own story, personal to you. There may be reshuffles happening with roommates/flatmates and live-in partners. With family members. That can also be liberating. Chances are, what’s on offer promises to be so exciting and so timely that you’ll gladly go along with this little life experiment.

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Pisces – This Taurus stellium now is about your use of the worldwide web, multimedia, education or the book world. Your way with words, ideas or images may just be confined to the people you know, or Substack, but quite revolutionary change is here in late July and August. There is usually an element of surprise, or even shock, with Uranus in Taurus, as your attempt to find a different place in the digital scheme of things is often the last thing that other people see coming.

Alternatively, it may be you who is confronted, as what appeared to be a fixed state of affairs in your life is resolutely shaken up. The Third House ruled by Taurus in your chart, also rules travel, transportation and how we get around – by train, bus, car, bicycle, motorbike, aeroplane, boat, spacecraft or rickshaw. During this cycle you will be amazed at the rate of technological progress. Even without that, you may find neighbouring places draw you with radically different travel ideas.

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