Find out what the stars have in store for you today with Jessica Adams.


Your Weekly Horoscope
June 26 - July 2, 2023

Jessica Adams has prepared your weekly astrological forecast for June 26 – July 2, 2023. Discover what the stars have in store for you this week including your Premium Extended Forecast.
Astrologer's Diary

600x600bb 300x300 - Your Weekly Horoscope June 26th to July 2ndThe extra information that comes with The Astrology Show Podcast every week is on Twitter with host Alicia Fulton. If you want to know more about the astrology patterns and Tarot trends I mention on the show, do follow!

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Skip to your Horoscope Sign: Aries | Taurus | Gemini | Cancer | Leo | Virgo | Libra | Scorpio | Sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces

Aries, with Vulcano in Aquarius (the sign of groups), you have a lot rumbling under the surface with your band, team, club, society and so on. Vulcano in Aquarius is about volcanic feelings. Of course this would be fantastic if you all pulled together but the Mars opposition to Aquarius this week on June 30th is a real test of unity. Too many cooks spoil the broth, too many chiefs and not enough Indians, all the cliches apply here. The potential to build something fruitful and even profitable is here but you need to pair up with others, or see a two-by-two approach, or even four and one. It’s all about balancing the people. With Pluto in Aquarius here for 20 years this is your first experiment in making the hive mind work.

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Taurus, you are an earth sign, famously grounded and very much real world. So how do you deal with a person who is not realistic or practical about life at all? This week Neptune and Saturn are both in Pisces, so there is a group, circle or community in the background here, very much affected by a person who is very much in a class of his or her own. A category of one. Never boring but also risking quite a lot, it has to be said, as there is something potentially quite precious or valuable here which this person does not seem to have a plan for. With this Gemini stellium as well you can’t help but see what could be so valuable for the future. There’s that money, work or business-tinged question too. You can see it, this person cannot.

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Gemini, the Neptune and Saturn transits of Pisces are in your zone of work, unpaid work and academia this week. You need boundaries Gemini because you have taken too much on. Delegate or ditch. It can be hard to do that when you can’t see what’s going on. Neptune can make everything very hard to perceive clearly, but it’s like the chicken and the egg; you won’t see straight until you offload the work, and you can’t offload the work until you see straight. Do a bit of juggling and move things around until you have some idea, then act. For all that Neptune lowers the visibility, Saturn can feel very, very heavy indeed. For all that you are a juggler who has phones and internet on the go, at the same time that you are talking to the neighbours, there comes a time when you have to get real about your wellbeing and lifestyle. You are at the tail end of the South Node in Scorpio in this space in your chart.

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Cancer, the Aquarius patterns this week with Vulcano suggest something rumbling down below and of course it is about sex, property, finance and the material world, meeting the world of the physical. Vulcano is in your Eighth House, which is where we find marriage and mortgage, but also the affair and adultery. As if that wasn’t enough Pluto is also going backwards in your Seventh House of love, sex and marriage. This cycle also rules separation and divorce, so sex with the ex. With enough self-control, strength and sheer power of mind, anything is possible. Vulcano in mythology was the blacksmith married to Venus. She seduced Mars. He found them. This gives you an idea of the deep-seated emotion in your situation this week, even if adultery is not in it. It’s just about sex, really, and that’s past, present or future sex.

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Leo, you tend to get duels when there are patterns in Aquarius, your opposite sign, so here you are outside one, or perhaps you are inside one and there is a peacemaker. Vulcano in Aquarius is hardly a major transit so this could be over as soon as it’s begun but it’s best to prevent any future reasons for possible conflict. The scales rule here. So the scales need to be balanced. The big patterns now in your zone of groups, communities, networks suggest the reward would be pooling resources with others in a terrific new way. That comes later though. Beyond friends and groups, there has to be the burying of the hatchet first.

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Virgo, I’ve mentioned Saturn and Neptune in Pisces this week, the sign which rules your former partners, as well as current partners. Pisces also rules any differences, duels and even battles. It works all ways. There is certainly the power of two to tap into this week, but you need to see it and actually take it. At the same time, you’ve had this pair of transits since March so that suggests some relationships have fallen over. Maybe you even have two or three people you’d rather forget about. With Pluto also on the turn in your zone of children, courtship and the bedroom, you are absolutely ready for the big transformation. The future looks really interesting for you, Virgo. The Aries patterns in your Eighth House of joint finance and property suggest anything is possible, up ahead. First of all though you have to sort out what happened to you, or who happened to you.

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Libra, the idea of work for work’s sake is pretty close to Neptune and Saturn in Pisces in your Sixth House, but of course you are doing it to save or make money, or for its own value. This is quite an interesting time in your life when you are the equivalent of Mr. Wedgwood or Miss Quant, producing one mini masterpiece after another. Lots of gigs, perhaps, or lots of products in some kind of business or product line. Perhaps a lot of vegetables if you plant your own garden and save money by growing your own. The Sixth House is about escaping into service, when Neptune stands there. Pluto is also on the turn in your property, home and holiday home sector so I daresay there’s a goal there, long-term. You also have this terrific transit in Taurus which rules productive bean counting. So you can stash the cash now or just make more of it.

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Scorpio, a stellium in Gemini is all about the money this week. If you are a woman, you will save it or make it. If you are a man, then this is your boss, wife, colleague, business ally and so on. You have to see it her way if you want to negotiate.

If you are a female Scorpio then this Mercury, Vesta, Diana, Apollo cluster all in Gemini suggests you may want to ask an outsider for his or her professional opinion. How to spend or invest this? As this zone of your chart, the Eighth House, is also about sexual and financial relationships, there is more to this than just the cash if you’re a woman. You have to think about basic needs, shall we way.

And, if you’re a man, you will be very much aware of sex on this woman’s radar even if she is not. With ripples in Pisces and Taurus in your chart, you can’t really remove the bedroom from this story. It looks like it’s about the allure of rich pickings, but you are a Scorpio. Pisces in your chart rules the rituals of courtship and Taurus of course rules partnerships.

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Sagittarius, opinions, ideas, particularly Twitter opinions, debates and differences in argument are all pretty obvious this week. Vulcano in Aquarius is with you and so there is a lot of rumbling underneath. In fact, there may be a split or fork in the road. It is important to understand you are all coming from similar places intellectually even if you seem stuck on either side of a big gap. Together you are stronger. Another issue here is the need for you to get grounded and stabilise. This is as much about where you are at home, or with your town or country, as much as anything else. Saturn and Neptune in Pisces suggest you are in one of those cycles when there is really no point in trying to negotiate with others or even engage properly unless you are on terra firma. With all that action in Gemini your opposite sign, you are on opposite sides. So you may be one of many pushing back, or just you by yourself, having to push.

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Capricorn, your extended family, home and property zone is packed with Panacea, Proserpina, Salacia and Chiron this week, all in the sign of Aries. This may be a reunion, party or the welcome mat coming out. The house, apartment or other residence itself is as much a part of the story as the people. If a brother, sister or cousin is involved then there will be a holiday from the real world. A vacation from the everyday, as Saturn and Neptune go through Pisces and your Third House of siblings and cousins. You can double that message if you have anything in Gemini in your natal chart.

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Aquarius, Neptune and Saturn in your money zone urge you to stop juggling and stop to create a system. Incomings and outgoings are not in synch, or you are being affected by an unstable national and world economy. That’s not your fault but you do need to see that Neptune can be all over the place, all the time, and yet Saturn imposes restrictions. The answer is a different budget, Aquarius. The other concern here is the house or apartment, or the property investment, and so the mortgage, lease or shares. This is also pretty hard to judge or pin down on this cycle, with so much action in Taurus, which rules these matters for you. Not much is predictable, so you need a bendy budget to take it.

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Pisces, a short journey will take you away from a difficult situation into a different future this week. Alternatively you will receive people on a short journey, out of hard times. It’s quite a crossing. It’s more than just going from one place to another, it’s about a whole new mindset being required. You cannot take baggage with you, no matter if you are a tourist, day tripper or emigrating. This applies to others if they are coming to you, or you, if you are setting sail, flying or driving out of something. A huge stellium in Taurus in your Third House of regional and local travel, but also the mind, suggests the two are linked for you or others. You need a different state of mind if you’re going somewhere different.

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