Find out what the stars have in store for you today with Jessica Adams.


Your Weekly Horoscope
March 13-19 2023

Jessica Adams has prepared your weekly astrological forecast for March 13-19 2023. Discover what the stars have in store for you this week including your Premium Extended Forecast.
Astrologer's Diary

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Skip to your Horoscope Sign: Aries | Taurus | Gemini | Cancer | Leo | Virgo | Libra | Scorpio | Sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces

Aries, the Eighth House of your chart, ruled by Scorpio, is about life after death, legacies, inheritance and your spiritual involvement with ancestors or extended family. We currently have the South Node of karma in this zone of your chart, so there is a connection between you and your ancestors or relatives and yourself. Their elevation could pass you by, as they evolve this week, but if you are sensitive to those who go on in the afterlife, you may have vivid dreams or mediumistic experiences. This is an unusual, rare, historic cycle not seen in some 18 or 19 years. We are all going through the pandemic so you may have lost someone in 2020-2023. Of course, some souls have been over for a long time and yet, when the moment of truth comes, spiritually, the years mean nothing. Aries, this may have an impact on your finance, business, possessions, house or apartment as the Eighth House rules legacies.

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Taurus, you and someone who is different to you, but essentially the same, must choose to go on the same path together now, or part company, to quote The Go-Betweens. There may be a third option or even more lateral thinking ahead. The space is wide open for choice, but the time is running out. You have Scorpio transits snapping at your heels and the two of you may find that the financial, property, charity or business issues are pressing. So, what to do? Well rather than be distracted or in denial, it is time for some self-examination and then a real heart-to-heart. It would be so easy to believe this is about a house, apartment, career and the rest. Taurus is a practical sign. It is so much more, though, and perhaps this matter is the excuse you need to sit down and really sort out who you are, what you want, what you need, and how you are with each other.

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Gemini, Pluto has been in your Eighth House of finance, property, charity and business for 15 years so it’s not surprising that so much has become overgrown and complicated. You may be a woman dealing with a money man this week – that is very common. Whatever the situation, there has to be some weeding and life gardening. Loosen up, is not a bad piece of advice. Even better, perhaps, is the realisation that security may appear to be there, but an awful lot may have been happening below the surface in the last few years too. Rather like an overgrown garden, some deeper investigation may be required. Approaching people who care so much about cash is never easy unless you do too. As a born linguist, though, you can speak somebody else’s language. Tune into their values. There is plenty of room for improvement here.

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Cancer, Pluto in Capricorn is moving out of your opposite sign, which rules lovers, husbands, wives, people who are divorced or separated, and first dates. This is an intense and important week when many Cancer people will reach a second honeymoon stage. In other cases you have to honour who or what is more powerful than the pair of you, and that may be something felt – rather than see – which appears to be encouraging a deep change, following a break-up. Single Cancer people are very likely to find a potential new lover has a magnetic pull. The rest is rather up to you, and you can use the Tarot on my website to guide your hand. We see marriages come out of these cycles. End-game Pluto! We also see a Paltrow-style split come from such transits too.

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Leo, Neptune in Pisces in your Eighth House is about illusion and confusion, regarding the house, apartment, valuables or money. You have transits in the sign of Pisces this week which suggest you need to understand that who or what haunts you, is not real. There may also be as much that confronts you, as tempts you. Whenever we have a Neptune cycle like this, you are projecting. It may be quite persuasive or convincing, no matter if you are seeing shimmering visions of real estate or dealing with what you find spectral. Understanding the mechanism of projection doesn’t mean you have to raid Jung on the shelves. Just accept that life is a bunch of atoms and there is nothing there, except ‘thinking makes it so’ as Shakespeare said. You do need to come back to yourself, Leo, as there is a fair bit of self-avoidance showing up here.

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Virgo, Scorpio transits this week suggest short journeys which are gigantic leaps. You may be moving or planning a trip – or actually packing your bags and going. Along with this, we have Neptune showing up in your chart, so you are unlikely to see straight or clearly. Sometimes it’s an internet leap, so you are toying with another region or neighbouring country. Something or someone you are failing to recognise is very important and rather risky. Go back and check. You may even be warned. If you are thinking about India, realise she has a pandemic and epidemic at the same time; the epidemic is recent. If you are trying to sort out Canada from the US, or vice-versa, get real about the new bank issues. It’s on that level, Virgo and I have no idea how you are affected but I can see you are on shaky ground, if you just want to go for it. Don’t do that.

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Libra, Neptune in Pisces in your Sixth House suggests a project or plan should be exported. Yet, there is a blind spot or tunnel vision so if this idea is to be successfully grounded then the blinkers must come off. Rather than gallop off, or let someone else do the same, slow down and do the research. Getting clear and getting real is the usual remedy for these sorts of transits. This applies to you or the other person. Long-term this could be amazing, as late as 2024, 2025, 2026 so what appears to be a mad race for a fresh start this week is not that at all. There is a fair bit of tunnel vision, as I’ve said, when you have a Neptune transit and it’s all around us, with various signs failing to see what is really there. Even if you have to stop in your tracks to manage this, it’s worth it.

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Scorpio, you were born with the Sun in Scorpio in your natal Eighth House of finance, business, charity and property. So, whenever you have transits in Scorpio, it’s personal. It is like this now, as the South Node goes through this zone of your chart and you find yourself going backwards and forwards, rather as if you were running on the spot. There is another reason for that too, as ever since September 2022, you have put up with Mars Retrograde in your solar Second House of banking, debt, trade. So, adding all this up, you need to stop juggling and stand still. Rather than react to an unpredictable and erratic world economy, focus and ground yourself. Incomings and outgoings should and can be managed differently and time is money.

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Sagittarius, whenever the boundaries become fuzzy, you tend to find that they are firmly replaced. I suspect the new influence of Saturn in Pisces along with Neptune in Pisces is resulting in that. If you are a man, you may be laying down the law. If you are a woman, a man may be saying ‘This far and no further’ which would fit this transit. It is most likely your husband or father if so. Sometimes we see Neptune in Pisces oppose your career, unpaid work and university zone, so the boundaries are about your professional or academic life. Saturn has landed with a thump. You don’t get past Saturn. At the same time, there are really good reasons for wanting to know what the grounds for particular obstacles or no-go areas actually are. What’s the argument, here?

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Capricorn, groups in your life are ruled by Scorpio, and the South Node in Scorpio this week shows a rather stuck situation which is shifting in a subtle way. Maintenance is required. This is even more true if you have Aquarius factors in your natal chart, in the Eleventh House of clubs, teams, bands, societies, political parties and so on. Solidarity, community, loyalty and unity are not a walk in the park now. You may be on the inside and feel that your leader or organiser is really out of touch, or perhaps you are the King or Queen here and too distracted by that warm glow to notice things are wobbly. In general the whole world is having an odd interval between Saturn in Aquarius (groups) and Pluto in Aquarius (the same) which starts in late March. Pay attention to the individuals in the groups, is the message here, or they may leave. A classic example would be, ignoring those who pay their subscriptions in favour of your own wants and needs.

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Aquarius, a structure in your life that you believed was rock-solid never really was, and security or permanence are usually fated to show cracks, or even vanish for a time, when you have Uranus going through Taurus and your Fourth House of property, family, household and so on. At the same time, you have Scorpio transits this week which are about work, unpaid work or university life. Do you walk away and start again, or go back and repair what is showing vulnerability? The thing about walking away is the void. There is absolutely nothing there until you find it or invent it. We have all kinds of aspects in your chart at the moment which suggest the edifice you had before may not be that great anyway. If you are quite honest about it, Aquarius, you may find it was not much more than – security.

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Pisces, what we are seeing this week is Neptune making a lot of aspects, so you need to get real about what you could own, earn or owe. There are some fantastically tempting daydreams here about a house, apartment, holiday home, valuables, shopping and the rest. Jupiter provides opportunities here until May 2023 which must be recognised as practical potential, not a fantasy. Chiron is there with Jupiter too, in Aries, in the Second House of your chart, which rules all that you own, earn or owe. Maybe you are wondering what you could get away with. A conversation with yourself about denial or projection could be good. You are not facing yourself, Pisces, which is pretty common with Neptune in your sign. Rather than be endlessly distracted by a cloud of nothing, try to find yourself again.

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