Find out what the stars have in store for you today with Jessica Adams.


Your Weekly Horoscope
March 27 - April 2, 2023

Jessica Adams has prepared your weekly astrological forecast for March 27 – April 2, 2023. Discover what the stars have in store for you this week including your Premium Extended Forecast.
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Every week, I predict for the public you (your Sun Sign chart) the private you (aspects to your birth chart) and the psychic you (your Tarot card). Plus, all the true predictions and new predictions, in the news.

Thanks to everyone in Singapore who made the show number one last week.

Skip to your Horoscope Sign: Aries | Taurus | Gemini | Cancer | Leo | Virgo | Libra | Scorpio | Sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces

Aries, with the nodes in Taurus and Scorpio, the sign ruling money, valuables and assets, the search is on this week to find what is actually there.

Mars aspects the nodes on Sunday, April 2nd, 2023, so this week is about action, not words. More preparation, thought and rehearsal is required, though. If a group is involved, or friends, then Pluto in Aquarius reminds you that the balance of power needs to be sorted out between those people and yourself. With Pluto in Aquarius, his new sign, you are attracting many and varied, completely different types of people at the moment. Something or someone has to unite you, if so. The action plan to see if your finances are what you hope – or not – will show you clearest results when the Sun goes into Taurus from the final week of April. Nobody will be left in the dark then and everything will be as plain as day, as the Sun acts like a torch or spotlight and reveals what it’s hoped is there or may not be there at all.

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Taurus, you have Ops in Virgo at the moment in your sector of children, young relatives, teenagers and Millennials. You may be raising a son, for example, or be involved professionally with a much younger person. This asteroid Ops in the horoscope suggests you should be optimistic about what is possible. There is something with huge potential there, and you and your nephew or godson, for example – or your granddaughter – should be feeling sunny side up. Yet, there is more to life than just feel-good factors and it is time to get real and roll up your sleeves or encourage this child or teenager to do the same.

The reason I say this is that Ops in Virgo is opposed by Pisces factors and that can be very muddling. And befuddling. You can play at life if you like, and this younger person seems to want the escapism, but unless something sensible is done, a very unusual opportunity will be The One That Got Away. If this is not a family member it is likely to be someone who has a huge generation gap with you, involved in a group or community at the moment.

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Gemini, you have Pisces transits in your Tenth House of career, unpaid work and academia at the moment. There is nothing real about this reality.

If you are a woman, this may be your male staff member, colleague or boss who is in his own world. You may have to judge how much time and energy you want to spend trying to access that world.

If you are a male Gemini, this could obviously be another man – say, a colleague or client. The same applies. He does not have his feet on the ground, and you need to figure out a strategy. If you are a male Gemini, with both two male archetypes in Pisces, Saturn and Neptune, it may be you who is drifting or cruising and so very hard for other people to get near. Are you aware of that?

“No one I think is in my tree” is such a great Beatles line. The whole professional, academic or unpaid work situation this week is really about a chance to act. You don’t get Mars trine Saturn without a genuine chance for action stations and of course that would change everything. There was movement at the station, to quote the poem. It’s really up to you, if you are the person who is in his own little world, to take a different path. And if you are around this, perhaps, strongly Piscean or Neptunian person, you must figure out how to seize the moment. Carpe diem. Or are you just going to turn your back on the whole scenario and find another way to do things?

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Cancer, these Scorpio factors in your chart are about relationships which may, or may not, be fixed. You are slowly coming out of one of the most dramatic cycles in 248 years for partnerships, battles, disagreements, differences – they call it Pluto in Capricorn.

At the same time you have the South Node of karma in your sector of courtship, the bedroom, heirs, spares and pretenders to the throne. So perhaps this is about children, or even children who never came to pass. There is fantastic potential here for a breakthrough and a change.

Looking at your chart I can see the South Node preparing to go into Libra up ahead, from July 2023, so there is a really interesting bridge to cross here, either meeting the other side halfway, or getting right away from current challenges into a different future. The South Node in Libra from July 2023 may be about physically relocating for some people born under your sign and it would happen by 2024. Something worth mentioning is the group which could carry you. The friendship which could carry you.

For all that the current situation is emotional on the inside, you could really use who or what is flowing like an electrical current around you, to get to a different place, psychologically or spiritually.

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Leo, you tend to get people politics when you have Pluto going into your opposite sign of Aquarius, which it’s just done for the first time in 248 years. Pluto is about who or what is top dog in a situation. This may be you and someone else in a psychological duel, or perhaps you have found yourself pulled into a situation where it appears you must take sides in a battle. Actually you don’t have to do that at all. The real power lies with willpower and if you are prepared to seize the moment and do something to stop any more conflict, you could easily succeed.

Looking around your chart we find Hygeia in Aquarius too. She is the asteroid who is all about prevention – not cure, so there is a sense here of a pre-emptive strike, made by you or another person, to stop anything going any further.

Whenever you get heavy Aries weather in the skies you also get aggression and that may be the case here. You may just be coming across people ‘doing their Aries’ so to speak. What is useful about this week is the leadership of Apollo in Libra. Blessed is the peacemaker.

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Virgo, you have all this action in your zones of ideas, brainwaves, the internet, travel, export and the rest. One half is ruled by Scorpio, the other by Taurus. No wonder it feels as if something should be planted and pursued. This may be a book you want to write, or perhaps a man in your world has some business scheme.

The need to move things, and move them into a different place, is very clear in your chart, because of the nodes in Taurus and Scorpio. Taurus rules international possibilities. The issue this week is timing and approach. Whenever we get a lot of Pisces and Neptune in the chart, which we do at the moment, you tend to get people who are out of touch with reality. That glazed expression is a giveaway. So, for example, you may be really unprepared. You should be researching and rehearsing, or testing, or strategizing and instead you’re just going for it without much idea.

If this sounds like a man in your world, then he is the issue, not you, so you may need to slow him down. Even stop him. The other thing about this week along with this Neptune and Pisces atmosphere, which can be very muddled, is the rush-rush of Aries. Why the huge hurry?

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Libra, well, you only get Jupiter in your couples’ zone once every 12 years and this is the time to use it. If you are single, you could take the first steps towards a new relationship this week.

If you are married or with someone, the two of you have a crossroads with terrific potential, typical of the choice to have a child or buy a home. It may not be so dramatic, but in terms of the emotions, you may feel as if the pair of you have reached a major point in your chemistry with each other. What you have is precious and worth all the focus, time and energy you can give it. This kind of transit is also common with reconciliation between husband and wife, or ex-boyfriend and girlfriend.

You have these quite unusual cycles going on in your Seventh House of ‘balanced scales’ and Fifth House of bedroom, courtship, heirs, spares and pretenders to your throne. Usually, your children. You need to understand how different you both are. You could not be more different! And yet, and yet Libra – you were made for this kind of agreement.

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Scorpio, with Cupido in Sagittarius in your Second House of money alongside Fortuna, who spins the Wheel of Fortune, there is real financial security this week. This goes beyond stability into proper power.

You also have Pluto, which is empowering, in your zone of real estate and property for the first time in 248 years. So you, or someone on your direct radar, is quids in. The only issue is possessiveness. Being so stuck, hanging on and holding on, that amazing opportunities are ignored.

I am particularly thinking of the property market with this, as Pluto will be in your zone of houses, land, apartment, investment and so on, for another 20 years or so. Maybe you know very well that you are not letting go enough. Not spending. Maybe the person who is most influential for you is like this and you will have a job to talk them round. Being more open, more receptive, more flexible, is not a bad idea. It is also an excellent time to talk to the professionals and the experts.

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Sagittarius, this is a profoundly healing week, no matter if you are the healer, or the healed. You have some quite rare patterns in Taurus, the sign which rules your Sixth House of well-being, doctors, dentists, Reiki, therapists, alternative medicine and so on.

Mars is aspecting the North Node in Taurus, which is about earned karma. You may not even remember life as it was 18-19 years prior, but the universe does! Expect some good karma from that time, which will help you – to help someone else – or be helped.

The exact nature of what is wrong, depends on your personal chart. There is an exchange here. You are being given to, or perhaps you are giving. There is something quite pure about this exchange. I am also looking at the terrific transits in your sector of courtship, heirs, spares and pretenders to the throne. This may be the story for some Sagittarius people. It’s about your daughter (say) or about your husband, as much as anything else. So we might say the healing is spiritual, psychological or emotional.

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Capricorn, we have some Scorpio patterns this week which describes the group. You tend to get emotions running very deep with Scorpio, and there is a lot of feeling here, for just one person, outside this group. This may be you who is feeling quite defensive. It may be you, within the actual community or circle, who is joining together with others of like mind, to deal with someone who is on the outside. There is so much to say about this week, astrologically.

If you have anything in Aquarius in your birth chart then there are new questions about who or what is in control. Who or what has the power. Who or what has the upper hand. The answer is actually ‘All of you,’ but nothing can change until there is communication, understanding, tolerance and a persuasive intellectual argument that means someone can be back in the fold.

Aquarius is an air sign and very much about the intellect, the ideology and so on. Even if you don’t have Aquarius factors, or you don’t know – in general, some of the people in this collective are likely to have that signature in their charts. So the time has come. Talk and talk. Write and write. This situation will heal with time, but faster healing is possible if there is an understanding that you are all actually coming from the same place intellectually. That’s the irony.

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Aquarius, a rare pattern in your zone of ideas, brainwaves, qualifications and concepts encourages you to take this further. Mercury, which rules the internet and media, publishing and academia, is lining up with Jupiter in a conjunction on the 28th of March. Jupiter tends to rule abundance and excess so there is more than one smart notion here. In fact, you need to juggle or organise. Jupiter is very much associated with the bigger picture, across your region or the world.

The sign of Aries, which is where Jupiter lands, rules neighbours on the map. So, Canada to America, for example. Mercury himself is the messenger of the Gods and is associated with journeys; particularly short journeys, when he is in Aries. So do you go with the computer or paperwork, in your luggage, or do you stay put, but send yourself via Zoom or Twitter? One thing is really clear. Now or never, Aquarius. Nothing is going to grow where you are. That would be a waste.

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Pisces, Apollo in Libra, in your zone of family, ancestors, legacies and your spiritual inheritance, is dominating your chart now. Your extended relatives or those you call like family, are about to go to the next level in the spirit world. This may affect you here on earth. I

n astrology, the Eighth House of the chart rules the departed in your life and the sign in charge of this is Libra, the scales of balance. Something is about to balance, spiritually or karmically, for those who have gone before you. Apollo is in Libra in opposition to Diana on April 1st. That is really about being free. Being liberated. Diana is an ancient symbol of space and autonomy. It applies even in the spirit world.

Pisces Susan Miller has Little Mom. Pisceans Prince Edward and Prince Andrew have our late Queen and Prince Philip. We all have someone, somewhere. What happens this week is a moment of truth. A crossroads. If you are sensitive to those in spirit you may well realise what is going on. The question is, will it be events here with you, which liberate those souls? Or are the souls concerned set for timely liberation, which in turn will somehow affect your own life?

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