Find out what the stars have in store for you today with Jessica Adams.


Your Weekly Horoscope
May 20-26, 2024

Jessica Adams has prepared your weekly astrological forecast for May 20-26, 2024. Discover what the stars have in store for you this week including your Premium Extended Forecast.
Astrologer's Diary

astrology delivery 300x212 - Your Weekly Horoscope May 20th to 26thWe are now officially in the new Jupiter in Gemini cycle.

Thanks to all of you who came along to the Astrology Delivery session about this amazing transit at The Astrology Collective.

If you missed out, I will be talking about Astrology Delivery for 2025, at the C*I*A* in October. Stay tuned!

Skip to your Horoscope Sign: Aries | Taurus | Gemini | Cancer | Leo | Virgo | Libra | Scorpio | Sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces

Your Tarot card this week is the Two of Pentacles.

Tarot Deck Two of Pentacles scaled e1713037616374 300x230 - Your Weekly Horoscope May 20th to 26thYour old way of earning, saving, investing or managing money has been left far behind in this Jupiter and Uranus in Taurus cycle as more liberating possibilities opened up. The vast business, property or financial possibilities of 2023-2024 can now be reviewed. Gratitude to a benevolent astrological universe seems appropriate, no matter if it was a bargain-priced apartment or an increase in business.

You’ll still have dozens of radically different options to explore now even though Jupiter has gone from May 25th. An alternative, revolutionary way to manage your banking or accounting which would open up a lot more options seems very likely after the 9th of June when Mars enters Taurus.

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Your Tarot card this week is the Ace of Pentacles.

Tarot Deck Ace of Pentacles scaled e1708227331626 300x292 - Your Weekly Horoscope May 20th to 26thYou can now turn to the stop-start and go-slow events of March, April and May and look within, as transits in Aries now encourage you to look for more possibilities in your life with religion, therapy, self-help, hypnosis, Tarot, spirituality, meditation and so on. A new relationship with your God, perhaps. And, if you are a sceptic, a new take on the old psychological or spiritual horizons.

The real change now is Jupiter in Gemini, though, which offers you incredible new options financially after May 25th/26th depending on your time zone. In fact, by this time next year you could be grateful for one particular heaven-sent opportunity.

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Your Tarot card this week is The Magician.

Tarot Deck The Magician scaled e1711846257114 300x225 - Your Weekly Horoscope May 20th to 26thSometimes this new Jupiter in Gemini process of expansion with your image can take place without you leaving the sofa or your computer! People may move into your Twitter circle – or enter your real-world circle of friends – who educate you massively about all kinds of new ideas and possibilities for self-promotion or rebranding. People in the image industries (like hairdressers or cosmetic surgeons) can act as a catalyst now, opening your eyes to what’s out there. Inevitably, too, it all happens around the Zoom lens. Gemini, as this is where you are seen these days, if not actually on YouTube with a professional.

This cycle is very new, but it begins with a wallop, as the transits in Gemini are multiple. It will bring in the media or web for a great many people born under your sign, as you have the Sun in your Third House natally and of course, that is now a very crowded house indeed – and not in a Neil Finn way.

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Cancer – Your Tarot card this week is The Devil.

Tarot Deck The Devil scaled e1716086301307 300x256 - Your Weekly Horoscope May 20th to 26thIf you are single, then life from 2025 will look and feel completely different, compared to your previous relationship(s) at any point since 2008. Destiny will line you up with a new lover (or more than one) who will take you to the next level if you are willing to explore. No more power and control questions.

If you are married or in a de facto relationship, just take what you can do and use it to transport yourself across a gap with your partner. In the past, this may have been about children, stepchildren, adoption and IVF.

Right now, you have Ceres in your duets and duels zone so 2024 is about steady compromises. Ceres Retrograde suggests a lot of stop-start so put that into your planning. If your marriage is on the rocks it looks like September, October, November will be crunch time.

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Your Tarot card this week is The Lovers.

Tarot Deck The Lovers scaled e1708227449673 300x234 - Your Weekly Horoscope May 20th to 26thTime to look back as Jupiter leaves Taurus. You got a radically different new job in this cycle, commenced a new, very successful venture or maybe you retired, resigned, or found your current position was reshaped in an amazing way that liberates you. If you had full-time home duties, you may have entered the workforce and found new freedom, or just find found a new spin on your life at home which massively expanded your options. And yet, there is more to come, Leo.

Uranus remains in Taurus and from the 9th of June when Mars goes into Taurus. If you want to work in new industries or areas (full time or part time), then start looking now. Taurus weather is rolling differently now, and the sheer luck factor has gone, but freedom and independence are firmly on offer. Across the country, or across the world, your chances have not been this exhilarating (in terms of work) for decades, as the dual transit of Uranus and Mars from June 9th will show you. Independence Day is on offer.

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Your Tarot card this week is the Queen of Cups

Tarot Deck Queen of Cups scaled e1711261172583 300x242 - Your Weekly Horoscope May 20th to 26thYou can now take stock of your duet or duel in a different way, Virgo. New patterns are forming in your chart, as Jupiter changes signs. This has a steady impact on your Seventh House until this time next year. It’s very much about a marriage or work partnership. A de facto relationship or fight.

The Seventh House also rules enemies, rivals and opponents. Even someone who is against you can ironically open a very different door for you at this time. Jupiter in Gemini will see to that, eventually.

Virgo, this planning phase now, might also include a battle which is an escape. That is the current Neptune transit. A feud which is a diversion, distraction and bubble. This transit of Neptune with Saturn in Pisces is really quite baffling. Or, it can be, if you go too far out – drifting without an anchor.

In an existing marriage, sexual relationship or work partnership, you now have permission to think about what would work if you were to cruise, surf, sail and swim through in a new way. In a different way. And as I said, a feud or battle can be like that too.

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Your Tarot card this week is the King of Pentacles.

Tarot Deck King of Pentacles scaled e1701571554881 300x265 - Your Weekly Horoscope May 20th to 26thJupiter leaves Taurus and Mars enters on the 9th of June. This is a change for all that you own or owe. The money, property, possessions or assets – or big dollar/pound/euro organisations or government departments – is now the key to the future with a new lock and a different door. What is given, paid back, lent or shared from this point on could now give you a radically different view. As one transit ends (Jupiter in Taurus) and another remains (Uranus in Taurus), you are left with a fresh set of choices. This will offer you a new pathway in June, which simply was not there before.

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Your Tarot card this week is the Ace of Cups.

Tarot Deck Ace of Cups scaled e1708226587903 300x261 - Your Weekly Horoscope May 20th to 26thIt may not be until this Saturn and Neptune cycle in Pisces has finished, that you are able to appreciate just how much your view of pregnancy, babies, infants, schoolchildren, teenagers or Millennials has altered in the Twenties. Sexual relationships too. Saturn has a way of inhibiting your options.

So, as a parent, godparent, lover and so on, life has made you wait – and wait. This can happen even if you just work with or for younger people. For example – As a teacher. This week is part of the waiting game and real-life class. Jupiter is changing signs. That sets up new patterns in your chart, triggering this area of your horoscope.

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Your Tarot card this week is the Queen of Wands.

Tarot Deck Queen of Wands scaled e1711261635342 300x245 - Your Weekly Horoscope May 20th to 26thJupiter changes signs this week and your horoscope spins differently. Pluto in Aquarius is now offering you a reshaped world close to home. Local travel, internet publishing, your voice across all mediums and media – suggests steady empowerment and a new life in a new internet space in January and February 2025, when this cycle intensifies.

Even with local or regional getaways, or basic commuting, empowering life options are now on offer to you, as Pluto in Aquarius kicks in again. The empowering way that a quick trip, magazine, Tik-Tok awakening or media move, can help your life is something you have seen for yourself for part of 2023 and for most of 2024, so far.

Any of this focus online – with the media, with your writing, public speaking, songwriting and so on – is unlikely to appear in quite the same way again. Use your self-control and willpower and don’t miss this chance. If you have Gemini natal chart factors, double that message.

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Capricorn – Your Tarot card this week is the Six of Cups.

Six of Cups e1711846692305 300x254 - Your Weekly Horoscope May 20th to 26thAt least one new involvement with younger people is your key to much more freedom. A lot of your ideas and beliefs about being independent will open up as a result of this new planetary influence – Uranus and Mars in Taurus from June 6th. It’s a long-lasting influence too as Uranus is in this zone of your solar chart for many years. The difference in you, once this cycle is over, will be quite noticeable to partners or family.

You may become a godmother, for example, or a mentor to teenagers. You may have a baby. Uranus, with Mars on the way, suggests quite revolutionary times for you as a parent in particular. Your existing connections with a younger generation, which were there well before this cycle began, will also go through quite sudden changes.

Some people in your family circle born a generation or two after you, will show you what space looks and feels like. Any network involving children or Millennials now, will open up a whole new realm of possibility for you. And if you want to break away from a difficult son (for example) or quit a children’s charity that shackles you (let’s say) it’s unlikely you’ll get to June without a big choice.

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Aquarius – Your Tarot card this week is The Empress.

Tarot Deck The Empress scaled e1716088440631 300x249 - Your Weekly Horoscope May 20th to 26thJupiter moves to Gemini this week. You will be absorbed in a children’s project or plan with teenagers (or Millennials) set for 2024, 2025 – which means you must dream bigger at this time. It may take weeks or months, but it will be impossible for you to be too optimistic. So, stay online or on your computer or with your notebook.

Many Aquarians will also aim for pregnancy, step-parenting, adoption or fostering on this new transit. Even if this period of your life is all about hope, give your bigger dream as much time and energy as you can, as you only have this transit once every 12 years.

Jupiter is also here to sort out courtship and the bedroom for you. As this transit begins with a flurry of other faster-moving factors in your chart – the bridge from May to June is something you’ll run straight across.

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Your Tarot card this week is the King of Cups.

Tarot Deck King of Cups scaled e1708228155449 300x271 - Your Weekly Horoscope May 20th to 26thWith Pluto in Aquarius now creating new patterns in your chart, thanks to Jupiter, your inner life is your power. The cycle continues for years but it will operate differently from this week forward. It may be religion, as you might know. Tarot. Therapy. Self-help. Hypnosis. Meditation. Gurus. Of course, this may be about your God. If you are a sceptic, it may be about quantum physics, Pisces.

What or who distracts you from your inner world now? It’s time to look inward. Strangely, you are also more concerned with your appearance, reputation, title, brand, image than usual too. At this time, Saturn is passing through your First House, which rules your mask, your performance, and your public face. Neptune is there as well.

This cycle has nothing to do with the person inside, but on how you project, present and package yourself to the outside world. So, this week is a two-stroke. Inner you and outer you!

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