Asianscopes - Asian-influenced, chinese Horoscopes from Jessica Adams Psychic Astrologer


How does the Jupiter and Venus Conjunction benefit you?

Jupiter and Venus, the planet of opportunity and the planet of relationships, both meet in the finance sign of Scorpio on Monday 13th November, 2017. How does the rare Jupiter-Venus conjunction benefit your sign?

Jupiter and Venus, the planet of opportunity and the planet of relationships, both meet in the finance sign of Scorpio on Monday 13th November, 2017. What does it mean for your horoscope? This event can only happen every 12 years and it spells good fortune for every sign of the zodiac in astrology but in different ways.

Jupiter and Venus and Your Zodiac Sign

How does the rare Jupiter-Venus conjunction benefit your sign?

ARIES – Money, property, business, insurance, legacies, finance, sharemarkets, banking, loans, repayments, settlements.

TAURUS – Former partners, current partners, potential partners, feuds, contests, battles, divorces, separations, marriages.

GEMINI – Lifestyle, work, health, duty, service, the body, daily routine, chores, health, surgery, medicine, food, drugs, drink.

CANCER – Pregnancy, adoption, godchildren, nieces, nephews, sons, daughters, IVF, children, students, lovers.

LEO – Houses, apartments, home town, homeland, family, household, family tree, culture, heritage, roots, property.

VIRGO – Multimedia, communication, education, information, the worldwide web, hearing, speech, writing, publishing.

LIBRA – Cash flow, ownership, debt, rewards, income streams, interest, windfalls, profits, loans, possessions, property.

SCORPIO – Image, appearance, name, profile, identity, public face, personal appearance, reputation, brand.

SAGITTARIUS – Secrets, classified information, confidential concerns, privacy, solitude, therapy, mediumship, the occult.

CAPRICORN – Friends, groups, clubs, teams, political parties, rock bands, charities, networks, circles, Twitter, acquaintances.

AQUARIUS – Career, success, status, achievement, ambition, social mountaineering, promotion, the top of the mountain.

PISCES – Travel, foreigners, emigration, foreign countries, distant regions, education, academia, publishing, the web.

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Jupiter and Venus in Astrology

Astrology is Roman, and when the Romans exported it to Britain about 2000 years ago, Jupiter was easily one of the most popular new arrivals. Both the planet and the god are associated with growth – Jupiter is a giant planet – and in astrology he is the ‘fertiliser’ who turns acorns into oak trees. In fact, Jupiter has been associated with oak for centuries. The idea that ‘from little acorns, big oak trees grow’ is what Jupiter is all about. In the zodiac sign of Scorpio, which rules the economy, trade, big business and banks, Jupiter will bring expansion, opportunity, solutions and breakthroughs – on, or close to, 13th November. Are you a Premium Member? I recorded a podcast about Jupiter in Scorpio, available to you on this website now.

Spotlight on Venus in Astrology

Venus can be seen in any museum or art gallery. Sometimes she is called Venus, her Roman name, and sometimes she is called Aphrodite – her Greek name. If you go to the Louvre you will see the Venus de Milo in all her seductive glory, being swooned over by tourists using their iPhones to photograph her. It is amazing that this goddess still has such a huge impact on us, 2000 years after she was such a hit with the Romans. Yet – there is more to her than meets the eye. Especially when she’s ‘in bed with’ or in exactly the same zodiac sign as Jupiter – and at the same degree (both meet at 7 degrees of Scorpio on Monday 13th November). As you can see below, Jupiter (left) loved close and complex relationships, but what will he bring with Venus?


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In Bed With Jupiter and Venus in Scorpio

Venus, as a Roman goddess, was passionate, emotional and preferred her relationships with people to be hard work . In fact, for Venus, the chemistry is everything in life. She had a son, Cupid and prospective daughter-in-law, Psyche, who gave her some of the biggest dramas of her life – but you sense Venus enjoyed herself with every twist and turn. Venus was also unfaith to her husband Vulcan. She was caught in bed with Mars (which is why Venus and Mars are so frequently bracketed together). She lived for love – ‘The heart wants what it wants’ might as well have been her motto.

We are going to see some rather passionate agreements and encounters in the realm of finance, sharemarkets, trade and the rest as Jupiter meets Venus (a conjunction is an astrological term for occupying the same sign and degree) on Monday 13th November. Of course, a marriage/mortgage is a classic example of Venus and Jupiter in Scorpio. All around you, people who have patterns in their horoscopes which are at 7 degrees will benefit either directly or at a distance from this event.

Do You Have 7 Degree Birth Chart Factors?

If you have 7 degree birth chart factors (for example, the Sun at 7 Taurus or the Ascendant at 7 Capricorn) then the Jupiter-Venus conjunction in Scorpio at 7 degrees will bounce off this part of your chart and you will benefit. What can you expect? Well, other people’s money moves, property choices or financial decisions will help an aspect of your own life. That aspect will be reflected in your own 7 degree placement. So, with the Sun at 7 Taurus in the Second House of cash, you would gain through money. With the Ascendant at 7 Capricorn in the Tenth House of career you would gain professionally. If you are curious about this, please hit Search for topics like the Natural House system, Capricorn, Taurus and so on. You can also ask me questions on Twitter.


Do You Have Scorpio Factors?

If you have Scorpio factors in your birth chart then you have them in the Eighth House of your horoscope, using Natural Houses. The Eighth House describes the last will and testament, legacies, life insurance, bank loans, joint bank accounts, divorce settlements, child custody payments and almost any paperwork of a financial or property-based nature that has a strong human side to it. In other words, it’s not just about the pounds, euros or dollars – it’s about the blood, sweat and tears of human relationships, from marriage, to birth, to death and beyond.

The Venus-Jupiter conjunction for you, is likely to result in a major shift in your own region, country – or on the world stage – which directly benefits you, even though the event itself is broad in scope and affects millions of people. As we have all just been through the saga of seeing big names like Her Majesty the Queen and Bono singled out for multi-million offshore tax avoidance, it is tempting to think that there might be some reform in this area. However – if you have Scorpio factors you are going to see opportunities, open doors, solutions and breakthroughs all over the place – so keep your eyes open. Venus and Jupiter in Scorpio are worth using, although you may want to allow a couple of days to see the full benefits, as your own horoscope may have other patterns which also need to come into play.

jupiter in scorpio podcast thumbnail - How does the Jupiter and Venus Conjunction benefit you?If you are curious about your birth chart then please try Premium Membership and you can instantly have it calculated for you. And if you are already a Premium Member, don’t forget to listen to your Jupiter in Scorpio podcast again to hear specific outcomes for your sign, in more detail.



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98 Responses

  1. Hi Jessica,
    This looks very close to my NNode 6 Taurus and SNode 6 Scorpio and Minerva 8 Capricorn.. and my Sun is at 10 Taurus. Things have been on hold in my love and work life these last 2-3 years. I understand this is because of Saturn in Sag . How is this going to affect the NN and SN
    Thanks a lot for your answer
    Love your website

    1. Thank you SN. You are in a very good position to benefit from an evolving relationship based on a house, business asset, apartment, charity stake, investment or similar as Jupiter and Venus at 7 Scorpio will stretch across your Nodes. I am sure you know the Nodes indicate karma and you have acquired some credits in this life and also previous lifetimes which you will be able to collect. Give this a day or two to show up as you may be waiting for the Moon to arrive at 7 Libra on Tuesday 14th November as this is halfway between your Nodes and Minerva at 8 Capricorn. I am sorry you have not seen anything move forward with your love life and job for three years. Saturn in Sagittarius has nothing to do with that as he has been transiting your Ninth House of travel, publishing and education. Unless your love life and career directly involve those areas of life, it is not Saturn you have to blame for the stuck situation. I wonder if you are in the right environment? You were born with Jupiter at 26 Cancer in the Fourth House and Uranus is moving to 26 Aries where it will make a square. This seems to be an opportunity waiting to happen. Have a look at the actual town/village/city/region/country where you live and consider your dating chances or career prospects on the basis of the geography. We have a New Moon at 26 Scorpio in just a few days which will make an angle to your Jupiter so I reckon it’s timely to talk to you about this. It is amazing how often women in particular find themselves without a lover purely because they are living in a town with bad demographics for single, straight men in their age group. And of course, work is so dependent on location.

  2. Hi Jessica,

    would you be so kind to comment on the aspect the Jupiter/Venus conjunction is making on my chart and how can I use this energy to follow the right path? I feel like I am at a crossroad and I have been working on my Saturn for rather long now but I feel I might be justifying my decisions in a self-sabotaging way. I am looking toward the New Moon in a couple of days that will conjunct my natal Saturn exactly and I am planning to give some fresh air to my Saturn. The eternal question, should I stay or should I go?


    1. Adriana, Mercury at 7 Aries in your First House of title, image, profile and Proserpina at 7 Taurus in your Second House of business, money and property are being aspected by Jupiter at 7 Scorpio and Venus at 7 Scorpio in your Eighth House of finance. There is incredible potential in November for you to promote yourself and further your interests in saving or making money, at the same time. Watch what develops in the first half of the week.

  3. Hi Jessica
    A fascinating read as always- thank you! I have some Scorpio factors but not at the degrees mentioned. I also have Venus at 8 libra- would that come into play?
    I’m currently buying a flat and have recently applied for a job overseas (though I am only in the reserve list for this due to visa complications with my personal circumstances- I’m divorced, the job is in the Middle East) Do you see me being affected in any way? Many thanks in advance.

    1. Thank you. Vulcano at 7 Capricorn in the Tenth House of career is receiving a sextile from Jupiter at 7 Scorpio and Venus at 7 Scorpio in the Eighth House of business today. I am not surprised to learn you are applying for a new job. The visa issue is Saturn at 25 Sagittarius in your Ninth House of emigration square your Hygiea at 25 Virgo in the Sixth House of work- that was the delay. We now have Mercury Retrograde in Sagittarius until January 10th so the Middle East story will go backwards and forwards with several changes and delays as Sagittarius rules foreign people and places, as you probably know. Once you are past all that, though, you will make or save a substantial amount of money through work or in your personal life.

      1. Thank you! You told me once before when I commented on a blog piece that from September 2018 I would move abroad with work so I will keep the faith and hope it all works out! If I get the job it will be a (much needed) financial boost for me. I hope the romance comes with it as that could do with a boost too lol! Many thanks!

  4. Hi Jessica! I was hoping you could take a peak at my chart and help explain something to me. I have quite a bit going on. I have ASC 8 Scorpio so Venus/Jupiter will conjunct there. I also have DESC 8 TAURUS opposition. Add in Mars 7 Leo, Apollo 8 Virgo, Cupido 6 Gemini, and Salacia 8 Aquarius. And if I’m looking at this correctly my ASC, DESC, Salacia, and Mars make a grand cross at 7 and 8 degrees??? I also have a grand trine with my DESC 8 Taurus, Apollo 8 Virgo, and my Fortuna 9 Capricorn. I was hoping you could explain both the grand cross and grand trine in relationship to the Venus/Jupiter conjunct. And in general what those two things mean in a natal chart? I’m reading your ebook and didn’t see too much info on those topics. Any other solid references I could use to research? I’ve googled some and see that a grand cross might be considered bad luck?? I’m hoping this is another falsehood? Please let me know if I’m looking at this incorrectly too. Thank you in advance.

    1. Okay, so your Ascendant and Descendant depend on a pinpoint accurate birth time and if your mother was even slightly out, it may not be today/tomorrow that you see the benefits of Jupiter and Venus at 7 Scorpio. I will look at what you think is your Grand Cross in a moment. Assuming your birth time is accurate, then this is very much about your reputation, name, image and identity in the context of finance, charity, property or business – and you can expect a huge boost. If you’re not so sure about the time, then the angles (the Ascendant/Descendant) should be put to one side, and you really need to focus on what is actually at 7 degrees in your chart, which is Mars in Leo, opposite Salacia (by one degree) at 8 Aquarius. This is a classic tie-up between lovers, the world of children and younger people – and the importance of particular friends and groups in your life. This is the chart of someone who explores her responsibility to a junior generation through parenting, being a godparent, engaging in paid/unpaid work for children and so on. At the same time, particular friendships or groups (clubs, teams, societies, associations) would also be very much involved. Now, along come Jupiter and Venus at 7 Scorpio to square your Mars and you’re going to find that what you cannot ‘square’ about a situation involving a lover who could bring children into your life – or the world of younger faces – is actually quite productive. In other words, it’s not easy or comfortable, but it’s useful and good things come out of it. You could honestly work with just this pattern in your chart and learn first-hand how Jupiter operates. The Grand Cross you are seeing is dependent on an accurate birth time as the angles are involved, but if this is the case, you’ll instantly have evidence. This goes beyond what cannot be ‘squared’ or made to fit, with lovers, the world of children or younger people – into a really major inner conflict about different needs and wants you have! Yet – because Jupiter is the transiting planet, this is going to actually serve you. It’s going to work for you. I hope that helps!

  5. Hi Jessica! Thank you for this great article! My mc is 8 Scorpio, does this have much of an impact for me? I️ also have a few other placements at 8 degrees, is this close enough to the 7 mentioned above to have any effect? Thank you and hope you are well. Also, how did the Stonehenge cake turn out?!

    1. Thank you. My Stonehenge cake was supposed to be in the hands of a friend’s daughter, but I never heard about it again, so rather than inflict my dreadful cooking ‘skills’ on the people of London, I nipped downstairs to Fortnum & Mason and bought a Christmas cake and some square-shaped chocolates, and with some help from Karen Krizanovic, the well-known writer, the Stonehenge cake was constructed. Now, your MC (or Midheaven) at 8 Scorpio really does depend on an accurate birth time. If your mother was slightly out with the time, it may not be for another day or two that you are thrown an opportunity to make or save money. You have quite the line-up at 8 degrees, though, as you say – and so Jupiter and Venus will move onto 8 degrees quickly enough for you to feel happy about the end of 2017. Minerva at 8 Virgo conjunct your North Node is a fantastic placement for work, unpaid work or university anyway – it’s really your karma to be the advisor, counsellor, sought-after expert and so on, in your chosen field. What happens as Jupiter and Venus form the sextile to that, should give you a wonderful niche to call your own, professionally or academically. (And if your birth time is bang on, then this is so clearly about your career, because your MC is your vocation).

      1. Erin, you missed a treat. F&M made an absolutely delicious Stonehenge; Salisbury plain was a field of chocolate with rock nuts, and later on a spectacular pub – and CHIPS! plus fascinating people and enlightening conversations. Perfect evening really.

  6. Hi Jessica,

    I was hoping that the Venus Jupiter conjunction would bring me a settlement for money that is owed to me. Will there be a payout according to my chart, it has felt like an endless battle to chase what I am owed.



    1. Claire, with Venus at 8 Scorpio in the Eighth House of finance, property and business, you are a little early, but the stage is being set. You have an exact line up at 7 degrees of Aquarius, Virgo and Pisces which is most certainly being reached by Jupiter and Venus today. I am not sure if it is this particular amount of money or some other way to save/make cash, but you are in a fantastic position here. A couple of points – Aquarius rules groups and friends, Virgo rules work. So what we have here is a person or organisation (Jupiter) which is seriously good news, surrounding your chart. The Moon goes to 7 Libra tomorrow, Tuesday, which may be a trigger too. One way or another your chart is looking after you, so stay open to what comes and be quick to spot an obvious opportunity, too – and try it.

  7. Hi Jessica,

    I have Leo and Scorpio stelliums. Also, I know my chart has been affected by some significant transits like Uranus and other major aspects recently. My career is quite important to me and I’ve worked very hard for it in the past couple of years. I’ve been studying and accomplishing so much in regards to my education but surprisingly have had so much difficulty with landing a job I want. I’d really appreciate your insights on my career and love life (I’m single).

    Thanks so much for your time!

    1. Thank you Zara. Venus conjunct Ceres at 7 Leo in your chart was just ‘squared’ by Jupiter and transiting Venus, so go back to the world of babies, children or younger people and look at what just happened. Sometimes it’s about a potential lover who has children from a previous marriage, or a potential lover who could get you pregnant/help you adopt. More usually it’s about godchildren, nieces, nephews, sons, daughters or paid/unpaid work with a younger generation.

  8. Hi Jessica!

    I have these Bacchus 07°  Sagittarius 02′ 59″
    Aesculapia 07°  Leo 12′ 23 . What does this mean for me? I can tell this much , on Monday I had 2 interviews out of the blue via telephone, 1 I am really interested in. And today I scheduled 2nd round interviews for both. I am hoping for some shining light. What about relationships for me?

    1. Hopefully by now you have heard ‘yes’ or said ‘yes’ but your chart is a good example of what can happen if you have two factors at 7 degrees and along comes Jupiter and Venus at 7 degrees. I just had another reader get the job offer of her dreams. The thing to remember with Jupiter is that even if you don’t get the full package you want, you should still go back and get part of the package. In other words even if they do go with another person, remember they were headhunting you and go back with some other proposal or suggestion. But it sounds like you’ll get what you want.

  9. Thank you for another fascinating read …. I feel as though this cycle is affecting my love life as well ? … confusion with the man I love Mr Virgo (24/09/63) and my ex Mr Leo( 9/8/56) will either of these be in my future.
    Thank you so much for any response & insight xxx

    1. Any Virgo at the moment will be both confusing and confused, as Neptune is transiting Virgo’s Seventh House of love, sex and marriage. Without seeing a chart it’s hard to comment in a more specific way but your Astrology Oracle could be useful there.

  10. hi jessica..thanks so much for responding to my comment in the scorpio i want to ask you about the new moon at 26 scorpio is right on my natal jupiter at 26..juno 27..pluto 28..juno commitment ?ive read and re read about the family tree and got a shock when i seen i only have diana in that means no marraige,relationships for me??

    1. Diana in Libra in your Seventh House means a lot of things, but of course it does not prevent marriage or relationships. Diana in mythology had at last two lovers. One of them was Endymion, who was asleep, so she could be independent. You often see people with Diana in the Seventh House in Libra fall in love with people who are passive while they are active. The ‘Endymions’ are quite happy to allow their partners to travel, for example, so it’s common in the airline industry.

  11. Hi jessica
    My progress venus is at 8deg cancer… what dose this mean for my relationship status (single)when it trines the jupiter/ venus cheers deb

  12. Hello,

    I’ve been reading about the natural house system and I have a lot of factors in scorpio. If I’m correct, my 8th house is about finance, sex and death. But then I’m reading that the jupiter & venus cycle affects my career, achievement, and recognition. Can you explain more what I can expect from this cycle?

    1. You have two horoscopes. One is public, and shows the headlines of your life – that’s your Aquarius horoscope. In that one you have Jupiter (opportunity) passing through the Tenth House of career. In your private birth chart, you have the same planet going through your Eighth House of deadly serious finance/sexually powerful property so there are opportunities there too, especially as Jupiter will conjunct or sit on your Scorpio factors. Putting all that together we might assume that you’re going to take a work project or new job between now and next year which is lucrative. (Or you may end up shagging your boss, ahem).

  13. Hi Jessica

    You mention the date of the 13th. I Assume this means in Australia? If living in the US, do the effects take place on 12th in the US?

    Thanks and love your site and explanations of what’s happening in the skies!


    1. Actually, Gabrielle, in astrology these days we always allow a day either side, because Auckland has to catch up with Los Angeles and vice versa. Anyway – by now you’ll have seen the impact of the Jupiter-Venus conjunction. In Australia, for example, it was the legalisation of gay, transgender and lesbian marriage.

  14. Thanks for the podcast Jessica, informative as always. I have high hopes for this Scorpio return and having Venus in my opposite sign. Romance has stagnated recently (as in last couple of years!), so I hope this puts a fire under it!!!

    1. Your chart should work on both levels by the end of next year as you will have transiting Jupiter (opportunity) in your Seventh House of potential lovers, and in your birth chart, Jupiter will of course oppose Venus, the planet of complicated relationships. So a door will open if you want to go through it.

  15. Hi Jessica, my descendant is 7 Scorpio. I am Capricorn Sun 26 degrees. What does the Jupiter/ Venus conjunction mean.? Does this impact more on my marriage or friendships. My husband was born in Sydney NSW at 9:30am 25/5/1967. Thanks again for these insightful articles.

    1. If your birth time was strictly accurate then you would have seen the impact of Jupiter and Venus by now, actually at both ends of the Descendant/Ascendant axis, so this would have been about your husband (Descendant) but also your image (Ascendant). Two or three quite potentially life-changing opportunities would have come sailing past you.

      1. Thanks Jessica. The time is accurate, but I’m not aware of anything. Perhaps I had blinkers on (not uncommon!). Warmest wishes to you & thank you.

  16. I hoped the Venus Jupiter conjunction on 13th would be a turning point to help me find and secure my ideal property and change my finances but this has not transpired after many years of difficult living… I have left where I was and the move to a new location has been successful but not found my forever home… I have a Jupiter retrograde in Scorpio and this could be the issue. I would really welcome any thoughts

    27° Aries 48′ 48″
    18° Virgo 12′ 30″
    Mercury Venus
    17° Taurus 31′ 56″
    29° Taurus 38′ 33″
    18° Taurus 16′ 27″
    01° Scorpio 31′ 35″ R
    Saturn Uranus
    10° Taurus 14′ 49″
    05° Libra 51′ 37″ R
    Neptune Pluto
    00° Sagittarius 21′ 02″ R
    07° Aries 33′ 34″
    12° Leo 45′ 59″
    25° Virgo 14′ 39″ R
    Juno The 23° Pisces 29′ 52″
    02° Aries 26′ 10″
    2 of 5 09/11/2016 16:53
    MC IC
    29° Capricorn 24′ 50″ 29°
    03° Gemini 17′ 44″ 03° 44″
    Cancer 24′ 50″
    Sagittarius 17′
    Select Month
    Diana Fortuna
    13° Capricorn 05′ 42″ 22° Capricorn 05′ 36″
    Minerva Bacchus
    18° Cancer 47′ 03″ 13° Taurus 23′ 52″
    Apollo Aesculapia
    27° Taurus 40′ 12″ 05° Leo 49′ 41″
    Hygeia Panacea RECENT
    14° Gemini 33′ 13″ 06° Aries 02′ 55″
    Jessica Adams on Your Scorpio Factors and the October 2016 New
    06° Gemini 48′ 44″ 00° Aquarius 00′ 51″
    Proserpina Cupido
    26° Scorpio 38′ 33″ R 26° Aquarius 00′ 01″ Moon
    Vulcano Psyche
    08° Cancer 19′ 40″ 17° Aries 23′ 53″
    NorthNode SouthNode
    11° Pisces 02′ 24″ R 11° Virgo 02′ 24″ R

    1. You have nothing at 7 Scorpio so I am not sure why you thought the Jupiter-Venus conjunction at 7 Scorpio would have any impact on your chart – if you want to work on your horoscope look at your Cancer placements in the Fourth House (property) and aspects to those. Jupiter in Scorpio will trine anything in Cancer on his way through your chart by late 2018.

  17. Hi Jessica, I have Hygeia at 7*Leo. Not sure how that would make an impact. I am curious to know how does my MC at 14* Scorpio and IC at 14* Taurus are working in my chart. My career has been affected for the last few years, not sure if because of this placement or Saturn in Sagittarius, or pluto in Capricorn. Everything in my life seems to be suspended in time, like the tarot’s hanged man, my career, Love life and a place to call home. When is my life moving ahead? Looking for some light shed on it. Thanks in advance!

    1. If you’re held up, it’s because you’re not doing the work – you’re not actually shifting your position, attitude, point of view and circumstances. Actually the situation is waiting for you, in terms of the family tree or the property, but the astrology can’t make you do anything – you have to reach for it, in this case. Then everything would transform quite dramatically.

      1. Hi,
        Would you please give me a bit more clarity on this, Jessica? Where do I make a change in attitude and do the work to move ahead? Thanks

  18. Hi Jessica, I had been anticipating the Jupiter/Venus Scorpio alignments for a few months. (I have natal Jupiter @ 7 deg. Scorpio, 8th house). And yet, it now Seems “much ado about nothing”. Jupiter sat directly on my 7 degree Jupiter in Scorpio 8th house for 4-5 days, and pffff! Nothing. All that occurred were cancellations of business meetings, and, (yes, ok that’s nice) a romantic Monday Nov. 13. But, really, big deal, those types of things happen often… Did I miss something in my intepretation? Thanks in advance for any input you may have time for.

    1. That is unusual. I just had a reader who has her IC at 7 Scorpio and MC at 7 Taurus and she was made two important career offers and also had her former boyfriend announce he was buying property in her village. I can only think that you have such a large pattern at 8 degrees that it is hooked into that, and what you may be waiting for is Jupiter to move to 8.

      1. Well… Jupiter hit 9 deg today. Nothing! Nada. Zip. Zilch. Belief in astrology is very weakened, I must say. 🙁

        1. It’s very strange that you were not thrown a way to make or save money, via business, charity or financial developments, as you had your Jupiter Return in the Eighth House so very recently. If there was an opportunity but you didn’t see it, or somehow turned it down, I’m sorry.

          1. Oh well, Thanks anyway Jessica.
            P.S. When Jupiter hit 7 degree Scorpio, I had meetings planned w/ potential new Biz partners but they kept cancelling. Couldn’t pin’em down to a date. If that’s the opportunity you mention – I tried but… ‘failure to launch’, as they say; on the part of the others. Otherwise, Maybe I didn’t see something (I suppose that Could Be) but I did have my radar Way up, as per Jupiter’s visit.

          2. You have a lot of factors at 6, 7, 8 of the zodiac signs and I am wondering if the failure to launch is tied to that. In other words, it would be a a part of you that was resisting a new business partnership. Essentially you were born to make money and also give it back (Jupiter at 7 Scorpio) and your Jupiter Return should have made that possible. Yet – Uranus at 8 Libra, Chiron at 8 Aries, the angles there too – it sounds like a ton of mixed feelings. One way into this is to go back in time around 12 years to the last time Jupiter was at 7 Scorpio. If you hit some tangled situation with partners (Libra) and money (Scorpio) and yourself (Aries) that would be a clue to a repeating pattern.

  19. Hi Jessica, on the 16th Nov, I had a rather unusual conversation (became quite emotional and personal) with my son in law’s father. there was definitely a connection of some sort, but I chalked it up to nothing, especially as we both have respective partners and are both devoted, loyal personality types. however, after re-reading your post, it just seemed rather uncanny, given it was only a few days later. Just seemed too coincidental, curious to hear your thoughts. although naturally, in this instance I don’t have any birth data (other than a Virgo), but it was just an emotional conversation that both surprised and struck me.

    1. Pluto at 6 Libra in your chart is in the Seventh House of former, current and potential lovers, so all it really took was Venus (complicated relationships) and Jupiter (opportunity) to pass by at 7 Scorpio for that to wake up. Probably best to put it to sleep again though!

      1. I agree totally! It was rather unusual and I am so glad that there was an astro passing to help explain it. Thank you so much for clearing that one up! xx

  20. Hi Jessica,
    I don’t know how to thank you, you have been my life saver in many decisions I have taken in the last 1.5years. Whatever you have predicted has come absolutely true and I’m sure the coming events will also be. It’s as if I’m getting a lotto in friendship, love and money, though there is so much work to do, it’s worth the effort. Like you said – the partnership in Chariots of Fire .

    Thanks a lot.

  21. Have I missed the chance to reconnect with Taurus man-5 May ’67? There may have been an opportunity on Fri 10th November (Australian time) but due to lingering doubts on my part, the opportunity slipped. That day Jupiter was at 6 Scorpio and Mercury 6 Sagittarius. (My birth chart has Mercury at 6 Scorpio, Saturn at 6 Sagittarius, Pluto at 6 Scorpio, Minerva at 6 Aries, ASC at 6 Sagittarius and Desc at 6 Gemini. He has Mercury at 6 Taurus, North Node at 6 Taurus, South Node at 6 Scorpio. I have Diana at 7 deg Scorpio and Vulcano at 7 deg Virgo. He has Saturn at 7 deg Aries.

    1. Well, you can reconnect any time. You don’t need to wait for Jupiter-Venus conjunctions (and it’s way past you, now). The six-degree connection actually wakes up every single month, as the Moon passes over 6 degrees of each sign. Lunar transits are sometimes enough to trigger things.

  22. Hi Jessica,
    I don’t have any 07 degree birth chart placements, the closest is Pluto 08 Libra. I do have some Scorpio placements but other degrees, 12 IC and 24 North Node. Would this have any impact on my chart? I am going through some money/property staff right now, all is quite well, I am a bit nervous and frightened as I am solving some big issues but at the same time I am very satisfied. Love is the only annoying thing for quite some time and this is strongly impacting me. Many thanks for great articles, I have learned so much from you, not only astrology, so precious.

    1. Thank you. You have a stellium or unusually high number of factors in Taurus and Scorpio in the Second House and Eighth House. One rules your own money, possessions or property. The other rules those you hold with the bank (like a mortgage) family (inheritance) or lovers (joint bank account). Right now you are at the very start of a cycle you have never seen before and will never have again. Jupiter – opportunity, resolution, breakthroughs, answers – is moving through Scorpio and from May 2018 Uranus will slowly start moving through Taurus. What you are going through is a reflection of that, but you may want to have a good financial advisor in May, June next year as you’ll need to be flexible.

  23. Hello Jessica

    I was hoping if you could look at my charts. I have Panacea at 07° Leo 17′ 29″ What does that signify?

    Appreciate your guidance..

    1. You also have the South Node at 9 Leo quite close by so I suspect this is actually a longer story spread out over a longer time – you need Jupiter to cross 7, 8, 9 and perhaps 10 degrees. What’s the story? It’s about courtship or your ‘heirs to the throne.’ Panacea is about solutions. The South Node is about karma. Put all that together and you have an opportunity to expand and improve the relationship you have with a lover or the world of younger people.

  24. Hi Jesica
    Having read your comment above – I have plenty of planets at 8 degrees across my chart including my moon in Scorpio and mercury in capricorn my ic and mc and Ceres at 8 degrees though Cupido is at 7 degrees Pisces. I spent last weekend by the beach with friends – and yes I definitely feel a group of friends aspect more strongly in my life now. As said before there is someone I am attracted to in this group.
    So is this a short term hidden crush – Cupido in Pisces or can I live in hope???

    1. Actually what you are feeling is your Venus in Aquarius waking up. You have Venus (complicated relationships) in Aquarius (friends) in the Eleventh House (groups) and this is karmic in nature. You two have past life connections – the South Node (reincarnation) is also travelling through Aquarius at the moment.

  25. Hi Jessica – No 7 degrees but Diana 8 and Mars 9. Am I likely to get any lingering effects from this transit, do you think. I have a very big weeks ahead. Important job interview 20/11 and legal machinations later in the week and possibly next. Any thoughts much appreciated.

    1. You have a Diana-Mars conjunction across 8, 9 degrees of Scorpio and Jupiter crosses that, sure, but you also have the Sun at 10 Virgo and the Nodes at 9 Gemini and Sagittarius, so you have a huge chart pattern about money, work, communication about to be picked up by Jupiter as the year ends. In fact, even if you are just looking at monthly Moon transits, whenever it crosses 8, 9, 10 you will always have new choices to make about money (Scorpio) the job (Virgo) and the worldwide web/multimedia (Gemini-Sagittarius).

  26. Hi Jessica
    Just got confirmation of a tax refund (much larger than expected) – guess I can thank Jupiter crossing Neptune (6 Scorpio) for that. As I have Jupiter 26 Scorpio I’m intrigued what this weekend’s new moon throws up.
    Cheers x

  27. Hi Jessica, The Virgo prediction is amazing! I’m just reading it for the first time today November 20. On November 13, I began expanding a short story I wrote into a novel. It’s a good omen that I started writing it when Jupiter & Venus were exactly conjunct in Scorpio. It is about a binge eating experience I went through from the ages of 16 to 18 – May 1980 to February 1982. It was a hellish time, but fortunately I recovered and grew from it. I feel writing about that experience and how I recovered will help people. I got a high distinction for the short story, so it has given me confidence to expand it into a novel.
    Thanks for this great article.
    Cheers 🙂 JC

    1. Thank you JC. Sometimes my guides are on board with the predictions and I wrote your Virgo forecast in Bude, Cornwall, where Pamela Colman-Smith (who created the most popular Tarot deck in the world) passed away. Pamela is very much around and she may have visited. I have to say writing about binge eating is a hugely Virgo thing to do. And this will work. Congratulations on your high distinction for the story. Find the right medium for yourself, online or in the real world, and you’ll well and truly find success.

  28. Hí Jessica,
    Thank you very much for new articles. I’m afraid I still don’t understand much about astrology,but I think I am grasping the basics.
    I have quite a few Scorpio placements, yet I have not felt juptier effects. I had hoped it would help me career wise but nothing yet? Is there any other factor astrologicaly holding me back.
    I must appear obsessed with career but I can’t seem to get a break, despite has hard work and red effort.
    Would really appreciate your insight I need to make the most of this week and cycle.
    Take care.

    1. Rosey you have the Moon at 5 Scorpio and this is the only Scorpio (finance, property, possessions, business, charity) placement you have seen triggered so far. It’s early days yet. You would have experienced a definite opportunity or solution regarding the above, over the last couple of months. Not career, necessarily. Usually just money. If you want career change (a new job?) you are basically looking at Virgo and Capricorn in your chart, as the former rules workload and the latter rules professional ambition. You have stelliums in both, so the next three years will reshape your career. I am seeing this in a lot of messages today. Why three years? Because Saturn takes just over two years to do his work, and he is followed by Jupiter and Ceres in 2020. You are going to experience trines and conjunctions from Saturn and Jupiter and Ceres that will never happen this exact way again. So if you are hitting brick walls with your job, it is because your whole job situation needs to change. This is the cycle when people go back to study. They also switch fields quite dramatically. It is also the cycle when they quit full-time work and instead juggle two part-time jobs. It is hard to say more without knowing anything at all about your chosen field, but rest assured, 2018-2020 will reshape your life direction. Try to go with the changes, they are meant to be.

      1. Thank you Jessica for your detailed reply. I have been reading more about about my Capricorn and Virgo placements. I am correct in thinking that Saturn has squared by Virgo placements, is this causing a problem? In 2008 and I returned to university having previously only had minimum education. I studied law at a prodigious law school. I am think this is very Capricorn and also quite Pluto, in that I have been transformed. I am trying so hard to press on to the next level, profession training which takes the form of in office work placement and college study. I just don’t seam to be able to jump this hurdle.
        Best regards, R

        1. The trick with Capricorn is to remember the mountain goat. This is a 2000-year-old symbol which comes to us from the ancients. In fact, the mountain goats of old really did take months to climb higher. I understand you are frustrated by being made to wait, but actually by 2025 at the very latest you will understand why everything had to be done the hard way. Try to get into your Capricorn side more and learn to enjoy it.

  29. Hi Jessica, I just wanted to say that your insights into Jupiter in Scorpio so far have been uncannily accurate – most notably, I’ve been trying to sell my flat for over a year now, and just as you predicted, on Monday 13th a buyer who had previously offered some time ago came back again and re-offered. We’re now moving forward with the sale & I’m starting to look at future homes with my Aries partner who I’d thought I’d lost to a Saturn Return/Uranus nightmare earlier in the year. There’s going to be conflict ahead as my family won’t approve of my love life, which worries me as my financial future is tied up with family property business/inheritance – very Scorpio – so I’m hoping to invest some money from the sale too so I can be more independent. But it feels like there is finally sunlight on the horizon after a very difficult year – sunlight that Jupiter in my home sign of Libra didn’t bring (just the tough lesson I’ve had learn from the hard way). I’d love to hear if you have any further insights for me as I really value your analysis of the situation and my excitement is slightly tempered by the knowledge of how fragile happiness can be… Thanks again for all your guidance and work.

    1. I am glad the Jupiter in Scorpio predictions have been uncannily accurate for you. By the way, Jupiter in Libra was only ever about your image. It was in your First House of appearance, brand and reputation – nothing more than that, really. Sometimes people just lose weight on it. The Scorpio transits you experience with Jupiter there sustain all kinds of financial, property, charity and business opportunities until November 2018 but you do need to start reading the financial pages with a magnifying glass as vast amounts of changes are coming and you will need to be on top of them. This goes beyond Brexit or the latest Budget. You can now enter online raffles for apartments – did you know? It’s on that level. It’s going to be a huge wave of change, and it will be a matter of knowing what to surf and when to surf it. Keep reading the news.

      1. Thanks Jessica, I’ll definitely check the fine print and keep myself up to date with everything! Also, thank you for some more spot-on daily horroscopes this week and the guidance they have brought me.

  30. Hi Jessica,
    Thank you for the information you share to help us learn more about astrology. I am still struggling to grasp the skill but when I can i try to help myself but with this particular problem I don’t seem to get it right…I have scorpio in my 5th house with pluto,juno and lilith,I was very hopeful to conceive especially with venus ,jupiter and sun transiting my fifth house(I have been trying for close to 2 yrs now). Will I concieve with jupiter transiting my 5th house? Your insight will be highly appreciated.

    1. I need to spin your chart because I don’t recognise the house system you are using. Having a baby is really about Leo and your Fifth House and you can see you have your South Node there in Leo. We have the North Node in Leo across 2017, 2018 and in fact if you hit ‘Leo’ on search you can read a very, very long piece I wrote about the whole issue of children and parenthood for people with chart patterns like yours. What is going on now is karma. There are past life connections this year and next year and you have made agreements with other people in other lifetimes to go through particular experiences together. Typically this is between a mother and adopted child. It can also be between a wife and her husband, or a woman and her sperm donor. We also find single women with foster children who they take out on the weekends, who knew them in a previous life. You should relax in the knowledge at knowing that by 2019 all karma is finished, you and one particular person will have fulfilled the contract and you can move on. You can also relax in knowing that the Node in Leo is about many, many different paths to parenting, or substitute parenting and all of them are equally fulfilling. One is never better than another. Relax, relax, relax as you are in the safe palm of destiny here and sometimes you just have to let destiny do her work. What is meant to be, will happen. You may also want to look at your Diana in Leo in the Fifth House and read the myths about this famous goddess.

  31. Thanks immensely for your time & effort on this Question, Jessica.
    At the risk of repeating myself, you are So Kind & Generous & we as members are extremely fortunate, not only to receive all this info on your site ( best on the web! ) but to also be able to interact in this way.
    I will look back 12 yrs to see. (I keep a diary, so this helps). Offhand, I recall nothing relating to these topics, happening in 2005, but 12 yrs before That, (Dec. 1994), I was on the verge of signing on into another big biz partnership.
    THAT time, all parties were ready & willing, & 1994 became THE most successful year (but also The Hardest, responsibility wise) to date in my career.
    I will keep an open mind to your ideas… Maybe it Is subconscious mixed feelings thing on my part: I’m still dealing w/ physical illness, makes daily life harder than it should be, And, on top of that, the relocation back to my home area (to help my financial life, b/c of illness) STILL Not feeling good after over 3.5 yrs now… despite trying VERY hard to embrace it, it’s just not Feeling Good, still.
    Again, THANK YOU!

    1. Thank you. See if you can find a theme across 2004-2006 similar to the one you found in 1994 as it does sound as if you are having strong Jupiter repeats in your chart. By digging into your past you can also see if you have patterns that you repeat, and if you want to change them.

  32. Hi Jessica, another interesting reading, thank you. My son is Virgo, 3.09.1988 and he has Scorpio factor, Pluto at 10 Scorpio and also Neptune at 7 Capricorn. How this will affect his life, i really hope in a positive way, because he has been having rough recent years. I would appreciate your insight.

    1. He is one of those Virgos who keep having to deal with people in their fifties who have Uranus or Pluto ‘on’ his Sun in Virgo, so that can be quite tough in terms of teachers, bosses, authorities and so on! Every time he tries to commit to paid or unpaid work he probably runs into this entire generation which is pretty hard work. He is actually going to reshape his life direction now through 2020 and get real about what it will take to be successful. You might call it The Getting of Wisdom and he will figure out what has so far eluded him to date. It takes time but all those Capricorn and Scorpio transits will really help.

  33. I have been on here a lot regarding my work and alcoholic husband, still big factors, but something happened a few months ago.
    My December monthly is spot on.
    My world has been turned upside down by a family friend of 20+ years. My marriage is over, I’m waiting to start divorce proceedings after Christmas.
    Is this man, working overseas, showing in my chart.

    1. You would need to get the birth data of the man in question for a useful answer. I do remember your other questions about your alcoholic husband and I am glad your December horoscope is helpful. I am sorry your marriage is over but guess you are also relieved to have an outcome. Good luck.

  34. HI Jessica, such an interesting read. How do you see this affecting me in 2018? I own my own business but as Novmber started sales slowed abit, hoping it is only the holiday season. And wrt to relationships?

    1. 2018 is full of huge potential for you to make or save money thanks to the global ‘flow’ effect of Jupiter in Scorpio. Basically, billions of people were born with an outer planet like Uranus, Neptune or Pluto in Scorpio in their Eighth House of finance and property. Jupiter (abundance, opportunity, expansion, breakthrough) will conjunct or sit on, the outer planet in question for a time – so the whole planet sees the benefits. You will also gain as the money goes round. Watch.

  35. Hi Jessica, l love reading your work 🙂 . I checked my birth chart from my membership and l have Jupiter at 7 degrees in Virgo & 7 planets (Neptune, Juno, Ceres, Panacea, Ops, Vulcano & Psyche) in Scorpio. Wondering how this plays out since there is so much uncertainty surrounding my life with no work direction, l have deposit for a house but no regular income & a lover who comes & goes but is a workaholic who keeps buying investment properties ! ?? He drives me nuts, lol. Could there be an improvement in these areas from my Scorpio & Jupiter placements ?

    1. Thank you! Well, you already had Jupiter pass 7 Scorpio so by now you would have seen an opportunity to have more, do more or grow further with the money, house, business, apartment or charity. Presumably your lover’s investment property situation was part of that recently, or maybe your own house deposit. I hope you said yes.

  36. Hello Jessica: I had a notion around the second week of November to initiate buying some crypto currency. You have many appreciative comments which testify to your skill in this realm. When I look at the chart generated by your site I am more than a bit dazed. Is the Neptune in Scorpio close enough to have had an impact?


    1. Neptune in Scorpio is really about bubbles of non-reality to take a ride in – or a hot-air balloon ride. If you were born with Neptune in Scorpio then since September you have been riding a Bitcoin wave, or surrounded by those who are! It really depends what degree your Neptune is at. Jupiter is currently at Scorpio 11 and has to climb onwards to 12, 13, 14 and onto 29 degrees next year. This is going to grow, in the same way that anything not-quite-real financially grows. I would give you the example of credit cards, mortgages, loans and so on too. The real issue to watch out for is Uranus (shock, revolution, radical change) moving to 0 Taurus in May 2018 and opposing the Neptune in Scorpio placements of a whole generation also born with Neptune at 0 Scorpio. That, to me, is the biggest and most confronting moment in decades. So be aware that the hot air balloon ride will be hit by lightning, from May next year. You can read around the subject online and see quite a few astrologers talking about Uranus in Taurus.

      1. You’re in the Neptune in Scorpio generation who will all benefit from Jupiter crossing their Neptune placements, so this is going to be about government or banking changes in your country and perhaps around the world. If ever there was a time to keep your eye on the financial news and chat to your accountant, this is it – but we’re talking 2018, as it will take Jupiter a while to reach 22.

  37. Hi Jessica
    Hope your travels are uneventful! Have a safe journey.

    Now. You may think this a somewhat bizarre question, but have you ever done a horoscope for a dog? Well, any animal really? I’ve just done one for my beautiful pooch who I absolutely adore! He’s sick and has been for 4/5 months. I’m throwing everything at it: conventional veterinary treatment (seriously unimpressed to date); holistic vets; Reiki (I’ve taken it up again to try to help him); research galore (nutrition, vaccination…..). Now astrology. And why not I think.
    My boy has seven factors conjunct mine: Sun 16 Scorpio (my Ceres 16 Scorpio); Juno 5 Scorpio to my Cupido 5 Scorpio; his Pluto 5 Cap (my Psyche 5 Cap); Aesculapia 27 Cap (my Sun 27 Cap); Psyche 10 Virgo (my Aesculapia 11 Virgo); Uranus 1 Aries (me Proserpina 0 Aries); Saturn 23 Libra to my Juno 23 Libra. Have I gone completely gaga? I really believe he was meant for my husband and me – he was a bit horrible to his first ‘for ever’ family who sent him back after 3 weeks – OUR GAIN!

    I noted that Jupiter is now 11Scorpio which, I believe, is sextile Neptune (bloody confusing Neptune) 11 Pisces and triggering my Mercury (communication) 11 Cap and opposing Aesculapia (revival) 11 Virgo and my lovely boy’s Psyche. Yesterday, after a period of stability when we thought we’d found the culprit (rice) he’s had an awful reoccurrence and lost another 2 kilos almost overnight. Can setbacks in health be triggered? He has Apollo 9 and Minerva 21 also in Virgo.

    Is Neptune currently clouding my ability to find a solution for my dog – the vets can’t explain it either other than to apply an umbrella term (IBS) and throw drugs at it. My poor boy has lost 8 Kilos due to malabsorption (body unable to absorb nutrients from food) no matter what we feed him (normally organic). I feel completely powerless and my normal way of dealing with this is to research, educate and empower. I’m missing something this time round.

    If you find a moment in your ever so busy schedule I’d love some of your wise words and insight.
    Thanks for everything you do. xx

    1. Yes, I have drawn up horoscopes for dogs and also cats in the past. I am very sorry that your dog is so ill. This is ringing bells, because Ceres and the various children in her life had such emotional stories together. You might want to look up the Ceres myths and see if any of them resonate with you. The most specific and obvious thing here is your dog’s Psyche at 10 Virgo conjunct your Aesculapia at 11 Virgo in the Sixth House of health. The Sixth House has always ruled small animals as well. I am sure you know that Aesculapia was the miracle worker of Ancient Rome who brought people back from the brink. The Romans appointed him chief god of healing when they had a plague. Even now if you wander into the British Museum you will find prayers and dedications in stone, made out to him. The Romans weren’t stupid and didn’t pursue anything that didn’t serve them, and this old god was right over the ancient world, with many temples dedicated to him which were like our hospitals today. Dogs were part of these places, called Aesculapia! In fact the temple priests used the dogs as part of their work, along with snakes. So…this is really about you. You have a ton of aspects on your Aesculapia at the moment which is why all this is coming up. My first thought is that your dog is a practise run for humans later on – perhaps other people in your world, perhaps yourself. In other words, having given your dog the gift of a second chance at life, by adoption, the gift is coming back the other way, to show you that everything is possible if you are prepared to do the work and take the time. If anyone can bring about a turnaround, you can. Psyche survived every test and trial in mythology too, despite being given impossible tasks. As this dog is so strongly Virgo with Apollo and Minerva there too, in the Sixth House, the mind, body and spirit are all connected. I do wonder if this goes beyond the physical into something else, of a psychological or emotional nature. Neptune at 11 Pisces opposite this pattern at 10, 11 Virgo is your entire issue. This very slow-moving planet has been hovering around that position for about the length of time your animal has been unwell. We associate Neptune with what is invisible, confused, confusing, cloudy and unclear – as you know. It is specifically associated with water and with vapour in the air, like sea mist or spray. You and the dog are both having the transit together. Both your daily routines (Virgo, the Sixth House) are being affected and the dog’s health issues are having an impact on the way you see your own abilities as a healer, so this all fits. The trick is to find out who or what is playing Neptune. Neptune also rules gas. I would say part of the issue for the dog is answering the question ‘What is my job? How do I serve? What is my duty? How do I feel about that now?’ because workload, service and duty are so closely tied to the body and humans tend to have health issues whenever they are conflicted about what they ‘do’ in the world. Beyond that, read up on Neptune and see if the symbolism rings any bells in terms of who/what you are dealing with. If you’ve had a vet who has been Neptunian, look at that. With Neptune you always have to suspect fluid, I have to say. Your chances of bringing your animal back from this situation are excellent. If nothing else, you can alleviate the stress by reading widely on Aesculapius and Neptune. The former in particular is fascinating because the Romans had so much success with their healing temples and did in fact use dogs.

      1. Jessica you are an absolute Angel – thank you so much for your time and input. I asked spirit and the Universe if you could please see your way to answering and you delivered. Big time! I’m humble, thankful, and a tad weepy!

        So much makes sense, e.g. Neptune and gas – Jasper’s issue involves a lot of that :). Back in May I saw a medium who talked about my time in a Corporate life being over and that guides were trying to show me the “big picture” and encourage other avenues like Yoga teacher training, or reigniting my interest in Reiki – somehow fell out with it 15 yrs ago. She spooked me a bit by saying of course I had free will and could return to old work life “if they let you”.
        Also my last ( now departed) beautiful boy died of bone cancer (jaw) on 11/11/11. Jasper was born two days before on 9th. I watched our late gorgeous boy literally fade before our eyes (cancer just eats you up) and this is in my mind as I watch the same thing again but different cause. That terrible time spearheaded my research into the crap so many manufacturers put into animal food and our current crop of furry babies benefit from it – or so I thought. That’s another reason why this is so hard to watch as I thought I had that aspect nailed this time round. It all seems connected, fated and just downright spooky.

        I will look into all you have suggested- with a vengeance.

        Thank you again for your kindness and insights. xx

          1. Hi Jessica,
            Just realised this happened the day after the full moon / supermoon on the 3rd December, the 11 degree supermoon. Ah…..
            Seeing holistic vet in the am. thanks again xx

  38. Thanks so much Jessica for all your advice and insights – they are so very appreciated. I was just wondering … the beautiful Jupiter/Venus conjunction fell very close to to my natal Scorpio Sun-Neptune at 8-10 just as I put the finishing touches to some music I’ve been working on since the August eclipse (I’m a singer-songwriter). Is there a good time next year to launch my album while Jupiter is sailing through Scorpio? I’d be very grateful for any pointers with regard to choice of dates/months/time of year. Much thanks!!

    1. Thank you! Scorpio is really about business, finance, property and charity, so not actually your singing and songwriting (unless you were releasing a Live Aid style single to raise funds for Africa). However, if you look at your solar or Sun Sign chart you find you have the Node in your Tenth House of career – so you have done this before. You also find Uranus in your Sixth House of work – so it is a liberating and exciting time to experiment with your music, probably using new technology or equipment. It really depends on what you’re looking for here. If it was the chance to get the best possible deal, you’d wait until Jupiter (flow, abundance, solutions) enters Sagittarius, in your Eighth solar house of business, from Thursday 8th November 2018 into 2019.

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