The March 13 Virgo Eclipse
The Virgo Full Moon Eclipse is important because it hits the Pisces zone of your chart. One area of your life is set for two big endings in 2025. Here’s why you may want to avoid Eclipse day, to set those endings up.
Chinese New Year astrology is Asia-wide and the 12 Chinese Zodiac signs cross Asia too. In Vietnam the Ox is the Water Buffalo. In Japan the Pig is the Boar. Ancient Tibet is also an important part of Asian astrology.
In astrology the New Year does not begin until all of Asia joins in. Check your Asian zodiac sign below then read your 2018-2019 Asian New Year Prediction.
Writing horoscopes for Vogue Japan, Marie Claire and Elle in Korea and Cleo Singapore has shown me how East and West compare. They are uncannily similar. Your 2018-2019 Asian New Year Prediction is based on East-West astrology using the cycles of Jupiter as well as the 12 Asian lunar cycles and starts on February 16th 2018 – Year of the Dog.
If you don’t know your sign check here.
Time to get tough! You’ve never been so strong, powerful and determined. Anyone who wants to take you on, during 2018, will need to be well and truly prepared. You’re in the mood for a fight and you will not back down. Just be aware that if you want a peaceful life, you need to handle yourself differently as you currently present as if you are spoiling for a fight. People who want that will come towards you. Do you need to use your time and energy there? Equally, people who are threatened by your strength may try to take you on, to prove something to themselves. You don’t need that either. Think harder about the best way to defend or attack in 2018 because there are ways of doing that, which don’t provoke others. You have better things to do. You need to sort out your family tree. This may be your mother’s side or father’s side. There is a lot of organising to do and it will take your firm hand, to do it. I also think you need to come to terms with a pregnancy that never happened, or the childhood phase in a son or daughter’s life. This may be the baby you never had, or the children who came into the world, whose lives as babies, toddlers and infants are buried so deeply in your past. In all cases, Dragon, it is time to stop ignoring or forgetting the massive impact this has had on you, as it will give you a great many more choices in your life. If you were ever involved in a substantial paid or unpaid role involving children, this has also been neglected or put to one side, yet it says so much about where you are now – and you need to look at it. Dragon, use 2018 to figure out who and what threatens you. Step back from your usual way of dealing with these people or organisations and see which tactics are actually best. Does your strategy truly serve you? You have so much work to do with the family. You might also want to experience a different side of yourself and your life. One that allows you to drift, float and relax. Most of all, though, it would be so useful to you, to deal with your own past and that baby’s face or child’s name which is never far away and should be understood.
What kind of relationships will you have with colleagues, lovers, friends, or the world of children in 2018? Are you a Premium Member? Scroll down to see which of the 12 Asian zodiac signs have a fated connection with each other this year. You can also pick up your e-book Asianscopes if you have not already done so, to read more about the personalities of each of the 12 signs, using East-West astrology.
Time for you and he (or you and she) to decide if you are going to part company or move forward together. This may be a personal relationship or a professional connection. The two of you will face a massive crossroads in 2018. You both need to get real about the bank, economic, business or property situation this year. It could creep up on you unless you make a conscious attempt to update yourselves on what is happening with interest rates, shares, cryptocurrency, property prices and the rest. If you both choose to travel the same road together it will definitely involve timing issues with money, business or property. That is why you might want to fine-tune this and judge the situation more thoughtfully, by factoring in the truth about the economy or the sharemarkets this year. It’s going to move very quickly and no matter if you stand to gain or lose, you need to be aware of that. What if you part company? That really will be a massive adventure for both of you. There is actually nothing mapped out ahead. If you stay together at least you have a vague idea of where you might be going. And you certainly have big ambitions you want to achieve, beyond 2018, 2019, 2020. Perhaps it is those ambitions for status or success which will help you make up your minds. I dare say the reality of the house or apartment situation is another factor. Should you go your own separate ways, anything is possible! In fact the sense of freedom and space would be quite incredible. What you trade in ‘known’ factors and certainties, you gain in independence. If you two decide to part, for financial, property, business or just personal reasons – then this could go anywhere. It makes sense to stay connected, though, as although you two are very different people, you are also strangely alike! You also have ‘twin’ situations in terms of property, home, work or business. Maybe, if you do decide to split, you can take your own separate forks in the road, yet find a clever and creative way to make the most of it. By that, I mean, don’t lose what is there. Find an ingenious way to use it, even if you’re far apart by 2019.
What kind of relationships will you have with colleagues, lovers, friends, or the world of children in 2018? Are you a Premium Member? Login below to see which of the 12 Asian zodiac signs have a fated connection with each other this year. You can also pick up your e-book Asianscopes if you have not already done so, to read more about the personalities of each of the 12 signs, using East-West astrology.
Do you want to get real in 2018 or do you want to keep drifting? You have so much to give, emotionally, but I don’t think you can do that unless you meet people halfway. Of course, others may go to a great deal of time, trouble and effort to reach you. It’s the equivalent of having a date with Captain Cook in the 18th century and agreeing to meet him in New Zealand! Try to be aware of how very tricky it is for people to get close to you this year. You may be doing this by travelling, living somewhere inaccessible – or just being so ‘far out’ in terms of your attitude, that you might as well be on the other side of the world. Of course, Rat, you may find this kind of life blissful. Maybe you just want a permanent holiday from the real world and you have found a good way to live, that ensures you have a constant emotional ‘vacation.’ Nobody should really judge that, if this is what makes you happy, but if you are in doubt – then try to see how you are cutting yourself off from other people. We associate this cycle, sometimes, with drugs and alcohol (and even prescribed drugs) so perhaps that is playing a part in keeping you disconnected from what is real. You can feel all at sea just by living in the world of your imagination, though. Daydreaming and escaping. I am sure you know you already do this. You just don’t have your feet on the ground this year and when that happens, there are really only three options. You can continue on this path, alone (or emotionally and perhaps sexually disconnected from others). You can wait for someone to move heaven and earth to reach you, then either persuade you to join them, or actually leave their world, to become part of yours. The third option? To take a huge risk, and see what it feels like to leave everything you know, in order to join someone else. The answer really rests with your own peace of mind, contentment and satisfaction. If you feel blessed, in your own private space and separate world of imagination, intuition, spirituality and so on – then why move? If, however, you feel cut off from your fellow human beings, then you know what to do.
What kind of relationships will you have with colleagues, lovers, friends, or the world of children in 2018? Are you a Premium Member? Scroll down to see which of the 12 Asian zodiac signs have a fated connection with each other this year. You can also pick up your e-book Asianscopes if you have not already done so, to read more about the personalities of each of the 12 signs, using East-West astrology.
You are ready to travel, move or leave your old life behind in some other way in 2018. You have a lot to exchange or give, emotionally and you are prepared to feel like ‘a fish out of water’ at first, in order to make the move. You clearly want to get real. You want to come back down to earth. I wonder if this is just a phase you are going through, Pig, or if you are prepared to commit to a completely different way of operating? Of course, it is also possible that you plant yourself somewhere for a time and then move on. This may literally be about going from place to place, or relocating for personal or work reasons. This may also be sexual, or spiritual, or psychological. You don’t mind the idea of grounding yourself for a few months, with those who are prepared to meet you halfway, but there is no way you think you can deal with the world of the real, the ordinary, the everyday and the practical for too long. Perhaps you feel it would eat away at your very soul and you may be right. Given that you have all the options open to you, as long as you are prepared to explore and experiment, perhaps it would make sense for you to strike an arrangement with others where you are free to return to a version of your old life, which would go some way to satisfying your old self. Some kind of compromise or part-time arrangement, perhaps? The alternative is to really deny who you are. The fact is, you are made of completely different stuff, to those who you are seeking. They lead one life. You lead another. You belong in your fascinating, unusual and ‘other’ world. They have their own space and I don’t think it’s going to feed you or sustain you for very long. Naturally, they may be entranced by you and all you have to offer. One is always drawn towards those who possess what one does not have. It is this very difference that might help you make such a fantastic impression on other faces in other places. Is there a way you can occupy different yet complimentary spaces? Or head spaces?
What kind of relationships will you have with colleagues, lovers, friends, or the world of children in 2018? Are you a Premium Member? Scroll down to see which of the 12 Asian zodiac signs have a fated connection with each other this year. You can also pick up your e-book Asianscopes if you have not already done so, to read more about the personalities of each of the 12 signs, using East-West astrology.
This is a really important year for you, Dog, when you may be dealing with lawyers, barristers or a judge in a landmark decision. The outcome would be fair to you and the other person, or other side. In other cases you are not dealing with the legal profession at all, but you will still be in a situation where there must be equality, fairness and balance. I am sure you know it is Year of the Dog. In the East-West astrology I use, I can see that Jupiter, a planet associated with authority and rulings, is dominating your Asianscope. It may feel as if the universe is having the final say in a situation which puts you and your former, current or potential partner on the line with each other. Maybe you have an actual opponent, enemy or rival. Again – it may feel that the world in general is creating symmetry between you. This kind of landmark or milestone can feel tough but fair! It may be an actual mediator, counsellor or ‘jury’ figure standing in judgement on you and the other person, or the other side. Maybe it is just a principle at play. The age-old principle of ‘different but equal’ is at large. Perhaps you are getting married this year or divorcing. That will be the case for many dogs, depending on your personal birth chart. In other cases there is just a question of finding the middle ground, or midway point, between two very different people or two very different points of view. This may be Right Wing and Left Wing. It may be male versus female. You get the picture. I do feel that with all the hard work involving in getting yourself and he/she/they to a point of equilibrium, there will be zero tolerance for anything or anybody trying to upset that. Do not even think about rocking the boat with the other person, or the other side, once you have achieved that calm and stillness which comes with acceptance. This also applies to the other person. If he, she or they even contemplate ruining what has taken so much to accomplish, there would be serious repercussions.
What kind of relationships will you have with colleagues, lovers, friends, or the world of children in 2018? Are you a Premium Member? Scroll down to see which of the 12 Asian zodiac signs have a fated connection with each other this year. You can also pick up your e-book Asianscopes if you have not already done so, to read more about the personalities of each of the 12 signs, using East-West astrology.
A lot has happened in your life in 2017, 2016 or earlier, to put you on the attack or defence like this. In 2018 you mean business. There is no way you are going to put up with nonsense from other people, or even the world as a whole. If necessary you will take action and it will be swift and firm! I do think it’s worth looking at the tension you might be carrying as a result of this position. Anyone can see why you might feel threatened or perhaps just rather close to snapping. There are really good reasons for that, Rooster. I think it might help you to explore sport or a pursuit like yoga, so that you can work at releasing tension in your body, at the same time that you are building up strength. This would help you feel well defended, or nicely poised to attack (if you have to) but you would not be stuck with the strain of constantly having to control yourself, at the same time that you want to put others on guard, or on point. You also need to look at what you are achieving by sending out this very strong message about who you are and how you live your life. Are you in the kind of job or other role where you have to put on a front? Maybe that is the issue. In other cases, for intensely personal reasons, you have now reached a point where you must put on a particular pose, or a particular face to the world that lets everyone know you’re not a target. It would be extremely useful for you to question what this approach to life achieves for you and what it does not achieve for you! You may be scaring good people away. That is one possibility. Another is that you are tempting people who just want a fight for the sake of it, or actually threatening some people so much that they want to get in first. None of this is particularly useful. I think it would be worth looking at your mother’s family tree and then your father’s. There’s something to learn there. You also need to look at the idea of being one half of a couple. I think on either your mother or father’s side, there is a story there about marriage or work partnership that could provide the missing piece of the jigsaw as you piece 2018 together.
What kind of relationships will you have with colleagues, lovers, friends, or the world of children in 2018? Are you a Premium Member? Scroll down to see which of the 12 Asian zodiac signs have a fated connection with each other this year. You can also pick up your e-book Asianscopes if you have not already done so, to read more about the personalities of each of the 12 signs, using East-West astrology.
There is a great need for healing in 2018. The fact is, the human heart is a vulnerable part of ourselves. It’s tender. It is also a resilient piece of ourselves which can overcome all kinds of challenges and difficulties. This year is about doing whatever it takes to help a heart heal. The truth is, you are closer to experiencing the most vibrant, impressive, true kind of love than so many other people. Yet, Rabbit, you are going to have to work very hard to get there. The heart in question may be yours, his or hers. The situation may be romantic, or it may be based around family or very close friendship. To say it’s complicated is not giving the full story, but from a distance, this does indeed look like it’s not just about one face, but perhaps two or more. This means a tremendous amount of determination and strength to remove anything from the situation which is preventing healing. There is every chance that things can and will get better, to the point where love conquers all. Yet, this requires you to understand your contribution to the situation. If you need to withdraw then do that. If you feel you can’t, then look again at the way things are and ask yourself if a remedy for strong emotions is going to arrive any other way – because it might take a miracle. Removing your emotional contribution from a complex situation is not going to produce instant and magical results, but it will increase the chances that progress can be made. Of course it is up to others to decide what they are going to do. Rabbit, if you are offered the chance of a relationship this year but you know that there would be a third person involved please think very carefully before you go any further as it will be painful.
What kind of relationships will you have with colleagues, lovers, friends, or the world of children in 2018? Are you a Premium Member? Scroll down to see which of the 12 Asian zodiac signs have a fated connection with each other this year. You can also pick up your e-book Asianscopes if you have not already done so, to read more about the personalities of each of the 12 signs, using East-West astrology.
You will reach an important crossroads with your former, current or potential partner in 2018 and you two must decide to commit, or split. There is a family, house or apartment question in the background, and you must both now make a decision which will affect the future of your property plans, or your thoughts about the family tree, or perhaps starting your own family. Western and Asian astrology meet in the middle this year and the cycles of the Moon’s Nodes suggest this is karmic. You have been here before with this person! What you decide will also be written in your karmic record books, as you two are making an exchange, a payment, a repayment or an offer. This is the stuff of which karma is made. It may be emotional. It may be spiritual. It may be sexual. You both have to decide if this is right for you, and right for the people you are. The fact is, Tiger, you will be making this big choice with someone who is so different to you in every way. There is a huge gap in personality, circumstances and life experience. No wonder if all feels so hard to sort out. Yet, with patience, you will be able to get past the superficial differences which separate you and find what binds you together. It may be that there is a soul-to-soul connection which is so powerful that you decide to get engaged, marry, get back together, move in together, or have a child. I mentioned separation as well, Tiger, and I want to come back to that in your reading. If you two have reached a point where you realise you’re not going to make that big commitment which involves property or family in late 2018, 2019 or 2020 – it may be time to go. Perhaps you recognise that you have so much to give each other, but you are just too different. It would be from the heart and there would be a sense of closure or karmic completion, were you to do it. The choice is not made by one of you, it is made by both of you, but the key to the karma I mentioned, is recognising that you are both coming from a good place – the right place – and that something has to be of equal emotional value to both of you, in an exchange. Then it works.
What kind of relationships will you have with colleagues, lovers, friends, or the world of children in 2018? Are you a Premium Member? Scroll down to see which of the 12 Asian zodiac signs have a fated connection with each other this year. You can also pick up your e-book Asianscopes if you have not already done so, to read more about the personalities of each of the 12 signs, using East-West astrology.
It’s all about the money this year and the amount in question would make a difference to your plans for work, property or future security. Of course, nobody really likes doing deals, paying out, lending or negotiating! There is always a trade-off in terms of what one person values and the other person does not. Or vice-versa. I actually think understanding the evaluation process in 2018 is going to be one of the most useful lessons of your life, as you will learn so much about what a dollar, pound, euro (and the rest) is worth. I haven’t even covered Bitcoin, Ripple and all the variations there. The fact is, the sum in question is significant enough that it could be used for long-term future growth. It could also be spent immediately and wasted. No prizes for guessing what your Asianscope would like you to do. Perhaps weighing the merits of this amount in your mind, is enough to make you do whatever it takes to bargain. There will be an offer on the table or an option in front of you before the year is out and it is very important that you get inside the head of the person, organisation or department in question, so that you can genuinely do a deal that works. Perhaps there is more money where that came from – who knows. It is worth putting the effort in, though. Assuming you want the financial delivery enough to put the time, energy and effort in – you must then get the best advice you can afford about sowing seeds for the future. Phrases like ‘Is that you best offer?’ spring to mind along with ‘Budging on price’ and ‘Deal or No Deal.’ The fact is, people who are in the business of accounting, taxation, the sharemarkets, eBay, banking, legacies, property, charity, government allowances (and the rest) are here to negotiate. That is what they do. I am sure you can accomplish both feats at once. Meeting them halfway and making it work, but also figuring out the cleverest way to use the money in question so that it is the gift that goes on giving for many years to come.
What kind of relationships will you have with colleagues, lovers, friends, or the world of children in 2018? Are you a Premium Member? Scroll down to see which of the 12 Asian zodiac signs have a fated connection with each other this year. You can also pick up your e-book Asianscopes if you have not already done so, to read more about the personalities of each of the 12 signs, using East-West astrology.
There is a great and precious gift for you, spiritually and emotionally, in 2018. Unless you reach for it and make it real, it will not happen, though. It is like seeing the potential of a new relationship, or a new close connection in your life, then turning away from it – because you don’t believe in it, or you are confronted by its power, or because (even) you are not sure how it would fit into your life. This would be a real waste, Monkey, so I am going to try and persuade you to stop thinking of this as potential and turn it into something which you can carry and place in your life. I mentioned spirituality before and this is a big part of the deal. This goes beyond a relationship, friendship or other connection which fills you up. It has religious (perhaps Buddhist or Christian) meaning, or it may have a sacred meaning, on a soul level, that has nothing to do with orthodox religion and everything to do with what you and others believe. At some point in 2018 you may even feel that if something were to happen, it would be a ‘gift from God’ or a blessing, or heaven-sent happening. What you are experiencing does have this quality. It is not quite your imagination, but it is not exactly a miracle either. Maybe it is between one and the other. The fact is, science tells us that we live in ‘many worlds’ where every single universe is being played out somewhere, until we choose. I highly recommend this universe to you. It feels fulfilling, rewarding, precious, special, sacred and downright heavenly. It may also feel so larger than life that you cannot begin to imagine how such a solid-gold bond would fit into your everyday life. Well – make a space for it. Find a place for it. Then reach for it. Go the distance from where you are, to where this is – and strive to take what is yours and then run with it, to wherever you feel it can belong. This means a lot of work on your part, because you are going to have to prepare things. You can do it, though. If you really, really want this reward.
What kind of relationships will you have with colleagues, lovers, friends, or the world of children in 2018? Are you a Premium Member? Scroll down to see which of the 12 Asian zodiac signs have a fated connection with each other this year. You can also pick up your e-book Asianscopes if you have not already done so, to read more about the personalities of each of the 12 signs, using East-West astrology.
You have reached a point in your life, in the year 2018, when you are lucky enough to be surrounded by a lot of very special, solid-gold relationships with people. You know how those horrible hunters hang animal head trophies on the walls? You have very different trophies. They represent how much people have to give you, emotionally, and there is a tremendous sense of security and support showing in your Asian astrology reading. This is your ‘team’ and you are the Team Manager. This is your 1966 England World Cup squad – each and every one of them sparkling with energy – and you are the proud (even slightly smug) person in charge. There is a strong sense of belonging here. They belong to you, and you belong to them. You’re all on the same side. So far so good, Sheep! Yet there are a few things to think about this year as well. Don’t be too complacent. One person in the mix is not in a secure or stable situation. In fact, he or she might not be on the team for much longer unless you take special care and pay special attention. This man (or woman) has already turned away, somewhat and it would be a great shame if things were simply left to drop or fall away. It is very important that you acknowledge, appreciate and nurture the people in your life. Each and every one of them. They are not ‘the gang’ or ‘the tribe’ or ‘the family’ or ‘the team’ even though it sometimes feels like that, because you are all faces on social media (for example) or because you tend to see these people the way a happy host sees their dinner party guests! The song ‘Getting to Know You’ is an old musical standard but it rings true for you in 2018. You could gain a lot from getting to know people as separate individuals and to really pour yourself into the business of making sure everything is as good as it could be. There is massive potential here. I know that everything and everybody is in place and you probably feel as if ‘God’s in his heaven and all’s right with the world’. Sheep, you could go even further with these faces, though. You could do so much more, and you could all have so much more! It begins with turning your focus away from ‘Me’ and ‘My world’ and ‘My tribe’ to them as unique, irreplaceable people. Now, what can you do to get to work?
What kind of relationships will you have with colleagues, lovers, friends, or the world of children in 2018? Are you a Premium Member? Login to see which of the 12 Asian zodiac signs have a fated connection with each other this year. You can also pick up your e-book Asianscopes if you have not already done so, to read more about the personalities of each of the 12 signs, using East-West astrology.
Take as much time and space for yourself as you need in 2018 as you need to rest, recover and then relaunch yourself. You may find that yoga, meditation, prayer or just time alone is exactly what you require. Actually you won’t have to ask for that too much. Your aura is setting you apart from other people and they may realise that you not only need your own space this year – you are actually in your own space as well! The fact is, your spirit (or soul) is where the precious healing and rejuvenation is going to take place. This works on your aura and chakra system. Perhaps the universe will provide, or you know a technique. Maybe a person who is skilled at Reiki can help you. You need to let the past fall away in 2018. Sometimes things must be left to crumble in the dust. Your future looks so colourful and bright. If you want to appreciate how richly rewarding a parent-child relationship can be, then make it so. Reach for it. This may be your own in the future. It may be another venture into the world of children and younger people, but it is there waiting for you, once you have taken the time you need to go back deeply into yourself – your own essence or truth – and come back to the world, with mind, body and spirit restored. Snake, you are at a point in your life when if you want the satisfaction and fulfilment of babies, children or youth as a whole to play a stronger part in your destiny, then you need to make it so. It is all potential at the moment. It may be that you need to return to your own past history in order to change the future, in this regard. Perhaps you need to look hard at a memory or your own past. In other cases you have nothing to do except create a brand new ‘tomorrow’ which will focus you on the special bond between old and young. Adult and child. This will seem close enough to touch once you are ready to re-emerge from your cocoon and fly free, to find what could be part of your world, if you wanted it so.
What kind of relationships will you have with colleagues, lovers, friends, or the world of children in 2018? Are you a Premium Member? Scroll down to see which of the 12 Asian zodiac signs have a fated connection with each other this year. You can also pick up your e-book Asianscopes if you have not already done so, to read more about the personalities of each of the 12 signs, using East-West astrology.
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The Virgo Full Moon Eclipse is important because it hits the Pisces zone of your chart. One area of your life is set for two big endings in 2025. Here’s why you may want to avoid Eclipse day, to set those endings up.
Chiron the maverick is the unorthodox, independent person who guides you. If you want to be unbranded, Chiron is your centaur. This transit with Neptune and Saturn will have global application – you will experience it online with A.I. or Artificial Intelligence.
Volodymyr Zelenskyy, Donald Trump, Vladimir Putin and Ukraine in the psychic astrology of 2025. Why is the proposed American deal on Ukraine minerals showing a large group moving dramatically against one person?
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16 Responses
Dear Jessica,
Thanks the 2018 asianscope. I’m very worried about my brother at the moment. He was born on 5 April 1972 and going through some physical problems at the moment. We don’t know yet if it is serious or not. I have a feeling that he’s going through a depression or burnout. I’d like to help him but he’s very introverted. Can you give me some insights on what is going on ? Thanks.
Your brother needs healing. A therapist, doctor, counsellor or other practitioner. Light a candle and ask your family and guides in spirit to help. I understand that he is introverted and this is hard, but spirit can assist you – in fact they already are. He has the blues and it’s partly down to relationships (or perhaps lack of them) and of course his relationship with himself. There may be other issues there too. But he will be helped. Make it the best help it can be by asking the spirit world to assist and if possible to let you know it’s being taken care of, so you can relax.
Hello Jessica
I am a Rabbit and you are saying that 2018 is for healing my heart? I’m not in a relationship at the moment and can’t see any prospects at the moment but my heart was broken in 2017 by the death of my Mother leaving me with the care of my Father whose own health is in decline and it breaks my heart to see this too. Could this be the healing and breaking away from the situation that you can see? Or is it a romantic relationship you are referring to? (My father is a Horse)
Happy New Year
There you are. Your heart was broken by the passing of your mum last year. And that takes time to heal. Not a romance, but just – your heart, Pauline. And it will get better. Time is the healer here. They say that because it’s true. You have not lost her, of course, she goes on in spirit on the other side of life, but that’s another story.
Hi Jessica,
I’ve read some awful predictions for Sheep during the Year of the Dog. From what you wrote it seems to echo the Western astrology in that relationships are the main focus of this year. That being said, Jupiter is supposed to bring luck in love or relationships with children or young faces. So far, I can tell you from personal experience that Jupiter has not done anything since October for me. I am still dealing with lost past love with all the complications that entail (separation etc.). Is this what is awaiting me (and possibly all Cancers) for 2018 and beyond? I don’t think I can live through another 3 years of misery after Saturn’s travel through Scorpio in 2013-2015. Please give so hope
I’m afraid there is a lot of Asian ‘astrology’ on the internet which is just bollocks. You want love in 2018 so let’s look. You are carrying too much responsibility and need to delegate or ditch some of the plans, roles, projects and the rest. How can you find love when you are overloaded? You would be a different person if you lightened your load. Then you can start to understand your body sexually again – and then you can head out there with the right body language, attitude and frame of mind. There are no guarantees in 2018 but there is hope and there is a whole new world of potential dates to explore. You can only do that when you stop being a work horse for yourself and others, and actually get out there!
Hey Jessica- another great article- thanks! I try to keep up with everything you write and take it all in and apply it to what is going on in life…i have noticed a lot of parting ways will be taking place between signs and also in the asianscope…and was wondering if you see something like that in my chart? Im with an aquarian which makes it interesting I think of this with all the eclipse weather happening…to bring up the conversation that could break everything and make a change and not know the outcome or to say nothing and stay stuck…this is the question. Any insight would be greatly appreciated, as always. Much love!
Thank you. So you want to know if it’s going to last with the Aquarian in 2018. There is a lot of guessing and imagination going on with you. You need to find out what is real and what is not real. There are fears here. There are also big hopes. You obviously want to reach for your dream home, and money, and success – but there is also quite a lot of (no other word for it) paranoia. Can I say, this is all in your head? If you want the money and property then reach for it and make it your own. You have to believe you deserve it and can have it, then bring it into your life. And if you want to banish who and what you believe are like the bad characters in fairy stories – just ‘pop’ them the way you pop bubbles. It’s all in your head. This will obviously involve what you feel about the Aquarian as couples inevitably end up talking about property eventually. The bigger picture goes beyond this person, though, into your own head space, imagination and projections.
Hi Jessica,
I am a rabbit (Cancer Sun) my partner is a rabbit (Aries Sun) and he has a daughter who is a Dog (Virgo Sun) after reading this I’m a little discouraged at the relationship and it’s longevity. I’m a premium member and this relationship has had its hardships with me being American and he lives in the UK… does the year of the dog mean splitsville is the best option for allowing heart healing?
Hmmm, well you nailed it there – you are in America and he is in Britain. That is never going to be easy and your Asian astrology reflects that. The choice to stay or go is your own. If you are a Premium Member use your Astrology Oracle cards to give yourself a more personal reading about him, and his daughter. That will help you get some nuanced detail.
Hi Jessica
So enjoy your writings!! I am dating online.. I am Aquarius (Pig)17/2/59. and interested in a 61yo Virgo (monkey). I am a reluctant to explore a relationship with him purely due to western and Chinese compatability not being favourable. According to your compatability rating for pig and monkey this year, sounds like it may be worth a shot in 2018 but outside of that would you agree that This is a difficult combination.
I would appreciate you thoughts
Yup, it’s worth a gentle try, but go in slowly and see what happens – it will be hard work if you persist. No way around it, in terms of the Asian astrology here.
Hi Jess,
Is a reconciliation on the cards this year between me as a Tiger 1986 and Sheep 1967? If so when? Can you describe our destiny connections further please?
This is really to do with the family tree on your side, or the Sheep’s. It may go back several generations across time so we are talking past life connections. This is not a particularly peaceful pairing. Are you sure you want to go back there? It’s potentially a conflict situation. So, much as I love bringing good news, sometimes you have to let go and move on.
Hi Jessica, l find your info on our Asianscope for the year of the dog very interesting indeed. I can relate so much of it to the people around me. Just a quick question as to the relationships trends between the different signs, l’m a monkey 1968 & my former partner is a rabbit 1975 and l can’t see our signs in the others forecasts written. Does that indicate we will won’t have a negative effect on each other ? We are on talking terms & the chemistry is still there. However, he is struggling with a difficult relationship with another & l think it’s best for him to clear that slate so to speak for us to evolve if possible ? Also, just wanted to say l absolutely love reading all the work/info you supply for a premium member holder. Thank you
Thank you, I’m glad you like being a Premium Member. Monkey and Rabbit in 2018 (born in those particular years) are really about the money. One of you will have a significant amount to spend or invest. Where that goes, and what it leads to, will have a big impact on what you two decide to do.