Asianscopes - Asian-influenced, chinese Horoscopes from Jessica Adams Psychic Astrologer


Spring Equinox Astrology Ritual

The Spring Equinox is about Sun and Moon. Day and Night. It is also the right time for a ritual to welcome in the new and farewell the old. Using astrology we can zero in on the two big areas of your life where you need to get ready to change (radically) but also to leave behind instability.

Spring Equinox Astrology Ritual

If you’re in the Northern Hemisphere, then Tuesday 20th March 2018 is Spring. The Spring Equinox is about Sun and Moon. Day and Night. It is also the right time for a ritual to welcome in the new and farewell the old. Using astrology we can zero in on the two big areas of your life where you need to get ready to change (radically) but also to leave behind instability. What you’re doing is matching the past with the present – like matching two halves of one shell (below).


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Moon in Taurus, Uranus in Taurus

Taurus is the sign which rules money, charity, business, possessions and property. Once Uranus (the revolution) moves into Taurus in May 2018, you will need to adjust rapidly to a complete turnaround with the world economy, but also your personal financial situation. Uranus is about the world turning upside-down and when that happens, you have to flip. So, the Spring Equinox (with the Moon in Taurus, paving the way for Uranus later) is an excellent time to free yourself up for future change. In fact, the revolution will go on for years! The Spring Equinox Astrology Ritual can help you with that.

It’s time to sort out your accounts. Print out your bank records. Get to grips with PayPal and Stripe. Update your eBay. Look at your life budget. What’s your life budget? What you will and will not sell out for. Who or what you call priceless. It’s about your values. And Equinox is the time, with the Moon in Taurus, to get real about those values and update yourself for 2018. Along with a life budget, you may want to create a real budget. Tip – You can’t ignore cryptocurrency. Educate yourself now! Cryptocurrency is the permanent future, no matter how many people are currently trying to talk Bitcoin and Ripple down.


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Sun in Aries, Goodbye Uranus in Aries

Now, this is really interesting. Just as Uranus (radical change, the revolution, freedom, shock, independence, upheaval) is going into Taurus, the sign which rules your money – it is slowly leaving Aries. Uranus has been in Aries for years in one area of your chart. If you are a Premium Member and have your personal birth chart then Uranus has been in your First House of image, profile, identity, reputation and appearance. If you also have any factors in Aries then you have been through a revolution of many years, relaunching yourself – forever – in the eyes of others. If you’re curious about what’s been happening to you just hit Search and look up Uranus and Aries.

What does Uranus departing Aries mean today, on the Spring Equinox? Essentially it’s your time to take a look at the areas of life (below) which have been so disrupted, so radically altered, for years! This has been a story of rejection for you. You have been knocked back or turned down, so often, in respect of the life areas below. At the same time this has forced you to do your own thing. Make your own way. Create your own space. And life has also been very exciting and rewarding once you’ve realised the whole point of others saying ‘No’ to you, is that you get to fly free.

ARIES – Image. Self. Brand. Identity. Appearance. Clothes. Hair. Face. Facebook. Profile. Reputation. Name. Title.
TAURUS – Secrets. Mysteries. Occult. Unconscious. Dreams. Mediumship. Therapy. Confessionals. Diaries. Confidences.
GEMINI – Friends. Groups. Clubs. Teams. Parties. Associations. Societies. Twitter. People Power. Communities. Circles.
CANCER – Career. University. College. Volunteering. Success. Ambition. Status. Position. Mission. Ambition. Direction.
LEO – Publishing. Academia. Education. Internet. Travel. Foreigners. Teachers. Lecturers. Conferences. Journals.
VIRGO – Finance. Business. Charity. Property. Philanthropy. Banks. EBay. Savings. Debts. Credit. Mortgages. Salary.
LIBRA – Partners. Marriage. Divorce. Separation. Dating. Exes. Equality. Conflicts. Feuds. Disputes. Rivalry.
SCORPIO – Body. Health. Fitness. Drugs. Food. Drink. Work. Volunteering. Service. Duty. Lifestyle. Housework.
SAGITTARIUS – Pregnancy. Adoption. Step-Parenting. Godchildren. Nieces. Nephews. Youth. Teenagers. Relationships.
CAPRICORN – House. Apartment. Home Town. Homeland. Household. Family. Clan. Roots. Heritage. Culture.
AQUARIUS – Communication. Internet. Multimedia. Publishing. Education. Microphones. Handwriting. Language.
PISCES – Cash. Jewellery. Debts. Banks. Salary. Mortgages. Property. Investment. Trade. Shares. Charity. Philanthropy.

The Hello Ritual

To say hello to Uranus in Taurus (from May 2018) honour the fact that the Moon is in Taurus on Tuesday 20th March and take anything you do not love, nor use, to the charity shop. That takes care of the possessions/ownership side of Taurus. Then, tackle your taxes. Look at your budget. Figure out if your bank is the right one. Symbolically, you can do this by collecting all the spare change around your space and doing something with it! Or…try writing yourself a cheque. This is a really old secret that my friend Anthea Paul (who wrote 21st Century Goddess with me, below) passed on. Our co-author Jelena Glisic also has some good ritual tips in the book. By opening up to financial change you’re saying ‘Hello’ to Taurus.


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The Goodbye Ritual

Goodbye Uranus in Aries! The Sun in Aries will help you do this. It’s going to take time for this cycle to turn over, but look at the department of your life (above) and ask yourself where you would like life to be more predictable. Smoother. Less full of bumps and bangs. Do you need to make your peace with who or what rejected you over the last few years? Light a candle or some incense and try to let go. It’s time to release. And also – to embrace a new kind of calmness – coming later next year. By doing this you are taking stock of life since 2011 when this cycle began and figuring out what it has created in your life that you need to come to terms with – and maybe release. Why? From 2019, Uranus is out of Aries for good. The Sun in Aries for the first time this year on the Spring Equinox of 2018 will really help your awareness, so you can let go and move on.

Tip – You can do the Spring Equinox Astrology Ritual across Wednesday 21st March too – and you can be in the Southern Hemisphere and also try it. Autumn is also a change of season for you and so, a chance to change direction – astrologically.

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2 Responses

  1. Hi Jessica, do you think that Uranus in Taurus will actually bring change so quickly? I have moon at 13 degrees in and Mars at 21 degrees in Taurus so am intrigued to find out..Will it be more upset or the final lead to Ascension for humanity. I have been yearning for real change but the years are going so quick I am not getting any joy or input out of them. I followed the path of Uranus in Aries, but that did not actually bring about a clean Brexit as was promised, it simply created chaos and the big bosses are still sabre rattling for war. Maybe its re-entry for a while into Aries will throw out all the bad blood and give us a clearer vision of how we have been controlled by a corrupt monetary system? Thank you.

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